Cyber Daming

Chapter 550 The Demonic Might (Part 2)

Zhao Yanlong is the secular name of Yang Long.

Chen Qisheng was not very clear as to why this former senior from Longhu Mountain came to find him.

But Li Jun once relayed to Chen Qisheng what Yang Long said before the soldiers were relieved that day, so Chen Qisheng did not refuse this meeting.

In the secret room of the Jingshe, Wu Daoshi was controlled by Yuan Mingfei and became a tool for spreading messages. Yanglong in Huangliang's dream communicated with Chen Qisheng in the real world through Wu Daoshi.

"how did you find me?"

Chen Qisheng's voice was full of vigilance.

"Junior brother, don't worry. Longhu Mountain currently doesn't know that you are still hiding in Shangrao County. However, I can find it by analyzing Xie Bi'an's whereabouts. Zhang Qingyu will find this out sooner or later, so you'd better move as soon as possible."

"Zhang Qingyu?"

Chen Qisheng naturally knew the famous Supervisor of Xuantan Hall of Tianshi Mansion.

"He is now in charge of the operations in Longhu Mountain?"

"It was the Great Heavenly Master Zhang Chongyuan who personally came out to point out the generals."

Yang Long said in a solemn tone: "This time Zhang Chongyuan has really stirred up trouble. Not only did he appoint Zhang Qingyu, the top four of the thirty-four Baiyu Jingdi Immortals, as the leader, he also sent five chief officers from the nine dragon and tiger divisions, and also mobilized I have sealed up the two old Heavenly Masters of the "Xi generation" in the Tianshi Mansion, and I have made up my mind to destroy them all in Guangxin Mansion."

"Zhang Chongyuan has mobilized half of Longhu Mountain. It's really a big deal."

Chen Qisheng took a deep breath, and a heavy shadow appeared between his eyebrows.

Fortunately for Zhang Qingyu and the five chief officers of the Nine Divisions, what really surprised Chen Qisheng were the two sealed Heavenly Masters of the "Xi Zi Generation".

According to the current seniority hierarchy in Longhu Mountain, the character 'Xi' is one generation higher than the character 'Chong' who is currently in charge of the power of Longhu Mountain. They both had already entered the fourth level of Dao or above when the world was divided into martial arts, and were able to Known as the master of 'Tao'.

Just because of some special reasons, these people's Dao foundation fell into the irreversible "five declines of heaven and man", so they could only choose to seal their own Dao foundation and enter the Huangliang Cave to cultivate their consciousness.

However, due to their decline, the strength of these people can only be maintained at the threshold of Dao San at best. Moreover, because the consciousness resides in Huangliang Cave Heaven for a long time and cannot return to the Taoist base for nourishment, the consciousness will inevitably fall into the confusion of reincarnation, gradually losing the ability to think, and ultimately only the instinct to subdue demons and demons will remain.

But even so, these sealed Heavenly Masters are still the true heritage of Longhu Mountain.

"Why are you telling me this?"

The information Yang Long has revealed now, if discovered by Longhu Mountain, would be enough to imprison his consciousness in the 'Fengdu Cave' and suffer endless torture.

In Chen Qisheng's view, the relationship between him and Yang Long was just about using each other to get what they wanted. There was no affection that would allow the other party to take such a big risk to pass on information to him.

"In your eyes, junior brother, I, Zhao Yanlong, should be just a mercenary villain, right?"

Yang Long smiled bitterly and said: "That's true. If I wasn't mercenary, I might have died a long time ago. But this time, I don't want to make a deal with you. I just want to verify something here."

Chen Qisheng frowned and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Have you destroyed your spiritual aperture, canceled your Longhu Taoist registration, and given up all Huangliang rights belonging to Longhu Mountain?"

"That's right."

Chen Qisheng nodded. Now that he had betrayed Longhu Mountain, there was no need to hide these things.

"Have you really been promoted to the Human Immortal Lord?"

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Chen Qisheng felt that the words coming out of Wu Daoshi's mouth were slightly trembling.

The source of the trembling was not fear or surprise, but uncontrollable excitement.

"How did you get to this point?"

Before Chen Qisheng could answer, Yang Long couldn't wait to ask, "Do you know the true rituals of the old-school Taoist order?"

"I don't know what you are really referring to. The old-school Taoist rituals that I know all originate from Longhu Mountain."

Chen Qisheng's words paused, "But when I broke the lock and entered the Jin Dynasty, I didn't meet any of the requirements."

"Then why did you break through, and how do you know that this step is called the Human Immortal Lord?"

"Blessing comes to the soul. When I see it, I automatically know it."

Chen Qisheng slowly said his answer. He did not lie, but Yang Long fell into a long silence.

"Are you blessed to the soul? Maybe you and Li Jun are the same people. They are a counterattack by the declining old-school genes against today's twisted and deformed Taoism. And people like me are destined not to embark on this road to becoming an immortal."

Yang Long seemed to accept Chen Qisheng's ridiculous answer very easily.

Chen Qisheng could even picture Yang Long's dejected look in his mind through his words.

"Are you also an old-school monk?" Chen Qisheng blurted out.

Yang Long quickly adjusted his mentality and said calmly: "I can only say that I was in the past. Now I am no longer worthy of being a Taoist of the 'Yan Zi generation' in Wudang Mountain."

Chen Qisheng's face suddenly showed a look of shock. Not only was Yang Long an old-school monk, but he was also a Taoist priest in Wudang Mountain? !

What is Wudang Mountain? Before the division of martial arts in the world, the Taoist ancestral court of the entire Ming Empire was the only one qualified to stand side by side with Longhu Mountain. It was the culmination of the old-school Taoist order, and it was also the only Taoist disciple who could fight against the people in the Wuxu. A force that never falls behind!

Even Daoxu was able to share the legacy of Wuxu with Confucianism and Buddhism after the war, and he took the second place among the three religions in one fell swoop. Wudang Mountain played an important role.

But in a 'Taoist dispute' that is now kept secret within Tao Xu, Wudang Mountain disappeared without a trace.

Even young monks like Chen Qisheng can only see a few records about Wudang Mountain in some documents from Longhu Mountain. And I'm afraid it has gone through layers of revisions and reviews, so the authenticity cannot be verified at all.

"You are the Taoist priest of Wudang Mountain, so how could you enter Longhu Mountain?"

"It's just a matter of seizing the body."

Yang Long obviously didn't want to say more about this, so he brought up the topic lightly.

"The focus of the rituals of the new monks lies in the strength of the Dao foundation and the level of Huangliang's authority. The strength of the Dao foundation is determined by the number of reincarnations and years, and the level of authority depends on the seat in the White Jade Jingxian class." Yang Long Weiwei Tao Lai.

Chen Qisheng hadn't been able to recover from the shock of Yang Long's true identity, and was in a daze.

"The rituals of the old-school monks are closer to those of traditional Taoists recorded in Taoist classics. They emphasize the understanding of heaven and earth and the tempering of one's own spiritual thoughts. It is a pure practice without any external force."

Chen Qisheng said solemnly: "This is different from the ideas of the old-school monks inherited from Longhu Mountain today."

"Of course it's different. If they could accept this concept, the 'Orthodox War' wouldn't have broken out back then."

Yang Long said calmly: "The current 'Four Mountains and One Palace' has plundered the foundation of Wudang Mountain and modified it, forcibly applying the artificially controllable rituals of the new monks to the old school route, trying to find out from it Universality and regularity, the "Doubu" was established for this purpose, but the final result was not what they expected. After the reform, the old-school monks degenerated into a shackles of Huangliang's authority. A product of four different kinds.”

"After discovering that this road was completely impassable, other Taoist forces chose to give up and focused all their resources on developing Huangliang Cave. And this is the real reason for the decline of Longhu Mountain."

Chen Qisheng listened quietly to Yang Long's story, waiting for him to lift the layers of thick curtains that shrouded the true history of the Taoist sect for him.

"During the Taoist Unification War, Longhushan, as the instigator, suffered a comprehensive counterattack from Wudang Mountain, and suffered extremely heavy losses. Most of the Daoxu of the 'Xi generation' who were in power at that time were beaten to pieces, and those who were lucky enough to survive also suffered serious injuries. Due to his injuries, he fell into the "five declines of heaven and man" and could only hide in the cave to survive. "

"Fear can make people breed irresistible desire and greed. In order to master the power of Wudang old-school monks, Longhu Mountain did not gradually explore and experiment like other forces. Instead, it devoted all the power of the entire mountain sect to conduct experiments. The population The Taoist seeds and a large amount of material and financial resources of the entire generation born from the foundation were consumed in this process, but the results were disappointing to the Zhang family. By the time they woke up, Longhu Mountain had been left behind by other Taoist forces. After his death, the former Taoist ancestral home became an empty frame in name only.”

"If it's true as you said, why can my master become the Fourth Daoist?"

"If you think about it carefully, is the Fourth Dao of Master Xuan Dou the same as yours? As I said, it was a wrong way after being modified."

Yang Long sighed: "Permission is a shortcut and a cage. Your unintentional move made you open the golden rope and break the jade lock. By mistake, you embarked on the right path. Maybe this is God's will." .”

"So the new is the new, and the old is the old. The essential difference makes these two paths neither compatible nor interoperable."

Chen Qisheng finally understood that everything was the cause and effect.

"That's right. Daoji warms up spiritual thoughts, and spiritual thoughts feed back Daoji. This is the cultivation method of Daoxu. But with the emergence of Huangliang Cave Heaven, spiritual thoughts are like wild horses running wild, and the shocking speed of improvement makes the new monks completely addicted. Among them, it prompted them to give up all the senses and flesh and blood that breed desire in exchange for a longer dream reincarnation. But the result of this is that the skyrocketing spiritual consciousness can no longer match the weak Taoist foundation that lags in evolution. Therefore, the new sect of monks. There are more and more people who are obsessed with it.”

Yang Long's voice suddenly became passionate, and he roared wildly: "They are all wrong. No matter how real the dream of Huangliang is, it is not as good as one ten thousandth of the real world. There is never a shortcut in cultivating Taoism, and the dream of Huangliang is not a chance. It’s a disaster! It’s a trap that can completely destroy Dao Xu.”


Chen Qisheng frowned. Daoxu was one of the leaders in the establishment of Huangliang Dreamland and the biggest beneficiary. If this is a trap, who is behind it?

After layers of curtains were lifted, what appeared before Chen Qisheng's eyes was an even thicker fog.

"Senior Brother Zhao"

Chen Qichang stood up, cupped his hands and clasped his fists, and said solemnly: "I wonder what you need me to do, senior brother?"

The importance of what Yang Long said to Chen Qisheng is self-evident. It is no longer a simple explanation of doubts, but more like a teaching.

Chen Qisheng is not a person who receives salary without merit. It is his nature to be clear about grievances and grudges.

"The sect Wuxu still has Tianque, but Wudang has nothing left. It has been completely wiped out. What else do I need from you?"

Yang Long's tone was cold: "I am just a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. When the life of our sect was at stake, I chose to retreat. Now I will not force things on you that I don't dare to face myself. Between me and So when I tell you this, I just want to do something for the real old-school monks, so that the sin in my heart can be alleviated."

"Perhaps Heavenly Master Xuan Dou also saw something, so he named you Qisheng."

Yang Long sighed quietly: "Junior brother, the road is long, please take care."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Daoshi was like a puppet with its strings cut off. The light in his eyes faded and he retreated into a corner.

"How much truth or falsehood do you think what Zhao Yanlong said?"

Beside the door, Concubine Yuan Ming leaned on the door frame and looked at Chen Qisheng quietly.

"Nine truths and one falsehood."

Chen Qisheng exhaled and said, "The content about the new and old Taoist order is true."

"Then what is 'a holiday'? He doesn't simply want to do something to atone for his sins, but he wants to take a long-term view and catch a big fish?"


Chen Qisheng stood up and walked to the window of the secret room of the monastery. The ruins of Shangrao Taoist Palace were reflected in his eyes. "This is because Zhao Yanlong is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death."

"It's possible, otherwise he wouldn't take such a big risk to contact you at this time." Yuan Mingfei smiled noncommittally.

"Sister Yuan, where are the Taoist officials sent by Longhu Mountain now?" Chen Qisheng suddenly asked.

"Currently stationed temporarily at Cangsongguan in the north of the city."

Concubine Yuan Ming said: "According to the information obtained by Zou Sijiu, you may know the leaders of this group of Taoist officials."


"The current Supervisor of the Promotion Department and Chief of the Fighting Department of Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion, Yang Zong."

Chen Qisheng looked up at the sky, his eyes staring directly at the sun that was gradually turning westward, and a cold smile slowly formed on the corner of his mouth.

"He and I are indeed very familiar."

"One of the top 50 top Taoist Daosi of the Earth Immortal, two sealed Celestial Masters who are suspected of being the third Taoist, plus a group of elite Lao Li from the Nine Dragon and Tiger Divisions. It seems that this time you have completely angered the great Celestial Master. , actually sent such a luxurious lineup to kill you, a martial arts demon."

Lord Ma analyzed: "Shangrao, Yushan, Yiyang, Guixi, Yongfeng, there are a total of five counties in the basic population of Guangxin Prefecture. Shangrao is led by Yang Zong, and Zhang Chongyuan pushed him out, which is obviously a bait , there must be at least one Dao San around, right? Shen Li from Yongfeng County has already been tested, and he is the chief officer of the three Dragon and Tiger Divisions. Guixi is the gate of Longhu Mountain, and Zhang Chongyuan is in charge. "

"Then based on this, in Yushan and Yiyang, either a Dao San is ambushing me, or is the Xuantan Palace Supervisor named Zhang Qingyu?"

"I didn't see it, Mr. Ma, when did you become so smart?"

Li Jun stood on the top of a green pine on the top of the mountain, overlooking Yiyang County below the mountain, and joked.

"When a man walks in the world, he can only rely on his face for a while, but he can be successful for a lifetime if he is brave and resourceful. Mr. Ma, I am usually just too lazy to use my brain, but if I really get serious, even Concubine Yuan Ming will have to be defeated."

"so smart?"

"Of course."

"How does that compare to Zhang Fengyue? I did a lot of useless work for him in a daze, and now I still feel itchy with hatred when I think about it."

Li Jun teased: "Why don't you help me trick him again?"

"What's wrong with you? This is your kid's fault. How old is Zhang Fengyue? He's almost 200 years old! What are you arguing with him about? Do you understand what it means to respect the old and love the young, and to be lucky if you suffer a loss?"

Lord Ma snorted: "Don't make fun of me here, you are Wu Xu. If you are wise, you will know what kind of influential figure I was before, Lord Ma."

"I know, a man like an eagle."

Li Jun smiled and said: "Then why don't you make a bet, is it Zhang Qingyu or the Dao San of the 'Xi generation' in Yushan City now?"

"What to bet on?"

“Who loses, who pays?”

"Okay, no problem. It just so happens that I haven't done any practical exercises for a while. I'm afraid my amazing skills are a little rusty, so I'm going to review them again."

"You are older, you choose first."

"I choose Zhang Qingyu!"



"Then just wait to give me the money!"

Li Jun laughed, opened his arms, and jumped down from the top of the mountain.

"What do you mean? You guys already have information, are you here to trick me?"

Angrily shouts rushed out of the red eyes of the helmet and were scattered in the noisy wind.

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