Cyber Daming

Chapter 539: Few are awake, many are foolish (End)

Jinling City, Datong Street, Gu's residence.

The night is deep and the lights are bright.

Tonight is the Ghost Festival, and as usual, all members of the Gu family will gather in the ancestral hall on the third floor to pay homage to their ancestors under the leadership of the patriarch Gu Zhiwei.

At such a solemn moment, solemn sacrificial sounds should be heard in the house, and incense paper should be burned and soul flags hung to guide the ancestors.

But at this time, the ground in front of the gate of the house was in a mess. Two vermilion doors shattered and collapsed, and an unrecognizable corpse lay among the long knives with broken blades and yellow-orange bullets.

In the noisy wind and rain, a lonely figure slowly approached. The soaked clothes were wrapped around his body, and his messy bun was close to his scalp. The hands that stretched out the sleeves were pale, and he was holding a long black square card. Like a wild ghost returning from the netherworld.

Lifting his feet to cross the high threshold, Gu Xi did not choose to take the sedan chair, but slowly climbed up the towering steps between floors.

The Gu family's house is not very high, with only three floors, which is ordinary in the huge Jinling City. However, for such a long journey, Gu Xi walked very slowly.

The spotless white marble steps that had been scrubbed by servants in the past were now stained with a sticky layer of blood, and a brighter red liquid was still flowing down from the upstairs.

With every ups and downs of Gu Xi's steps, a scarlet blood streak would appear on the soles of her shoes. He slowly and carefully adjusted his collar and tied the loose hair back to the top of his head.

After walking this bloody road, at the end is the ancestral hall that is very important to the Gu family.

At this time, in front of the gate of the ancestral hall, there were expected corpses everywhere. A dozen dead men with seals with the word "Liu" in their eyes were like a pack of wolves, and the men, women, old and children surrounded in the middle were like a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered, rustling. trembling.

Gu Xi's appearance caused a stir, and dozens of complicated eyes looked over, including fear, worry, shock, and most of all, sudden and intense joy.

If the instigator of all this is really Gu Xi, then after tonight they will become the master of chicken and dog, and they will rise from being ignored members of the branch to being the powerful ones of the Gu family.

The various forms of human nature are right in front of you, but Gu Xi just smiled, nodded slightly towards the crowd, and then walked through the crowd towards the ancestral hall.

Just when he was about to cross the ancestral hall, Gu Xi suddenly turned around and waved to a young boy with a young face in the crowd.

Scared by the previous massacre, the young man who was hiding in the arms of his elders was pushed hard out before he could understand what Gu Xi meant, and he stumbled to stand in front of Gu Xi.


The young man lowered his head, his voice filled with uncontrollable fear and crying.

"Come on, don't be afraid. Go in with uncle to offer incense to the ancestors."

Gu Xi spoke softly, holding the boy with his free left hand, and walked into the depths of the ancestral hall together.

In front of the altar that enshrines the memorial tablets of the ancestors of the Gu family, Gu Zhiwei, a highly educated person, has been waiting for a long time.

"Why are you doing this?"

The blood of his closest relatives was slaughtered overnight, and the octogenarian had lost all his energy. Like a withered piece of rotten wood, he slumped in a chair and looked at Gu Xi who walked in expressionlessly.

"Why can't I do this?"

Gu Xi had a puzzled expression on her face and asked: "Since it is a dead end anyway, why can't I trade this life for something better?"

"Why can't we survive in a desperate situation? How can what you are doing now be worthy of the ancestors in front of you?"

Gu Zhiwei's deeply furrowed face showed deep hatred, and he roared with a trembling voice.

As if feeling something, the spiritual statues all over the wall trembled for a moment. Figures of old and young all appeared together, glaring at Gu Xi with lowered eyes, and shouted: "How dare you, the traitor?!"

The young man standing next to Gu Xi had already gone weak when he saw Gu Zhiwei. At this moment, his ancestor appeared in front of him. The unspeakable fear instantly destroyed his defenses, and he was about to kneel down while trembling. land.

"Stand still, don't kneel."

With a gloomy face, Gu Xi grabbed the kneeling boy. As he waved his sleeves, a gust of evil wind blew up in the ancestral hall, blowing all the spiritual tablets on the altar to the ground, and the densely packed figures in the air also disappeared.


The spiritual tablet with gold characters on a black background fell at Gu Zhiwei's feet. He suddenly stood up from his chair, raised his halberd and pointed it at Gu Xi, "You are a bastard who has forgotten all the scriptures and lost his conscience!"

"Since you all think that I am a rebellious son and a beast, from now on I will no longer worship you, and your Huangliang Dreamland will no longer need to exist in the future."

After Gu Xi finished speaking, a rustling sound suddenly sounded in the ancestral hall.

The fallen tablets revealed jars hidden behind them. The brains soaked in them twitched and squirmed uneasily, stirring up a series of fine bubbles.

"Did you see it? Our ancestors are more scared than you."

Gu Xi pinched the young man's neck so that he could not lower his head and could only stare at the strange scene in front of him. He bent down, put his mouth close to the young man's ear, and whispered: "Their existence is not for you to kneel down and worship, but for you to brainwash and control future generations. They are the ancestors of the Gu family, but they are also tools to take advantage of. "

Gu Xi raised her hand and pointed at Gu Zhiwei, "But you must not imitate him. He is just an example of failure."

Gu Zhiwei's eyes finally fell on the young man, with a contemptuous sneer on his evil ghost-like face: "So eager to train a successor for yourself? Gu Xi, you have worked so hard to win the position of head of the family. If you sit here by yourself, you have to leave it to an outsider?"

"He is not an outsider. He is my nephew and I am his uncle." Gu Xi said seriously, enunciating each word.

How absurd, how ironic.

Gu Zhiwei's face suddenly turned pale, and as his body swayed, the ancient crown on his head fell to the ground, and an unspeakable bitterness filled his heart.

He and Gu Xi had the same relationship, but Gu Xi's choice was contrary to his.

"You are taking revenge on me." The old man looked depressed and murmured in a low voice.

"Shouldn't I take revenge on you?"

Gu Xi said coldly: "Aren't the things I did obvious enough?"

"If I hadn't forced you to return to Chengdu County and forced you to die for the family"

The old man closed his eyes and his expression was bleak.

"You are my uncle. If I had not been forced, how could I dare not respect you and not love you?"

Gu Xi's eyes suddenly turned red: "I don't want to pursue why my biological parents died. I am grateful for being born and growing up."

"I learned to read and write in this house, and was promoted to the order. I calmly entered the family's dream and accepted brainwashing, forcing myself to be proud of the surname "Gu". In Chengdu County, I worked day and night, worked hard, and did my best to support the entire family, just to be able to hold my head high in this house one day, and even bless my relatives! But when I really returned home in glory, passed the middle gate, and entered the ancestral hall, you told me openly that you jumped back into the fire pit yourself! Tell me, this is the right death!"

Gu Xi took a deep breath, looked up at the dome of the ancestral hall, and asked: "Uncle, have I, Gu Xi, ever done anything wrong?"

"Yes." Gu Zhi said in a low voice like a mosquito.

"Have I ever brought shame to the family?"

"No one in the younger generation of the Gu family can compare to you."

Gu Xi lowered his head and stared at the old man: "Why is it such a result?"

"I was wrong."

"It's too late."

Gu Xi shook his head and walked towards the altar.

When passing by, Gu Zhiwei saw that he was holding a tablet with his name written on it.

"Is it mine?"

"It's mine."

After placing the tablet on the altar, Gu Xi turned around suddenly, raised his hand to his shoulder, and spit out a cold gun muzzle from his palm.


A bullet pierced Gu Zhiwei's eyebrows and shattered his entire head.

"You don't deserve it."

As the headless body fell to the ground, the turmoil in the Gu family tonight finally came to an end.

Gu Xi sat in Gu Zhiwei's chair, with the gun across his knees, looking lost.

"Uncle, what's wrong with you?"

The boy came to his senses and carefully walked around the body on the ground, half-crouched beside Gu Xi's hand, and looked at him with concern.

"Nothing, just a little tired." Gu Xi patted his head gently. "Then uncle, you have a good rest, I will guard you here." Gu Xi turned his head and looked deeply at the boy sitting on the ground, and suddenly laughed out loud. "Are you afraid of what happened today?" "Yes." The boy answered very straightforwardly. "Are you still afraid now?" "Yes." "What are you afraid of?" "I am afraid of the wind and rain outside." "It will stop." Gu Xi's eyes were relieved. The boy looked up: "Uncle, when will it stop?" "Wait until those who stir up trouble decide the winner, the life and death, and the rain will stop." The boy nodded as if he understood. The conversation stopped here, and Gu Xi looked into the distance with a calm look. Under Lion Mountain, there is a banquet hidden in a residential building. The thundering sound on the top of the mountain in the distance has stopped. Liu Dian, who was sitting on the sofa, has an expression of joy and surprise on his face, and regret and anger alternate, which is complicated for a while. He was happy to get the news from the Spring and Autumn Association that Liu Tu and Li Jun appeared at Lion Mountain at the same time. If two tigers fight, one will die.

He was shocked that the Spring and Autumn Association asked him to leave Jinling City now and return to the Japanese area immediately. The meeting would arrange people to meet him outside the city.

It was a pity that the situation had taken such a dramatic turn. He now had the opportunity to eliminate internal and external troubles in one fell swoop and become the only heir of the Liu family.

He was furious that the Spring and Autumn Association made it clear that if he did not leave, he would be killed.

What surprised Liu Dian even more was his father's silence. Since the conversation in the study that day, the head of the Liu family has not made any moves.

And as far as Liu Dian knew, Zhang Changfeng, a Tianque warrior who should have been imprisoned in the family, appeared in the Guanyun Temple of Lion Mountain according to the information of the Spring and Autumn Association, and had received the Confucian Seal of his brother.

This made Liu Dian start to worry about what his father was thinking.

After a moment of silence, Liu Dian decided to choose to believe the Spring and Autumn Association.

"Let's go, out of the city!"

With his mind made up, Liu Dian no longer hesitated and walked out of the banquet hall with his guards.

A black carriage was parked on the side of the road, and a subordinate had already opened the door and was waiting with an umbrella.

Liu Dian was about to get into the car when a shout suddenly came.


Liu Dian looked in the direction of the voice, and the light from the crane-head street lamp on the street was formed into a ball of light by the heavy rain, illuminating a sharp-edged face.

It was Lei Yao, whom he had sent to the middle courtyard to ambush!

Liu Dian straightened his back, looked at Lei Yao standing in the rain, and smiled: "Brother Yao, why did you come back alone?"

Lei Yao said nothing and walked slowly towards Liu Dian.

"Is the matter done? Or did you not do it at all?"


The eyes of the guards around Liu Dian trembled, and the word "Liu" slowly appeared in the depths of their pupils. The knife in his hand was unsheathed, the gun was loaded, and the surging killing intent rushed towards the approaching Lei Yao.


The smile on Liu Dian's face slowly faded, and he looked at the other party coldly.

Still not getting back, Liu Dian's face became increasingly fierce and he shouted in a low voice: "Kill!"

The moment the words were spoken, the bodyguard who was ready to attack had already rushed out.

At the same time, Liu Dian suddenly turned around and got into the car, shouting hurriedly: "Let's go quickly."


Wu Zui let out a low roar, and the flying tires kicked up inches of sewage. Just when he was about to run away, the rear of the car suddenly tilted up.


A tall figure stood in front of the car, and his fist smashed the entire front of the car into pieces.

The pale-faced Liu Dian jumped out of the car, and the moment he landed, the gun was pointed in front of him.

As far as the eye can see, except for the falling raindrops and dim street lights, there is no enemy at all.

"This is the master's order, and there is nothing I can do about it."

A deep voice rang in his ears, a cold breath hit the back of his neck, and the hairs all over Liu Dian's body suddenly stood up.

"I consider you a brother."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Dian felt that the sky was spinning, and the ground turned into a dark sky very close at hand. His eyes flew up to the sky along with the raindrops.

"I also consider you a brother."


A raging fire exploded from Wu Zhai's remains. Lei Yao squatted next to Liu Dian's head, raised his knife and cut off the bones and took out the brain.

After a while, Lei Yao stood up, carried a one-foot-square metal box behind his back, and walked toward Nancheng.

During the Hungry Ghost Festival, the streets were filled with gray-white "Dian" characters. The signboards of the surrounding shops no longer glowed brightly with neon lights as before, and were completely dark.

In the corners covered by the eaves, there are iron basins that have been burnt black, with ashes piled up inside. Occasionally, you can see red fragments that have not been burned out. These are Ming Dynasty treasure notes burned to the deceased.

Suddenly, the gray-white Chinese characters projected in the air ignited out of thin air and transformed into floating red night lights. It spreads from the streets to the alleys, stretching as far as the eye can see.

The midnight hour is almost over, and every household is lighting the way back for the deceased.

Just when the wind blew, the ashes in the basin rolled up in the wind, and the sobs sounded like people crying in a low voice.

How can a ghost who has been released from seclusion be separated from his family again? How can he not cry?

A dull red light filled the streets, and sudden lively sounds flooded into Lei Yao's ears. Many illusory figures appeared on the originally deserted streets, bustling and crowded.

These projected souls stood in front of their own night lights, with sad expressions and silent words to themselves.

Voices echoed in the darkened house, saying that their families are well and don't worry about them. If there is something missing underground, let me know in your dream.

Lei Yao turned a blind eye to these, without squinting his eyes, and walked steadily through the crowded ghost figures.

Suddenly a human face popped out, the raised eyebrows were as sharp as a sword, and the sharp eyes were like a lone wolf.

"Lei Yao?"

"Li Jun!"

The evil wind slapped his face, and Lei Yao leaned back almost by instinct, and a whip leg wrapped in armor brushed the tip of his nose and swept over.

Lei Yao's figure suddenly jumped up, and he struck Li Jun's throat and heart with his hands like knives.

Fists and feet collided constantly, and explosions occurred one after another.

"Martial arts training?"

"Internal strength of body technique?"

"You have also tempered two martial arts?!"

"The flesh and blood are not rotten, so you are not sealed, so you are willing to be a dog?!"

boom! boom!

The two people who exchanged kicks swung back, without a moment's pause, and immediately bumped into each other again.

The tide of ghosts and ghosts is mixed with a series of thunderous footsteps, the ground is shaking and cracked, the paper money basin is blown over by the strong wind, the red floating lantern suddenly goes out, and the window glass is shattered by flying stones. Message from family members who stopped.

A contemptuous sneer, a shocked roar, the clanging mechanical armor, and the fleeting flash of sharp knives.

At the end of the hour, all the commotion finally ended with a painful groan.

Lei Yao sat slumped on the ground, a broken blade inserted into his heart, and bright red blood dripped to the ground.

He slowly took off the metal square box from his back, placed it in front of him, and murmured in his mouth.

"The master asked me to take your brain home to help you survive from death. I really treat you as a brother."


Li Jun's face was full of anger, and he stepped down, crushing the box containing Liu Dian's brain to pieces.

[Get 100 mastery points]

[182 mastery points remaining]

[Fourth-grade Shenfa Hongsheng Step has been learned (Taotie intake)]

The ugly son has arrived, the gate of ghosts has been closed, and the entire Jinling City has returned to the human world from ghosts.

The bright neon lights of the past lit up again, and the colorful colors shone on the warrior's broken armor.

"Master Ma."


A tired voice came from the red eyes.

"It's good that you're not dead."

Li Jun stretched out his palm, which was no longer covered by armor, and looked up at the sky where the stars and moon were getting brighter.

"The rain has stopped."

"I lost."

In the Gu family ancestral hall, Gu Xi suddenly sat upright. There were shouts of surprise outside the ancestral hall. It turned out that the wolf-like and tiger-like soldiers who died in the seal fell to the ground and expired inexplicably.

"Uncle, what did you say?"

The young man's tone was panicked, and tears welled up in his trembling eyes.

"The rain outside has stopped. Tell me, are you still afraid now?"

Gu Xi spoke softly and looked down at the young man.

"I'm not afraid anymore, I really am not afraid anymore."

The young man shook his head desperately, his hands tentatively trying to grab Gu Xi's sleeves, but in the end he hugged a chair leg tightly.

"Promise me that you will never give outsiders any chance in the future, and you must keep our Gu family, remember?"

The young man responded with a cry: "I remember."

Gu Xi nodded with satisfaction, but suddenly his face turned cold and he shouted sternly: "Don't cry. Can crying help you survive? Get out!"



Under the fierce gaze, the young man escaped from the ancestral hall and staggered into the arms of his family.


A gunshot suddenly erupted, and the expressions of the Gu family, who had been smiling just now, suddenly changed, and they stared blankly at the solemn ancestral hall in front of them where the gunshots were rolling.

The ghost goes where it needs to go.

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