Cyber Daming

Chapter 57 Discussion

In the martial arts arena that was ten feet across, Li Jun and Gu Jia stood opposite each other, while Qi Zhu stood quietly aside with his hands folded on his abdomen.

Gu Jia asked with a smile: "What kind of trick?"

"You are the boss, you have the final say."

"Then we fight with bare hands and only get injured but not killed?"


The conversation between the two was clean and neat, without any sloppiness.

As soon as Li Jun finished speaking, Gu Jia's short and stocky figure rushed out like a cannon popping out of a chamber. The three-foot distance was covered in two steps, and a straight right fist hit Li Jun's face without any fancy.

The wind of fists was noisy, but Li Jun's face was as calm as a flat lake. His feet were rooted to the ground and he also faced the attack head-on with straight fists.

An unpretentious face-to-face punch made a dull sound.

Their eyes met, and both of them saw a flash of surprise in the other's eyes, as well as a sudden burst of high-spirited fighting spirit.

Testing the opponent's strength with straight punches was just an appetizer. The next moment, Li Jun and Gu Jia unanimously chose to attack with all their strength.

Li Jun's five fingers clenched into a fist suddenly opened up, like a giant python biting Gu Jia's fist, and then pulled Gu Jia towards him. The left fist came out from the waist and hit the opponent's heart.

Although he was robbed of an opportunity, Gu Jia's reaction was extremely quick. When the fist was close to his heart, he turned his hand and grabbed Li Jun's wrist.

At the same time, his right foot pushed forward rather viciously toward the side of Li Jun's popliteal fossa. Li Jun was also unwilling to be outdone. He stepped forward with his left knee and collided hard with the opponent.

The four arms were holding each other, and the two feet were touching each other. It was clearly an anxious scene of wrestling with each other, but the corners of their mouths were smiling coldly at the same time.

One person's flesh and blood are raging, while the other's heart is agitated.

Amidst the roar of people and the roar of machines, Gu Jia and Li Jun kicked each other almost at the same time!


The two entangled figures suddenly flew backwards.

Li Jun flipped back in the air, trying to relieve the huge force pressing on his chest, but after landing, he still slid backwards uncontrollably three feet.

The severe pain in his heart had not yet dissipated, and there was a strong wind pressing in front of him. Li Jun couldn't help but frown.

The same is true of the heart, the heart of the martial arts, and the recovery ability of the heart of the martial arts is obviously stronger than that of the heart of the martial arts.

A slight buzz came from Gu Jia's body, and he looked like a humanoid tyrannosaurus in his movements. Li Jun could hardly breathe due to the overwhelming force.


Li Jun was caught off guard and punched in the side. Although after being tempered by the golden bell, his skin, muscles and bones are very tough.

But the huge force of Gu Jia's fist still tore a gap in his tight embrace.

"Fuck, what kind of mechanical heart does this Gu Jia have? Why is he so powerful!"

Li Jun endured the severe pain and stretched out his body to retreat, trying to gain some breathing space.

But just when he was about to swim, Gu Jia's hands reached out like lightning and grabbed Li Jun's right arm, shoulder and wrist!

"Director Li, you lose."

Gu Jia has never practiced martial arts, but he has killed people. He has killed many people, many of whom he tore their bodies apart after taking the joints.

Now Li Jun is holding his right arm. If he wants to break free, he can only cut off his tail like a gecko to survive!

"We've just finished warming up. Why are you so worried, Minister?"

Gu Jia's stubby eyebrows suddenly raised. In his sight, Li Jun suddenly punched out his left fist at an awkward angle.

But the punches produced by this method of exerting force are not scary to me at all, and it will not be a big deal even if he resists hard.

But the next second, Gu Jia was shocked to find that the target of Li Jun's punch was not himself, but his own right arm that was being held!

The punch hits the arm like a bow. Push your elbow to the heart, overflowing with murderous intent!

The muscles in Li Jun's right arm tightened inch by inch, and there was a sound like the trembling of a bow string, and all the ten fingers Gu Jia clenched broke apart. The right arm that broke free from the shackles bent its elbow and pushed forward!

Baji, top of mind!

Although the method of this head-to-head attack was unusual, it was no less vicious.

Gu Jia's eyes suddenly turned outward. Even he could not bear the trauma to his heart, and his body involuntarily retreated backwards.

Li Jun's right arm dropped to his side. It was obvious that the punch just now also caused serious damage to his right arm.

But despite this, the fighting spirit in him showed no signs of declining. Instead, it became more and more noisy.

I saw Li Jun bowing and rushing to take a step. His Bagua You step, which was known for being elegant and agile, now took on a tough and domineering stance and was in front of Gu Jia in an instant.

He walked sideways, with his shoulders drawn back to his abdomen, and his whole body's strength was concentrated at one point, and a terrifying power like a rushing river erupted within a short distance.

Baji, rely on the Iron Mountain!

Gu Jia, who had not yet released the force of his elbow, seemed to have no chance to dodge at this moment.

If there is no way to avoid it, then there is no need to avoid it anymore.

Gu Jia's eyes were as determined as iron, and the mechanical heart in his chest reached its peak in an instant. He actually chose to take Li Jun's iron mountain move, and hit the side of Li Jun's face with his right fist!

Boom! Boom!

Two figures flew out in completely different directions.

"We agreed to have fun, why are you so cruel?"

Gu Jia's lips turned white. Although he had rested for almost half an hour, he still felt a dull pain in his heart.

"You don't do it lightly."

Li Jun covered the side of his face that was still a little swollen, and the blood in his left eye was still there.

The two people sitting cross-legged looked at each other and laughed at the same time, each with a different meaning in their laughter.

After a moment of silence, Gu Jia suddenly asked: "How did you get promoted to Wu Ba in such a short period of time? Tell me?"

Li Jun's face darkened, "It's nothing strange. Anyone who can fight as many bloody battles as me without dying can also be promoted so quickly."

Gu Jia's face showed a half-smile, "Listening to what you said, are you blaming the group?"

"I don't dare." Li Jun tightened his mouth and spat out two words.

Gu Jia said sternly: "Li Jun, Master Yong is actually very kind to you. Otherwise, do you think you can still sit here and complain to me after you killed Qian Jindong?"

"Do you know how much Master Yong paid to keep you?"

Li Jun's face changed rapidly like a marquee. He clenched his fists and looked indignant. At the same time, he showed an expression of gratitude and excitement. Finally, he lowered his head and said guiltily: "I did something wrong."

Gu Jia saw all this in his eyes and slowly smiled at the corner of his mouth, "It's good to admit your mistakes. Now is the time for the group to employ people. You must not let Master Yong take care of you."

"Minister, don't worry, I will do my best to serve the group."

Gu Jia nodded, then raised his hand.

Qi Zhu, who had been waiting nearby, walked over with a huge password box in both hands. The size was exactly the same as the one Gu Jia brought to the ghost street that day.

Seeing the confusion in Li Jun's eyes, Qi Zhu explained: "Martial arts practice is a scarce profession nowadays, and many things are hard to find."

"These are the things that the minister asked me to specially select for you in the group's warehousing department. They are all the things that are most suitable for you to be in charge at the moment."

Qi Zhu finally added, "Of course, these are not free."

Are you planning to go out with your left hand and go in with your right hand, so as to earn back the precious money in my hand?

Li Jun sneered in his heart, but there was an expression of surprise on his face, "The minister's care for his subordinates is really nothing to say!"

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