Cyber Daming

Chapter 525 Betrayal and Death

Fog billows from the mountains and flames burn the wreckage.

Between the opposing armors, dazzling blood spread along the ground.

The rolling air waves blew through the forest sea, the leaves swayed and the branches swayed, and ghosts cried and wolves howled.

Only the night is lightless and motionless.

Rong Lu, who was suddenly attacked, still hasn't figured out how the other party found his whereabouts, and he has no time to send a message to the Intermediate Court asking for help.

Because a sharp spear point has already pierced in front of him!

The long tassel of the spearhead turned into black flames beat loudly, and the hot wind blew against my face.

Rong Lu roared, and two dazzling lights suddenly burst out from his dark eyes. Two serrated long knives with curved arcs popped out from the wrist armor, and the armor plates on the back of the shoulders also opened simultaneously. , revealing two rows of symmetrically arranged vortex nozzles, roaring together.


The wind roared, accompanied by the sound of sharp weapons clashing.

The spearhead of the forward attack was bitten by the two knives, and the friction caused sparks all over the sky.

The Flame-Binding Warrior's eyes were cold and indifferent, he twisted and raised the sword in his palm, and easily swung open the two folded knives, and then drew a silver chain across the gun body and swept it towards Rong Lu's throat.

The evil roar came fiercely, and Rong Lu's reaction was not slow either.

I saw him crushing the soles of his feet, leaning down to dodge the sweep of the spear, and at the same time, arrows shot out from his body, his legs bent to the ground as if sliding, and the saw-tooth scimitar slashed Li Jun's lower body.


Li Jun grinned, not hiding the contempt in his eyes.

Rong Lu's choice to fight to the death at close quarters was nothing more than a joke in his opinion.

Li Jun's shoulders were seen shaking slightly, and his figure disappeared immediately. Rong Lu, who had failed in his horizontal slash, felt a warning sign in his heart. He jumped up on his knees and hurriedly put the two swords above his head.

The defense has just started, and the fierce attack has arrived.

Li Jun's figure suddenly appeared in mid-air. He swung his gun with one hand and slashed down, instantly smashing out a piece of metal with a wailing sound.


The two swords in Rong Lu's hands were twisted and deformed, and the armor from his wrists to his shoulders was shattered inch by inch. Under his suddenly sagging figure, there was a huge deep pit that suddenly exploded.

"Li Jun!"

Rong Lu's pupils were filled with blood, and he roared fiercely. The violent airflow from the nozzle behind him brought a piece of scattered fire, blowing the gravel in the pit to roll around. With the help of this explosive thrust, he tried to stand up against the pressing spear.

"Don't be alone. This is my advice to you. Do you think I'm kidding you?"

Li Jun's eyes were stern, and the spear in his hand struck down again in an unpretentious manner.

The two swords that were lifted could no longer withstand the weight of the sudden fall, and the broken fragments flew in all directions. Half of Ronglu's shoulders were smashed until they were damaged, and the knees that had just left the ground knelt back to their original positions again.

The crushing crushing force and the chasm-like gap left Rong Lu with no power to fight back.

At this moment, he finally realized why the Buddhist and Taoist families chose to turn a blind eye to Li Jun after the Japanese incident.

It’s not that we can’t take action at all, but that the cost of killing is too high!

Gene's wailing, Mo Jia's growl, and the thunderous beating of his heart were all mixed together, shaking Rong Lu's mind.

He expected that when he led his team to kill Li Jun, he might encounter a fierce counterattack from the opponent.

I also thought about how I should explain to the superiors that there were huge casualties among the Presbyterian Guards.

A lone martial artist who dares to be an enemy of the Zhongyuan will become the first stepping stone for him to ascend to the position of elder.

The ending of this drama that has just begun has already been written by myself.

But Rong Lu didn't expect that his opponent, who he thought was only worthy of playing some clumsy undercover tricks, would suddenly become a different person and ambush him, and his attacks would be so accurate and deadly.

As the number one person responsible for clearing out internal traitors in the Mo Xu Central Branch, Rong Lu has always been very cautious about his whereabouts, and he is unlikely to be followed by others without him being aware of it.

"Who betrayed me?!"

Rong Lu looked horrified as if he had been greatly humiliated. He suddenly stretched out his hands and grabbed the body of the Zhaodan gun tightly, with a fierce and fierce light pouring out of his eyes.

The incomplete armor on his body clanged, and four gun barrels popped out from his shoulders and ribs respectively. Dots of white light condensed in the black muzzle.

"You spineless thing, you still have to obey his orders?"

In the red eyes, Lord Ma's curse suddenly came out.

"You want to fight, right? Damn it, little plum, give it to Master Ma, I'll stand still!"

Before Li Jun could recover, the tiger lying on its shoulders turned around, and the black flames gathered in the tiger's mouth like seawater sucked up by a tornado.

boom! boom! boom!

The billowing black mist and artillery fire boiled on the mountain road, and the loud rumbling noise continued to echo in the mountains.


Just like the thatched cottage where the ancient people lived in seclusion in the pre-Ming Dynasty, the hammer hit the black sword-shaped embryo heavily.

But the sound that agitated was not the pleasant and crisp sound that had been stripped of impurities in the past, but a sharp crack that shouldn't have happened.

A piece of broken steel rod flew up and inserted into the wall of the thatched cottage with a pop.

The shirtless Liu Xianzhou stood still like a sculpture, staring suddenly at the silently extinguished forging furnace in front of him with gloomy eyes.

[Acquire 80 mastery points]

[582 mastery points remaining]

In the messy deep pit, there was no trace of Rong Lu's armored body, leaving only the remains of parts stained with gunpowder smoke covering the bottom of the pit.

"Master Ma, do you need to be so brutal?"

Li Jun opened his mouth and spat out wisps of black smoke, with a helpless smile on his dark face.

"When I see Mo Jia who can't stand up after kneeling for a long time, I feel angry and need to vent my anger!"

Prince Ma detached himself from Li Jun and walked to the edge of the pit alone to stand, his muttering coming from his one eye.

"Can't you see that Rong Lu is on the verge of death? Why don't you dare to fight back? Don't you even dare to say a word?"

Li Jun, who was standing not far away, heard his whisper clearly, and suddenly understood the source of Prince Ma's anger. His lips moved slightly, but he didn't know how to persuade him.

This was also the first time he saw the always bohemian Prince Ma speak in such an angry and confused tone.

Sad for his misfortune, angry for his inability to fight.

Perhaps this is the most realistic portrayal of Lord Ma at this moment.

In the woods beside the mountain road, Zou Sijiu walked out with his pocket in his pocket, followed by Gu Xi, who looked a little unnatural.

The previous almost face-to-face gunfire exchange left a very deep impression on him.

Violent, savage, fierce, tough, without any dodge or concession, they will not stop until one party is completely reduced to scum.

Not only that, but what frightened Gu Xi even more was the powerful strength displayed by Li Jun.

He was also wearing armor, and he was also in Preface 4, but Rong Lu couldn't even put up any decent resistance in Li Jun's hands.

Is the rumored solo martial artist really that powerful?

That myself.

"Okay, Mr. Ma, whose family doesn't have a few timid children? And if he followed a master like Rong Lu, if he dared to resist in the slightest, he would have been torn into a pile of junk."

Zou Sijiu walked to Lord Ma and patted him on the shoulder.

Lord Ma actually knew that Zou Sijiu was right, but he couldn't relieve the depression in his heart. He sighed gloomily and turned towards the wreckage of Wu Zui that had stopped burning.

"How come you're like this? Hey, Rong Lu, you said you and Master Zou are just for fun. Why would you mess with that reckless Li Jun? It's really hard to imagine."

Zou Sijiu knelt down, picked up a piece of gravel and threw it into the bottom of the pit, making a jingling sound.

"This time we all set up a stage to sing an opera. What we sang was about taking care of everything step by step, first taking care of the Liu family and then you. What you sang was about luring the snake out of its hole. You want to use us to lure out the rebellious ghosts and catch them all. Originally, there was no role for you in the front. When Wang Qi breaks the lock, it’s time for us to act as rivals. As a result, you have to appear early and seek your own death.”

Zou Sijiu sighed: "I have to say, Rong Lu, you are indeed a smart man and cautious enough. You were able to see through my identity so early, and you even sang a double act with Han Xiang. If you hadn't accidentally hit me After meeting Lao Li, Mr. Zou, I might really fall into the trap this time and fall into your trap."

After Li Jun informed Zou Sijiu about meeting Rong Lu and Wang Qi in the wine shop, Zou Sijiu understood that there was no need for him to continue the scene.

There is no other reason than too many coincidences.

If the previous meeting between Li Jun and Wang Qi at Dilong Station could be regarded as an accident, then the meeting between the two at Lion Rock must be a conspiracy in the eyes of people like Rong Lu.

Needless to say, the content of the conspiracy is that Li Jun has already reached cooperation with the Minggui traitors within the Intermediate Court.

When Rong Lu understood this, Zou Sijiu's pre-planned plot of loyalty and adultery naturally no longer needed to be played out. Because Rong Lu would definitely no longer choose to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, but would instead surround and kill Li Jun with Ru Xu.

In addition to this sudden encounter, Zou Sijiu looked back at the entire process and discovered that there were many flaws in the actors on both sides.

First of all, Rong Lu, as the actual person in charge of the Jianai Institute, had to personally follow Wang Qi after handing over the task to him. This matter itself is inconsistent.

The reason may be that Rong Lu acted too hastily, or it may be that he wanted to scare the snake again. But regardless of the reason, there is no doubt that Rong Lu knows Wang Qi's true identity.

Moreover, Zou Sijiu himself felt that he had used too much force when it came to Zheng Jizhi.

What is Qin Ge's identity? Jian Ai is just a small chief of the serious crime department, and he didn't get to the position by his own strength.

How could such a person have the ability to place people next to Zheng Jizhi? How could it be possible to fight with a powerful faction like Han Xiang for the sake of the so-called overall situation?

"You win this half-hearted play. But unfortunately, you are wrong about one thing. We are not actors, we are bandits! We came to Jinling not to act, but to kill! The reason why I accompany you to act is to kill you more conveniently and efficiently , but I don’t dare to confront you, do you understand? Otherwise, do you think that Mr. Zou, I would be willing to be humble in front of you and act out the cliched role of a traitor and a loyal minister with you? "

Zou Sijiu said with a smile: "Since you don't want to cooperate with us in singing literary opera, then just go to martial arts opera. That's fine. Everyone will end up neatly, which is also refreshing!"

"Old Zou, what are you doing? How can you, a bluffing and deceitful man, still know how to redeem yourself?"

Li Jun's doubtful voice floated from behind. Zou Sijiu heard this and said angrily: "This is a sense of ritual. Do you understand the sense of ritual? You are allowed to bump muscles with others and sparks. I am not allowed to be a hero. Cherish heroes and sublimate feelings?”

Zou Sijiu rolled his eyes and just stood up with his hands on his knees, when he saw Lord Ma walking over with a very damaged ink armor.

This ink armor is named Dong Shou, and its owner is Han Xiang, who was shot in the head by Lord Ma right after the ambush.

As for what Rong Lu never figured out until his death, this was the reason why his whereabouts were exposed.

This shows the extent to which Mo Xu and Ming Gui interacted with each other in the Central Courtyard.

"Thank you, Mr. Ma."

Dong Shou thanked Lord Ma, broke away from the support, staggered towards Li Jun, and handed over a square-shaped projection equipment.

"Brother Aohu has finished what he asked me to do, and the rest is left."

"Don't worry, we know what's going on."

Dong Shou seemed to have no strength to say anything more, and just nodded numbly. His exposed core suddenly dimmed without warning, and his body instantly disintegrated and collapsed.

The change happened very suddenly. Li Jun subconsciously reached out to help him, but he only grabbed a piece of armor covered with cracks.


Parts were scattered all over the floor, and there was no trace of armor anywhere.

"These beasts!"

Although he already knew in his heart that this would be such a result, Prince Ma still couldn't control the anger in his heart and cursed angrily.

Dongshou is not an artifact like Lord Ma that is not bound by the previous contract between Master A and Ming Gui. Han Xiang's death will also deprive him of his life.

But if he was the first to die at this time, Han Xiang would not be greatly affected, and would only be slightly injured at best.

Among all the five Moxu courtyards, only the Zhongyuan family has such a harsh and unfair contract.

Li Jun remained silent. Although there was no expression on his face, he threw the projection device in his hand to Gu Xi, who had no sense of presence from beginning to end. He took off his outer robe and spread it on the ground. He squatted down to collect Dong Shou's scattered clothes. There were fragments of ink armor on the ground.

"open to take a look."

Zou Sijiu looked at Gu Xi, who had a confused face, and reminded him in an indifferent tone.

Upon hearing this, Gu Xi quickly turned on the device, and the picture projected was exactly the scene of Han Xiang and others entering Zheng Jizhi's secret banquet.

In addition to the broken corpses on the ground, the only people standing in the picture were people from the Zhongyuan and Love Center.

"This is."

Gu Xi swallowed her saliva and looked at Zou Sijiu with a horrified face.

"Bring this to Liu Tu, he should have a way to blame Liu Xianzhou for the death of these household officials. After all, this kind of behavior can be regarded as cheating for Ru Xu. Tell him that Boss Yan hopes to take over When I came down, I could see that the people in the middle courtyard were in a state of distress.”

"I understand." Gu Xi nodded repeatedly.

"You don't have anything to do here, just do whatever you need to do."

After Zou Sijiu gave instructions in a concise and concise manner, he, like the other two figures, squatted on the ground to pick up the parts that rolled on the floor with his bare hands.

Gu Xi, who had walked not far away with the projection equipment in his arms, suddenly had a sudden impulse and stopped to look behind him.

The dilapidated mountain road, the huge crater created by gunfire, and the body of the machine that was melted together with the wreckage of the car could no longer tell where the head was and where the hands were.

Everything around them was clearly a bloody and cruel ambush battlefield, but the three instigators did not feel any joy at all in resolving their personal troubles. Instead, they looked solemn and carefully restrained the ink-armored corpse that was a stranger to them.

Even the small components that rolled into the gaps in the ground were carefully picked out and put away.

It was obviously time to get over and leave, but the person who was wielding the knife to kill was doing a kind deed to save his body.

If Gu Xi heard about this scene from others, he would definitely sneer at it, and even laugh at the other person for being just fake compassion, hypocrisy, and pretentiousness.

But now that she saw it with her own eyes, Gu Xi had no reason to take everything for granted.

This scene made Gu Xi feel even more unforgettable than the violent and cruel killing scene just now.

"By the way, did Liu Tu say when his brother would return to Jinling?"

Li Jun, who was wiping the burnt ash marks on a piece of nail with the corner of his clothes, suddenly looked up at Gu Xi and asked calmly.

"If nothing else happens, it should be in three days."

Gu Xi suddenly came back to his senses and said in a daze.

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