Cyber Daming

Chapter 537: Few Awakeners, Many Fools (5)

On the altar, the majestic and solemn statue of Maoshan Patriarch was smashed into pieces and rolled to the ground.

Zhang Changfeng rested his back on the remaining feet of the statue, and Ji sat in a pool of blood. The armor on his chest was in pieces, and the rolled wounds exposed the bones. His head was hanging down and his hair was disheveled, motionless.


The soles of the shoes stepped on the armor fragments scattered on the ground, making a sharp sound like knives and axes.

Li Jun rushed into the hall after chasing him, but a burst of ancient palace merchants' voices suddenly sounded in his ears. What’s even more weird is that the source of this sound is Zhang Changfeng’s heaving chest!

The six Confucian arts, ritual and music? !


The 10-foot-high altar was completely blown to pieces by Li Jun's punch. The rubble in the smoke and dust flew in all directions like bullets, making a frightening whooshing sound.

The unusual touch of the fist startled Li Jun, and he turned around suddenly, just in time to meet a pair of terrifying eyes as black as ink.

If Zhang Changfeng who was outside the hall just now gave people the impression of a pure and strong flesh and blood warrior, then at this moment he was as dirty as a pool of turbid sewage, and the disgusting rotten smell rushed directly to Li Jun's forehead.


The two ink armors inadvertently ejected sharp blades from their elbows, and the warriors close to them simultaneously slashed with their swords.

The flying fire points flew between the two pairs of eyes that almost collided with each other, and the sonorous explosion was no less than the roaring thunder outside the palace.

Zhang Changfeng, who looked like he was seriously injured and dying just now, was extremely brave at this time, attacking with sword, fist, elbow and knee alternately. The two tempered martial arts were as powerful as a surge, and they cooperated with each other on offense and defense, trying to suppress Li Jun's sharp and sharp power.

However, although the pressure in front of him was not small, it was still not as powerful as the overwhelming power above his head that was about to crush him.

The Taoist ancestor has reached the sky, and the thunder sword has touched the top of the palace.

This is what really makes Li Jun feel troublesome!


After a barbaric exchange of swords without any fancy, the two entangled figures bounced back.

Li Jun, who had just stood firm, had a fierce look in his eyes. He rushed forward first, holding the knife in both arms and slashing hard, and the sharp force wrapped around the blade and poured out. The two swords that Zhang Changfeng held up and crossed instantly shattered, his figure suddenly sank, and the floor tiles under his feet exploded into powder.

With a clang sound of being sheathed, Li Jun suddenly retracted the dagger in his left hand into his elbow, stretched out his arm and clasped Zhang Changfeng's shoulder. At the same time, he stepped forward to seize the position. He held the knife in his right hand and rotated it around his arm, slashing hard!


The surging sharp force broke armor and bones. Zhang Changfeng's forearm was broken at the elbow and thrown into the air.

The blood spurted out all over Li Jun's face, but it was like water flowing into strong oil, and the ferocity between his brows suddenly boiled. The knife in the palm did not stop for a moment, then turned into an inverted position, stabbing Zhang Changfeng's lower jaw from bottom to top.

At this critical moment of rebellion, the bronze chimes and zithers played overlappingly, and a murderous intention rushed out of Zhang Changfeng's body.

His eyes immediately turned black and red, and he actually raised his remaining right hand to cover the incoming sharp blade.


The edge of the blade pierced the palm of the hand, and the sharp edge that stopped was only a hair's breadth away from the neck.

Zhang Changfeng roared loudly, abruptly broke the dagger in his hand, stretched out his hand to grab Li Jun's front, and at the same time, like a wild beast, he raised his severed arm with exposed bones and stubble and thrust it straight into the opponent's door.


At this moment, the thunderclouds that had been gathering momentum in the sky finally couldn't be restrained.

The golden dome of the Taoist palace was shattered by the thunder and flew away in the lightning, revealing the big star in the night sky like a torch, shining brightly with the moon.

Broken idols, collapsed temples, whistling fist winds, fighting figures, the thunder and rain of immortals, the blood and bones of warriors

In the midst of a breathtaking and paradoxical scene, a suona sound that is extremely vulgar but equally overbearing rises into the sky, setting off a blazing fire-like aura.

"You're the only one who can fucking play music?! Fuck!"

The nearby magic sound poured into his mind, and the dark pupils in Zhang Changfeng's eyes suddenly trembled, and his frantic life-changing movements were momentarily delayed.

In contrast, it was Li Jun's fierce offensive.

He dropped his elbow and punched, raised his knee and hit his face, broke the bones with his left hand, and stabbed the knife into his throat with his right hand.


Li Jun punched Zhang Changfeng hard in the face, and his downward punch knocked the opponent out of the deep pit along with the ground.

The broken armor was mixed with rotten flesh and blood, the eyeballs that had been crushed into paste were left with only a pair of black holes, and the mutilated limbs and armor were twitching constantly at the bottom of the pit.

Li Jun raised his fist again and went straight to his heart.

This time, there was no obstacle before Fengrui.

When the fist fell, the ancient music and the heartbeat went out together.

[Get 100 mastery points]

[382 mastery points remaining]

[The earth body has been learned after the fourth level of body training (taotie intake)]

[Consumption of 300 mastery points will increase the body of Houtu to the fourth level to perfection]

[Wanli Guanshan (Forging Martial Arts) has been obtained]


A terrifyingly thick thunder dragon fell from the sky, and the vast thunder light instantly submerged the entire Taoist temple.

"It should be over, right?"

In the wind and rain, Liu Tu looked at the wreckage with billowing fog in front of him, and whispered to himself: "You can challenge the entire Guanyun Temple alone, and you can also bring a martial artist who has tempered two martial arts to be buried with you. Li Jun, you are honored to die."

"Who dies and who is honored?"

As soon as Liu Tu finished speaking, a hoarse rhetorical question floated out of the fog.

In the mist that obscured his eyes, a figure wrapped with electric arcs loomed, and his slowly straightening back was like a sharp sword inserted into Liu Tu's heart.

"Guo Qiu!"

Liu Tu, whose face was as pale as paper, shouted sharply.

The Taoist in Qingyi, who was almost drained by the Taozu's magic weapon, lowered his head and took a staggering step. The next moment, he was on all fours like a wild beast, running wildly into the mist.


A flash of crimson flames exploded, and the fire tornado was two feet high, burning the cold rain in the sky into an even more majestic sea of ​​white mist.

The activated talismans shot out one after another and fell on the surrounding buildings, burning the entire Taoist temple into a sea of ​​fire.

Liu Tu held his breath and stared straight ahead, the flames reflected in his eyes rippling.


The rising flames were torn apart by the wind of fists. Li Jun walked out slowly in the light of the fire, casually brushing away the remaining flames on the tiger head and shoulder armor.


Liu Tu exhaled heavily, as if his spine had been ripped out of his body. He smiled bitterly, shook his head, and cursed for the first time.

"I didn't expect you to overturn the table in the end, so damn unlucky."

"Since you have such strength, why did you still cooperate with me in the first place?"

Liu Tu clenched his hands into fists, looked at the approaching figure, and roared angrily: "Why do you want to drag me into the water?"

"If I said I was just a hair away from death, would you believe me?"

"Almost? What's the difference? Did Zhang Changfeng break free of the seal before he died? Or was Guo Qiu overdrawn by Daozu's magic weapon and the power of his self-destruction was not enough?"

Liu Tu was furious and did not hide the unwillingness in his eyes.

"Don't look so hysterical and embarrassed. I think you can afford to lose."

Li Jun walked up to Liu Tu and raised his arm slightly.

Liu Tu was startled and subconsciously wanted to lower his head to dodge, but found that the other party just put his arm around his shoulders.

"It's over, let's go."

The two people, who were supposed to see life and death immediately, actually walked side by side towards the foot of Lion Rock like old friends.

The cold wind blew around him and the cold rain hit his face. When he walked through the collapsed mountain gate and passed the plaque that looked like a tombstone, Liu Tu's empty and absent eyes finally came into focus.

There were no loud curses or whispered pleas for mercy.

The noble-born and powerful Ruxu just sighed heavily and turned his head to look at the warrior next to him who had exceeded his expectations time and time again.

"Although I know this is nonsense, I still want to ask, do you want me to die?" Liu Tu asked with a bitter smile.

"There is no reason for you to live."

Li Jun smiled and said: "From the first time we met, all we had in mind was the idea of ​​seeking skin from a tiger. It was nothing more than seeing who was more ruthless and evil, and who could have the last laugh. If I don't go to Lion Rock tonight, what will happen later? I should be the one who dies, right?"

"It really goes with the old saying, you can always walk by the river without getting your shoes wet. This time, you are really awesome!"

Liu Tu was silent for a moment before slowly speaking, his expression full of frustration.

No wonder he was like this. He finally waited until his father was willing to let go of Liu Clan's position as the head of the clan. His younger brother, who he considered a serious nuisance, was also attacked by a powerful enemy seeking revenge. He had the advantage and initiative in the entire situation in his hands.

But at the final moment when the dragon was about to be slayed, someone suddenly overturned the entire chessboard, leaving no more moves.

Anyone else would probably not be able to accept it easily.

"I'm really unwilling." Liu Tu looked up to the sky and sighed.

"The outcome is already determined. It's useless to be unwilling. Don't trade anything with me anymore. I won't accept that trick. If you want to die with dignity, you should make less detours. If you want to cry, cry if you want. If you want to scold, then scold. , tell me something sincerely after venting."

Liu Tu, who seemed to have resigned himself to his fate, lowered his head and calmly asked, "Is there anything else you can say sincerely?"

"Yes, you at least have something true to say to me."

Li Jun raised his eyes and looked at the bright lights at the foot of the mountain, and said slowly: "I heard Gu Xi mentioned before that you were actually born as early as the Longwu period, but you were raised as an embryo for twenty years. Your father, Liu Jinxun, chose to give birth to you only after he was sure that he had no hope of further advancement in his career and that heirs were no longer a hindrance. But Liu Dian was lucky enough to not have experienced your two decades of darkness and death. , don’t you have any resentment in your heart?”

"Kill me and my brothers, and also kill my father. Li Jun, have you always been so greedy?"

Liu Tu laughed loudly, almost crying.

"I wasn't greedy before, because if I was greedy, I would die. Now I want to be greedy, because if I wasn't greedy, I would die."

Liu Tu, whose lips turned blue, did not answer directly, but asked with a smile: "Li Jun, can you answer my question honestly? Did you come to Jinling just to avenge Su Ce?"

Li Jun smiled and asked, "Isn't it the same?"

"I didn't think it was the case before, but now I think it is."

Liu Tu said in a sincere tone: "If I could have known you earlier, maybe we would not have become enemies, but instead would have become good friends."

Li Jun nodded: "You can give it a try in your next life."

"Then don't flip the table again in your next life, at least let me win once."

"Then why don't you join me in martial arts training? I'll teach you how to flip the table with you, roll up your sleeves and slap them in the face. This kind of thing is very enjoyable. I guarantee you will be addicted once."

"It's a deal!"

Liu Tu raised his hand and patted the armored arm on his shoulder, and said with a hint of begging: "To be honest, I did hate him, but I still don't want to betray my biological father. . I have lost, so let’s leave a good name for myself.”

"Okay." Li Jun answered neatly.

Liu Tu narrowed his eyes, looking relieved.

"Then before you send me on my way, can you give me a little more time to listen to me tell a boring story? I have worn the mask of a hypocrite for a long time, and many times I have forgotten how to tell people my heart. These things have been weighing on my heart for many years. If you can't spit it out quickly, the journey to Huangquan will be very tiring. "

"You tell me, I'll listen."

On the windy and dark mountain road, warriors in armor and scholars in Confucian shirts stood side by side.

It's going down the mountain, and it's also seeing off.

"I actually don't want to be a Confucian scholar, not even a first-class Confucian scholar. In a Confucian scholar's family, the father is afraid of his son's struggle for power, and the younger brother is afraid of his brother's gain, conspiracy, suspicion, what kind of story Everything can happen. But who I am is determined by my genes, not my choice, so I cherish this life after coming to this world."

"In order to survive, I studied hard day and night, and was promoted to the rank without relying on the Six Arts Chip. After I became an official, I was even more willing to suffer any hardships, and I was willing to do any dirty things. The dirty things were contrary to Confucian teachings. I have done almost everything. Bullying superiors and subordinates, deceiving and framing people, these are all very common. I even hypnotized and brainwashed a third-class noble into believing that I was a pen and paper or an inkstone. It’s the Golden House and Yan Ruyu in the book. One by one, if I were to spread it out, I wouldn’t be able to finish it until dawn.

"Later, I relied on the brand of Mr. Liu Clan to gain a foothold in the Six Ministries of Jinling. I gathered many Confucian officials under my command and asked them to advocate for me and create a clean and upright official reputation. I longed to be able to wear vermilion one day. Official robes, walking into the real temple, becoming the third official of Xu, or even becoming the leader of a party like Zhang Fengyue, leaving my name Liu Tu in the history of the Ming Empire with my own hands, and imprinting my life on the people of the world. forever in my mind!”

"But looking back now, all this was just blown away by the rain and the wind."

Liu Tu sighed: "Now I miss the dark twenty years you mentioned, undisturbed and quiet. If I had the chance, I would rather become an ordinary Buddhist and not learn to enter the world or learn to be born in the world. I enjoy bliss in my own Buddhist kingdom, and don’t expect to go to hell after death. I just want to spend this life leisurely.”

Li Jun shook his head and said: "The current Buddha's order will not be born."

"So the world is now a nest of snakes and rats, colluding with each other!"

At this point, Liu Tu's steps suddenly stopped, his arms spread out, and he roared into the wind. "Father, do you really think that by betting on the Spring and Autumn Festival, you can take a step forward in the Liu family? You are wrong, you are absolutely wrong! When faced with extreme difficulties, you need to be bold. Why are you so bold? Can you overcome all difficulties by being bold?! Liu Dian It’s a disaster, not a chance!”

Liu Tu turned his head to look at Li Jun, smiled and said, "Let my brother come down and accompany me."

Li Jun suddenly became silent, his right hand suddenly reached out, and the cold light went straight into his neck!

A ferocious-looking head rose into the sky, fell down the mountain road, and rolled into the wind and rain.

"Master Ma, why do you think the sect Wu Xu lost so miserably back then?"

Li Jun held a lit cigarette in his palm with his bloody thumb and index finger. He took a deep breath and asked in confusion.

"What fathers and sons, brothers and brothers do in today's sects are no different from the sects back then."

Vicissitudes of words floated out of red eyes. At this moment, countless sparks suddenly flew up from the foot of Lion Rock. After swaying into the sky, they exploded into pale "Dian" characters.

The soul returns.

The cry of grief filled the sky and could be clearly heard even on the top of the mountain.

The Ghost Festival is here, and the gate of hell opens.

Are the wandering souls willing to return home? Li Jun didn't know and wasn't interested in knowing.

He flicked the cigarette butt, which was about to burn out. As soon as it flew up, it was wetted by raindrops and shot down, and then was crushed by the footsteps going down the mountain.

After killing the people on the mountain, there are also people at the bottom of the mountain.

"You Tianque want me to learn from Lu Ning? You don't have the qualifications yet!"

In the Liu family's residence on Taiping Street, in the three-entry courtyard with gray bricks and gray tiles, angry curses came from the study that was of great significance to the entire Liu clan.

"I'm sitting here now, Liu Jinxun, what qualifications do you have to talk to me? You can learn from me. Could it be that Lu Ning can kill his son, but you can't?"

"You two old immortals are so shameless that you sneaked into my Liu family just to stand up for the lone martial arts leader? Do you know that you are setting yourself on fire, digging graves for Tianque and the entire remaining sect martial arts with your own hands?! "

"In the worst case, there will be another world division of martial arts. Who is afraid of whom? I have lived shamelessly until now, just because I don't want the sect's martial arts to become extinct. Now that the fire has appeared, it is natural for us old bones to be used as firewood."

"I can stay out of this matter, but Liu Dian cannot die."

"It's true that the emperor loves the eldest son, and the people love the youngest son. But we have come to the door today. Who do you think you can hide what you have done?"

"What do you mean?!"

"While you were hinting to your younger son Liu Dian that you should be bold when faced with all odds, you also handed over Zhang Changfeng, who was stamped with the Confucian order, to your older son Liu Tu as your trump card. What do you have in mind that you still need me to tell you?"

".I really underestimated you Tianque."

"It's not Tianque, it's Zhang Changfeng. He's not a coward. Two ambitious sons who have gradually lost control have died, so that you can continue to control the entire Liu family safely. Liu Jinxun, you have already made a lot of money."

"Earn? Hahahaha."

Outside the Liu family's house, which suddenly became silent, the white shadows of the word "甸" were projected all over the street, like lanterns floating in the night rain.

One of the lanterns flew over the towering eaves of the house and stayed on the window lattice for a moment, like a person raising his hand to knock, but in the midst of the indistinguishable joy or bitter smile, he chose to slide out of the window and fly into the sky.

The most ruthless scholar, his lonely soul never returns home.

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