Cyber Daming

Chapter 564: The Yellow Liang Sea Beast

If the entire "Huangliang" is regarded as an endless dark ocean, then the man-made dreamland is the "sea beasts" living in it.

Dreams can be big or small, and so are the 'sea beasts' they transform into.

The tiny ones are like a grain of sand, a crude product sold by merchants in the market.

The majestic ones are like fairy mountains in the sea, which are transformed from the caves of Daoxu's major sects.

For those who enter the Nether Sea and turn their spiritual power into a ship to sail along, the most important thing is not to bump into these Nether Sea creatures. Otherwise, it would be a trivial matter to accidentally intrude into other people's dreams. In serious cases, it may even lead to the destruction of ships and animals.

And when a dream is broken, it will disintegrate into pieces and sink into the depths of the deep sea.

Although the cave world that Zhao Yanlong actively closed has not been broken, it has cut off its vitality and will continue to sink like dead things on the reef.

When it sinks to a certain stage, the huge pressure will crush the body of the 'sea beast' to pieces, and no one's consciousness can survive.

Huangliang has been developed for decades since its establishment. But the 'sea beast' built by the entire Ming Empire is still just a drop in the ocean compared to the entire Huangliang.

The so-called "soul hunting" is to use some special "anchors" to search and lock the aura of the "sea beast" corpse.

And there are only a handful of 'good swimmers' who can do this. Only they can stay briefly in this bottomless ocean to find people and visit their dreams.

The two people sitting opposite each other on this small boat at this moment are both 'good swimmers'.

Zou Sijiu stared at the other party with an unkind look. The deep sea was boundless. The fact that Zhang Qingli could find his position so accurately meant that the sealed cave where Zhao Yanlong had sunk into the sea was nearby.

Both of them were guided here by the ‘anchor’!

"Xiaodao has already paid for the boat ticket. Otherwise, fellow Taoist, how could your boat show up here?"

Zhang Qingli's empty eyes slowly focused on Zou Sijiu's face, his tone was gentle, and he even slapped him, without any hint of fighting with Zou Sijiu.

With this polite and courteous demeanor, if there were outsiders present at this moment, I am afraid they would not be able to tell that the two sides are already in a state of conflict in this world.

"So, you deliberately left the 'human immortal seat' in Xuanhuo's hands to us?"

Zou Sijiu frowned, and for a moment he was confused about Zhang Qingli's intention.

It was the first time that he had met the Master of Law and Seal Script Supervisor of the Tianshi Mansion in front of him. Although he did not see the arrogance and arrogance of the Zhang family from Zhang Qingli for the time being, he could not rule out that the other party was another deep man from the city who was good at disguise. generation.

It is no secret that Zhao Yanlong is a disciple of Wudang, and it is expected that Longhu Mountain will covet his cave.

Logically speaking, since Zhang Qingli knew that the 'Seat of Immortals' could be used as an anchor, he could cut off all possibilities of salvaging the cave as long as he took it from Xuanhuo first.

But the other party deliberately kept it, and as soon as he found it, the other party showed up immediately, making it clear that he had long determined that Zhao Yanlong's cave was in the nearby sea.

There are various signs that Zhang Qingli is probably waiting for him here on purpose.

What does he want to do? Is it possible that the Supervisor of the Bureau of Law and Seal Script also plans to rebel against Longhu Mountain and join forces with him to join forces with the outside world and destroy relatives for justice? !

Thinking of this, Zou Sijiu couldn't help but look at Zhang Qingli with warm eyes.

But before he could speak, Zhang Qingli took the lead and said, "That's right, but the reason why Xiaodao did this is because he has something he wants to talk to you face to face, fellow Taoist."

"I understand, I understand so well. You must not say this kind of thing outside. If you are cornered by someone, fellow Taoist, your situation will be in danger."

Zou Sijiu said softly: "Don't worry, our policy has always been to treat prisoners kindly. After all, it was Longhu Mountain that was wrong, not you. Green lotus can grow in the mud. As long as you are willing to help us lead the way, when the matter is done The benefits will definitely come from you.”

"I'm afraid you, fellow Daoist, may have misunderstood."

Zhang Qingli looked at Zou Sijiu, who was winking at him, with a look of helplessness on his face.

"Misunderstanding? Ah, I understand, buddy, you want to talk about the price, right? That's right, no problem!"

Zou Sijiu waved his big hand and said with a heroic expression: "Just ask for anything you want. Li Jun, Chen Qisheng, Lord Ma and others have always followed my lead. As long as I agree, it will be like spitting and nailing. There is absolutely no chance of denying it.”

"It seems that you still didn't understand what Pindao said."

Zhang Qingli raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, his tone slightly impatient.

"Let's put it this way, Pindao left you the clue of 'Seat of Human Immortals' because he wanted to find a way for you to survive. It's not like you imagined that Pindao was going to betray Longhu Mountain. Do you understand?"

"I thought you old Zhang family finally had a good seed in your genes, but it seems I was overthinking it."

The smile on Zou Sijiu's lips gradually faded away, and he leaned back, pressing his elbows on the edge of the boat, looking at the other person with raised eyes.

"Since you are not leading the way, then what kind of fellow Taoist do you and I call you, Mr. Zou? How can we be close to each other?"

Zhang Qingli frowned and said: "There is a deep connection between Dao Xu and Yin and Yang. They once worked together to complete the feat of building 'Huangliang'. Therefore, it is reasonable for Pindao to call you Taoist Friend."

"You kicked the Yin and Yang sequence half way, and when you were killing the donkey, I didn't see you being particular about fellow Taoists."

Zou Sijiu was not interested in talking nonsense with this stupid Zhang Qingli about the Taoist sequence and the grievances and grievances between Yin and Yang. He waved his hands and said, "There is no need to talk about these old almanacs of sesame seeds and rotten millet. Just mark them down. Let’s have a plate.”

"What's the meaning?"

Zhang Qingli obviously couldn't understand Zou Sijiu's words full of gangsterism.

"It seems like he is another 'immortal' who doesn't like the fireworks of this world."

Zou Sijiu raised his chin and said mockingly: "What do you want to do by doing this?"

"Pindao hopes that you can temporarily put aside your grievances with Longhu Mountain and leave Jiangxi Province immediately. As a condition, after Pindao captures Zhao Yanlong's cave, he can decide to give Chen Qisheng a chance to enter."

Zhang Qingli paused for a moment, "But the prerequisite is that you must be accompanied by a mage from the Law and Seal Bureau to enter."

In the boundless ocean, on a small boat.

Apart from the sound of sea water lapping against the hull, there was no sound of human beings.

The four eyes met, one's eyes showed what he thought was sincerity, while the other's looked like a fool jumping out of nowhere, and the atmosphere was strange for a moment.

Zou Sijiu suddenly asked: "Are you done?"

"That's it." Zhang Qingli nodded.

Zou Sijiu looked at the other person up and down repeatedly with strange eyes, and finally confirmed that Zhang Qingli was not some old fox, but a real stupid young man.

"This is the first time I've seen this kind of peace negotiation, Mr. Zou."

Zou Sijiu sneered: "What, do you mean you want us to put our swords and guns into storage immediately and leave Jiangxi?"

"That's right."

"How can we get a chance to enter Zhao Yanlong's cave?"

"If Chen Qisheng is destined to Wudang, one chance is enough."

"And then I have to be under your surveillance?"


"Haha, do you really think that Mr. Zou and us are begging for food?"

"It's not about asking for food, it's about saving your life." Zhang Qingli said solemnly.

Zou Sijiu sat up and asked with a sneer: "To be honest, I'm very curious, who are you hanging out with in the Tianshi Mansion?"

"Fellow Daoist Zou is careful, I am practicing with the Great Heavenly Master Zhang Chongcheng."

There was anger in Zhang Qingli's eyes and his tone was dissatisfied.

"So, you are not one of them anymore? No wonder." Zou Sijiu crossed his arms with disdain on his face.

Zhang Qingli endured the impatience in his heart and said in a deep voice: "According to the decree of the Heavenly Master, as long as you leave Jiangxi Province now and no longer disturb the purity of Longhu Mountain, all the sins you have committed in the past can be forgotten!"

"Isn't it the current 'Zhang Tianshi' of your Longhu Mountain, Zhang Chonglian, who is now 'hedao'? If Longhu is still pure, what kind of tricks are you trying to get at with Mr. Zou? What riddles are you talking about?"

Zou Sijiu said disdainfully: "He, Zhang Chongyuan, wants to slay demons and eliminate demons in order to rectify the power of the dragon and tiger. But Zhang Chongcheng is making small moves behind his back to demolish him. Carrying the banner of righteousness, he steps on others to show himself. Tsk tsk, no. Mr. Zou, let me tell you, you guys at Longhu Mountain are now like this, why are you still thinking about fighting among yourself?"

"Grand Master Chongyuan has a fiery temperament and ignores the overall situation on impulse, but there is nothing wrong with safeguarding the majesty of the dragon and tiger. Grand Master Chongcheng intervenes to mediate and resolve the conflict. This is not an internal fight, but for the sake of the sect."

"The little whitewashing words are just one thing after another. Don't you want to take the overall situation into consideration? Okay, I will satisfy you, but we also have a condition."

Zou Sijiu said proudly: "Let Zhang Chongyuan go down the mountain in person, take the two bastards Yang Zong and Zhang Qingyu, and kowtow in front of my brother together to admit their mistakes and admit that they have used deceitful means to slander the old Tianshi Xuandou. Then between us The interest on this debt will be paid in full.”

"Listen clearly, this is just interest, not the principal."

Zou Sijiu sat with a big horse and a golden sword, looking forward with a finger raised in front of him: "Then it depends on whether my brother is in a good mood. If he doesn't feel relieved, then none of these three people will survive. Can you If we do that, the grudge between us and Longhu Mountain will be wiped out."

Zhang Qingli's eyes were cold: "Zou Sijiu, you can't represent Li Jun. I advise you to take your words back and don't make your own decisions here, otherwise you won't be able to bear the consequences!"

"Even if it's a trivial matter, let alone Mr. Zou, that guy Shen Li can take charge of it when he comes."

Zou Sijiu pressed his fingers forward and poked Zhang Qingli with his fingertips.

"Looking at your appearance, you definitely can't make the decision. Go away, Ma Liu'er, and don't disturb Mr. Zou while I fish for his soul. Otherwise, I will include you in the scope of 'interest'."

"Zhao Yanlong's cave is a property of Longhu Mountain, and no one else has the right to touch it."

Zhang Qingli said coldly: "Since you want to disobey the will of Master Chongcheng, I don't need to be polite to you. Get out of this sea area now!"

"So the ink has been on for a long time, and in the end, you have to fight with fists and kicks? I was really stupid. I thought you could get back from the wrong way. I forgot that all of you with the surname Zhang are all fucking things printed from the same mold."

Zou Sijiu reached out and unbuttoned his collar, "Who else is hiding in ambush? Let's shout out together. Otherwise, don't tell me that I bullied you, Master Zou."

"It's no wonder that your yin and yang sequence has ended up where it is today."

Zhang Qingli's eyebrows grew colder and his tone was indifferent. This was his true appearance.

"The monkey wears the crown, pretending to be God's will, and speaks freely. The fox pretends to be the tiger's power, helping Zhou to abuse and commit evil. 'Huang Liang' is the reward of Heaven for the sincerity of Dao Xu. It is already a great gift for you to participate in it, but you don't know what is good or bad, and you want to fail." To oppose Tiangang is to seek death."

"Stop it, the curses reek of sourness, and I don't even have the interest to talk back. Are you stupid for doing rituals? I don't think Zhang Chongcheng asked you to come here for peace talks, I'm afraid it's for peace talks. Gonghuo!"

Zou Sijiu cursed loudly, his eyes were as bright as fire, white air flowed between his mouth and nose, and his clothes were filled with stretched muscles.

He exuded a strong and rough aura, like a martial artist.

Zou Sijiu turned his neck, making a series of cracking sounds, and said with a sinister smile: "It's been a long time since I played with Lao Li, so I'm going to practice with you today!"


Zhang Qingli remained motionless as his spiritual thoughts surged into waves.

At the same time, not far from the boat, a luxurious building slowly appeared from nowhere. On the sail full of wind, there was a huge "Zhang" character, and the bow broke through the waves and came over.

It is the embodiment of Huangliang authority that Zhang Qingli possesses.

Comparing the two, the boat under Zou Sijiu's butt was extremely shabby.

"Fuck you, being rich is a big deal?!"

Zou Sijiu cursed in a low voice, and his figure immediately rushed out.


"For creating the most useless martial arts sequence in the sea of ​​​​yellow beams, Zou Sijiu, you are not only arrogant, but also stupid."

Zhang Qingli's eyes were empty, and layers of colorful transparent crystals condensed in front of him in the blink of an eye. Their appearance was like frost flower crystals. They seemed fragile, but they easily blocked Zou Sijiu's punch.

The sound of waves swept across, and the building and boat came menacingly.

"You know what I mean, if Wu Xu doesn't enter the sea of ​​​​yellow beams, I will be a lone martial artist!"

Zou Sijiu roared angrily, and the whip leg he whipped turned into a black shadow and struck hard on the crystal wall shield.

The violent sounds of shattering glass came one after another, shattering layer by layer beneath Zou Sijiu’s fists.

The boat rocked, and fine cracks continued to spread.

"Using a backdoor to erode authority? Such a method will not last long in the Yin and Yang sequence. When Bai Yujing and the five immortals unite, you, the rats, will have no holes to drill through and drown in the deep sea!"

Before the last layer of spiritual crystal wall shattered, Zhang Qingli tiptoed, jumped up, and floated down to the building.

Zhang Qingli stood proudly on the bow of the ship, with his hands behind his back and his robes swaying. He looked like an immortal feathered guest traveling across the deep sea.

The huge ship beneath him rode the wind and waves, rushing forward, trying to crush Zou Sijiu's boat into pieces.

"Yin and Yang cannot steal the sky. Even if you pretend to be a lone martial artist, you still can't make waves in this deep sea."

Zhang Qingli lowered his head and looked down at Zou Sijiu on the shabby boat, only to see him standing unhurriedly at the bow of the boat, with his right hand raising his thumb and slowly crossing it from under his neck.


Zhang Qingli's heart tightened for no reason.


Huge waves surged and the building capsized. A thick arm with black mane suddenly rushed out from under the sea and punched the building into two pieces.

Amidst the debris flying around, Zhang Qingli lifted into the air in a panic, his eyes filled with shock and horror.


A deafening roar of an ape rolled across the sea like thunder, and five fingers as thick as beams, as fast as lightning, grabbed Zhang Qingli who was trapped in mid-air.

There was a sound in the air behind him, and Zou Sijiu also attacked and killed him at this moment.

Longhushan Daoxu, who was caught in the attack, let out an angry and resentful snort. Before his fingers closed together, his figure disappeared like the wind.

The ape arm grabbed a hand of air and smashed it angrily on the sea, and then disappeared in the water splash several feet high.


The waves fell like rain, soaking Zou Sijiuyi who turned over and landed on the bow of the boat.

He brushed his hands over his temples and combed his scattered hair.

"Can't you still make waves? If you have the guts, don't run away."

"Okay, why are you cursing when everyone is gone? Hurry and get the soul. Otherwise, Zhang Qingli will make a comeback later, and it's time for us to run away."

A black umbrella was held at the stern of the boat. The slanted umbrella blocked the woman's upper body, revealing only a pair of overlapping long legs.

"Don't worry, Sister Yuan, he doesn't have the guts. On the surface, this guy looks like he's lost his mind in Huang Liang's dream, but he's actually shrewd. If he dares to suddenly mobilize the manpower of the Law and Seal Bureau, Zhang Chongyuan will definitely immediately I can guess that he is causing trouble behind his back.”

Zou Sijiu looked confident as if he knew the Taoist sect very well: "These Taoists are all very insidious."

The umbrella was lifted up, revealing a pair of narrow phoenix eyes.

"Then what if he goes to Bai Yujing to lock up this 'immortal seat'? Without the soul-calling flag, how can you find someone?"

".I almost forgot that there is this problem."

Zou Sijiu was suddenly startled. He quickly pulled up the long pole holding the jade pendant and shook it vigorously.

"The deep sea is dry and silent, and the cave sky is in ruins. My name is Zou Sijiu, I take the name of Zhoudie of Yin Yang Four Villages, I take the seat of immortals as my guide, I take the name of Wudang Disciple, I will travel to Huangliang to search for souls, and visit the gate of cave sky!"

The strange-pitched shouts echoed on the sea, a long pole was raised from the bow of the ship, and the jade pendant emitted fluorescent light to illuminate a range of one foot.

After a while, huge bubbles suddenly appeared on the sea surface, as if something was about to rise from below.


A sea beast that was much larger than the boat emerged from the opening, its body glowing with a dull gray color and lifeless.

Zou Sijiu swung his long pole, and the jade pendant fell into the sea with a pop. The tip of the pole hooked the body of the sea beast. He looked back at Concubine Yuan Ming at the stern of the boat and smiled.

"Sister Yuan, why don't you bother to row the boat?"

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