Cyber Daming

Chapter 544 Taoist Official

Jiangxi Province, Guangxin Prefecture, Shangrao County.

Unlike other states and counties in the empire, time here seems to have stopped in the Chongzhen and ZTE eras, and has not changed with the two technological waves. There are no high-rise buildings and neon lights in the city. Looking at it, it is all antique brick and stone buildings. .

After a night of heavy rain, puddles of water could be seen everywhere on the bluestone roads in the old city. People who had woken up early were walking through the muddy streets wearing robes of different styles. The voices of people gradually became louder, and the air was filled with the tempting scent of breakfast bars. fragrance.

"Businessman, I'll give you one yuan as a favor."

Among the steamers piled up like a hill, the vendor waved away the steam that covered his eyes. He could not help but look embarrassed when he saw clearly that a Ming Dynasty treasure banknote was handed to him.

"Householder, could you please change that to Immortal Yuan?"


Xie Bian bit the hot bun, raised the banknotes in front of his eyes, looked around, and asked in confusion: "Is there something wrong with this money?"

"of course not."

The vendor waved his hands repeatedly and hurriedly explained: "This is the latest regulation just promulgated in the city this morning. From tonight on, we can only accept immortal yuan, not treasure notes."

"Who gave the order to not accept treasure money, only immortal yuan?"

Xie Bian raised his eyebrows: "It can't be the government office, right?"

"This is not something that villains can know. Anyway, we will do whatever is arranged by the superiors."

The vendor smiled and said: "After the morning meal, I will take all the treasure notes in my hand to Cangsong Temple and exchange them for immortal yuan. The Taoist priests said that if I exchange them today, I can get an extra hundred treasure notes." It’s 20% more immortal yuan. If we go after today, it won’t be such a good thing.”

"You, layman, hurry up and exchange it. I heard that from now on this treasure banknote can no longer be used in our Guangxin Mansion. If one day the Taoist priests don't exchange it, the treasure banknote in your hand will become a pile of white paper." Yet?"

"Ah, thanks for reminding me."

Xie Bian, who was deep in thought, suddenly came back to his senses, put the treasure banknote in his hand back into his sleeve, took out a green banknote with the image of the Sanqing Taoist Patriarch and handed it over.

"Thank you, layman."

The vendor clasped his hands in front of his chest, with his left hand clasping his right hand, and made a hand-over salute towards Xie Bi'an, which in Taoism means 'punishing evil and promoting good'.

Xie Bi'an nodded in greeting, stepped into the crowd, swallowed the buns in his hand, and raised his hand to lift the hood on his head, revealing short white hair and a pair of handsome, frowning features.

He looked at the shops on both sides of the street and found that almost all the merchants were smiling and explaining something to the customers who came in. Some even put up a sign saying "Only Xian Yuan" at the door.

Among the crowds that were far more crowded than usual, passers-by with vigilant expressions could be seen everywhere, holding the cuffs of their Taoist robes tightly with both hands, and walking hurriedly towards the north of the city.

Cangsongguan, which the vendors said could provide treasure banknote exchange, was located in the north of the city.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Xie Bi'an realized that not only the Guangxin Mansion, but also the fundamentals of all Taoist orders in the entire empire were about to change.

Xie Bi'an's footsteps stopped in front of a chain of monasteries called the 'Crane Scripture'.

As soon as I opened the door, the sound of loud chanting rang in my ears.

The flowing white mist flooded the entire first floor of the monastery, and many figures sitting cross-legged on futons could be vaguely seen. Occasionally, a face was revealed with a pious expression.

Xie Bi'an even saw many children with Taoist buns among these Taoist monks, shaking their heads at the feet of the shadow of Sanqing Taoist Patriarch. From time to time, their young facial features would show a transparent smile that showed their understanding of Taoism.

Although this was not the first time he had seen such a scene after staying in Guangxin Mansion for more than a month, Xie Bian still felt shuddering.

"Thank you, layman."

Hearing the warm greeting from behind, Xie Bian quickly dispelled the coldness in his eyes and looked back at the fat Taoist priest who was saluting him.

"Taoist Master Wu, the incense here is getting more and more prosperous. There are so many good people coming to practice Taoism so early."

"The weather is turbulent, and my Taoist sun is prosperous."

Taoist Wu's plump body made his Taoist robe bulge, and his big eyes could not hide the joy. "This is all thanks to the Taoist ancestors. The people of Shangrao County are becoming more and more devoted to Taoism." Pious."

"If this trend continues, by the time of this year's apprenticeship examination at Longhu Mountain, many outstanding Taoist seeds will emerge from your monastery."

Xie Bi'an joked: "When the time comes, your name, Taoist Master Wu, will be resounding throughout Shangrao County and even Guangxin Prefecture."

"It's all for the sake of bringing salvation to the people. I don't care whether I become famous or not. As long as I can give these believers a good destiny, I will be satisfied. After all, in the realm of Guangxin Prefecture, there is nothing if I don't learn Taoism." A way out, don’t you think?”

Although Wu Daoshi said this, the smile on his fat face became brighter and brighter. The layers of folds on his face made Xie Bian inexplicably think of the buns he had just eaten, and he suddenly felt disgusted.

"Can so many people have a destiny?"

"How is that possible? Immortals are not wild flowers and grass growing on the roadside. They can be seen everywhere."

Taoist Wu said matter-of-factly: "However, no matter whether there is a chance to become an immortal or not, one's heart towards Tao must not be compromised at all. Otherwise, if one offends the Tao Ancestor, he will never be able to turn around in his lifetime."

Xie Bi'an gave a thumbs up and praised: "Taoist Master Wu is indeed a righteous person. He is worthy of being an outstanding Jingshe Master in Shangrao County who has been commended by Longhu Mountain for several consecutive years. I really admire him for his broadmindedness and insight."

"Thank you for your praise, Master Xie. Today we still follow the same rules, secret room on the second floor?"

"That's for sure."

"No problem. The secret room you like has always been kept. No one will give it to you."

Wu Daoshi had a look of shame on his face and stopped talking: "It's just..."

"Master Wu, if you have something to say, you might as well say it directly."

"As you have seen, layman, recently there have been an especially large number of believers who want to enter the monastery to practice Taoism. However, the monastery in Pindao is only so big and cannot accommodate so many people. The secret room on the second floor with better equipment and environment is even more in demand. , many famous believers have said hello to Pindao, and they have to leave a secret room for them. The pressure on Pindao is also great."

Xie Bi'an smiled clearly: "Thank you, Taoist Master Wu, for taking the trouble. As long as the secret room is still there, the cost is not a problem. But I haven't had time to go to Cangsongguan to exchange money this morning. I don't have much immortal yuan on me. Can I use treasure banknotes?" Pay?”

"of course."

Taoist Wu quickly smiled and said: "According to the ratio of Cangsong Temple, your one hundred treasure notes will be equivalent to one hundred and twenty immortal dollars."

While talking, the two of them went up to the second floor of the monastery one after another.

In the secret room, Xie Bian stopped Taoist Wu who was about to leave and asked curiously: "By the way, Taoist Priest, why did the city suddenly stop accepting treasure money today?"

"You don't know?" Wu Taoist asked in surprise.

"I knew a little bit, but I didn't expect it to be so sudden."

Taoist Wu nodded: "It's really sudden. I only received the notice from the government official when I opened the door this morning."

"Taoist official?"

The fat Taoist priest who had just collected Xie Bian's double fee was particularly attentive. He opened the two windows with excellent sound insulation in the secret room, pointed out the window and said, "Look this way."

Opposite the window is the Shangrao County Government Office.

This is also the reason why Xie Bian often comes to this monastery under the guise of practicing Taoism.

But today, Xie Bian took a quick look and discovered something unusual. The people who came in and out of the government office were no longer officials from the imperial court, but Taoist priests wearing Longhushan Taoist robes.

"The immortals of Longhu Mountain have completely taken over the government. From now on, we will no longer listen to government orders, but the orders of the immortals."

Taoist Wu's face was full of joy, and his tone was full of joy.

"The order to recycle the treasure banknotes and exchange them for immortal yuan was issued by the Taoist officials in the government office."

"So that's it. That's really a good thing."

Xie Bian agreed, but his heart suddenly sank.

As a member of the former imperial bureaucracy, Xie Bian naturally knew what a 'Taoist official' was.

Even as early as when the empire was first established a thousand years ago, there were Taoist priests in the imperial court who served as officials. They were awarded the title of Supervisory Censor by Emperor Hongwu, and later they were promoted to Taichang Qing, the so-called "white-robed prime minister". Subsequent emperors had examples of appointing Taoist priests to serve as officials in the Ministry of Rites and Taichang Temple. Not only that, but even Buddhism was involved. The most famous one was the 'Prime Minister in Black'.

But even in the era when the order was not obvious, the duties of these Taoist and Buddhist officials in the court were mostly to deal with Taoist affairs, and they did not have much power. After the ZTE in Chongzhen, the need for "official positions" appeared in the Confucian promotion rituals, which further aroused conflicts between Confucian officials, Taoist officials, and Buddhist officials. The three parties started to compete around the positions related to the Ministry of Rites and Taichang Temple. Fierce competition.

After the establishment of the New Donglin Party, almost all Taoist and Buddhist officials were expelled from the bureaucracy, which was regarded as forbidden by the Confucian Preface, leaving only some "idle positions" with no name.

As Zhang Fengyue took the position of chief assistant, his repressive power became stronger and stronger. Even the other two Buddhist and Taoist masters appointed by the young emperor when Emperor Longwu died were driven out of the capital by Zhang Fengyue very forcefully. Half step in.

But today, Taoist officials who should have been eliminated from history reappeared again, and they occupied the government offices very strongly.

Although in the basic system of Daoxu like Guangxin Mansion, the government office does not have much say, but after all, it represents the face of Confucian Xu, so it has always been the case that the two sides are in the same well and do not interfere with the river. You can mess around with your life, I will Accept my followers and everyone will be in peace.

What Longhushan is doing now is tantamount to demonstrating against Confucianism.

"It seems that the Buddhist and Taoist families are about to start a counterattack."

Xie Bi'an thought secretly.

"Who says it's not a great thing? I should have done this a long time ago!"

The fat Taoist priest groaned and said: "Our Guangxin Mansion is full of believers from Longhu Mountain from top to bottom. It was originally a pure and quiet Taoist ancestral holy land, but a group of rotten Confucianism dressed in animal skins sneaked in and acted arrogantly. Taoist priests, I have long disliked them. Now they are fine, finally."

"I heard that in Chengdu in the southwest of the empire, the Taoists in Qingcheng Mountain were even more ruthless! They didn't give these corrupt officials a chance to escape. They killed them directly and buried their bodies at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain. That’s miserable.”

Taoist Wu got excited about it, stared at his little eyes and sighed: "Our immortals at Longhu Mountain are still kind-hearted."

"None of those officials resisted?"

"Who dares?!"

Taoist Wu snorted coldly and said proudly: "Although our Shangrao County is not as close to the dragon and tiger's feet as Guixi County, it can still be regarded as close to the toes of the dragon and tiger. If anyone dares to be disrespectful to the immortals, there is no need. If the Immortal takes action, we disciples and disciples can be saved by them!"

"Having a believer like you, Taoist Master Wu, is truly a blessing."

"We are lucky to have dragons and tigers."

Taoist Wu lowered his eyebrows and closed his eyes, but at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

"Who dares to trespass into the Taoist Yamen?!"

A roar broke in from the window, followed by screams.


Taoist Wu's fat body trembled suddenly, and he hurriedly leaned sideways against the window lattice, with only one eye exposed and staring at the outside world.

Xie Bian remained motionless, frowning and gazing intently as he watched the shouts and shouts filling the office, feeling a bad premonition arise in his heart for no apparent reason.

Within a moment, the commotion in the government office calmed down.

"The madman is looking for death! The madman is looking for death!"

Taoist Wu's tone was fierce, but his voice was as low as a mosquito's moan. He stretched out his trembling hands to grab the window and closed it silently.

"Father, let's avoid the sharp edge for now. Immortals will naturally come down from the mountain to kill this rampant evil spirit!"

At the moment when the window was about to close, Xie Bian saw a figure in black robes stained with blood slowly walking out of the yamen, dragging an immortal Longhushan Taoist order in his hand.

Upstairs and downstairs, the two looked at each other from a distance.

"It seems like the anger in him can't be suppressed."

Xie Bi'an smiled bitterly and shook his head, turned around and left the monastery amidst Taoist Wu's words of dissuasion.

Outside Shangrao County, there is a contact point that Jinyiwei has abandoned for many years.

Xie Bian, who hurried back, heard a man crying for mercy before he entered the door.

"I really don't know, Senior Brother Yang Xuan, believe me, I really don't know."


A severed human head was thrown into the air and was waved away by Xie Bian, who had just entered the door.

In the dilapidated courtyard, Chen Qisheng, dressed in black, was sitting on the steps in front of the house, with his head buried so that no one could see the expression on his face. At his feet was a still twitching corpse, with white blood pouring from the neck. gushing out from the wounds.

Ming Gui Changjun squatted under the eaves about a foot away and cast a helpless look at Xie Bi'an who turned around to look.

"I didn't mean to mess up your plan, I just couldn't control myself when I heard someone coming from Longhu Mountain."

Chen Qisheng raised his head, his messy hair hanging in front of his eyes, his face as pale as a ghost, and said softly: "I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize, my plan has made little progress anyway."

Xie Bian sighed silently in his heart, pointed at Daoxu's body on the ground, forced a smile and said, "Did you ask me anything?"

The news that Chen Qisheng later told was almost the same as what Xie Bi'an heard in the monastery. All he knew was that Longhu Mountain suddenly sent a large number of Taoist officials to take over all the government offices in the counties of Guangxin Prefecture.

Other than that, there is no other useful news.

"If we kill the Taoist officials of Shangrao Prefecture at this time, Longhu Mountain will definitely not let it go."

Xie Bi'an paused for a moment, swallowing what he was about to say, "It's not a good place to stay here for a long time," and instead said, "How about we try to find a way to catch Dao Xu, who they sent for support?"

"forget it."

Chen Qisheng let out a breath of turbid air, and the uncontrollable murderous aura in his eyes finally faded away.

"After all, Guangxin Mansion is the base of Longhu Mountain, and their support will come very quickly. Moreover, they have been secretly guarding against us. This time I exposed my whereabouts, and I'm afraid who will come next will not be some small character. ”

Seeing that Chen Qisheng finally regained his clarity, Xie Bian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Then let's change places first."

"Why are we preparing to run away as soon as we arrive? There is no need to be so miserable."

Xie Bian turned around in surprise and saw Zou Sijiu walking in with his hands in his pockets and shoulders swaying.

"Niubi, what stupid thing have you done again?"

Chen Qisheng ignored Zou Sijiu and looked at Li Jun who followed him in.

"Why did you come here first?"

"Concubine Ming was worried that something might happen to you, so she asked us to come to Jiangxi first."

Li Jun lowered his eyes and glanced around, grinning and saying: "It seems we came at the right time."

"Xiaobai, what happened to this boy Chen Qisheng? Why does he look dead?"

Under Xie Bian's helpless gaze, Zou Sijiu, who had always spoken without restraint, suddenly bit off his words, raised his hand and slapped himself lightly.

"How did it become like this?"

Zou Sijiu glanced at Li Jun and Chen Qisheng who were sitting side by side on the steps in the distance, put his arms around Xie Bi'an's shoulders, and asked in a low voice: "Did you hurt your brain?"

Xie Bian didn't bother to pay attention to him at all, looked at Shen Li and asked, "Who is this?"

"Shen Li, Wu Si of the sect, our new brother, is currently the number one thug under your command, Li Baihu."

"You must be Xie Bi'an, the commander-in-chief of Inuyama Castle in the Japanese District, right?"

Shen Li cupped his hands and smiled: "On the way here, I often heard Brother Jun mentioning you and another brother named Fan Wujiu. What you did in the Japanese area is really beautiful. I admire you!"

"Brother Shen, you're welcome."

Compared to the unformed Zou Sijiu, the warrior named ‘Shen Li’ gave Xie Bian a much more stable feeling.

But this feeling only lasted for a moment, and then completely disappeared without a trace.

"Old Zou, who is that brother? This murderous aura is really strong."

Shen Li's head was pressed against Zou Sijiu, and the two of them murmured.

"He is Chen Qisheng."

"Old-school Taoist order?!"

"Isn't it rare enough? When he was in Edo City, he tore off the spiritual orifice from the back of his neck for Master Zou and me. He completely turned against Longhushan, who had trained him since childhood, and hacked a Celestial Master to death with a single armor. The Zhang family of the mansion.”

"You are a good brother who sticks up for me. Introduce me to him later."

"Now is not the right time. I advise you to stay away from him."


"I just read a fortune for Lao Chen."

"What's the result?"

"Very bad."

"Is this the only fortune you have?"

"If you don't believe it, go and try it."

Just as the two were talking nonsense, Li Jun, who was sitting on the steps, suddenly stood up and walked out the door.

"Brother Jun, where are you going? Leave it to me if you have something to do." Shen Li asked hurriedly when he saw this.

Li Jun said without turning his head: "No need this time. I'll go and catch a few rabbits and come back soon."


Zou Sijiu looked at Li Jun's back and took a breath of cold air. He raised his hand to stroke his chin and muttered to himself: "Could it be that my fortune was wrong again, Master Zou? The bad fortune is not on our side?"

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