Cyber Daming

Chapter 485 The city is full of blood

The dim yellow sun hung over the blood-soaked river of corpses, the smoke of the wolf pierced the isolated city in the distance, and the rumble of the explosion broke into the evening wind and echoed over the desolate ruins.

Su Ce was still sitting in the chair, the cigarette butt between his fingers was still rising with faint green smoke. Even though he fell into the Buddhist kingdom at this moment, he was still calm and calm.

Surrounding him were countless broken Japanese pirate family emblem flags, densely packed bullet casings and broken weapon fragments. The broken limbs piled up like mountains, and countless vultures circled down, eager to join in this feast of flesh and blood.

A broken Ming Dynasty dragon flag was placed behind Su Ce. The metal shaft was covered with cracks and the flag hung down weakly.

"Mi Le, the master of the three pagodas in front of the Buddha in Sangyan Temple, has met the master Su Xiong."

The female monk wearing a scarlet robe lowered her eyes and clasped her hands in front of her body with red scriptures on how to conquer demons engraved on them.

"Qingcheng Mountain Taoist Sanhuangliang Immortal, Liangji, has met Lord Su Xiong."

The young monk with Tai Chi yin and yang fish carved on both ends of his eyebrows clasped his fists, bowed his head, and spoke respectfully.

"The Three Yellow Liang Immortal of Longhu Mountain Dao Xu, Zhang Xiliang, has met Lord Su Xiong."

The old Taoist in black, whose robes were embroidered with dragon and tiger patterns, looked solemn.

Su Ce looked at the three people in front of him and laughed loudly: "It seems that your two families and the New Donglin Party have spent a lot of money this time, and they actually used three Xu San to send me, an old man whose half body has been buried in the loess, the final gift. One ride. Not bad, it gives me enough face!"

"I don't dare to fight you in this world, so I used these despicable methods. I hope Lord Su Xiong can forgive me."

Qingchengshan Daoxu, who claimed to be Liangji, had a slightly sad expression, and seemed to feel guilty for dragging Su Ce into the Buddhist kingdom.

Su Ce smiled and said, "Afraid I won't give you a chance to fight?"

"Yes." Liangji smiled bitterly.

"Has Buddhism and Taoism already decided to let Zhang Fengyue complete his first step to break the second and advance to the first?

"Yes." The female monk answered.

"Then the exchange condition is my life? Do you want to use my death to push the three of you to the peak of Preface 3, and even find the slightest chance of promotion to Preface 2 from me?"

"Yes." The old Taoist's voice sounded like a thunderous explosion.

"Okay, it makes sense. Now that I've met Li and chatted, let's get down to business."

Su Ce took out the last puff of cigarette from his mouth. The cigarette butt popped out between his fingers and fell into the blood-drinking soil with a dying flame.

The old man slowly stood up from his chair, and the dragon flag behind him suddenly unfolded in the wind, and the flag rolled up in the wind, making a hunting sound!

The vulture pecking at flesh and blood raised its head in horror, flapped its wings in panic, and a black shadow appeared!

"Zhenlu Ting, Su Ce."

The old man reported his identity word for word, just as he had been on the battlefield in the Japanese area.

The moment the words fell to the ground, a loud noise suddenly rose into the sky.

"Edo has been broken, and the Japanese country has been destroyed!!"

The isolated city in the distance set off earth-shattering shouts, and the red sun lying on the horizon finally closed its eyes in relief.

At the moment when the world was completely dark, the immortal raised his sword and the Bodhisattva glared angrily.

Facing the immortals and Buddhas side by side, the lonely old warrior raised his hand with one hand and punched forward!



Qian Fengting jumped forward to avoid the bombardment of a fire dragon. The moment he landed on the ground, he rolled over and fired continuously with his gun, smashing the head of the sneak attack enemy into pieces.

"Sir, the communication sound transmission is still blocked, and it is impossible to contact other households."

One of his subordinates, a Jin Yiwei, hid behind the bunker and shouted loudly at Qian Fengting.

Upon hearing this, Qian Fengting's face instantly became extremely ugly.

At this moment, the neighborhood where Qianhu is located has completely turned into a battlefield. The Jinyiwei rebels led by Lu Yu and the private soldiers of Liu Dian have surrounded everyone in Qianhu in a small area and cut them into groups. A scattered team. If there are no more reinforcements, it will only be a matter of time before the Qianhusuo army is wiped out.

When the situation reached this point, Qian Fengting simply could not forgive himself.

As the deputy Qianhu in charge of the intelligence work of Qianhu, he was kept in the dark from the beginning to the end. He was completely unaware of these small moves made by King Ming and Liu Dian. Even until Shikaha had led people into Edo Castle, he Only then did he realize that the other party had rebelled.

You can only use your own life to avenge the mistakes you made.

Qian Fengting suppressed the hatred in his heart and tried to calm down. He leaned against a broken wall and began to review the current situation while loading bullets.

The enemy is strong and we are weak, this is an undoubted fact. Not only did the rebels have an advantage in terms of numbers, but their weapons and equipment were much better than those of Senhusuo.

And now the people in Qianhusuo have been completely dispersed, divided and surrounded, and they can only rely on the lanes and buildings around Qianhusuo to barely resist.

Prince Ming and Liu Dian never appeared from beginning to end. The person responsible for organizing the rebel attack was Lu Yu, a hundred households in Songjiang City.

With immediate support unable to arrive, only by beheading Shika Yu can the rebels' offensive be slowed down and the pressure currently faced by everyone in Senhusuo be reduced.


The last bullet was pushed into the magazine. Qian Fengting pulled the bolt of the gun, raised his sleeve and wiped the blood from his face. His usually gentle and elegant features were filled with murderous intent.

"Everyone follow me!"

Qian Fengting gave a low shout, rushed out of the bunker first, and plunged into the alley across the street.

The alley was long and narrow, and the already cold body fell into a pool of sticky blood.

The footsteps made a snapping sound, and when they pulled away, they brought out clear bloodshot eyes, as if the soul of the dead was discouraging and retaining those who were moving forward.

The gunshots echoing in the ears have become weaker, which shows that there are fewer and fewer Jinyiwei alive.

The anxiety in Qian Fengting's heart made his lips dry, and his running steps became more rapid.

Turning around an alley, a cold light came straight to the front door.

Qian Fengting seemed to have expected it. The moment the cold light reached his body, he leaned back and slid forward, and the sword light passed by the tip of his nose. Qian Fengting twisted his waist and turned around, pulled out the loaded gun, and faced the sneak attack.


The dazzling gunfire continued to flicker in the dark environment. In the alternating light and dark light, the ferocious face lit up and dimmed, the rampant smile always lingered, the angry and bloodthirsty eyes collided with each other, and scarlet blood sprayed fluttering.

The missed bullet rushed up into the sky feebly, and a powerful whip hit Qian Fengting's shoulder, causing him to stagger back uncontrollably. Before he could stand still, another weapon pierced the air behind him and roared towards him.


A dagger penetrated deeply into the eye of the waist, but Qian Fengting was completely unaware of it. He twisted his body with great courage, pressed the muzzle of the gun against the opponent's chin, and pulled the trigger to the end.

The gun flame illuminated a pair of frightened eyes, and the hot bullet burst out of the skull the next moment. Caught in a close-quarters fight, Qian Fengting resolutely chose to discard the heavy gun and the tiger's sword, reached out and pulled out the Xiuchun knife on his back, and slashed several people with the knife in a flash.

There was another horrifying sound of a sharp weapon sinking into flesh and blood. Qian Fengting stretched his arm to clamp the blade that had been embedded in his body. Before the opponent abandoned the knife and retreated, he raised his foot and kicked the opponent's calf bone. He walked around behind him in a staggered step, and his hand was stained with blood. The bloody blade was pressed against the throat of the traitorous Jin Yiwei.


Qian Fengting choked out a mouthful of blood, and the bone-piercing pain finally seized the opportunity to sweep over him at this moment, but it still failed to knock the usually gentle old scholar to the ground.

"It's such a coincidence that I met you in such an environment. Are you right? Qian Fuqianhu."

The Jin Yiwei who followed Qian Fengting's actions have all been reduced to cold corpses. A tall man stood in a pool of blood with a burst of joking laughter from his mouth.

Surprisingly, it was Qian Fengting who was planning to lead his men to behead Lu Yu, one hundred households in Songjiang City!

"Actually, there's a question I haven't figured out. You said there are thousands of Jinyiwei people in the Japanese area. Why did Su Ce let you and Gui Wangda, two old losers, take the position of Deputy Thousand Households?"

"Is it because you are loyal enough? Or is it because you are so cowardly that you have no ambition?"

Lu Yu shook his wrist and shook the knife, turning a blind eye to Qian Fengting's subordinate who was kneeling under the knife, and stepped closer step by step through the flowing blood: "Since we are all holding Jin Yiwei's bowl of rice with blood licked from the knife edge, it depends on whose sword is faster. , whose punch is stronger. Kindness, justice and fairness are just bullshit, benefits and benefits are what we, the Empire’s followers, really want, Su Ce is really old-sighted!”


The blade of the knife cut off the neck bones inch by inch, and the Jin Yiwei traitor trembled all over. He struggled to pull the palm on his head with both hands. The panic and despair in his eyes was gradually replaced by the deathly silence that filled the air.


The headless body fell to the ground like an overturned bottle filled with liquid, blood flowing from the wound on the neck.

The thrown severed head landed in front of Lu Yu's feet, but he kicked it away lightly.

"You've been nothing more than a fifth-level person till your old age, and you're even on the verge of falling to the sixth level, and yet you want to behead me?"

It turned out that not only the households below had shown signs of betrayal, but also the Jin Yiwei who followed him just now had people from the other party.

I, the deputy Qianhu, am really a waste.

Qian Fengting smiled bitterly, and his face covered with blood scabs was full of loneliness and guilt.

"Qianhu, I'm sorry for you, I'll take the first step!"

The moment the soliloquy in his heart fell to the ground, the expression on Qian Fengting's face suddenly became ferocious, he raised his hand and threw the long knife, and picked up the fallen tiger bean on the ground with his toes.


As soon as the cold touch of the gun came to his palm, a section of the blade had already sunk into his chest, draining all the strength from Qian Fengting's body. His head hung down weakly, leaning against the opponent's shoulder.


Mouthfuls of blood continued to vomit out, spraying on Lu Yu's clothes.

"Do you know? I have wanted to kill you all for a long time. You are just the first one, followed by Gui Wangda, then Li Jun, and finally Su Ce. I want to watch you die one by one with my own eyes."

The depths of Lu Yu's pupils glowed with golden light, and he slowly turned the handle of the knife with his right hand, listening intently to the sound of steel stirring in flesh.

"Do you know why?"

Dripping blood continued to flow from the blade that broke out of his back. Qian Fengting grabbed Lu Yu's collar with both hands and stared at him with distracted eyes.

"Because you are dead, I can live very well, very good! Hahahahaha."

Lu Yu laughed loudly, released the handle of the knife, raised his hand and pushed Qian Fengting away.

At this moment, a sharp hissing suddenly sounded in his ears.

The laughter in his mouth stopped suddenly, and Lu Yu suddenly raised his head.

In his astonished gaze, a huge whale jumped out soundlessly from the night like the deep sea. The armor on its abdomen gradually opened, and small black shadows fell like rain.

And the thing that made that neighing sound was a cannonball heading straight for this place!


A violent explosion engulfed the alleyway, and the sweeping impact leveled dozens of feet in radius to the ground.

In the blazing flames, the figure of an evil ghost slowly emerged.

The bionic skin all over Lu Yu's body had been burned clean, and the exposed mechanical body was covered in black gunpowder smoke. But despite his miserable appearance, he was still not dead, and was only slightly injured.

"Why are there other people from Mo Xu getting involved?"

Shika Yu stared at the behemoth in mid-air and listened carefully to the orders ringing in his ears.

"I understand. I will arrange for the remaining people to evacuate to protect the four deer competition platforms now."

Before the communication sound transmission ended, a dull sound like the roar of a beast suddenly came from the surrounding sea of ​​​​fire. Lu Yu suddenly turned around and looked back, and saw a Wuzui roaring and crashing out of the flames!

In the car, Xie Bian's eyes were red, and Fan Wujiu's expression was ferocious.


Wu Zhui was like a land-traveling ferocious beast, running wildly with the head of the car carrying Lu Yu's body, and slammed into a house that was crumbling in the fire.


The crazy spinning tires emitted streams of white smoke, constantly crushing the deer feathers embedded in the wall.


The mechanical heart hidden in the steel skeleton trembled crazily, and the soaring buzzing sound completely detonated the anger of the people in the car!

"I'm going to beat your fucking head!"

Fan Wujiu, who was sitting in the passenger seat, kicked open the windshield, stretched out his body and stepped on the hood. He aimed the tiger's head at Lu Yu's head and pulled the trigger!

In Lu Yu's sight, the rotating rifling in the black muzzle was extremely clear at this moment, circling like an endless vortex. With a soft click, a flash of light suddenly jumped out of the darkness in the deepest part of the vortex, and a sharp armor-piercing bullet with a front tip kept spinning in the rising flames, getting closer and bigger.

boom! boom! boom!

Lu Yu crossed his arms and blocked his head and heart respectively, with a confident look in his eyes behind them.

As long as you survive this metal wave, you can

The thoughts in his heart stopped abruptly at this moment, as a long knife pierced through his arm like lightning, and its remaining force continued, piercing through the mechanical bones in his chest and the restless mechanical heart.


Lu Yu's eyes were distracted, and he raised the blade inch by inch, looking at the ferocious face so close at hand!

"The mechanical heart is evil... overclocking!"

"The shield that cut off communications throughout Edo Castle has finally disappeared."

On the back of the whale, Zhao Qingxia clenched his fists. At this moment, he shared the field of vision with Mo Qiwhale and could ignore the billowing smoke that covered the sky and the moon, and had a clear view of the battle situation below him.

He saw countless figures as small as ants rushing out of the ruined building, fighting fearlessly in the raging fire.

In front of the Senhusho building that was about to collapse, Oni Wang Tatsu, who had half of his body destroyed by the explosion, was still at the forefront of the battle line.

He saw the Jinyi guards from Kanazawa and Shuri who were charging in from the outside. Qiongqi held a Xiuchun knife and ran straight into the sect's private soldiers. He couldn't get out more than ten feet and was already covered in blood. Behind him was Leopard Tails, who was holding both tigers and swords. The wild smile on his face seemed to turn into laughter, ringing in his ears.

There is also the dark gold armor that is bound by chains and is constantly bombarded by thunder, but still remains unmoving. and the figure standing in front of him, covered in black flames, retreating from the sword again and again, and coming forward again with a gun to fight bloody battles.

There was light and shadow passing by the corner of his eyes, and Zhao Qingxia turned to look. It was Li Hua kneeling on his shoulders, stretching out his hands to try to catch the falling water drops.

But her own little face was already filled with tears.

"I am Mo Xu Zhao Qingxia."

Zhao Qingxia stood up and stood on top of Mo Qijing's head, facing the strong wind that cut like a knife, and the words coming out of his mouth were as firm and motionless as the mountains.

"The chains that currently bind Chi Lord and Su Qianhu are the creations of the central branch of Mo Xu Juzi Hall. The source is basically the four special ink armor 'Zhulu Tai' at the end of the chains. Only by destroying them can the chains be released. Now , I need someone to cooperate with me in attacking."

"Southwest direction, Master Zou, I'll come!"

A careless voice was the first to sound.

"Southeast, Concubine Yuan Ming."

"Northwest, Chen Qisheng!"

"Northeast, Zhao Qingxia."


"Anyone who offends my brother will be killed!"

The Black Riding Whale let out a deafening roar, bound its two fins to its body and stretched them into wings. It switched into the body of a roc and headed straight for the deer-chasing platform located in the northeast.

Zhao Qingxia stood on Peng's back, raised his hand to wipe the water marks on his face, and whispered to himself.

"Thank you, teacher"

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