Cyber Daming

Chapter 530 Big brother ruined my martial spirit

"How is your current situation in Suzhou Prefecture?"

In a certain hotel room, the projections of Li Jun and Yuan Mingfei were sitting opposite each other.

After not seeing her for a while, Li Jun felt that the natural charm between Yuan Mingfei's eyebrows seemed to be getting weaker and weaker. Although her beauty remains unchanged with every frown and smile, she no longer has the heart-stopping and strong charm that she had before.

It seems that the influence of the Buddha's Goddess on her is slowly fading, and I'm afraid it won't be long before she can get rid of it completely.

Li Jun thought.

"There has been little progress."

Concubine Yuan Ming stretched in the projection, and the sudden curve struck Li Jun's line of sight. Li Jun, who just moments ago was lamenting that the liquor had turned into water, was suddenly suffocated.

"What you caused in Liaodong some time ago caused too much noise. Now there are rumors everywhere that the New Donglin Party is preparing to take this opportunity to launch an attack, intending to put this blame firmly on Fo Xu. So now the whole situation is cold There was a lot of noise in the mountain temple, and Xiaohei and I didn't dare to approach it rashly. "

Seeing Li Jun frowning and not speaking, Concubine Yuan Ming smiled and asked, "Do you feel like you're being taken advantage of?"

"is a bit."

Li Jun said slowly: "Do you think Pei Xingjian expected this result in advance?"

"Based on Pei Xingjian's temperament and style shown before, if he had known in advance that the situation would develop to this point, he would not have tipped you off. The person he dislikes the most in his life is Zhang Fengyue, but he still beat someone up once in a daze Bai Gong. Pei Xingjian's intestines should be full of regrets now, and he wishes he could give himself a slap in the face. "

Yuan Mingfei smiled and changed the subject: "But having said that, if even these are within his calculations, then Master Pei's acting skills are too terrifying. Even if we are not fooled this time, we will have to do it sooner or later in the future." He's at a disadvantage."

Li Jun nodded when he heard the words, and his body sitting in the chair fell back, his eyes looked to the top of his head, and he slowly exhaled a breath.

"I have never met the other person, but I always feel that the other person is everywhere, and every move I make may become a step for the other person to draw on. Is it true that our chief assistant has really opened his eyes and is not missing anything?"

"Being able to lead Confucianism and Taoism to defeat the Buddhist and Taoist families, plus the Zhu Ming royal family. There are probably not many such figures in the entire empire's thousands of years of history."

Concubine Yuan Ming also sighed: "And he is only the second preface now. If he is really allowed to achieve the first preface, the future Ming Dynasty will probably enter the Great Confucian era."

"The Great Confucian Era"

Li Jun thought about this sentence, suddenly raised his eyebrows, and asked: "Since the Liaodong incident has caused a storm in the city, and everyone knows that this is a scapegoat, why doesn't Fo Xu resist? Have these bald donkeys really accomplished cultivation? Buddha, are you going to give your head to Confucian Xu to be chopped off, to feed eagles with your own body, and to save others with your body?”

"I'm afraid only the great Buddha inscriptions on Lingshan Mountain can explain your doubts."

Concubine Yuan Ming thought for a moment and said softly: "But based on what I know about them, these people probably regard this crisis as an opportunity. It may even be a double act between them and the New Donglin Party."

Li Jun scratched his itchy scalp and asked in surprise: "You mean, Fo Xu internally plans to use a borrowed knife to kill people?"

"If the door of the temple is facing differently than you are, then others are heretics. Whether the Bodhisattva enshrined on the stage is holding flowers or holding vases is different, it is also a heretic. In this kind of faith-based sequence, internal fighting is often more common than external fighting. The fight turned out to be even more bloody and brutal.”

Concubine Yuan Ming's voice was cold: "For the traditional Chinese Buddhism of 'Two Capitals and Thirteen Provinces', they believe that they are the true inheritance of Buddhism. And for the Buddhism in Fandi, they also think that their temples are the true inheritance of Buddhism." The Buddha they worship in the ancestral court is the true god, and their genes and Dharma are the gifts given by the Buddha to mortals. The Buddhist order in the Han Dynasty is just a group of unskilled monks and even demons who blasphemed the Buddha. "

"In the past, it was because of the huge pressure from the sect's martial arts that the two parties temporarily put aside their prejudices and worked together to build Lingshan and control the entire Buddhist order. But after so many years of stability, there was already a rift within the Buddhist order. Hengsheng. Now the spit is everywhere on the Lingshan Mountain, and the curses are louder than the Buddhist scriptures, let alone the temples below. "

Li Jun sneered: "So it's time to settle down inside before fighting outsiders again?"

"This is the great thing about Zhang Fengyue. As soon as he took action, he grasped the biggest contradiction within Fo Xu."

Concubine Yuan Ming said sternly: "It was clearly written in the newspaper about the Liaodong incident that Lu Ning has been arrested alive. With his method, it is not difficult to interrogate the real culprit behind the scenes. But the New Donglin Party has chosen to Instead of doing this, he said that he was investigating. This clearly gave Foxu enough time to let Lingshan decide who would take the blame. The two forces, Fan Chuan and Han Chuan, had long been in conflict. , eager to take the opportunity to weaken the opponent's strength, and even kill the opponent in one go, stay low and small for a while, and then compete with Ruxu for supremacy after digesting the harvest. "

Li Jun asked back: "Killing someone with a borrowed knife, but they are killing their own people. Don't they understand such a simple truth as lips are dying and teeth are cold?"

"The question is not whether you understand it, but whether you want to understand it."

Concubine Yuan Ming shook her head: "I am just an ordinary wandering monk now, and I cannot guess what those great Buddhas are thinking. However, I feel that the Han Buddhist Preface will definitely not miss this opportunity, and will definitely use the Confucian Preface to take the lead. Soldier, open up the impenetrable plateau for them."

The chaos is like boiling soup!

Li Jun took a breath of cold air, almost able to predict what the next situation would be.

As long as Han Chuan can put this blame on Fan Chuan, the entire western part of the empire will probably turn into a pot of porridge.

If Confucianism and Buddhism are involved, Daoxu will definitely not stand idly by.

Because a lot of their population base is concentrated in the southwest of the empire, adjacent to the Banchuan territory.

The relationship between Daoxu and Fan Chuan is closer than that of Han Chuan.

Li Jun had a vague feeling that this time the Buddhist order was likely to steal the chicken but lose the rice.

"So Xiaohei and I can only continue to lurk and wait for opportunities."

After Concubine Yuan Ming finished telling her what she had discovered, she turned to ask, "How are Chen Qisheng and the others doing?"

Li Jun shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Since his master's accident, Chen Qisheng has become a different person. If Xiaobai hadn't stopped him, he would have rushed into Longhu Mountain to kill the Zhang family. ”

Before talking to Yuan Mingfei, Li Jun had already contacted Xie Bi'an, but the reply he received was still without any substantial progress, and even the information he could find was very little.

"It seems that everyone needs to break the current deadlock. All we can do is wait for this warrior to come."

Yuan Mingfei pursed her lips and said with a smile: "It's rare that we want to play with other people's brains, but in the end, we still find that fists are the most direct and effective way."

Li Jun also smiled helplessly and said: "When I finish the affairs in Jinling, I will come over and join you."

"we will wait for you."

After hanging up the video communication, Li Jun pondered for a moment in his seat before opening a one-foot-square wooden box on the table.

In a box lined with red silk, a silvery martial arts injector lay tightly.

[Hongyu Sword (Fourth Grade Martial Arts) Learning Completed]

[Consumption of 300 mastery points, the Hongyu Sword will be upgraded to the fourth level of perfection]

[282 mastery points remaining]

As the martial arts sent by Shen Li improved to the Great Perfection, Li Jun, who paid careful attention, finally succeeded in capturing the fleeting strange feeling.

If I use an example to describe it, this feeling is like something disappearing from my body. No need to think too much, this should be the result of Hong Yu's ability being swallowed up by his own genes after he became a swordsman.

Genes are devoured extremely quickly, and the entire process is silent.

If Li Jun hadn't been prepared this time, it would have ended like before without even noticing any movement.

"No wonder I always feel like something is wrong. It turns out there is a giant rat in my house. Just eat what you say. Can you please make some noise? If I know, will I not let you eat?"

Li Jun cursed in his mouth, thinking about his ability to achieve magic by being eaten.

When it comes to martial arts alone, starting from the very beginning, there are the nine-level single-sword technique selection, the eighth-level Bajiquan, the eighth-level Polu Dao, the seventh-level tendon-splitting and bone-splitting hand, the sixth-level Food Dragon and Tiger, the fifth-level Hidden Official Technique, and the Congsu The fourth-grade boxing skills inherited from Ce destroyed the city, coupled with the fourth-grade Hongyu Sword.

It’s not that I don’t know, it’s just that I was shocked.

So far, Li Jun has been eaten up to have eight Dzogchen skills!

Among these dazzling abilities, Li Jun only briefly experienced the killing intent of the Polu Sword. Other than that, he only relies on the physical strength and basic martial arts skills brought by his promotion to fight against others.

In fact, after Li Jun was promoted to the fourth level, he had discovered that there didn't seem to be much difference between the fourth level martial arts and other levels of martial arts.

Even in terms of moves alone, starting from the fifth level, they have already exceeded the limits of ordinary people. The only difference is probably in the increase and use of power.

What truly demarcates the gap between Preface 4 and Preface 5 is undoubtedly the ability after mastering martial arts.

Therefore, Li Jun's journey was actually equivalent to carrying a lot of firepower, but every time when he was in battle, he only knew how to draw his sword and slash with others.

It seems to be full of male blood, but in fact it is full of heartache, blood and tears.

Fortunately, Li Jun managed to get through with his physical strength alone, otherwise he would have really died unjustly.

This is why Shen Li is so determined to hug Li Jun's thigh.

In other words, Li Jun, the lone leader of the Fourth Order, still hides his sword in its sheath and has not shown his sharp edge.

"Looks like you're not full yet? You have such a big fucking appetite."

As if sensing the subject's dissatisfaction, the gene that had stolen food many times suddenly felt happy and full.

Surprise suddenly appeared on Li Jun's gloomy face.

According to Shen Li, the appearance of this feeling of fullness means that a certain section of genes has been fed and new abilities are about to appear.

As the joy grew stronger, Li Jun could hear no other sounds in his ears, only the sound of rushing blood and the crackling sound of muscles being broken and re-grown.

The gene segment responsible for martial arts was singing loudly, and the other gene segments were humming in envy.

A celebration that could only appear in native flesh and blood was staged in Li Jun's body, and all kinds of strange sounds filled the sky.

When all the joy reached its peak, a sudden strong palpitation flashed through his heart like lightning. Li Jun felt as if thousands of sharp swords were bursting out of his body, and all flesh and bones were destroyed by this sharp edge. Penetrating and cutting.

The sharp edge is unstoppable.

The ability born out of this door is simple and pure to the extreme.


Li Jun gritted his teeth and suppressed the growl that had surged to his lips.

In his perception, thousands of invisible sharp swords had pierced his skin, and all the tables and chairs they touched were dismembered and shattered in an instant.

Li Jun took a deep breath and endured the intense pain that made his soul tremble. His tyrannical willpower struggled to suppress the sharp edges pouring out of his body, trying to pull back the sword edges that had broken out of his body. within one's own body.

The tug-of-war lasted for as long as a cup of tea. When Gene's joy dissipated and everything calmed down, Li Jun's tattered clothes were already soaked with sweat.

He gasped for air and stared at the small black letters that appeared in front of his sight.

[Sequence]: Martial Arts Sequence Four - Salary Master

[Martial arts]: Fengjin (martial arts), Taotie (fourth level of perfection), Zheguanfa (fifth level of perfection), Shilonghu (sixth level of perfection)

[Body Technique]: Climbing the Mountain (Fourth Level of Dzogchen)

[Physical training]: Shentang (fourth level of perfection)

[Internal Strength]: Zhenlu (fourth level of Dzogchen)

From the information recorded in the small characters, Li Jun discovered that in addition to the three functional martial arts of Taotie, Hiding Officials, and Eating Dragons and Tigers, including the Zhenluting martial arts 'Destroy the City' inherited from Su Ce, all other martial arts All martial arts were swallowed up and fused.

It was replaced by an ability called 'Feng Jin', and there was no suffix indicating the realm, only the simple word 'Martial Arts'.

Li Jun lowered his eyes and thought deeply, and finally realized after a moment.

A martial arts goes from beginner to proficient, and then evolves into a 'skill' after reaching its limit. Then the flow of "skills" converges into a sea, and finally turns into "gong".

The reason why there is no longer a division of realms is because this ability has already reached the gods.

Just as Li Jun was quietly feeling the 'gong' that was finally born after all the hardships, there was a sudden rustling vibration from the wreckage at his feet.

The Tianque token that belonged to it vibrated uneasily among the sawdust. The invisible material suddenly projected a map of Jinling City, and a red dot of unknown meaning kept beating.

Then a heartbreaking howl came from it.

"Brother, save me!"


Burning waves of air swept across, and the Chinese medicine cabinet swallowed by the flames emitted a faint fragrance.

Most of the clothes on Shen Li's upper body had been burned by the flames, and his exposed skin was covered with dense burn marks and blisters. His messy black hair had also been burned into inch-long curving short hairs. The whole person looked extremely miserable.

"A person like you, Xu Si, who has only mastered one inner breath martial art, can actually become the master of one. It seems that your sect's martial arts does not have much hidden secrets left."

Joking and teasing voices came from a burning fireball three feet away from Shen Li.

The invisible flame was gently pushed away by a pair of hands, and a terrifying figure without skin walked out.

Zhu Jin was naked, and his whole body was covered with a layer of strange dark red tissue. Upon closer inspection, it was clear that they were thin dark red threads intertwined with each other, and the source was the pumping and buzzing machine in his body. Heart.

It is unclear whether these thin lines are attributed to biological tissue or mechanical creation. They may seem messy and rough, but in fact their hardness and tenacity are frighteningly strong, and their defensive capabilities are almost as good as those of a martial artist who has cultivated the fourth-level body training to the Great Perfection state.

But if he was just resisting the beating, Shen Li wouldn't be forced into such a pressing situation.

What really made him feel troublesome was the red flames released by his opponent's movements. Not only was the temperature extremely high, but it was also extremely difficult to extinguish. Even his own tempered internal energy could not completely isolate it.

Shen Li's remaining eyebrows furrowed more and more tightly. The soldier in front of him who called himself Zhu Jin was clearly only the fourth soldier. At this point, Shen Li, who is proficient in perception, is convinced that he has not made a mistake in judgment.

However, the strength shown by the other party crushed him in all aspects. Even until now, the opponent's mechanical heart has not entered the overclocking state, and it has only beaten him in the normal state without the ability to fight back.

Shen Li had never heard of this bizarre military order before, let alone encountered it.

"When I first became a soldier, the most common thing I heard was that our military order is a substitute for your military order. You are taking the right path of accumulating knowledge, while we are taking the shortcut of breaking and building again. Menqi Qiao's obscene skills are not even qualified to become a sequence on their own."

Zhu Jin smiled contemptuously, and bursts of flames burst out from his mouth and nose: "So after I became the executioner of Liu Tao, my favorite task was to hunt down your Wu Xu. Do you know why?"

"The main reason is of course that your bounty is more generous than others."

Zhu Jin asked and answered himself, and said with a smile: "Besides, I really like to listen to you Wu Xu people howling and screaming in my true samadhi fire, and watching your proud native flesh and blood being roasted bit by bit. Become the nourishment for the evolution of my heart. Oh, by the way, I like the taste of ripe food, so you must hold on for a while."

"The taste is so damn strong."

Shen Li spat hard, pointed at the other person, and cursed confidently: "I can't beat you, so you'd better hurry up and pull me now, otherwise I'm afraid you won't be able to cry after a while!"

"Who will come to save you? Tianque or Li Jun? A martial arts sect is waiting for Wu Xu alone to save you. It's really promising."

Zhu Jin laughed and said: "But what will happen if he comes? He is just a fake soldier with a castrated heart. He is not the only one who can kill."

"It's another brainless thing. In your circle, do you think you have a weak brain and you have to fight harder? If that's the case, I'll dig out my brain when I turn around. From now on, I'll look down on life and death. If you don't accept it, I'll do it. ”

Shen Li scolded disdainfully: "Zhu Jin, if you are really so talented, let's stop now. You wait for my elder brother to come over. He will challenge you. I promise not to interfere. I want to see your urine bubble." How big is it that it can be installed so well?”

"You talk too much."

Zhu Jin's running figure was like a flaming meteor, stopping suddenly three inches in front of Shen Li. A sharp whip leg wrapped in scorching heat was like a flaming knife slashing towards Shen Li's head.


Shen Li, who was suddenly attacked, quickly bent his elbow to block the side of his ear, and his inner energy flowed out along his arm to form an invisible shield, but he was still thrown sideways by the huge force.

Before Shen Li could land, a figure submerged in the angry flames quietly appeared behind him, clasping his hands and hitting him on the head.

In Shen Li's internal perception, every move of the opponent was extremely clear, but he knew that he was seriously injured and could not dodge at this moment, so he could only raise his arms to protect his head and face in embarrassment.


There was a muffled sound like a drum, and a wave of air spread out where the fists and arms collided, blowing the flames that covered the face, revealing Zhu Jin's sneer like an evil ghost.

Shen Li hit the street like a cannonball, and a deep crater about ten feet wide instantly exploded behind his shoulder.

Zhu Jin hovered above the pit, looking down from a high position, like a god looking down proudly.

"I ask you a question. If you answer it honestly, you might still survive."

Zhu Jin said in an indifferent tone: "What is the purpose of your Tianque entering Jinling this time? What is your relationship with Li Jun? Is your contact with him under instructions from the superiors, or is it your own behavior?"

"If you don't want to kill people, don't fight. Can you please be polite and ask questions?"

Shen Li was lying at the bottom of the pit in a twisted posture, his lips moving slightly: "I entered Jinling this time because..."

"For what?" Zhu Jin lowered his height slightly.

"To find your mother to give you a younger brother."

Shen Li, whose face was stained with blood, suddenly grinned: "If you don't like it, as a father, I think my sister is fine."

Zhu Jin tilted his head, "You like to be a tough guy? No problem. When the Liu family seals the seal, even the toughest bones will be broken into dregs."

"Brother, Brother Li, Master Li. If you don't come here, I will really be left here today!"

Shen Li murmured to himself, but his vision blurred by blood suddenly saw a black lightning passing through the air!

"You're finally here!"

Before Zhu Jin's laughter fell, it was suddenly replaced by a heart-rending scream.

Shen Li at the bottom of the pit could see clearly that Zhu Jin's two arms were instantly broken at shoulder level. The fractures were as smooth as a mirror, as if they had been chopped by a sharp weapon.

Countless flames erupted, a massive sea of ​​fire exploded over the long street, and rolled towards the black figure overwhelmingly.

"The Mechanical Heart Holy Infant, Overclocked"

The roar of rushing out of the sea of ​​fire was immediately interrupted by a continuous muffled sound of fists and kicks. Then Shen Li, who couldn't see clearly the situation of the battle, only heard a few sonorous and sharp sounds like a sword being unsheathed.


A dark red blood streak fell from the air and landed on Shen Li's face.

"This is."

Shen Li stared blankly, and saw that the spectacular sea of ​​​​fire was dissipating little by little, and large pieces of dark red blood that were chopped into little finger lengths fell down.

"What are you still lying here looking at?"

Li Jun's doubtful voice rang in his ears. Shen Li turned a deaf ear and murmured to himself: "Is it gone now?"

"Why is it gone?"

Shen Li looked gloomy, "It's nothing, it's just that my future is gone."

I'll go to hell with your mother's solo martial arts! !

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