Cyber Daming

Chapter 487 The city is full of blood (3)

"Xiyazi, where did you come from?"

"Jiangxi Jianchang Mansion."

"What's your name?"

"The surname is Chen."

"Just a surname but no name?"

"I am a Taoist boy specially provided by the local Taoist enterprise. I only have my father's surname and no given name. If you, Taoist Master, need to address me, you can call me my training number among this batch of Taoist boys, seventy-three. Chen seventy three."

"What's wrong with Longhu Mountain now? Hey, forget it, then you can follow me from now on."

"Thank you, Master Immortal, for your choice."

"Don't talk like that in the future. It's not humane at all. I don't like it, Mr. Tao."


"By the way, since you have become my Taoist boy, I have to give you a name. You can't call you Chen Qishan every day, right? What do you want to be called Yaozi?"

"Actually, Taoist Master, you don't have to worry about this. The person who conducted our pre-job training told us that if we are selected, we will be given a Taoist name, so we don't need our real names."

"I have the final say on what the damn dog farts. I'm going to think about it, tell me, what do you like the most, or what do you want the most?"

"Be devoted to the Tao and pray for eternal life."

"speak English."

"Want to live."

"You are an honest boy. Then you will be called Qisheng from now on. If you get a cheaper name, you will live a better life in the future. Chen Qisheng, from today on, you will be my disciple, Sun Luyou."

"I sincerely obey the Immortal's decree."

"In the future, don't call me Taoist priest, just call me by my name."

"But according to the rules of Longhu Mountain, I should call you Immortal Chief."

"We are humans, not immortals. You can wait until the day when you become immortals to call me master."

"Master, why can't I go to the 'Ministry of War' to receive mechanical implants like other brothers?"

"Your skin and hair is from your parents"

"The sentence you mentioned comes from the "Book of Filial Piety" prefaced by Confucianism, but I am a Taoist boy and do not have parents as defined in the text."

"You brat, you still dare to talk back now, don't you? Come on, come on, tell me what's the use of those implants?"

"Master, it hurts. I just think it will be easier to clean after the implant."

"You are not a Taoist boy, but my disciple, Sun Luyou. I am an old-school monk, so you must be the same in the future!"

"I understand, but master, why do I suddenly have a spiritual orifice on the back of my head? Look, it's right here."

"Don't worry about this. Anyway, other than that, other mechanical bodies cannot be touched!"

"Master, what is an old-school monk?"

"Then answer me first, do you know why our sect is called Longhu Mountain?"

"have no idea."

"Because we old-school monks are dragons and tigers! New-school monks are just mountains."

"What mountain?"

"Little Yakuza."


"Where do you come from with so much talk?"


"Huh? Why are you so wilt-headed?"

"They said that we are old-school monks, not dragons and tigers at all, but backward relics of the old era. If it weren't for the mercy of the Celestial Masters, our names would no longer exist in the nine divisions of Longhu Mountain."

"Who said these bullshit? Let's go and take Master to find him."


"Hey, what's wrong with your face? Did you get into a fight with someone?!"


"Hey, forget it, master doesn't blame you. Let me ask you, did you win or lose?"

"If I win, I'll beat three of them one by one!"

"It's good if you win! If anyone dares to talk nonsense in the future, you will deal with him severely. If anything happens, I will take care of you!"

"Master, the old-school monks are really powerful, right?"

"Wipe the cat urine off your face first, and Master will explain it to you slowly."

"Master, look, I wiped it clean."

"Wu Xu, have you heard of it?"

"I've heard of it! Other brothers and sisters said that they were once the most powerful group, and many immortal masters in Taoist temples were beaten to pieces by them."

"We old-school monks are the only ones among the three schools of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism who can confront them head-on."

"Is it so powerful? Then why now."

"When the birds are gone, the good bow is hidden"

"Master, I don't understand."

"Silly boy, we are so good that they can't afford to feed us. You understand this, right?"

"Huh? Then I'll eat less in the future."

"Okay, how much can you eat in such a small belly? Why don't you quickly go to the cave to practice alchemy?"

"The quota time given to us by the sect this month is gone. We can't get in, Master."

"Then go practice sword practice!"


"what happened again?"

"There's a knock on the door."

"Daozu's grandma still dares to come to your door? Copy it for me!"

"Master, master!"

"Why are you yelling and screaming? Did you get into trouble again?!"

"No, I...I've been promoted to the rank!"

"real or fake?"


"What a good boy, you are worthy of being my disciple, Sun Luyou."


"Here, I'll give you this."

"Longevity Lock? Master, I'm not a child anymore, why are you giving me this?"

"You know what the heck, remember to carry it with you from now on, and you can't take it off even when eating or sleeping. Do you understand?"





"I'm not blind."

"Do you think these snowflakes look like carved talismans?"

".I have no money."

"You are the majestic chief of the fighting department!"

"You brat, what do you want to say?"

"Last time, my senior brothers and I had a fight with people from other departments. As a result, before we even got close, someone used a talisman to hit us with bruises on the nose and face."

"Stupid! Who told you to run in a straight line? Why don't you take a roundabout way and scratch their butts?"

"Other people also have talismans on their butts."

"Whose kid is so rich? Tell my teacher, I will go to them now to ask for medical expenses."


"Okay, okay, look at you, I'm just joking with you, look at what this is."

"Flying sword?!"

"Yes, it's called Chuangyuan. If you fight with others from now on, just stab them with your sword!"


"Master, why are there fewer and fewer people in our fighting department? Where have all the brothers gone?"

"Qisheng, if I ask you to follow other groups to practice, will you be willing?"

"I don't want to."


"We have our own home, why would we go anywhere else?"

"Isn't your biggest dream in this life immortality?"

"Yes, but my name is Qisheng. When you become an immortal, all I have to do is beg you. Will you still refuse to give it to me?"

"You brat, can you have some backbone?"



"Even if we are the only ones left in Dobu one day, it will actually be enough, right?"

"Yes, few people are pure."

"Don't be discouraged, master, what do you think this is?"

"So many talismans?! Did you kidnap the Tianshi Mansion?"

"Hehe, some of them really belong to a boy named Zhang."

"You are really becoming more and more courageous. Do you dare to fight anyone in the Tianshi Mansion?"

"Master, there's someone knocking on the door."

"Say I'm not here."

"Master, I met Wu Xu in Chongqing Mansion this time."

"What, you lost the fight?"

"No beating, others are doing fine."

"It wouldn't be bad to make a friend."

"Master, I'm leaving for the Japanese area."

"I know, go home early."

"Master, I can't go home."

Pictures of the past flowed before his eyes frame by frame, accumulating inch by inch in Chen Qisheng's mind.

"The only valuable thing on the old man's body is the Earth Immortal Seat. You Zhang family can take it away if you want. Why do you have to kill him?"

His calm eyes stared straight at the figure standing in front of the deer-chasing stage through his fallen messy hair.

The descendant of the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain, Yu Ke from the Four Seas of Youyou, the eighty-fourth Immortal of the White Jade Capital, Zhang Qingsheng.

"why why!!!"

The tone of the questioning got louder and louder, until it was almost hoarse, echoing in the lonely and empty street.


Feijian Chongyuan rushed out angrily from behind Chen Qisheng, and the strong wind plowed a deep ravine on the street. The bricks and stones rolled up and dragged behind the tail of the flames, like a roaring dust dragon, with terrifying momentum.

"Sun Luyou, the chief officer of Longhu Mountain's Doubu, whose Taoist name is Xuandou, was detained by the Tianshi Mansion for violating the sect's rules. While in custody, he confessed to his crime. He deserves the blame. It is not a pity to die!"

Zhang Qingsheng's voice was cold, his body remained motionless, and the two talismans behind him rose up and sprayed out pillars of blazing flames towards the attacking Chongyuan.


The two collided, and the abyss seemed to be trapped in a quagmire. It kept struggling, but could no longer make any progress.


The black flame on the tail of the sword quickly disappeared under the wash of flames, and a thin crack emerged from the tip of the sword, spreading throughout the entire sword body in the blink of an eye.

"Shut up!"

Chen Qisheng ran wildly, the sleeves of his Taoist robe exploded into powder, revealing two arms covered with small seal characters.

The left arm is used to remove evil spirits from the body, and the right arm is used to slay evil spirits and kill evil spirits.

It is the last life-saving thing left by the former master Sun Luyou to his apprentice Chen Qisheng, a fourth-grade Taoist ancestor magic weapon.

"No wonder we searched the entire Doubu but couldn't find it. It turns out that this dragon and tiger Taoist weapon is on you."

Zhang Qingsheng said expressionlessly: "Today we should all return to the sect together."

"I'll go to your mother's sect and go to your mother's Longhu Mountain!"

The anger that had been clogged in Chen Qisheng's heart was completely released at this moment. Dao lines flowed all over his body, and he rushed into the flames. He grabbed the hilt of the sword that hit the abyss with both hands and chopped off Zhang Qingsheng's head.


A golden light as thin as a hair swept across the long street and disappeared in an instant.

The street lamps, houses, signboards, and pillars on both sides of the street, everything that was swept by the golden thread, had extremely smooth cuts on the surface, and they all tilted and collapsed.

boom! boom! boom!

Amidst the successive explosions, Chen Qisheng's figure was trapped in a cloud of gunpowder smoke, rolling backwards and flying upside down.

Chuang Yuan's sword body had been completely shattered, leaving only the hilt still held in Chen Qisheng's hand.

A scarlet blood line spread along his left abdomen to his right shoulder. If it weren't for the Dao lines covering his body, Chen Qisheng would have been reduced to two cold corpses at this moment.

The clouds parted and the moonlight spread, illuminating the blood-stained figure standing in the long ruined street.

Suddenly a wind blew up and passed through the street, blowing the ends of hair and the corners of robes. The gravel was rustling all over the ground, and the remaining visitor flags were making a sound.

A heavy, panic-inducing air pressure poured down from the sky.

If anyone looked up at this moment, they would be shocked to find that a bright star had suddenly lit up on the sky.

"A constellation spiritual official who relies on the protection of my ancestors of the Zhang family, and is also an old-school monk who should have been eliminated long ago, dares to use the Dao ancestor magic weapon on the sky rail in front of me?"

Zhang Qingsheng turned a blind eye to the vision of heaven and earth that appeared in front of him, with a contemptuous expression on his face, and raised his hand and waved lightly towards the sky.

Suddenly, the flowing night wind stopped abruptly. Although the stars and moon above the head had not disappeared, they had lost their previous overwhelming power.

Just when everything seemed to be calming down under the care of Zhang Qingsheng, a sudden change occurred again!

A sudden heavy pressure fell on Chen Qisheng's shoulders like a mountain, bending his spine.


Chen Qisheng hit one knee on the ground, his head drooped, and blood was pouring from his body.

"Today, I, Zhang Qingsheng, am here to assume the authority of the Longhu Mountain Celestial Master's Mansion, deprive Chen Qisheng of Longhu Mountain's Taoist identity, and take back all his Longhu Mountain Huangliang authority and the qualification to use the Taoist's magical weapons. I will follow the law and it will take effect immediately."

As soon as those chilling words were spoken, the stars hanging in the sky flashed simultaneously.

A bolt of thunder pierced the night sky, fell from the sky, and instantly engulfed Chen Qisheng's figure.


The dazzling white light brought by the thunder disappeared in an instant, but in the deep pit with a radius of one foot, there was no charred corpse as Zhang Qingsheng expected, but the flashing green and red Dao lines were flickering.

The lines composed of countless tiny seals spread along Chen Qisheng's arms, flowing and interlacing, swallowing up the lightning that still remained on Chen Qisheng's body.

"How dare you tamper with the ownership of Daozu's magical weapon?!"

Zhang Qingsheng's face was gloomy and his voice was cold: "Sun Luyou, you really deserve to die!"

Just when Zhang Qingsheng was furious and was about to raise his halberd to point at the sky and summon more thunder, a cold light quietly struck the corner of his eyes.

A long sword stabbed out of the darkness silently!

But just when the edge of the sword was only a millimeter away from Zhang Qingsheng's neck, suddenly dense metal lines emerged from Zhang Qingsheng's robe, and in the blink of an eye, the sword was surrounded.

Dragon and tiger talismans, golden seal and weapons!


The long sword trembled, and at the moment when the surrounding metal threads were about to close inward, it whirled and cut all the threads, escaped from the trap, flew past and hovered next to Chen Qisheng.

Zhang Qingsheng touched his neck with his hand, and the moisture from his fingertips made his face look even more ugly.

"You are Mo Jia from which branch of Mo Xujuzi Hall, and you actually dare to get involved in this matter?"

"Central Branch, Changjun. What, are you going to file a complaint against me? Go ahead, isn't there a Mo San hiding nearby? Don't you know? Oh, by the way, you don't seem qualified to follow me either. The conversation between the elders in the third prologue.”

There was light and shadow flowing on the sword, and an ordinary-looking man was projected out. He squatted next to the pit very wretchedly, looked at Zhang Qingsheng with contempt, and spat hard.

"It's all a sect's order. Is it necessary to force one of our own people to do this?"

Zhang Qingsheng shouted coldly: "This is a family matter in Longhu Mountain. It's not your turn as an outsider to interrupt. I advise you to get out of the way, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences!"

"Then that iron lump behind your back is locking my brother, can I ask you to get the hell away from me? You're spouting shit, what the hell."

Ming Gui named Chang Jun didn't care whose words were more vulgar and unpleasant. He turned to look at the figure who had stood up again in the pit: "Boy, can you still fight?"


A bloody brain was left in the dust, and the pieces of flesh and some nerves hanging on it were still twitching.

Seeing this bloody scene, Chang Jun's eyes twitched involuntarily, and he murmured to himself: "Abandon the yellow beam dream and turn to pure flesh and blood again? This kid is really cruel."

The severe pain that surged up in his soul and body at the same time made Chen Qisheng stagger forward suddenly. However, when he was about to fall, he took a heavy step and stabilized his fallen body.

The long sword slowly slid in front of him, and the light it emitted illuminated a tattered Taoist robe and a pair of tired, weak but still cold eyes.

"Kill him for me. I will give you this life."

Chen Qisheng grabbed the hilt of the sword with five fingers of his right hand. At this moment, ripples appeared from the tip of the sword, and instantly touched the arm holding the sword.

Amidst the clanging sound of intensive mechanical operation, a silver-white armor covered Chen Qisheng's whole body.

The green and red Dao lines no longer adhere to the surface of the skin, but are imprinted on the left and right arm armors, extending from the wrists to the shoulders.

Mysterious and solemn, solemn and majestic.

Chen Qisheng's tightly closed eyes reopened, and his sharp, knife-like eyes cut through the dark night to look at that damned person!

"Zhang Qingsheng!!!"


The tip of the spear swept open a huge beast's claw. Zou Sijiu raised his eyebrows and used the force to spin his body in the air. He stepped hard on the towering rock wall behind him with both feet. He shot out like a sharp arrow, and the gun body was lifted up heavily. Smashed on the ferocious beast's head.


The giant beast was in pain, but instead of retreating, it moved forward. It flicked its head extremely ferociously and crashed directly into Zou Sijiu.

The strong wind blew against his face, and Zou Sijiu, who was in mid-air, had nowhere to hide. He could only grit his teeth and hold his gun in front of him, ready to resist.


Zou Sijiu's flying body hit the rock wall hard, and a large and shocking crack spread from him as the source.

"Damn it, isn't it just one rank difference? Why is the difference so big?"

Zou Sijiu embarrassedly dodged Lu Zhao's follow-up attack, resisted the urge to vomit blood, and ran wildly in the circular death arena with his gun in hand.

The evil beast that Lu Zhao transformed into followed slowly behind, seeming to be enjoying the pleasure of a cat catching a mouse.

"Mr. Zou, am I really going to end up here this time?"

Zou Sijiu raised his head and glanced at several huge seal characters floating in the sky unwillingly.

Four twenty-nine.

This is his current Zou Zi ranking, which means that he has used seventy-six backdoor techniques, but

"Damn it, I'm so miserable, why is this bitch still ranked so high? It doesn't make sense!"

One, one, two.

At this point in the fierce battle, Lu Zhao had lost only four kinds of backdoor methods.


The vicious sound came from behind again. Zou Sijiu turned around hastily to resist, but was directly photographed in front of him, and flew out like an animal claw the size of a car.

"Even if you keep provoking me with words, letting me get the backdoor of 'wrath', temporarily blocking other simulation options, and forcing me into beast form, so what? The gap between you and me is still insurmountable, Understand? Three five three"

The giant hyena-like beast opened its bloody mouth, but what came out was Lu Zhao's sarcasm: "No, I should call you Si Erjiu now."

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