Cyber Daming

Chapter 497 The desperate gambler

Chongqing Mansion.

After hanging up the projection call with Yang Baize, Pei Xingjian was sitting behind a desk, looking at the Huangliang Dreamland invitation that reappeared in his sight, frowning slightly, and whispered to himself: "You are really persevering."

Pei Xingjian pondered for a moment, picked up a brush lying on the pen mountain, dipped it in ink, and wrote on the white paper.

The ink marks are intertwined, and a character "Zhu" with a random posture appears on the paper.

"Then let's see what you want to do."

Pei Xingjian smiled coldly, threw away the brush in his hand, and slowly closed his eyes.


The faint feeling of weightlessness disappeared in a flash, and a little bit of cold moisture melted on the face.

Pei Xingjian opened his eyes again, and there was already heavy snow in front of him.

In the distance, a towering square palace stands in the wind and snow. It has nine beams, eighteen columns and seventy-two ridges. The inner layer is made of steel and the outer layer is made of luxurious wood. Each floor is made of horizontal and vertical layers. Eighty-one feet, the overlapping layers are also ninety-nine.

The sky is round and the earth is round, where the emperor lives.

"Are you finally willing to see me?"

Bold and hearty laughter sounded behind him, but Pei Xingjian didn't look back. He slowly looked back at the imperial city, put his hands in his sleeves, and his thin figure became more and more stooped.

"Since you have the ability to leave the imperial city and enter the Japanese area, why don't you come to Chongqing Mansion to see me? Why do you need to meet me in Huangliang's dream?"

"Now and then, Zhang Fengyue is counting the gains of the first phase of the New Deal with his eyes wide open. He is very proud of himself. I don't want to get into trouble with him at this time."

"You also know that the royal family still controls a part of Huangliang's authority. There is no barrier between us when we meet here. I also want to consider your safety."

A disdainful expression appeared on Pei Xingjian's furrowed face, "Then I really want to thank His Highness King Min."

"We are all old acquaintances. Instead of calling me King Min, I would rather hear you call me Senior, Xingjian. After all, during the years I was imprisoned, I often thought of you and I studying hard as classmates at Xindonglin Academy. scene.”

Zhu Pingyan walked out of the night behind Pei Xingjian and stood side by side with him.

"If you miss it so much, why don't you make the dream look like an academy instead of an imperial city?"

Zhu Pingyan smiled and asked, "What's the difference?"

Pei Xingjian said sternly: "If you were at Xindonglin Academy today, it would be reasonable for me to call you senior. But here, I can only call you Your Highness."

"I didn't expect that after so many years, I haven't seen you, Xingjian, you still have such a serious temper."

Zhu Pingyan smiled: "Whether it's senior or your highness, it's just a title. You can call me whatever you want."

"This snow is not very good either."

"Xingjian, don't you think this siege of the city is just in line with the situation you and I are facing now?"

"I just feel cold. My Chongqing mansion has been very warm during this period."

Pei Xingjian dropped a meaningful sentence and took the lead to move forward.

The wind and snow are dark, and the road ahead is long.

The two walked the same road but not side by side. They were silent and seemed to have their own thoughts.

In the distance, the outline of the bottom floor of the palace can be seen in the distance. Through the mottled snow shadow, one can see a huge sedan ladder with the word "Meridian Gate" engraved on the top.

Zhu Pingyan had a clear premonition that if he didn't speak yet, Pei Xingjian would exit this dreamland when he reached the Meridian Gate.

Thinking of this, he could no longer hold his breath and said: "The Spring and Autumn Society has recruited you many times, but you have never agreed. Xingjian, I will ask you again now, are you willing to join us? If you nod, I will I can give you the position of vice president now.”

Pei Xingjian said calmly: "Different Taoists do not agree with each other. No matter how many times you ask, Your Highness, my answer will be the same."

"Everyone's goal is to overthrow the New Donglin Party. Although the methods adopted are different, the result is the same. We reach the same goal through different paths, so why can't we conspire?" Zhu Pingyan is still unwilling to accept it.

Pei Xingjian's voice was sarcastic: "You, the Spring and Autumn Society, want to replace me, but I, Pei Xingjian, want to have no party distinctions within the Confucian order. Can this be regarded as achieving the same goal through different paths?"

"But if you work alone, when will you be able to fulfill your long-cherished wish?"

"Flowing water does not rot, and door hinges do not suffer from beetles. If I can't do it, I will leave it to future generations. Nothing can last for thousands of years."

Zhu Pingyan turned his head slightly, looked at the free and easy face of the person next to him, and said solemnly: "Emperor Jiaqi has not yet reached the age of tying up his hair, but his path is not to follow the Zhu family, but to Confucianism and Taoism. Lead him the way. The teacher is none other than Zhang Fengyue.”

"I heard about it, but so what. The throne of the Ming Empire has been succeeded by father and son, and by brother and brother, but there has never been a teacher who took over the throne from a student. If Zhang Fengyue dares to do this, Xindong Lin's party will fall apart immediately, because at that time, he will no longer be the leader of the clan, but the enemy of the clan. "

Pei Xingjian also turned to look at Zhu Pingyan and said with a smile: "Compared with joining the Spring and Autumn Society, I actually want to know when did you regain your freedom, Your Highness?"

"It's just that I can stretch my legs, but it's far from regaining my freedom."

Seeing Zhu Pingyan talk about this problem in an understatement, Pei Xingjian didn't take it seriously. Even if the other party didn't tell him, he could guess a thing or two.

The Spring and Autumn Society can develop to its current scale and win over so many young disciples from powerful families. It cannot be accomplished in a day or two.

It seems that the royal family's background is much deeper than I imagined.

"It should have been when Zhang Fengyue decided to lay out the new policy that you, Zongheng San, found a chance to escape, right? After all, the more chaotic the world is, the greater the stage for you Zongheng and Hehe to manipulate."

Pei Xingjian bluntly stated his guess and said with a smile: "But you chose to show your face so early. Are you really so sure of this ritual? Will Zhang Fengyue lose?"

"No one can decide whether to win or lose until the last minute. I only know that there are many people who want him to lose this time."

Zhu Pingyan sighed: "Among the two religions and nine streams, and even among your own Confucian scholars, who wants to see Zhang Fengyue become the first scholar, a living saint, and their living ancestor? No one wants to, and no one wants to be in someone else's family. The crotch is begging for life.”

"There are many people who oppose it, but there are very few people who have the ability to stop it. Moreover, people's hearts are separated from each other, and wherever you look, they are full of ghosts. If the Buddhist and Taoist families did not disrupt the situation and find opportunities for themselves to be promoted to the First Order, how could they Maybe Zhang Fengyue is willing to trade Su Ce's life for the smooth conclusion of the first phase of the New Deal? There are many short-sighted fools among these two people, but there are also heroes with unique skills. "

"But so what? These are not things I should consider. Just like what you just said, Xingjian, the more chaotic the situation, the more happy I am to see it end."

Zhu Pingyan changed the topic and asked in a joking tone: "Xingjian, when you knew about the Spring and Autumn Festival, you probably thought I was a short-sighted fool, right?"

Pei Xingjian didn't comment, just smiled and said nothing.

"I understand your thinking. In your opinion, the Spring and Autumn Society and the New Donglin Party are just the same thing. There is no difference. Even if one day the Spring and Autumn Society can replace the New Donglin Party, they will immediately turn their guns against the royal family. The person I want to kill is probably me, the Min King of the Ming Dynasty. In the end, I just created an enemy for myself and cannot change the situation of the royal family at all. "

"These pros and cons and risks were very clear to me on the day I decided to establish the Spring and Autumn Society. But I still resolutely chose to take this path. Do you know why?"

Pei Xingjian asked seriously: "Why?"

"Because the current situation of the royal family has no room for further deterioration. The next step is to destroy the country and the family. Everything else depends on whether it will be in peace."

Zhu Pingyan had a heroic look on his eyebrows and laughed loudly: "As long as I can overturn this mountain that is pressing on me, I can face any outcome calmly. At the worst, I will support another New Spring and Autumn Festival and continue to collect gambling books and put them on the table. Bet. Not everyone can be as talented as Zhang Fengyue, right?"

Pei Xingjian said with a solemn expression: "Your Highness, you can think so, I can only say I admire you!"

"Just a desperate gambler."

Zhu Pingyan waved his hand and continued: "Now that the matter in the criminal district has been settled, all that's left is some hard work. I'm afraid it won't be long before Zhang Fengyue will start working on the next phase of the New Deal, frugality, what do you think? Where will he go next? In other words, which of these three things will he do first?

"Destroy the Buddha or clear the way, choose one of the two."

Pei Xingjian spoke firmly: "Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism are all based on faith. If Zhang Fengyue wants to win the 'famousness' that is enough for him to become a Confucian saint, he will definitely take back the basic population from the hands of Buddhism and Taoism." ”

"Then what do you think he will use as an excuse to stir up trouble?"

"Fate valve."

"Heroes think alike."

Zhu Pingyan laughed heartily and did not hide the admiration on his face: "Although Xingjian you are unwilling to join the Spring and Autumn Society, fortunately you and I are not enemies for the time being."

"Having said that, I don't have a good impression of the Spring and Autumn Society. Those little bastards bullied my students so miserably in the Japanese area. Maybe at some point I, an old guy like me, won't be able to hold back my anger and end up personally. If you take care of them, won’t they become your rival by then?”

Pei Xingjian muttered, his words full of dissatisfaction, and he looked like he was eager to protect his calf.

How could Zhu Pingyan not understand what he was thinking, and said angrily: "I came to recruit you to join the club today, but now I have to apologize to you. Forget it, I am too lazy to argue with you, I just want to help your students. What, tell me.”

"I would like to ask Your Highness to arrange a good position for Yang Baize within the empire."

Pei Xingjian smiled and said: "After all, if a teacher is engaged in this kind of brain-destroying business, he can't let the students not even have a good life before I get involved, right?"

"I arrange it?"

Zhu Pingyan sneered: "I see you have chosen a place long ago, right? Where do you want to go?"

"Huating." Pei Xingjian said softly.

"Huating. Xu Clan's territory?"

Zhu Pingyan frowned slightly and looked at Pei Xingjian with deep meaning: "This is not a good position."

"How about just pretending that I owe you a favor? If you think it's not enough, Your Highness, just pretend I didn't mention it."

"OK, no problem."

When Zhu Pingyan heard this, he immediately smiled and readily agreed.

Unknowingly, the two people walking forward had arrived in front of the ‘Meridian Gate’.

Zhu Pingyan didn't seem to notice that Pei Xingjian beside him had stopped. He walked a few feet away before turning around to look at him.

"Not going up? Maybe someone is waiting for you up there."

Pei Xingjian had a hesitant expression on his face. After struggling for a long time, he let out a heavy breath.

"Forget it, I'm not qualified to see him now."

As soon as the words fell, Pei Xingjian's figure faded from this Huangliang dreamland.

"You're not qualified, or are you afraid that you won't be able to refuse after seeing you?"

Zhu Pingyan raised his eyes and looked at the wind and snow in the sky, and whispered to himself: "Junior, you are still so cautious."

"Sir, I'm not a villain. I refuse to accept it. I really don't have the ability to handle this matter."

Zheng Xing, a member of the royal family of Fenghua Prefecture, who has a square mouth and broad eyes and a rough appearance, is looking at the official of Fenghua Prefecture, Chen Shuo, who is sitting at the head of the dinner table with a smile on his face.

Logically speaking, Jinyiwei is under the vertical management of Beizhen Fusi and does not need to be so groveling to these local officials.

But today's Jin Yiwei no longer has the transcendent status of the past, not to mention that Fenghua Mansion is the foundation of Confucianism. Being a Jin Yiwei here and being a man with your tail between your legs is just a basic survival skill.

Not to mention that the person who entertained me today was the official who was in charge of the punishment of a government.

Therefore, Zheng Xing ate this meal in an ups and downs, and his buttocks did not sit firmly in the chair all night.

"I'm just asking you to be a spy who cooperates inside and outside, and I'm not asking you to carry a knife to suppress bandits. What are you afraid of?"

Chen Shuo rubbed his face, which was still slightly stiff after going to Nongxu Medical Center for maintenance, and said in a disdainful tone: "Besides, it is still unknown whether those people have the courage to enter Fenghua. In my opinion, Mr. Lu This arrangement is just to be prepared.”

Be prepared? I think it’s definitely a done deal!

You, Lu Yuzhang, have done all those dirty things, and now that your creditors are looking for you, you want to use a small role like me as cannon fodder. When other good things happened in the past, why didn't you think of taking care of me?

Zheng Xing cursed in his heart, and the expression on his face became increasingly bitter.

"Zheng Baihu, don't worry, don't forget whose territory this is."

Chen Shuo took a sip of the wine contentedly and said lazily: "How can the barbaric and barren land like the Japanese area compare with our Fenghua Mansion? They can do whatever they want and run rampant in the Japanese area because Su Ce is here. It's covered. Now that Su Ce is dead, what kind of trouble can a group of fugitives make?"

Zheng Xing spoke cautiously: "What the adults said is true, but I heard that even members of the Langya Wang family died in their hands."

"It's just a rumor. If they really killed her, how could the Wang family be so quiet now? There is something else behind this incident."

Chen Shuo waved his hand: "But these secrets are not accessible to you Qiu Ba."

"Then it seems that the villain is indeed spreading rumors."

Zheng Xing chuckled and was silent for a moment. He was still a little uneasy and continued to ask: "But Sir, I also heard that a soldier of the Six Tao Group died in Edo City that day. Is this also a lie? of?"

Chen Shuo rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Wu Xu fights Bing Xu, that is, father hits son. Although Su Ce is old, he is still Wu San after all. What's so difficult about risking his life to kill a Bing San?"

"Then according to what you say, sir, it's just luck that these people were able to leave the Japanese area alive?"

The bitter look on Zheng Xing's face dissipated slightly.

"That's not it?"

Chen Shuo glared at the other party, and his tone suddenly rose: "These people are just fish that slipped through the net. Mr. Lu said that he has laid a dragnet this time. As long as they dare to come, they will never come back!" "

"As long as we can capture all of these people, Mr. Lu may be able to help you escape from the Jinyi Guards and transfer to Fenghua Mansion. You must seize this opportunity!"

"Don't worry, sir. As soon as they contact the villain, I will report it to you immediately."

The muffled sound of chest slapping and impassioned words surged together in this closed room.


The private room door was kicked open.

Zheng Xing, who was facing the door, suddenly turned pale as a piece of paper. His entire body seemed to have had his spine ripped out, and he instantly collapsed on the chair.

Chen Shuo didn't notice anything strange about Zheng Xing. He turned his head angrily, only to see a dirty shoe sole hitting him.


Chen Shuo's standard Chinese character face was placed on the table with one foot by the tall bustard ghost.

The table was full of overturned bowls and chopsticks, and soup and water flowed across the table, staining his white Confucian shirt.

Fan Wujiu, dressed in black, walked in with his shoulders swaying, and on his shoulders sat a palm-sized bald novice monk.

This is a miniature Buddhist host capable of blocking all signals within a ten-foot radius.

"It's pretty damn good to eat."

Fan Wujiu glanced at Chen Shuo, who could only moan and groan as his mouth was stepped on, and looked at Zheng Xing who was slumped on the chair.

"Are you the only one who belongs to the Hundred Households of Jinyiwei?"

Zheng Xing's eyes were straightened, his Adam's apple rolled unconsciously beneath his body, and his horrified eyes passed by Fan Wu Jiu and looked out the open door.

Scarlet blood gathered into a stream and spread along the ground.

The guards he and Chen Shuo brought had all been killed quietly.

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