Cyber Daming

Chapter 478 Big mistake

"Boss, is the information from the Second Division accurate this time?"

The heavy armor looked back at Xiao Qi who was following him, and asked in a deep voice: "Hongyan, what do you want to say?"

"It's nothing, it's just that the Honghu people have disappeared in the Japanese area for a long time, and now they suddenly appear out of nowhere. I always feel a little strange."

Although Hongyan is a small flag under Heavy Armor responsible for external operations, he has a baby face that is harmless to humans and animals. Even though he was fully armed at this moment, he still didn't have the slightest bit of rugged and impressive aura in his body.

But the entire Jin Yiwei in Himeji Castle knew that Xiaoqi, who always smiled when he met everyone, was extremely ruthless in dealing with the enemies of the Jin Yiwei, and torture similar to cramps and bone extraction was commonplace.

The missions he handled often left no one alive, and he even scorned the prison sentences used by other Jin Yiwei. Therefore, the second department responsible for providing intelligence and tracking clues often complained, and repeatedly complained in front of hundreds of horned dragons.

With his behavior, if he were not protected by heavy armor, I am afraid he would have been removed from the position of Xiaoqi.

The red eyes met the gaze of the heavy armor and smiled: "Logically speaking, the current Japanese area has no conditions for Honghu to make a comeback. It is really unreasonable for Heian King Sugawara Heima to jump out at this time."

"According to the information provided by the Second Division, the whole thing happened because Wu Bishan, a colleague of the Xuanwei Department, had his achievements taken away from him, so he jumped over the wall in anger and colluded with Sugawara Heima, preparing to cause trouble. A little movement will prevent Zhou Heyu from getting off the stage."

Red eyes licked his lips and sneered: "But we are all familiar with Wu Bishan, and he doesn't have much brains. But no matter how unbearable he is, he is still a member of the Confucian family. Isn't it a bit too much to do such a thing? Childish?"

The heavy-armored man's face was slightly solemn. As the commander-in-chief, he naturally knew the doubts mentioned by the red eyes. And he knows a lot more than Red Eyes.

The information this time was provided by Zhou Heyu, the current envoy of the Xuanwei Department of Himeji Castle.

Zhou Heyu comes from the Runan Zhou family and is one of the most top-notch members of the New Donglin Party. His noble background allowed him to perform very strongly from the first day he arrived at Himeji Castle.

First, he didn't give his colleague Wu Bishan any chance to compete with him. He indiscriminately removed all the opponent's confidants from the Xuanwei Department's official system, and replaced them all with him from the empire in a series of important positions. The confidants brought from the mainland completely eclipsed Wu Bishan's power.

This kind of unruly move not only ruined all the preparations made by colleague Wu Bishan, but also made it clear that Zhou Heyu had not shared any of his achievements, and made it clear that his achievements in implementing the New Deal would be directly eliminated. Eat and wipe clean.

Such a ruthless and domineering manner naturally made Wu Bishan resentful, and the relationship between the two became incompatible.

Naturally, Himeji City's Jin Yiwei will not participate in this kind of dog-eat-dog infighting between Confucian scholars.

But after Zhou Heyu resolutely obtained the power of the Xuanwei Division Office of Himeji City, he did not choose to stay still for a while. Instead, he turned around and went directly to the Hundred Household Office of Himeji City and asked Qiu Long to bring all the Jin Yiwei to surrender.

It was promised that after the New Deal ends, Qiu Long can bring his Jin Yiwei to join the Runan Zhou family, but the prerequisite is that he must accept his Confucian preface letter from Zhou Heyu.

Qiu Long, who was already dissatisfied with the Confucian clan, could not agree, not to mention that the other party's attitude was so arrogant, and his words were full of kindness, appreciating the food of Himeji Castle's Jin Yiwei.

Therefore, the first meeting between the two parties ended on bad terms.

This time, Zhou Heyu asked Jin Yiwei to investigate Wu Bishan, and it was a co-operation document issued in the name of Xuanwei Si Yamen.

Because the case involved Hong Hu, even if he knew that the other party was probably using his own hands to eliminate political opponents, Qiu Long could only hold his nose and obey.

Originally, Qiu Long only planned to randomly dispatch two Jinyi guards to make things work, but Qi Yuncong, the chief of the Second Division, put forward a different opinion.

"The possibility of Wu Bishan colluding with Honghu is very small, but the possibility of Zhou Heyu is very high! Heian Wang Sugawara Pingzhen is a member of the Confucian Xu family. Over the years, Qianhusuo has always suspected that there is someone from the Confucian Xu family behind him, so he can After being repeatedly surrounded and suppressed by the Japanese Guards, he recovered his strength very quickly."

"If this time it is really Zhou Heyu who wants to use Honghu's name to completely block the mouths of the family behind Wu Bishan and completely kill him, then all the evidence will be confirmed. As long as we can catch him alive and pry it out of the other party's mouth It would be a good thing for us to name Zhou Clan."

These were the exact words Yun Cong said in front of Qiu Long and Heavy Armor.

It is precisely because of this that Heavy Armor will lead his ten most elite guards, including Xiaoqi Hongyan, to the hiding place of Honghu mentioned in the intelligence.

A manufacturing factory located on the outskirts of Himeji Castle that was once owned by Mikawa Heavy Industries and is now an asset owned by the Xuanwei Si Yamen.

"Our job is to enforce, not to doubt."

The heavy armor didn't explain too much, just said something in the urn, then loaded the bullet, and said in a deep voice to the subordinate behind him: "Start working!"

"You guys all keep your eyes open. If something unexpected happens, you can protect the General Banner and evacuate as soon as possible. Do you understand?"


With a worried look on his face, he looked at the back of the heavily armored man who was leading the way. He pulled out the Xiuchun knife from his waist with a clang, flicked a "Wu Mu" shield on his left wrist guard that could cover half of his body, and quickly followed.

The manufacturing factory is particularly quiet under night.

This factory is mainly engaged in the manufacturing of infrastructure equipment, and its scale is not small.

After Mikawa Heavy Industries changed its owner, it completely shrunk its industries and sold all its factories outside Edo Castle to the local Xuanweisi Yamen at a low price. But Wu Bishan, who was in charge of Himeji Castle at that time, focused all his attention on how to implement the New Deal and paid little attention to these industries. As a result, the factory became increasingly dilapidated due to declining efficiency. Weeds were growing in the huge factory area. There are many piles of abandoned machinery.


Over the factory area, a reconnaissance night owl fluttered its wings under the clouds, and its scarlet vision was simultaneously shared with the Jin Yiwei's eyes on the ground.

There is nothing abnormal, not even a decent light and dark sentry, it is completely a dilapidated and unmanned factory.

"Boss, there is a ghost."

Hongyan's tone was very determined.

"Have we rarely experienced this kind of scene? If there is a ghost, then catch the ghost!"

The heavy armor remained unmoved, with his left hand raised and facing forward. The people behind him immediately formed an arrow formation, using him as an arrow to advance quickly.


A 'Year Night' bomb was thrown into the factory building, and the dazzling white light flashed away. Two 'Wu Mu' shields advanced first to cover the Jinyi guards who followed closely.

It smells like blood!

All the Jin Yiwei smelled the strong fishy smell in the air almost at the same time, and the scene in front of them made their hearts sink suddenly.

There was no heat reaction in Night Owl's field of vision. The factory building that was supposed to be empty was now filled with corpses and rivers of blood.

Judging from the clothes and appearance of these corpses, they are clearly the subordinates of Wu Bishan, the co-president of Himeji Castle!

Was he caught in an illusion like the Buddhist Kingdom on earth, or was someone blocking the situation in the factory?

Why didn’t the reconnaissance equipment on my body have any warning?

The heavy armor had no time to think about this series of questions, because among the piles of corpses, a figure suddenly stood out!


A dagger stained with blood fell to the ground, making a clanging sound.

The dark environment was no obstacle at all. The heavy armor could clearly see the opponent's face and facial features. It turned out to be one of the wanted leaders of Qianhu, one of the kings of Honghu Ping'an!

"damn it!"

The strange scene in front of him made Chuang Jia's heart suddenly surge with anger. He stepped forward and kicked Hong Hu, who had given up resistance, to the ground, and quickly brushed the opponent's facial bones with his left hand.

It’s an original face, without any trace of surgical modification!

At the same time, the surrounding Jin Yiwei also completed the identification of the corpses. They were all genuine people from Wubi Mountain!

But why did Honghu, the subordinate of King Ping'an, kill the people of Wubishan? Is it an internal fight?

"Tell me, where are the people in Wubishan now?"

The cold muzzle of the gun was pressed against the back of the swan's head, and the charged buzz gradually became louder. The loaded bolt shells were powerful enough to explode the body in front of him into a shower of blood.

"Don't worry, now is not the time for interrogation. Besides, Heavy Armor General Banner, are you looking for me?"

In the horrified eyes of Heavy Armor, the head in front of the gun twisted its neck and looked back. The face that fell into Heavy Armor's eyes actually rippled like water, and instantly transformed into Wu Bishan's appearance!

But what frightened the heavy armor even more was the Chinese character 'zhou' in seal script exposed on the other side's forehead.

The Confucian Preface and the Seal of the Confucian Preface are the dead men of the family!

"Pointing a gun at me, do you want to collude with Honghu to rebel?"

As soon as Wu Bishan finished speaking, a dazzling beam of light suddenly shot out from outside the factory door, followed by a torrential rain of gunshots!

"Protect your lord!"

Red Eyes roared loudly and rushed out from the side, holding a shield in front of the heavy armor.

"Yuncong, there's no news from Heavy Armor yet?"

In the Hundred Household Office of Himeji Castle, Qiu Long sat behind the desk and looked at the second chief of the second division, Qiyun Cong, who was standing in front of him and asked.

"Not yet, but the investigation of Night Owl has just sent back a report that they have started taking action. I believe there will be results soon."


Qiu Long raised his hand and rubbed his frowning brow. He felt a little uneasy. He felt that his plan was too hasty this time, and he began to regret his decision.

"Instruct the personnel in the first department to be ready to go at any time. If there is an accident on the heavy armor side, they will provide immediate support."

"I'll make arrangements right away."

Yun Cong responded, with a faint smile on his lips, and softly comforted him: "Actually, sir, you don't have to worry at all. Heavy Armor has always been very prudent in doing things, and even if there is any emergency, it can be handled safely. And this time With that alert boy with red eyes following him, there won't be any accidents."

"hope so."

Yun Cong looked at Qiu Long, who still had a solemn expression, and took a step back without leaving a trace. Then he said: "Sir, just now the Xuanwei Si Yamen took the initiative to contact me and asked me to convey some words to you."

"contact you?"

The sudden flash of light in Qiu Long's eyes made Yun Cong tremble all over, and he took a few steps back.

"What did Zhou Heyu ask you to convey?" Qiu Long said with an expressionless face, hiding the coldness in his eyes.

Yun Cong said quickly: "Zhou Heyu said that he did not think carefully before and said those words on impulse. I hope you can put aside the past grudges. Everyone is doing things for the empire and don't affect the implementation of the New Deal because of some verbal conflicts. "

"anything else?"

"He hopes that you can reconsider the retreat of Himeji Castle's Jinyiwei. He knows that you are loyal to Su Qianhu, but now that Mr. Qianhu himself has accepted the decision to abolish it, why should you continue to insist on it? Even if you don't When you think about your own future, you should also think about the brothers in the house."

"I'm afraid these words were not said by Zhou Heyu, but by you, right?"

Qiu Long directly interrupted Zhi Yun Cong's words and looked at the other party up and down with his solemn eyes.

"I know that you have always had some thoughts in your heart. You want to join Zhou Clan and work for Zhou Heyu."

In a slow and heavy tone, Yun Cong was covered in sweat, his face as pale as paper: "Sir, I."

"No need to explain, this is human nature, I can understand it."

Qiu Long raised his hand to stop Yun Cong and continued: "Yun Cong, it must have been almost ten years since you joined the Himeji City Jinyi Guards, right?"

"I am from the Japanese area that I arrived in the second year of Jiaqi's reign, exactly ten years ago."

"What a waste of time."

Qiu Long sighed and asked, "How have I treated you in the past ten years?"

"As close as brothers, as close as siblings." Yun Cong buried his head and answered softly.

"You treat me the same way."

Qiu Long's tone softened: "In the past ten years, although our household has not made any remarkable achievements, it is still worthy of the embroidered spring knife in our waist. During the time when we were crowded together by Prince Ming and others, The accounts of the Himeji Castle Hundred Household Office have almost no funds except for the pension for the wounded and wounded brothers, but the second branch you are responsible for has never complained, nor has our intelligence fallen behind others. Remember them all.”

"I know that you were persecuted when you first entered the Japanese area, so you have been holding your breath all these years, wanting to return home in glorious clothes, slap those bastards in the face, and show off your bad temper."

Yun Cong lowered his head and said nothing. Only the veins on his fists hanging on the sides of his legs were visible, and the bones of his fists were cracking.

"So I'm not surprised that you want to seek refuge with Zhou Clan. After all, you can enjoy the shade against a big tree. It's better to have a way out than to have no way out. If you speak to me directly, I will let you go and let you go." Take away enough manpower for you to gain a foothold in front of Zhou Heyu."

The coldness in Qiu Long's eyebrows grew. He stood up slowly with his hands on the desk and said, "But there is one thing you did wrong. You should not have sacrificed the lives of your brothers to make a declaration of fame for your enjoyment of glory and wealth!"

At this moment, Qiu Long finally understood where the lingering uneasiness in his heart came from!

It is the commander-in-chief of the Second Division of Himeji Castle whom he regards as his sibling, Yun Cong!

"Qiu Long, I don't agree with what you said. Why is he wrong?!"

The door suddenly opened, and Zhou Heyu Shi Shiran, dressed in official robes, walked in, followed by a servant in black with a cold temperament.

"A good bird chooses a tree to roost on, and knowing how to choose is the most precious quality of a human being. Are you right, General Yun Congqi?"

Yun Cong, who had always lowered his head and remained silent, now stood behind Zhou Heyu and finally had the courage to look up at the horned dragon with a ferocious face.

"What's wrong with me?"


The sweeping flames washed over the heavily armored figure and burned upwards, only to be cut off by a sudden cold light.

The heavy armor was now covered in scars, and the cracked mechanical bones were exposed under the broken flesh. The most fatal thing was a long and narrow knife wound on the heart. Under the horrific wound, one could see the heart of the machine that was beating wildly and had entered an overclocked state.

"Boss, the ghost this time is quite fierce and not easy to catch."

Apart from the cold corpses of the imperial guards surrounding the heavy armor, only the same bloody red eyes were left, with a nonchalant smile on a baby face.


The heavy-armored sword was placed on an enemy's shoulder, he pulled the opponent's hair and touched his neck to the edge, then raised his severed head and threw it far away.

The head of the person who rolled to the ground hit his toes.

The next moment, he was kicked away by the expressionless Wu Bishan.

"Heavy armor, Mr. Zhou has an order to spare your life. As long as you kill this Jin Yiwei, the position of the hundred households in Himeji City will be yours."

Wu Bishan, who had become a Zhou clan dog, raised his hand and pointed at the red eyes.

In his right hand he held a short sword, the length of which was exactly the same as the wound on his heavily armored heart.

"My life is actually worth the position of a hundred households?! Boss, this business is a bargain!"

The red eyes looked back at the heavy armor and said with a smile: "Boss, don't hesitate, such good things don't happen often."

"Shut up!"

The heavily armored man stared at Wu Bishan with his red eyes, and whispered in a low voice: "I'll cover you and leave first. After rushing out of the factory, immediately report the situation here to Mr. Baihu."

"I can't leave."

The weak words that reached his ears carried a dead silence that was unacceptable to Heavy Armor.

He moved his eyes numbly, and then he saw clearly the horrific wound on Hongyan's abdomen that almost cut open the entire belly.

Such an injury would be fatal to Nong Xuliu's red eyes.

"This is an organ that I have worked so hard to cultivate. We cannot let it fall to the ground."

Red Eyes murmured to himself, pressing the wound with the five fingers of his left hand and pushing the intestines that had slipped out back into the body.

He raised his head, the pupils in his eyes were blurry, "Why the hell can't you see?"


Red Eyes raised his hand and slapped himself, but still could not dispel the darkness in front of his sight. He could only face the direction of the heavy armor, and repeatedly pulled the corners of his mouth, but he was no longer able to show a complete smile.

"Boss, don't be stubborn, staying alive is the most important thing."

The human voice fell to the ground, and the mechanical sound soared.

The rushing blood spurted out from the wound, and then was blown into pieces of blood mist by the noisy wind.

The heavily armored man's eyes were red, and the Xiuchun knife, which was on the verge of breaking, carried the final roar and rushed towards Wu Bishan who was standing in the crowd.

"Kill them all."

Wu Bishan spoke calmly, not even bothering to look at the other person again, and turned around and left.

The sound of gunfire was as loud as thunder, drowning out the surging sound of fearless weapons and drowning out the desperate and desperate sword flash.

"It seems that among the hundreds of households in Himeji City, you are the only smart person, Yun Cong."

Zhou Heyu glanced at the broken corpse on the ground with disgust, turned to the old servant next to him whose black robe had turned dark red, and said with a smile: "Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Chen."

"It's just a trivial matter, it doesn't deserve the praise of a young master."

The cold and sharp voice poured into his ears. Yun Cong, who was stunned on the spot, trembled all over, and finally came to his senses. He hurriedly raised his eyes to look at Zhou Heyu who had turned around, and shouted in horror: "Sir."

"On June 15, the twelfth year of the Jiaqi era, the dragons from one hundred households in the former Himeji Castle refused to accept the abolition order and resignation review, and committed suicide in their houses out of fear of being punished. The heavy armor of the former general banner colluded with Honghu to attack Himeji Castle to express condolences. Si Tongzhi Wu Bishan was executed on the spot. The general secretary of the Second Division Yun Cong understood the righteousness and actively cooperated with Himeji Castle's propaganda envoy Zhou Heyu in carrying out his work. He specially reported to the Ministry of War and recommended that Yun Cong be promoted to one hundred households of Himeji Castle Jinyi Guards."

Zhou Heyu smiled and said, "Yun Cong Baihu, what do you think of this report? Are there any mistakes?"

"Of course your Excellency is not wrong!"

Yun Cong showed ecstasy, lifted his robe and knelt down, kowtowing to Zhou Heyu.

Under his knees, scarlet blood soaked into his clothes, swallowing inch by inch the flying fish pattern that represented Jin Yiwei's identity.

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