Cyber Daming

Chapter 586 God does not give the way

The snow was getting heavier and heavier, and the quarrels echoing over the Nagqu Golden Temple continued.

Still in the hands of that magnificent Buddhist temple, swords were at war on both sides of the long table, saliva was flying everywhere, and words that were repeated countless times were repeated over and over again, and it was impossible to reach a clear result.

These officials and monks also know it well, so you say that your laws are majestic, and I say that my Dharma is profound.

Everyone was chatting with each other, and the scene was quite lively.

As the main person in charge of the imperial inspection of the area, Liu Jinxun was leisurely reading a book in his temporary residence outside Naqu City.

A recliner, a book, the fragrance of tea in hand, and snow dancing outside the window.

Liu Jinxun lived calmly and calmly, but some people were restless and could no longer contain their anxiety.

Zhang Siyuan walked in with a calm face and sat down among the books.

"Yi Zheng, what's wrong with you?"

Liu Jinxun looked at the young Confucian scholar in front of him who had been silent since he stepped through the door. He picked up the ancient book in his hand and asked questions knowingly.

"Sir, we have been staying at Nagqu Golden Temple for almost a month. How long do we have to wait?"

Zhang Siyuan is quite dissatisfied with the current meaningless negotiations.

In his opinion, the Sangyan Mountain was already close at hand. Whether to catch or kill him in the end, Lin Jiapo, the Lord of the Sangyan Buddha, would naturally give an answer after reaching the mountain.

There is no need to waste time here with these monks.

If this procrastination continues, when will the tasks assigned by the court be completed?

In addition, Zhang Siyuan was even more worried that if the inspection ended with major matters reduced to minor matters and minor matters reduced to nothing, wouldn't the majesty of the imperial court become child's play?

Liu Jinxun smiled and joked: "It's only been a month, Yi Zheng, are you losing your temper now?"

"Your Majesty, don't you understand what we are waiting for?"

Zhang Siyuan frowned and said in a cold voice: "Now the attitude of Sangyan Temple is very clear. It is impossible for us to enter the deep mountains of Sangyan, and it is even impossible for Lin Jiapo to go down the mountain to accept investigation. Since we can't reach an agreement, there is no need to talk anymore. , Rain and dew can’t bring you gratitude, so you should use thunderous means!”

"So Yi Zheng, your idea is to forcefully enter the Sangyan Mountain to raise an army and question the crime?" Liu Jinxun asked in return.

"That's right."

Zhang Siyuan said bluntly: "With our current manpower, it is a bit reluctant to storm the Sangyan Mountain. Therefore, I request you to report to the cabinet and recruit at least one person from each first-class family who majors in the two arts of 'shooting' and 'royalty'." and above, enter Fandi and destroy the Sangyan Temple!”

Liu Jinxun said softly: "Yi Zheng, the Confucian scholar who specializes in the two arts of 'shooting' and 'royalty' mentioned in your mouth, is a treasure that all sects rely on to gain a foothold. Do you think they will be willing to take it out?"

"If you eat the emperor's salary, you will be loyal to the emperor. If you don't obey the imperial court's will, then..."

A murderous look appeared in Zhang Siyuan's brows, but the cold words on his lips were swallowed by him.

Because he also knew this was impossible.

"Not everyone is like you, and they still take the official robes on their bodies seriously. In the eyes of some people, today's court is just a business place for profit-making, a ladder for promotion, nothing more."

"To put it bluntly, without the requirements of Confucian order and ritual, I am afraid that the Ming Empire would have long since disappeared."

Liu Jinxun sighed with emotion, looked at the livid Zhang Siyuan, and asked softly: "Has Yi Zhengqian read the Di newspaper issued by the cabinet a few days ago? How do you feel?"

"seen it already."

Zhang Siyuan did not speak rashly, but calmed down the irritation on his face and respectfully bowed his hands to Liu Jinxun as a disciple.

"This subordinate is short-sighted, so please give me some advice."

Seeing how quickly he adjusted his mentality, Liu Jinxun couldn't help but show admiration in his eyes.

The only son of Zhang Fengyue, chief minister of the Ming Empire's cabinet and leader of the Confucian New Donglin Party. With this status, Zhang Siyuan was able to run rampant throughout the empire.

If he insists on forcibly attacking Sang Yan Temple, even Liu Jinxun can only let it go and have no choice.

But since entering Fandi, Zhang Siyuan has always adhered to his duties as a subordinate, obeying orders and prohibiting orders.

The other party could endure it until today before expressing his dissatisfaction, and did not make any extraordinary move in private.

In Liu Jinxun's view, it is already extremely difficult.

"From the content of the Di newspaper and the information I know myself, the entire Taoist order has now become a mess."

Liu Jinxun rolled up his sleeves and sat up from the recliner.

"One of the two Taoist ancestral courts has been destroyed and disappeared from history. The other has declined and has become a delicacy in the eyes of countless people. Leaderless dragons are the source of disaster. For other Taoist forces except Longhu Mountain, For me, now is the best time to settle past grievances.”

Liu Jinxun smiled slightly: "What's more, the Zhang family in Longhu Mountain still holds in their hands a priceless treasure for all new sects of Taoism. The old and the weak carrying a lot of money will naturally become the target of public criticism."

"The 'A-character Heavenly Immortal' you mentioned?" Zhang Siyuan was thoughtful.

"That's right."

Liu Jinxun nodded and said: "Back then, Zhang Xiji, who was the 'Zhang Tianshi' of Longhu Mountain, retreated to understand the way of heaven, and created the 'Huangliang' for the new Taoist order, a technical method that could change the era. Almost by himself. He worked hard to help the new Taoist school win the 'battle between the old and the new' and established the status of the ancestral court of Longhu Mountain Taoism."

"Of course, just listen to the idea of ​​understanding the way of heaven. If the way of heaven really exists, then there is no need for our Confucian order to exist."

Liu Jinxun laughed and stood up.

Zhang Siyuan quickly stepped forward to help him, and they walked out of the room together.

At this time, it was already snowing heavily outside the door, and the mountains in the distance and the nearby areas were all white.

"Until now, many people still don't know where Zhang Xiji got the 'yellow beam' from, but it is undeniable that he is the first person to do this in a hundred years."

Zhang Siyuan stretched out his hand from the eaves, spread out the falling snow flakes in his palm, and curled his lips.

"If it hadn't been for the emergence of 'Huang Liang', perhaps the empire would not have been in such trouble."

Liu Jinxun shook his head: "When discussing the past with the present, we cannot ignore the background of the time. For all parties at that time, 'Huangliang' was a hope and an imperative."

"Why?" Zhang Siyuan looked puzzled.

He didn't deliberately pretend to be confused to support Liu Jinxun, but he really didn't know the secret of this past.

In the eyes of outsiders, as Zhang Fengyue's son, he must be well aware of the news from all parties.

But only Zhang Siyuan himself knew how alienated and indifferent he was from his father who looked up to the mountains.

The ordinary father-son relationship is still lacking, and it is impossible to talk about such things.

"Because Zhang Xiji claimed that God gave him not only 'yellow beams', but also a will from God."

Liu Jinxun looked solemn: "God's will has made it clear that the completion of Huangliang will be the beginning of Wu Xu's decline.

"Can anyone believe this kind of pretentious words?" Zhang Siyuan said disdainfully.

"Wu Xu sneered at this, thinking it was just another clumsy trick of playing with faith. On the contrary, Zhang Xiji dared to say such things. In their view, it was a naked provocation. Naturally, they would have to deal with the new Tao Xu severely. It's very sad to say that if Wudang hadn't stood in front of him, I don't know how many people would have died in the new sect."

At this point, Liu Jinxun sighed.

"The world has been suffering from Wu Xu for a long time. If Wu Xu's rule can really be ended, even if it is a failure, many people can't help but participate in it."

Liu Jinxun smiled and said: "And this 'Zhang Tianshi' is really awesome. He not only invited all parties to participate, but also invited some of the people from Mo Xu who always followed Wu Xu to wave flags and cheers. Such skill is really admirable." ”


Zhang Siyuan asked: "You tell me this, do you want to remind me that the current situation is turbulent and it is not easy to tamper with it?"

Liu Jinxun shook his head.

"What I want to tell you, Yi Zheng, is that if there is a universe of heaven and earth in the world, it is only for the interests of human beings. The current chaos of the order of the world is precisely from this, and it arises from this. The situation we are facing at the moment is the same."

Zhang Siyuan retracted his palm silently, his face expressionless, making it impossible to tell what he was thinking.

"The six temples of Foxu are divided into half by the Han and the Han. One is prosperous and the other suffers. But now the Han Buddhist order is sitting back and watching us attack Xiangfan. Can you guess what they have in mind?"

"The attitudes of Dazhao and Baima in the story are ambiguous, and their positions are wavering. They both add insult to injury and provide help when it is time for them. They are completely greedy and take advantage of the situation. But aren't they afraid that Sang Yan will really fall and it will be their turn next?"

"Sangyan Temple has always had a tough attitude and is still unwilling to bow its head. What do they think? Or, what are they waiting for?"

Liu Jinxun turned around and asked softly: "Yi Zheng, do you have the answers to these questions?"


Zhang Siyuan's tone was stiff and he stopped talking.

"If the chief minister simply wants to uproot the Sangyan Temple, give a sigh of relief to the Lu family in Liaodong, and tell the world that the majesty of the head of the three religions cannot be provoked, then it will not be you and me standing here today, but him Lu Ning yourself.”

"Don't be hasty when playing chess. Only by moving back and forth can the game be completed."

Liu Jinxun said: "We are now waiting for the other party to take action. Only when they move will their flaws be revealed. Only then will we have the opportunity to step by step force the other party into a desperate situation and make his destruction become the popular wish and the hope of all. This is the only way. It’s the art of numbers.”

Zhang Siyuan was silent for a long time: "But if you allow others to fight back, don't you, the Chief Assistant, never worry about losing one day?"

"I don't know if he has ever lost in his life, at least I haven't seen him."

The old man said calmly: "Even for a man as arrogant and reckless as Wu Xu, when he reacted and planned to overturn the table, the two legs under the table had already been cut off quietly, and he could no longer stand up."

Under the eaves, the young Confucian scholar sighed silently.

Listening to other people's praise of his father, he didn't feel the slightest bit proud. Instead, he felt deeply helpless.

Zhang Siyuan looked at the rolling snow-capped mountains in the distance, and a chess game appeared in front of his eyes.

On one end is himself, and on the other end is a figure that is more towering than a mountain range.

Perhaps he planned to take advantage of this opportunity to talk things through at once. After seeing that Zhang Siyuan had given up his previous idea of ​​attacking Sangyan Temple, Liu Jinxun still did not end the topic.

"Yi Zheng, now that I've finished talking about others, I'll talk to you about ourselves."

Liu Jinxun asked: “Do you know what happened within the New Donglin Party recently?

"I don't know." Zhang Siyuan was obviously a little distracted.

"There are many second- and third-class lords who took the initiative to serve and handed over their positions of power to the younger generation of the clan."

Zhang Siyuan frowned: "It's human nature to replace the old with the new. What's the problem?"

"If it was a peaceful period, of course there would be no problem. But now is the turmoil. How could those old people who have become elites abdicate at this time?"

Zhang Siyuan raised his eyebrows and said coldly: "What do you mean, they were forced?"

Liu Jinxun did not answer directly, but instead said: "If we divide for a long time, we will unite, and if we unite for a long time, we will divide. This is an unbreakable truth. The New Donglin Party is a collection of interests of our generation. Times have changed. Now, some people will definitely feel that the New Donglin Party The party is rotten.”

"Everyone says that among the three religions and nine streams, Wu Xu is the most murderous. But in my opinion, they can't compare to us. Wu Xu is just chaos, while Confucian Xu is the opposite!"

Liu Jinxun stretched out a palm with dry skin, pointed it like a knife, and turned it in front of Zhang Siyuan's eyes.

"Books are more courageous than wine. If you drink too much wine, you can kill people, but if you read too many books, you dare to rebel. Do you know why the people in power throughout the ages asked scholars to use the Four Books and the Five Classics as the guideline? They are just afraid of reading too many other books. It’s so rebellious.”

"Parties are united and opposed by those who are different. This is the instinct engraved in the Confucian gene. If someone does not recognize the New Donglin Party, they will naturally try every means to overthrow it and replace it."

At this point, internal and external worries are clear at a glance.

Liu Jinxun believed that the other party could understand.

He turned to look at Zhang Siyuan who was following him. He was wearing a simple thick green coat and a long gown, with an ordinary appearance, and snow fell on his meticulously combed bun.

There is no heavy bookishness and pedantry, nor is there the arrogance and arrogance of a noble family.

Judging from appearance alone, Zhang Siyuan does not look like a Confucian scholar at all.

"Yi Zheng, your memory has been sealed. You have lived as an ordinary person in the various states of the empire for ten years. You have tasted all kinds of joys and pains in the world. After traveling thousands of miles, you were only allowed to regain your identity and enter the order. This This is how Master Shouxi trains you. He does this so that you can remain calm when encountering problems."

Liu Jinxun raised his hand and pointed to the snow-capped mountains in the distance that were about to touch the sky.

"Is there only three Buddhist sacred mountains in Fandi? Far more than that! This vast land that has been separated from the empire for thousands of years has given birth to a group of people who regard themselves as gods. They are far more cruel than you imagine They are ruthless and we must fight for them step by step."

"grown ups."

Zhang Siyuan, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke.

"But besides the group of aloof gods, there are also many people living in dire straits."

He walked out of the eaves and let the heavy snow fall on him.

"Have you ever heard the songs they sang? I have, and they are very beautiful. But they only dare to sing to the grass and trees, the mountain wind, and the falling snow. They cannot sing to their families and lovers, because singing and laughing are the right thing to do here. God is disrespectful, God only wants to listen to their screams and cries.”

"People's hearts can be despicable because of interests, but human lives born as slaves should not appear in this world."

Zhang Siyuan's tone was low, but the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Sir, I have traveled thousands of miles, crossed mountains, and waded through rivers, but the people here spend their entire lives living in a world no more than a hundred miles in diameter. Since God has not shown the way, let me lead them!"

After saying a few words, the man in the snow saluted the man under the eaves and strode away.

Looking at the other party's leaving figure, Liu Jinxun felt a burst of pride in his chest that he had not seen for many years.

But in the blink of an eye, he was wiped out by a heart numbed by the world of officialdom.

After ten years of drinking ice, it is difficult to cool the hot blood.

This is Zhang Siyuan, not Liu Jinxun.

"It's so polite, but I always feel uncomfortable."

Zhang Siyuan paused, turned around, scratched his head, and grinned.

"I have remembered everything you said, and I will not delay the chess game between you and Lord Chief Assistant. But if I don't destroy the gods, Buddhas and mountains, then my surname will no longer be Zhang from now on!"

Fandiwu Zangwei, deep in the Yumo region.

Large tracts of Kelsang flowers bloom in the cold air. This is the only flower that can survive on the Tibetan plateau and symbolizes love and luck.

In the rolling sea of ​​​​Gelsang flowers, there is a manor comparable in size to a town.

Viewed from a high place, the strong red and black colors can be seen everywhere in the manor, without much of the cultural imprint of Buddhism.

There were very few people in the city, and there was something strange inside and out.

"He just told me that this is the place where demon chaos first appeared in the Yumo area."

On the hill at the far end, Zou Sijiu squatted on the head of a monk, pointing to the manor in the distance.

"Buddha's Village."

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