Cyber Daming

Chapter 575: Dream Broken, Seeing Zhenwu (V)

In the Buddha Kingdom.

The giant ape's huge body blocked the moonlight, and a pair of scarlet eyes like blood moons fiercely locked onto the figure of the Taoist priest. The iron rod that penetrated the ground kept twisting, waiting for the order from the master of the Buddha Kingdom, and then he raised the rod to crush the little bug in front of him into minced meat.

"The Heavenly Master came here today to do a heroic feat of killing demons alone, so that everyone in Longhu Mountain would know who is the real Heavenly Master?"

Zhang Chongcheng smiled when he heard this, "If you want to lose face for Zhang Chongyuan, there are many ways. The one you said is just the lowest. And there is only one person in Longhu Mountain who is truly worthy of the title of 'Heavenly Master'. The rest are just false praises from the world."

"What's more, in the eyes of this poor Taoist priest, you are not the so-called 'evil demons'."


Yuan Mingfei raised her eyebrows with interest, took out a slender copper pipe as long as an arm from her waist, and slowly filled it with tobacco.

"Then what are we in the eyes of the Taoist priest? We can't be friends, can we?"

"We can't be friends, but at least we can be regarded as people who share the same suffering."

"That's a fresh way of saying it."

Yuan Mingfei raised her wrist slightly, and two armchairs appeared out of thin air behind the two of them.

She held the pipe in one hand and held the hem of her skirt with the other hand, and sat down in the chair leisurely, crossed her legs, and signaled Zhang Chongcheng with her eyes.

"Please give me some advice, Taoist priest."

The calmness of the person in front of him made Zhang Chongcheng's eyes show admiration.

"It's not that I can give you some advice, but it's just an obvious fact. Master Yuan, you should have noticed it a long time ago."

Zhang Chongcheng said slowly: "Zhang Chongyuan, I'm afraid you have lost your heart."

The other party's words were incoherent, at least Shen Li and Fan Wujiu, who were standing behind Yuan Mingfei, looked confused, and obviously didn't understand.

But Yuan Mingfei and Xie Bian frowned at the same time.

There's something wrong with Zhang Chongyuan!

In fact, the two of them had some vague guesses about this before, but the other party had never left Longhu Mountain from beginning to end, so there was no conclusive evidence.

But at this moment, Zhang Chongcheng said to his face that the other party had lost his "Dao Heart". Although the words were obscure, Yuan Mingfei and Xie Bian understood that this was already a clear indication to them that the Tianshi Mansion had also noticed that Zhang Chongyuan was not right.

What was wrong with Zhang Chongyuan?

His performance was too abnormal.

To be precise, his performance was too weak, and he did not have the decisiveness and ruthlessness that a great Tianshi should have.

Such speculation was not groundless.

But from the moment Li Jun entered Guangxin Mansion and put on a posture of fighting to the death, Longhu Mountain's response was full of weirdness.

First, appointing Zhang Qingyu, a young generation of Sequence Four, to take the lead alone, instead of using the older generation of Seal Dao Sequence with more experience and more sophisticated skills, this approach is very interesting.

Is Zhang Qingyu bad? Among the new Daoists who entered the Dao after the "Division of Martial Arts in the World", he was not only not bad, but also very good.

Otherwise, he would not have been in charge of the Xuantan Hall in the Tianshi Mansion of Longhu Mountain, holding great power and patrolling the mountains.

But it was still a bit difficult for him to deal with Li Jun, a notorious lone martial artist.

This can be seen from the fact that he chose to take the initiative to set up a defensive position and stationed people in the Dao Palaces of various counties in Guangxin Prefecture, giving Li Jun the opportunity to defeat them one by one.

Being promoted to the fourth order proves that Zhang Qingyu has experienced at least ten lives in the Huangliang dream.

But dreams are just dreams after all. Enemies in this world will not act according to your script, and God will not always favor you.

Zhang Chongyuan is a person who has experienced the "Division of Martial Arts in the World", and he should not fail to understand this.

But he still did it, and after Li Jun led everyone to break several Dao Palaces in a row, he still showed great trust in Zhang Qingyu, which is also not in line with common sense.

On the other hand, the power displayed by Longhu Mountain is too weak.

It is true that Longhu Mountain is now in decline, and its sect strength is at the bottom among the "Four Mountains and One Palace" of Daoxu.

But no matter how low it is, the status and foundation of the thousand-year-old Daoist ancestral temple are still there.

However, in the whole dispute, Longhu Mountain hardly used any Daoist artifacts of the third grade or above with great killing power.

It couldn't even mobilize a decent Tiangui star until now, and only moved out a "Pojun".

This is really a bit abnormal.

Even if there are other Daoxu sects in Baiyujing that trip up Longhu Mountain, Zhang Chongyuan will not be helpless and give in weakly.

As a result, Longhu Mountain suffered setbacks everywhere, and was defeated again and again. The "Xi" generation of the sect sealed the Daoxu and died, and the nine elites suffered heavy casualties.

In this turmoil that broke out in the base of Longhu Mountain,

The performance of the great Taoist priest Zhang Chongyuan can be described as "hesitant and timid".

Rather than killing the devil, it is better to say that he deliberately sent people to Li Jun to kill, using him to weaken the power of Longhu Mountain.

Looking at the solemn expression on Yuan Mingfei's face, Zhang Chongcheng sighed slowly.

"Longhu Mountain and you, as well as those black hands hiding in the dark and wanting to fish in troubled waters, all those who entered the game, without exception, are deceived."

"What the Taoist priest means is that we have all been played by others?"

Yuan Mingfei frowned and asked back, but saw Zhang Chongcheng shook his head.

"It's not that bad."

Zhang Chongcheng paused, and a self-deprecating smile appeared on his face: "But it's almost done. The person who planned it is so clear that he sees the contradictions within the Daoxu so thoroughly. Just by following the trend, Longhu Mountain suffered such a huge loss. The entire Tianshi Mansion is no different from a puppet chess piece."

Yuan Mingfei did not ask who the person who planned it was.

If what Zhang Chongcheng said was true, then there is only one person in the entire Ming Empire who can do this.

In contrast, Yuan Mingfei wants to know what the contradictions within the Daoxu are now.

It doesn't matter who you fall into, but it's important to know how you fall.

"An unwelcome request, could you please tell me what the internal conflicts are?"

"There is an old saying among mortals, family disgrace should not be made public. Originally, these things should not be explained to outsiders, but now it seems that if I don't explain it clearly, Master Yuan, you will not believe my good intentions in this trip."

"Thank you for your understanding, Master."

Zhang Chongcheng nodded, tapping the armrest of the chair with his fingers, as if he was considering how to use words.

After he paused for a moment, he slowly said: "Speaking of this matter, the crux still lies in the 'divide the world' that happened sixty years ago."

"At that time, Huangliang had been fully built, Baiyujing was above Youhai, and the new school of Taoism took advantage of this opportunity of heavenly generals. The luck of the entire sequence was boiling and prosperous, and masters emerged in endlessly."

"After defeating Wuxu, this luck reached its peak. Take Shangrao County as an example. In that year alone, there were as many as 300 new seeds of cultivation. Such a grand occasion, which is rare in a thousand years, should have been a great thing in Taoism, but Wudang Mountain, which led the old school of Taoism at that time, did not think so."

"In their view, 'Huangliang' is a shortcut and a detour, which will cause the Taoism to be destroyed. . Therefore, before the remnants of Wuxu were completely eradicated, they were eager to destroy 'Huangliang'. "

Zhang Chongcheng showed a faint contempt on his face: "The banner of Wudang Mountain is to die for the survival of Daoxu. It seems to be righteous, but the real reason is just to fear the opportunities and advantages that 'Huangliang' brings to the new school. They know very well that if 'Huangliang' is allowed to develop, within a hundred years, the old school that is self-contained will be completely extinct and disappear in history. "

"Different paths are not enough to plan. The 'World Divided into Martial Arts' that should have been settled has been revived, and the self-proclaimed 'True Martial Arts' Wudang Mountain has set off a civil war in Daoxu. "

"Those who have the Tao have many helpers, and those who lose the Tao have few helpers. In that civil war, Wudang Mountain's willful behavior made him They were deserted by their friends and relatives, but they still insisted on going to war against the new sect. "

Zhang Chongcheng's calm tone suddenly became a little turbulent: "Although the final outcome ended with the destruction of Wudang, the new sect still underestimated their madness and ferocity. "

"At that time, the contemporary 'Zhang Tianshi' who was in charge of Longhu Mountain was killed by the assassination of Wudang's 'Zhenren'. Although the heads of the other new sects who had reached the threshold of the second order were also seriously injured, they successfully saved their lives under the protection of 'Zhang Tianshi'. "

"Longhu Mountain fought hard for the survival of the new sect, which was considered to be a righteous act, but after the war, it did not receive the respect it deserved. Instead, because of the death of 'Zhang Tianshi', it attracted the attention of other new sects. The covetousness of the sects and sects. "

"People are greedy and want to swallow elephants."

Zhang Chongcheng said coldly: "In order not to fall into the same fate as Wudang Mountain, Senior Brother Chonglian inherited the position of 'Zhang Tianshi', turned the tide in times of crisis, used the authority of Baiyujing's 'Jia Zi Tianxian' to transform into a fairy sword, forcibly blocked the core of Huangliang, and destroyed the attempts of the masters of other sects to 'combine the Tao', blocking them all from the second order. "

"Only after the current 'Zhang Tianshi' is promoted first, they will have the opportunity to take that step. If they still try to overthrow Longhu Mountain, the result will be a total destruction! Since then, the entire new sect's Tao order has been completely settled. "

In the Buddha Kingdom, the giant ape is like a frozen background, and it has fallen into a stagnation because of the master's absent-mindedness.

Behind Yuan Mingfei, Xie Bian frowned, but Fan Wujiu was listening with a dull interest. He didn't understand what the other party was talking about. The story he told was not bizarre enough, and it was not even vivid.

Shen Li, who was born in Tianque, widened his eyes, and his eyes were full of murderous light.

In his opinion, the other party kept talking about the "dividing the world into martial arts", which was a slap in his face.

And he was swinging his bows left and right, and it was endless.

If it weren't because this was Sister Yuan's Buddhist country, it would be difficult for him to do it without the master's order.

Otherwise, he would have started chopping with his wheel knife a long time ago. Who would keep talking to you here?

"This generation's 'Zhang Tianshi' is really good at tactics."

Yuan Mingfei praised him indifferently.

"So the crux of this conflict is that you have strangled the hopes of other new sects to advance to the second rank?"

"This is also a helpless move for self-preservation, not Longhu Mountain's original intention."

Zhang Chongcheng continued: "Over the years, sects such as Gezhao, Qingcheng, Maoshan, etc. have thought of many ways to try to bypass this blockade. But without exception, all failed."

"This dispute arose because of this."

Zhang Chongcheng sneered: "The various sects should have seen the clues, so they chose to stand by and watch, or even secretly do something to hold Longhu Mountain back, hoping to disrupt the entire Guangxin Prefecture with Li Jun's hand, weaken Longhu Mountain, and force 'Zhang Tianshi' to release his authority."

Speaking of which, Concubine Yuan Ming is already aware of the so-called 'Contradiction of Taoism'.

But she would not be so naive as to completely believe Zhang Chongcheng's words.

Why does Wudang hate "Huang Liang" and want to cut off the new sect's opportunities? What kind of dragon and tiger are so benevolent and righteous, but they are brutally beaten by their comrades?

History only writes the story of the winners, because the losers have long since died.

"Thank you, Heavenly Master, for clarifying my doubts."

Concubine Yuan Ming pursed her lips, puffed out two puffs of smoke from her nose, and said with a smile: "But no matter how I listen, what I hear is that Longhu Mountain has become a target of public criticism. To put it bluntly, this wonderful scene has caused everyone to criticize it. , we’d love to see it.”

"Longhu Mountain will be in crisis, but it will never fail."

Zhang Chongcheng also had a smile on his face: "No matter what happens, as long as Longhu Mountain is willing to release its authority to one or two Daoxu sects, the crisis can be turned around immediately. But when it comes to that step, I don't know if Master Li Xin can stop it with his two fists. Where can you find a way to survive with hundreds of flying swords?"

"Well, who are you threatening here?"

Shen Li took a step forward, pointing the sharp sword in his hand at Zhang Chongcheng.

The latter glanced over and chuckled: "Tianque can't protect itself now, but it has found a good way out for you. Shen Li, you are very lucky."

"What did you say?"

When Shen Li heard this, his heart suddenly felt cold for no reason. He suddenly became furious and was about to rush out with a knife.

A cigarette rod stretched out horizontally and gently pressed against the back of the knife.

"Fortune telling is not something Daoxu is good at. Just listen to some words. It would be embarrassing if you get angry."

Concubine Yuan Ming looked at Zhang Chongcheng and said slowly: "The Great Heavenly Master frankly informed the sect of the scandal today. I believe in this sincerity."

"Master Yuan is reasonable and reasonable, which is a good thing for both of us."

"Master Tian, ​​don't rush to praise me, I haven't finished speaking yet."

Yuan Mingfei said: "I believe that, but it does not mean that Li Jun believes that he is not a person who can consider the pros and cons. For him, a dragon and tiger are a hit, and a Daoxu sect is also a hit. Our heads are on our necks. , His head is hanging on his belt."

"I say this to remind you, Master Tian, ​​that the key to putting down the war is not whether this is a game, nor whether there is a black hand behind it, nor you and me, nor Li Jun."

Zhang Chongcheng understood and said with a smile: "Is that in Chen Qisheng?"

"No, it's Sun Luyou."

Concubine Yuan Ming shook her head, not hiding the disdain in her eyes.

"As for Taoist Priest Sun Luyou, the instigator is Zhang Chongyuan. The poor Taoist can make the decision to rehabilitate him and restore his innocence."

"Daozhang Sun is innocent to begin with, why do you need to pay back?"

Zhang Chongcheng narrowed his eyes slightly: "What does the mage mean?"

"The damned person must die." Yuan Mingfei said every word.

"A lot of people have died in Longhu Mountain. Whether it's for Chen Qisheng, Sun Luyou, or even for Su Ce, it's enough. You should be content."


Over the Taoist temple, an angry ape roared at the moon, shattering the stars in the sky.

Concubine Yuan Ming exhaled a puff of smoke and said calmly: "Did you hear that? He is saying that it is not enough."

"Zhang Chongyuan's identity is unusual, and only 'Zhang Tianshi' is qualified to deal with it."

Zhang Chongcheng said solemnly: "But Pindao can guarantee that his outcome will not be easier than death."

"Master Tian, ​​I think you have made another mistake. Now you are begging us, not us begging you."

Yuan Mingfei smiled: "What's more, does Longhushan still need to care about face now?"

Zhang Chongcheng remained silent.

"Sun Luyou died unjustly, and Chen Qisheng is naturally innocent. He is still a disciple of Longhu Mountain. It is reasonable and reasonable for him to want to go to the mountain. Other than him, everyone else is responsible for life and death."

After a long time, Zhang Chongcheng finally spoke.

The moment he finished speaking these words, the huge figure that occupied the entire sky disappeared without a trace, and the Buddhist kingdom dispersed.

Zhang Chongcheng immediately stood up, turned around and left the audience.

"Is it true that 'Master Zhang Tianshi' just started to join the Tao now?"

The moment the Taoist stepped across the threshold of the Taoist temple, a question suddenly came from behind him.

It was said to be a question, but there was determination in his tone.

"There is no shortage of stupid people in the world, and there is no shortage of smart people like you, Master Yuan. But what a stupid person sees is not necessarily wrong, and smart people can't guess everything. A poor man can see among the yellow beams. It’s so popular in people’s hearts that it should be the same in this world.”

Zhang Chongcheng settled his steps, stood outside the Taoist temple door, and looked back.

"By the way, I have heard that the most powerful ability in the Buddhist sequence is the reincarnation method rooted in genes. I wonder which Buddha in the Lingshan Mountain you have inherited, Master? In the future, you should return the cause and effect. To that sacred mountain?”

Question after question, the insider and the outsider exchanged moves.

Sharper than a sword.

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