Cyber Daming

Chapter 49 Young Helmsman

The weather in Chengdu Prefecture still hasn't warmed up in February. Although the downpour has subsided, the pitter-patter like a child peeing makes people feel even colder and damper.

For people in Sichuan, nothing can be more enjoyable and comfortable than having a hot pot meal in this kind of weather.

"Put an iron pot on a white charcoal fire, and place a bamboo nine-square grid in the middle to separate the sky and the earth in the pot into separate spaces with independent surfaces and blended bottoms."

"Pour half a pot of fiery red soup base stir-fried with red oil and chili peppers, and wait for the onions, ginger, garlic and other seasonings to bubble in the red waves. After a while, you will smell the spicy aroma that will make your hands and feet move. I couldn’t help but sweat.”

"At this time, pick up a piece of hairy tripe and gently swish it in the hot red soup, four or five times at most. Don't be greedy for more, otherwise it will be too much and not enough."

"Then wrap it in clear oil and dip it into your mouth, bite it gently and sizzle, the taste is simply unforgettable!"

"So you all remember, the key to eating hot pot is the word 'shabu', and the time for shabu-shabu must be precise. When the firewood is old, the firewood is early, and the food is not too old or too early, then it is just right."

In a hot pot restaurant facing the street on Ghost Street, an old gourmet was talking excitedly about the essence of eating hot pot. He glanced at the corner and suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth in annoyance.

"You must not be like those two little kids who poured all the vegetables in at once. This way of eating is simply a waste of natural resources!"

The diners at the same table followed his gaze and saw a small table propped up in the corner with piles of empty plates, the food boiling in the pot rising to the top, and the boiling soup overflowing out of the pot.

"a shame!"

The two men were immersed in the process, moving the chopsticks as fast as flying, and swallowing so loudly that even many ghost street residents around them who thought they were thick-skinned felt a little embarrassed.

A pair of chopsticks was inserted into the pot and searched back and forth several times. After repeatedly confirming that no fish had slipped through the net, the owner of the chopsticks decided to give up.

Kuang Qingyun leaned back, and like a magic trick, he took out a cigarette rod from under his green shirt and held it in the corner of his mouth. A cluster of flames appeared on his fingertips and he stretched towards the pipe.

There is no trace of bionic skin visible on his entire arm, and there are even many bullet holes and knife marks on the silver mechanical bones.

"How about it? This restaurant I recommend is authentic. Let me tell you, if you want to eat good food, you have to go to a fly restaurant like this in the corner."

"It's really good."

Li Jun wiped his mouth and said with a smile: "You ate too fast, and I didn't even get a few pieces of meat. Why, now all the helmsmen in Brother Pao's club have been reduced to the point where they don't have enough to eat?"

Kuang Qingyun said angrily: "Who are you looking down on? Believe it or not, I will immediately ask someone to bring an authentic native cow over and let you kill it and eat it."

Li Jun gave a thumbs up, "These are bold words, a bit like Master Ding."

"It's like a human saying."

Kuang Qingyun took a puff of cigarette and held it in his lungs for a long time before slowly exhaling it. In the hazy smoke, the smile in his eyes faded a bit.

"Master Ding is buried in the backyard of the hall. You can go back and take a look when you have time. No matter what happened in the past, everyone has gone, and there is nothing to worry about."

Li Jun did not speak, but nodded silently, his eyes always staring at the blood stain on Kuang Qingyun's forehead that had not been wiped clean.

"What's with the blood on your face?"

"Didn't you wipe it clean?"

Kuang Qingyun was stunned, dipped his fingers in the tea in the cup, wiped it carefully on his face, and complained: "I didn't tell you earlier when I saw it, it affects my handsome image."

Li Jun looked at Kuang Qingyun who was making jokes, with a still serious expression on his face, "I heard Crow Hua say that Brother Pao has sent a lot of wounded people there recently. Who did this happen to?"

Kuang Qingyun rearranged his bun, hid his hands in his sleeves, and said with a smile: "Don't ask, otherwise it will make me look like I'm here to make trouble for you. I, Kuang Qingyun, haven't fallen to that level yet."

"I didn't mean that, I was just curious, who could make you so embarrassed?"

Kuang Qingyun snorted coldly, "Embarrassed? Then you haven't seen how miserable the person on the other side is."

Li Jun was about to continue asking, but was directly interrupted by Kuang Qingyun.

"Okay, don't worry about this little thing. I came to you today to tell you to be careful lately."

Li Jun frowned, "What news did you hear?"

"Recently, there are rumors everywhere in Chengdu that Tianfu Heavy Industry was ambushed by Shudao Logistics outside Xifansongpan Acropolis, causing heavy losses."

"The entire operation was wiped out in three and four locations, and the two division chiefs who were ranked eighth were dismantled into parts. This is not a rumor. I saw their weapons on the black market with my own eyes."

Shudao Logistics actually ambushed Tianfu Heavy Industry outside Songpanwei? !

Li Jun grinned with a silent smile, and he suddenly understood why Gu Yong was so happy in the Jiaofang Division.

Kuang Qingyun didn't notice the cold light as sharp as a knife in Li Jun's eyes, and was still talking to himself.

"Now everyone in Tianfu Heavy Industry is like a red-eyed hyena, holding back his energy and wanting revenge. Now you are also a member of the Shudao Logistics and Security Department, so you will definitely be involved."

"The way of martial arts you follow is not the same as our way of fighting. As long as our heads and mechanical hearts are still there, we can't die if we smash a few organs. But your body is really made of flesh and blood, and you may be finished with a big hemorrhage."

"Oh, I'm not like that."

In Kuang Qingyun's dense words, there was no room for Li Jun to interrupt, and he was interrupted just as he opened his mouth.

"I know you can fight, but those big groups don't simply compare who has the biggest fist like us. Others are playing tricks on their brains!"

"Take that Gu Ding who was beaten to death. How could he become the head of your security department when he didn't even enter the sequence? Didn't he get the identity of a domestic slave by serving Gu Yong, and changed his identity to Gu Ding? The surname, that’s when he came to power.”

"These treacherous tricks in the workplace are the only way to kill without blood! You have to be on guard at all times, otherwise the people who get tricked don't even know it."

Not sure whether it was because he ate hot pot or because he was close to the charcoal fire, Li Jun felt warm all over at this moment and couldn't help but laugh.

"I understand, thank you, second brother."

Kuang Qingyun's lips that were flying up and down suddenly paused. After being stunned for a long time, he said slowly: "There is nothing to thank you for. I don't know what you think, but you would have fought so hard for Brother Pao that night in the main hall that you were covered in blood. I remember this very clearly.”

The young helmsman clicked on the tattoo on his neck and said, "Although you don't have the beak, I recognize you. You are the same with or without it."

After Kuang Qingyun finished speaking, the expression on his face became twisted, and he whispered to himself: "How damn hypocritical, how did these words come out of my mouth?"

At this moment, the bowls and chopsticks on the table suddenly shook back and forth, the soup in the iron pot sloshed on the table, and for a while there were screams of surprise everywhere in the store.

Then there were several dull sounds outside the store, which sounded like explosions from a distance.

Kuang Qingyun's eyebrows suddenly sank. He took a deep breath slowly, stood up as if nothing had happened, and smiled at Li Jun.

"We've finished eating, so I won't keep you here. Come back to Kowloon Street if you have nothing to do. Many brothers are still talking about their fifth brother who is the best at flying the red flag."

After saying this, Kuang Qingyun threw down a few treasure notes and strode out of the store.

Li Jun stared at his back, tapped the knuckles of his right hand on the table, and suddenly sneered.

"It seems that I am really easy to talk to. Anyone dares to step on my head."

Outside the hot pot restaurant, a row of cars that had been modified so that the original model could not be seen were parked on the street. Dozens of black-clad Pao Ge Hui disciples stood in the rain.

Kuang Qingyun strode towards him, and before he even got close, he shouted angrily at one of the bearded men: "What happened?"

"Uncle, a bomb was thrown at the entrance of the hall. Twelve of our brothers were killed, and many neighbors were injured."

Kuang Qingyun paused, "Did you see where the person ran?"

“There’s always someone biting.”

"That's good!"

Kuang Qingyun raised his feet to lift his robe, lifted the feet of his robe and tucked it into his waist, then bowed and got into the car.

"Follow me, I must kill these monkeys from the Annan gang alive today!"

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