Cyber Daming

Chapter 581 Snowfall

The vastness of the Fandi is beyond doubt.

Especially after the ‘Longwu Opening of Frontiers’, as the Tianzhu Convicts Area was annexed by the Fandi, the area of ​​the Wusi-Zang Guard alone was much larger than some of the empire’s native provinces.

Entering the plateau in October, there was already a strong chill.

The gloomy lead-gray clouds covered the top of the Nagqu Golden Temple, and the cold wind with snow fluttered the colorful flags that covered the sky, and the monks knelt beside the sacrificial animals and prayed.

This is the last branch temple before the Sangyan Buddha Mountain, and it is also the last barrier to protect the Sangyan Temple. Its status in the entire Wusi-Zang Guard is very respected.

October 13, the 12th year of Jiaqing, is the ‘reincarnation Buddha’s birthday’ of the current Dharma King of the Golden Temple.

On this day in previous years, the whole city would hold a grand parade celebration. Devout believers would gather from all directions, carry huge sedan chairs with their bodies, carry heavy statues barefoot, kneel for hundreds of miles, and hold the sacred "skull removal ceremony" in front of the temple.

They would select the purest souls and devout beliefs, enter the Buddhist kingdom, ascend to the sacred mountain, and express gratitude to the Buddhas, thanking them for giving birth to the Dharma King of Nagqu, coming to save their sins and solve their confusion.

But now there is no festive atmosphere in the whole city, and the streets and alleys are shrouded in a solemn atmosphere.

Because at this moment in the main hall of the Golden Temple in Nagqu, a fierce quarrel is breaking out.

The people sitting on the seats on both sides of the long table are all dressed in red.

On one side are the believers of Buddha, and on the other side are the officials of the emperor.

"It has been more than a month since the inspection team entered the Fandi Buddhist area, but they still haven't found any evidence about the Liaodong incident, which is enough to prove that this matter has nothing to do with Sangyan Temple!"

"We haven't even entered the territory of Sangyan Temple yet, how do you know there are no clues?"

"Sangyan Buddhist Kingdom is respected and is one of the three sacred mountains in Fandi. How can it allow outsiders to enter at will?"

"Nakqu Dharma King, what do you mean?"

"This matter should be settled in Nagqu Golden Temple!"

"Let's not talk about whether you are qualified to define this case. Let me ask you first, who are the outsiders you are talking about? Isn't Fandi the territory of the empire? Aren't you a citizen of the empire?"

"This Dharma King doesn't mean that. If Lord Sun wants to accuse you, the 100,000 believers under the command of Nagqu Golden Temple will definitely not be allowed to enter." I won't agree!"

"If you want us not to enter Sangyan territory, then let the Sangyan Temple Master Linga Po go down the mountain himself, return to the capital with us, and personally report the whole story to the current emperor. There is no other way!"

"Lord Sun, you have wantonly cut down mountains and destroyed temples, and killed Buddhist believers, which has already caused strong dissatisfaction among the people in the Fandi area. Now you are speaking wildly and dare to blaspheme the Sangyan Buddha. Aren't you afraid of arousing public anger?"

"Public anger? Which people are angry? Let him stand up and tell me in person!"


"Today is your reincarnation Buddha's birthday. I will give you one day. If you still can't come up with a conclusion tomorrow, I will take people to demolish your Golden Temple!"

Zhang Siyuan had no interest in the quarrel inside the door.

During the ten days that the inspection team stayed at the Naqu Golden Temple, similar scenes had already happened countless times.

It seemed that the situation was tense and ready to explode, but in fact, it ended in nothing.

In Zhang Siyuan's opinion, if Lord Liu Jinxun had not stopped him, he would have already led his men to rush to the Sangyan Sacred Mountain, pulled Lingapo, the master of Sangyan Temple, off the Dharma bed, and escorted him to the capital.

How could he waste time here?

The two families of Dazhao and Baima were fence-sitters. They cooperated with the inspection team before just to put pressure on Sangyan.

Now Sangyan Temple can't bear the pressure and chose to compromise, cutting meat to feed the eagle, in exchange for the two families' help to drag the inspection team to Nagqu City, speak well of Sangyan Temple, and smooth things over.

These are all expected things.

It's not worth Lord Liu Jinxun to be so cautious.

If these people really understand what "lips and teeth are cold", they will not let their side enter the foreign land at the beginning.

The "hundred-year Buddhist chaos" that broke out in history, dozens of sects killed and killed people all over this plateau, which is enough to prove the cruelty and cunning hidden in the compassion of these foreign Buddhist precepts, and the greed deep in their genes.

"We should have stopped the 'divide the world into martial arts' back then, and let those tyrannical sects teach these foreign Buddhist sects a lesson, so that they can see what real barbarity and violence are."

Zhang Siyuan was quite dissatisfied with the current situation, but he could only sigh helplessly.

When he left the capital, he was ordered to follow Liu Jinxun's orders in all actions.

So Liu Jinxun decided to stay in Nagqu Golden Temple for the time being, and chose to negotiate with Sangyan Temple to observe the changes in the situation. Zhang Siyuan could only obey.

I was really annoyed by the quarrel behind him, and Zhang Siyuan chose to leave the temple helplessly.

Outside the Nagqu Golden Temple, which covers an area of ​​nearly a thousand acres, is a city built around the temple.

There are no high-rise buildings and sloping eaves that are common in the empire's homeland. What you see are almost all stone and wood houses of uniform shape, with a simple and rough style, stone walls and wood pillars.

The beams and pillars are carved with Dharma wheels and deer, the roof is lined with prayer flags, there are prayer wheels in front of the door, and the whitewashed walls are painted with statues of gods and lotus pedestals.

If the Dao order in the empire has just started the process of becoming a Dao country, then this is a mature Buddhist city.

However, the biggest difference is not the control of the order over the people's beliefs.

What really shocked Zhang Siyuan was the primitive lifestyle here.

There was no trace of the two waves of technology and methods that swept the empire here.

The ancient mountains blocked their steps to leave, and also blocked the technology and methods that promoted the development and change of the empire.

From Chongzhen to Jiaqi, this place has remained unchanged for thousands of years.

The belief in Buddhism is the only thing in the hearts of the people living here.

"The mortals on the earth hold up the Buddha Kingdom in the sky with their shoulders, but the Buddha's light will not illuminate the dark places under them."

Zhang Siyuan suddenly remembered what a great scholar who specialized in studying the problem of foreign lands in the New Donglin Academy had said.

Although they knew that this young man in strange clothes was an existence that they could not afford to provoke, the people around them still stared at Zhang Siyuan with extremely disgusted eyes.

Especially some white-haired old believers, who had difficulty even standing, still gnashed their teeth, as if they wanted to rush forward and tear each other apart with their own hands.

These Ming people blasphemed Buddhism and committed heinous crimes since the day they entered the Fan land. Their deeds have long been spread throughout the entire plateau Buddhist area.

On the day they entered the city, even the honorable Naqu Dharma King was forced to leave the Golden Temple and go outside the city to greet them in person.

This was the greatest humiliation for the people of Naqu City.

In these malicious eyes, Zhang Siyuan deliberately slowed down his pace.

He was calculating how many Confucius temples he would need to build after he took over the Fan land, and how many years it would take to remove the cancer rooted in their minds.

Or just move a dozen of his clans here and use the method of "Confucian Seal" to force education?

This would be much more efficient. The only problem that might arise is that the conflict of thinking would lead to mental breakdown, and there would be many foolish people.

While thinking, Zhang Siyuan slowly walked out of the small Naqu City and climbed a hill.

Looking around, there are rolling hills and peaks in the distance. Native cattle and sheep, which are almost extinct in the empire, gather in groups here, with their heads down, eating the withered grass on the ground.

The grazing girl has a thin face, wearing a heavy felt robe, whipping the whip and singing a ballad.

"The snowfield is the Buddhist scripture hall, and the three sacred mountains are shining. The melted snow water turns into nectar, and the wind is full of the fragrance of butter. I understand the stories in the scriptures and find the direction of this life. I want to follow the footprints left by the elders and go to the place where the Buddha is."

"There is endless tea in the bowl, endless songs in the mouth, and a bulging belly that will never dry up. The days are prosperous. After I die, let my soul follow the mulberry smoke to heaven."

The girl raised the whip and whipped it in the air with a crisp sound.

Among the scattered cattle and sheep, there appeared figures that were smaller than her.

"After I die, my soul will follow the mulberry smoke to heaven."

They sang in unison with the girl, their dirty faces glowing with joy.

Zhang Siyuan, standing on the hillside, was stunned by what he heard, with an unspeakable feeling in his heart.

These grazing children were all Buddhist slaves raised in the Golden Temple of Nagqu.

Unlike the criminals who appeared during the Longwu period, these Buddhist slaves were not foreigners, but real citizens of the empire.

As early as the Hongwu period, the Ming Empire established two major garrisons, Bakang and U-Tsang, here, and incorporated the Fandi into its territory.

After Emperor Yizong created the sequence, the three religions, nine streams and twelve sequences developed rapidly.

As one of the most important places of the Buddhist order, Fandi has many believers and has derived many sects in its long history.

But the limited incense in the world means that the number of Buddhas is also limited.

Before Emperor Longwu ascended the throne, a Buddhist chaos that lasted for a hundred years broke out here.

In that chaos, the entire plateau was flooded with blood, many sects were destroyed, and the Buddha they believed in was therefore demoted to a demon.

Monks who entered the order still had the opportunity to reform, but ordinary believers had to atone for their beliefs, and from then on became the property of the victorious party and became Buddhist slaves.

Sins were engraved into genes and passed down in blood.

The descendants of Buddhist slaves are also Buddhist slaves, and they cannot change forever and ever until they die completely, and then their sins are forgiven.

Even if one day some of them get great blessings and enter the order, their original Buddhist slave memories will be eliminated, and they will accept a new life under the initiation of the master, thinking that they are the reincarnation of a Buddhist disciple on Lingshan Mountain, and forgetting their past origins.

This is the so-called "Buddha slave", which is also the current situation of more than 90% of the people in Fandi.

Listening to the songs of the shepherds, the fierce cold wind blew Zhang Chongyuan's robes, the snowflakes falling from the sky became bigger and bigger, and the rising white mist almost pressed down the top of the hill.

"Sir, it's the cabinet's report."

A middle-aged official from the inspection team searched outside the city for a long time and finally found this place.


"In September of the twelfth year of Jiaqi, Longhu Mountain expelled the court officials and members of the Confucian Order in Guangxin Prefecture, Jiangxi Province, and arbitrarily changed the county government into a Taoist palace, with the Taoist priests taking over the governance responsibilities. Many local Taoist forces followed this rebellious act, and there may be the intention of splitting and establishing themselves."

"In the middle of the month, signs of the activities of the Honghu rebels were again found in the 'Laoliangjing and Thirteen Provinces'. From the captured Honghu members, we learned that most of them came from criminal areas that were being transformed into prefectures and counties. Sneaking back to the mainland of the empire, there is no further mission. After investigation, the order to mobilize the rebels came from a Huangliang dream called 'Da Chu'. The specific purpose is not yet clear, and the identity of the organizer behind the scenes is not yet clear."

"On September 27, multiple attacks broke out in Guangxin Prefecture. Almost all Taoist temples under the command of Longhu Mountain were destroyed. A large number of Taoists in the sect were massacred, including many elites of the Nine Dragon and Tiger Divisions and many According to insider reports, the attackers include Concubine Foxu Yuan Ming, Daoxu Chen Qisheng, Wu Xu Shen Li, Yin Yang Xu Zou Sijiu, as well as Xie Bi'an and Fan Wujiu, the former Jinyiwei generals of Inushan City in the Japanese area."

The middle-aged official suddenly emphasized his tone: "The leader is none other than Li Jun, the former member of the Imperial Guards of Inushan City in the Japanese District, now a member of Tianque, and the leader of the fourth salary of the lone martial arts order."

"Li Jun."

Zhang Siyuan leaned over and pulled up a grass stem, biting it into the corner of his mouth like a wild and uninhibited man.

"This person was involved in the events involving the Lu clan in Liaodong, the Liu clan in Jinling, and the Moxu Central Branch."

The middle-aged official reminded: "According to the cabinet's assessment, this person is very dangerous. Sir, please pay more attention."

"A very dangerous one? Preface 4?"

Looking at the solemn expressions of the officials, Zhang Siyuan smiled noncommittally and said, "Wu Xing alone is indeed worthy of attention, continue."

"On the third day of October, Li Jun killed the elders of Ge Zaoshan, Daoxu Sanhuangliangxian, and Ge Jing in Yuanzhou Mansion, Jiangxi Province. On the same day."

"Wait a minute, is the cabinet's reporting quality getting worse and worse, or have you missed something?"

Zhang Siyuan frowned, "Ge Jing is not an ordinary person, how can he be saved from life or death with just one sentence?"

"In accordance with your past habits, I have omitted some redundant information that does not affect the content of the incident."

"You can tell me more about Ge Jing in more detail."

Zhang Siyuan asked: "How did he get surrounded?"

"The report I just made was correct. Ge Jing was not surrounded and killed, but Li Jun was killed alone."

Zhang Siyuan was silent for a moment and suddenly asked: "You just said, who is he?"


"How many martial arts have you tempered?"

The official raised his hand silently and gestured with four fingers.

"So, he is the same as when Su Ce was promoted to Preface Three?"

Zhang Siyuan squinted his eyes and spit out the grass stems in his mouth with a 'bah' sound: "Can this still be considered the fourth chapter?"

"He practices martial arts alone."

"It's true that evildoers emerge from troubled times."

Zhang Siyuan looked complicated and looked up to the sky with a sigh.

As if he suddenly remembered something, he looked down at the retainer who had followed him for many years, frowned and asked, "Then what did you omit?"

"Ge Jing died on the spot and was unable to escape."

Zhang Siyuan's expression froze, and he waved his hands angrily: "Read it, read it."

"On the sixth day of October, Li Jun was surrounded by the two gates of Gezao and Longhu in Nanchang City."

"Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion's sealed Taoist order Zhang Xilian, Zhang Xihong, and Zhang Xidao died in battle. Great Heavenly Master Zhang Chongyuan appeared with the 'Pojun' of the sky orbiting stars. Zhang Qingyu, the Supervisor of Xuantan Hall of Tianshi Mansion, suddenly went crazy and lost his ambition, and raised his sword. Facing the thunder calamity, it turns into flying ashes."

"After a thunderstorm, the city of Nanchang was half destroyed. The Longhu army was defeated like a mountain. Li Jun was injured, and the severity was difficult to determine. He provoked Yi Kuidou, the elder of Ge Zaoshan, who turned around and left."

"On the same day, Chen Qisheng, an abandoned disciple of Dragon Tiger, woke up from the cave where he was suspected to be Wudang disciple Zhao Yanlong. With a long army of ink armor in the form of a fourth-level melee combat auxiliary, he broke into the gate of Dragon Tiger Mountain. The Great Celestial Master Zhang Chongyuan died and disappeared, and the Bai Yujing Immortal Class The seat was taken over by Zhang Qingli, Supervisor of the Tianshi Mansion’s Law and Seal Script Bureau.”

"On the eighth day of the lunar month, Ge Zaoshan asked Longhushan to provide a reasonable explanation for the 'Thunder Bombing Nanchang' incident, otherwise it will be regarded as a malicious provocation and will be counterattacked. Zhang Chongcheng, the great master of Longhushan, personally went to Gezaoshan to apologize, but was refused outside the door.”

"On the ninth day of the lunar month, the Taoist magic weapon of Ge Fenghuo, the leader of Gezao Mountain, the 'Lingbao Miaoshu' appeared on the top of Longhu Mountain, brightly lit day and night."

"Yesterday, the headmaster of Gezao Mountain, Ge Fenghuo, returned to Gezao Mountain and immediately announced a retreat within the sect to conduct a 'hetao'. On the same day, the headmaster of Maoshan announced that he would go to Longhu Mountain in Guangxin Prefecture in the near future to discuss the two sects. The enmity between them requires Longhushan to apologize."

"The cabinet analyzed that Daoxu has fallen into civil strife and will be unable to interfere in local affairs for a period of time. The inspection team can speed up the progress as appropriate."

Zhang Siyuan raised his hand and rubbed his chin, and asked: "Has Mr. Liu Jinxun read this newspaper?"

"seen it already."

"Any instructions?"

The middle-aged official shook his head and said, "Your Excellency only said two words, don't be in a hurry."

"Not urgent."

Zhang Siyuan fell into deep thought after hearing this. After a moment, he continued to ask: "Is there anything else?"

"The last one."

The middle-aged official's expression became solemn and he said solemnly: "Just today, Li Jun and others have entered Fandi."

"Why did he come here? Is it just for revenge?"

Zhang Siyuan frowned and looked down at the distant cattle and sheep.

"Come on, come on. I've long wanted to meet the famous Wu Xu Xinhuo."

Down the hillside, the companions had already driven the cattle and sheep far away, and the girl was alone at the back. There was no one around. She held the whip in her hand and finally dared to show sadness on her face.

"This year's Gesang flowers are blooming, and this year's barley is sprouting. Which family's turn is it this year to give their fresh lives to the lamas on the mountain? Zhuoma, Tashi, where have you and your bride gone? Have the long snow-capped mountains and plateaus blocked your eyes?"

"Hurry up, run, and see the scenery outside the snow-covered area. No one there will ask for your head, and no one will take your bride away."

"When you get there, remember to write home and tell your father and mother that there is still hope in this world."

The girl in the felt robe was in tears, and she didn't notice that on the hillside, a young scholar in a long gown remembered her low singing.

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