Cyber Daming

Chapter 588: Friend or Foe

It also snowed in the capital in November, but compared to Fandi, it was still much gentler.

There is an elevated platform at the top of the towering palace. Standing here, you can overlook most of the capital.

Two splendid pillars of the same height are placed side by side, and the young Emperor Jiaqi is sitting upright.

Today is the first day of junior high school, and it is the day when Zhang Fengyue, the first assistant, teaches him.

"Teacher, the matter in Fandi has not yet reached a clear result. It has been delayed for so long. Is it because those lamas are ignorant of the king's laws, or is it because Liu Jinxun is not doing things well?"

The little emperor spoke first, but for the first time he became concerned about the New Deal.

"Liu Jinxun is not incompetent. On the contrary, this matter must be done by him."

Zhang Fengyue did not completely ignore the emperor as was rumored by the outside world, and only preached the Four Books and Five Classics, intending to brainwash the emperor into a Confucian puppet. Instead, he patiently explained the progress of the current New Deal.

"It's just that Buddhism in Fandi is a cancer that grows on the empire. If you want to remove it without breaking your muscles and bones, it is a delicate job, so you can't rush it."

"When I learned that Teacher you decided to punish these barbarians, I went to learn about the current situation in some lands."

The little emperor showed anger and snorted: "People who claim to be gods and Buddhas, despise the imperial court, and prey on the common people, these people really deserve to die!"

"It is a blessing to the people of this land that His Majesty has such compassion and kindness and can sympathize with the sufferings of the people."

Zhang Fengyue smiled with relief in his tone.

Seeing this, the little emperor felt a little courageous in his heart, and said in a heroic tone: "Actually, I think we can only deal with them as soon as possible, and it doesn't matter even if the empire pays some price. On the contrary, such gentle behavior makes people feel uncomfortable after seeing it. I thought the empire was really helpless against them.

The little emperor smiled and said: "Teacher, how about letting Senior Brother Yi Zheng take charge of the affairs of Fandi? You can also let him take this opportunity to accumulate more merit, so that he can be promoted to the cabinet as soon as possible and share more of the burden for you, teacher."

"The Ming Empire belongs to you. Who you choose to use depends entirely on your Majesty's decision."

Zhang Fengyue's tone suddenly became harsh: "But Zhang Siyuan is still too naive and immature, and his actions are absurd and unfit for practical use. The situation in Fandi is complicated, and he cannot handle it with his current temperament and ability. It is even too early to join the cabinet."

"It's because the students didn't think it through."

The little emperor was startled, and he quickly stood up from the golden pier, bowed his hands to Zhang Fengyue, and changed the subject.

"Teacher, can you tell the students why the situation in Fandi is complicated?"

Zhang Fengyue nodded and asked: "Your Majesty, you said earlier that you knew the situation in Fandi. Now, I would like to ask, what did you see in Fandi?"


At this moment, teachers and students are teaching, not monarchs and ministers playing against each other.

As a student, the little emperor stood upright, looked solemn, and gave his answer concisely and concisely.

Zhang Fengyue was noncommittal, "But in the eyes of the veteran, the first thing he saw was the word 'wisdom'."

"Crazy beliefs fool people's minds, how can we use the word 'wisdom'?" The little emperor looked puzzled.

"Fandi Foxu stuck to the barren and cold plateau, and chose not to touch the rich and prosperous Central Plains. Instead, he chose to continue to develop in southwest Tianzhu. After hundreds of years, he developed a population base that was impervious to water and as stable as Mount Tai. This was wise."

"Fandi Foxu keeps a low profile and hardly participates in the overt and secret struggles among the various orders in the empire. They do not have grudges with outsiders, so they are naturally protected from invasion. Because they know very well that the fanaticism they maintain with fear can easily be overthrown by more barbaric violence. Crush, especially Wu Xu, who was wreaking havoc at that time."

"The Taoist order built the 'Huangliang' and drove the reform and improvement of the empire. The Fandi Buddhist order, which was originally stubborn, chose to actively cater to it at that time, and completed the update of the technical method almost at the same time as the Han Buddhist order. This is a clear trend."

Zhang Fengyue said seriously: "These three points are enough to be called 'wisdom'."

Emperor Jiaqi asked in confusion: "Since the Buddhist order of Fandi is so difficult to deal with, why did the teacher choose to open the situation from them?"

"Blessings come from where misfortune lies, misfortunes come from blessings."

"The fanaticism of tyranny can consolidate the position, but the shackles of the people have lost the possibility of breaking the shackles of the Jin Dynasty. As a result, the Fandi Buddhist order has a vast base, but the reality is that talents are scarce."

"Self-proclaimed low-key can keep away from external conflicts, but conflicts cannot be transferred, and internal strife will become more intense. The new followers of the order only fight internally and not externally. There are only a few mountains in their eyes, so there are naturally fewer Awe.”

“You can get ahead quickly by learning the Dharma, but blindly covet the temporary convenience, learn the superficial knowledge without learning the essence, know it but don’t know why, and the result is that you will go astray and regret it for the rest of your life.”

"First 'wisdom' and then 'foolishness', this is the complete world."

Emperor Jiaqi still frowned: "But teacher, don't you understand these principles?"

"Of course I understand, otherwise the three Buddhas of Sangyan Lingjiapo, Baima Shiyi and Dazhao Longsheng would not have done such things as fishing in the lake and drinking poison to quench their thirst."

Zhang Fengyue said in a calm tone: "In their eyes, sequence is the foundation that maintains everything. If there is a problem with the foundation, it is tantamount to suffering from a terminal illness. What makes a person die is not his good words, but his endless despair and madness."

The little emperor swallowed. Although he was in a palace as warm as spring, he suddenly felt a chill on the back of his neck.

"Teacher, since they are crazy now, we can just sit back and watch them destroy themselves. Why bother with them?"

"Only lunatics will not follow the rules. In order to survive, they will pull out many hidden people from the secrets."

Zhang Fengyue said with a smile: "I just want to see how many monsters and monsters are hidden under that snowy area."

"So that's it."

The little emperor nodded in understanding, "So the teacher's idea is to lure them out and then catch them all?"

"We haven't reached that stage yet, but we just want to take a look at everyone's family background first. After all, it would be a bit unfair if we were always in the light and they were in the dark."

The little emperor frowned, his expression serious, as if he wanted to follow his teacher's train of thought.

But really understanding the meaning of Zhang Fengyue's words is still a bit too difficult for him now.

"Who are the teachers?"

After turning over and over again and still unable to find an answer, the little emperor could only ask with a look of shame.

Zhang Fengyue asked with a smile: "Then the veteran will test the school, Your Majesty, who do you think is there?"

"Since there is a problem with the Buddhist prefaces transmitted in the Han Dynasty, there is no reason why the Buddhist prefaces in the Han Dynasty can remain unharmed."

The little emperor pondered for a moment: "So it seems that the Han Dynasty Buddhist Preface is sitting on the sidelines, but it will end sooner or later!"


Zhang Fengyue asked: "Does Your Majesty think that Han Chuan is an enemy or a friend of Fan Chuan?"


The little emperor did not hesitate.

"What's the reason? Your Majesty, you must know that they are likely to face the same predicament now. If they continue to fight among themselves at this time, I am afraid it will only benefit others."

"There has always been a rift between these two parties. The conflict was already very obvious during the late emperor's time. If they really share the same hatred, then I'm afraid you, teacher, will not easily target Sangyan Temple."

"And the predicament that can be called a 'terminal illness' must be no small matter. If Fan Zhenzhen really found a way to save himself, he would never be able to hand it over to Han Chuan so easily."

"Han Chuan can be exchanged for benefits."

"Then if I were Lin Jiapo and the others, my condition would be to let these Han Buddhists be their protectors. Aren't they very particular about 'who will go to hell if I don't go to hell'? Then let them use their lives to protect their disciples and their descendants. In exchange for a bright future.”

The little emperor raised his brows with disdain on his face: "But with the characters of these Buddhists, they will definitely not be able to do anything sacrificing themselves for others. So they must be enemies!"

Zhang Fengyue said 'hmm', "The analysis is barely reasonable and well-founded. Han Chuan is one of them. Is there any more?"


The little emperor fell into deep thought for a long time.

Zhang Fengyue on the side was not in a hurry. He looked up to the southwest with deep eyes.

"Confucian order. This is nonsense. Military order? Needless to say, they all follow the Confucian order. As long as the teacher gives an order, it will not be a problem for Liu Tao to move the headquarters to Fandi.

"Daoxu is too busy taking care of himself right now, so there is no reason to get involved. But besides these sequences, who else can there be?"

The little emperor murmured to himself, constantly denying his guess.

Suddenly, he seemed to have remembered something, and his expression was shaken.

"Teacher, there is also the Yin and Yang order!"

The words were clear and decisive, showing strong confidence.

Zhang Fengyue withdrew his gaze and turned around to look: "What's the reason?"

"The Yin-Yang Order has been in a state of decline since being demoted and killed by Daoxu. Many people choose to leave their hometowns and go to barren lands overseas. But the students know that among the Yin-Yang Orders who left the empire behind, there is a man named Dong The palace's forces are always looking for opportunities to take revenge."

"What does this have to do with what happened in Fandi?"

"Teacher, you mentioned just now that the Buddhist sequence was learned from the 'Huang Liang' and went astray. Since it is related to the 'Huang Liang', it must be inseparable from the Tao sequence and the Yin and Yang sequence."

The more the little emperor analyzed, the more confident he looked.

"Right now, Daoxu is busy with internal fighting. As soon as Ge Fenghuo from Ge Zao Mountain left, Headmaster Maoshan went up to Longhu Mountain. Looking at this situation, Qingcheng Mountain and Yongle Palace will probably not fall behind."

"Since Dao Xu can't spare the energy to pick up the bargains, the Yin Yang Xu family has a small business, so they will definitely not miss this opportunity. They must get some benefits from Fan Chuan Fo Xu."

"If you can calculate it to this point, it seems that your majesty's math skills have improved a lot during this period."

A rare smile of approval appeared on Zhang Fengyue's face.

“It all depends on the teacher’s hard work in teaching.”

The little emperor blinked and said, "Actually, if we are looking for tricks, Wu Xu and Mo Xu should also be among the answers."

"You want to talk about Li Jun's group, right? They don't count."

Zhang Fengyue shook his head: "Mo Xu has trapped himself in a cocoon, and now there are no sharp teeth and claws to fight with outsiders. The once glorious Hundred Sects of Wu Xu now only have one Tianque left. But even though Wu Xu has declined to this point, in the eyes of some people, they It’s still a rare delicacy, and we don’t know how long it can continue to exist.”

The little emperor looked embarrassed, "Then I don't know who else is the disciple."

"Although His Majesty's answer is incomplete, it is already commendable that he can guess the order of Yin and Yang. That's the end of today's lesson."

Zhang Fengyue stood up from Jindun, "The next lecture, I plan to focus on Fandi, to help your Majesty find all the answers step by step. This method should allow your Majesty to be promoted faster."

"Thank you teacher."

Emperor Jiaqi held the disciple ceremony, his tone full of gratitude and heartfelt respect.

Among the temple ruins located at the junction of Fandi Yumo and Canglan, Dundup was fighting with a Buddha who was not weaker than him.

In the distance, Li Jun yawned in boredom.

Lord Ma even sat in the middle of a pile of corpses with his shoulders hugged, his red eyes dull and lifeless, and he didn't know where in the ghost world he had wandered.

Blood splashed on the snow, blooming dazzling blood flowers.

A wooden pillar as thick as a wrist was swung at Dunzhu's shoulder, and the scattered wood chips passed in front of his eyes, leaving bloody wounds on his side face.

Dunzhu looked fierce, ignoring the severe pain in his shoulder, and rushed to throw a powerful whip kick, heading straight for the opponent's head.

The Buddhist monk who was fighting with him was also good at close combat. He blocked the whip kick with his left hand by his ear, and stretched out his right hand at the same time, grabbing Dunzhu's neck, and his right toe was quietly raised.

As long as he successfully caught the opponent, he would be followed by a fierce knee strike.

Dunzhu's thick eyebrows twisted heavily, and at the critical moment, he took a deep breath, exerted his back muscles suddenly, and his body tilted back a little.

The monk's left hand missed, and his fingertips just swept across Dunzhu's throat, and a line of blood emerged.

Dunzhu, who had escaped the disaster, had not yet caught his breath, and the opponent's transformed body had already pounced on him without stopping, leaped up, and kicked his arms horizontally in the air.

The huge force knocked Dunzhu back repeatedly, and there was a sharp pain in his two arm bones as if they were broken.

The monk had a ferocious look on his face, chased up, and punched continuously.

The muffled sound of fists and bones intersecting became one in the ruins, and it was extremely fierce.

The monk let out a hysterical roar in the midst of the frenzy, as if he wanted to vent his frustration and despair in this way.

For him, everything that happened today was simply a nightmare.

He had just entered the sequence, and before he had time to enjoy the luxurious life of being supported by thousands of Buddhist slaves, the Xiangxiong Temple he belonged to suffered an unexpected disaster.

A Ming man attacked his temple for no reason.

From the temple owner to the novice monks, from top to bottom, they were slaughtered cleanly, leaving only himself.

Just when he thought that the demon was merciful and wanted to let him go, he was caught in the other party's hand and looked around like an animal.

Only then did he realize that the other party treated him as a carefully selected fighting dog.

What made him even more unacceptable was that his opponent was a Buddhist slave as humble as an ant!

There was no way to survive, and he was humiliated like this.

Thinking of this, the monk's anger became heavier and heavier, and his actions became more and more fierce.

He made up his mind to kill this stinking guy before he was killed!

In his madness, he didn't notice that the eyes of the Buddhist slave in front of him, hidden behind his arms, were full of calm and calm eyes.

Like a beast patiently lying dormant, waiting for a chance to strike a fatal blow.

"Ah, it seems I'm a step late."

Suddenly, a clear voice with a smile came from the periphery of the ruins.

Li Jun, who was drowsy, opened his eyelids and looked in the direction of the sound.

A simple and honest smiling face was facing him ten feet away.

The owner of the smiling face was wearing a scholar's long gown, and a wooden hairpin picked up from somewhere was inserted in his meticulously combed bun. At first glance, he was a poor scholar.

"This kid is really brave. He dared to come to us alone. Doesn't he know that we were tricked by his father?"

The dull red eyes lit up, and the cold voice of the horse king came out: "Or, I will kill him?"

Li Jun replied: "Don't worry, Zhang Fengyue's son should not be so stupid, let's see what he wants to do first."

The voices of the two talking were not small, and the scholar not far away heard it clearly.

Three eyes, two black and one red, repeatedly examined him up and down, making his hair stand on end.

The scholar, who had already prepared to take action, saw Li Jun raise his chin at him.

"Are you Zhang Siyuan?"

"Yes, you are Li Xinzhu?"

Li Jun nodded, "You should be in the Golden Temple of Naqu now, right? What are you doing here?"

"I have nothing to do, so I went out for a stroll."

Zhang Siyuan looked around the ruins of the temples around him and asked, "How many have been demolished?"

"The fifth one."


Zhang Siyuan grinned, "But I'm not bad either. From here to the Golden Temple of Naqu, all the Sangyan temples that are being rebuilt have been demolished by me again. There are five temples in total, so we are tied."

Hearing this, Li Jun and Ma Wangye looked at each other, and they were equally confused.

Is this person missing a string in his brain?

But what Zhang Siyuan said should be true.

After all, these temples were demolished by him before.

"Although there is a saying in our empire that the son pays for the father's debt, you two shouldn't want to vent your anger on me, right?"

Zhang Siyuan met the strange looks of Li Jun and Ma Wangye and smiled: "Can you give me a chance to sit down and talk?"

Li Jun raised his hand and patted a piece of gravel beside him.

"I can give you a seat, but I'm afraid you don't dare to sit down."

"Why don't you dare? Can a hero like Mr. Su go back on his word?"

Zhang Siyuan lifted the front of his long gown, strode over, and actually sat down next to Li Jun.

"Are you really not afraid that I will kill you?"

After killing so many Confucian scholars, this is the first time Li Jun has met such a person.

"It is said that Prime Minister Zhang has only you as a son. If I kill you, he should be very sad, right?"

"Sad? I dare not hope so."

Zhang Siyuan shook his head, "And in the Confucian order, the least valuable thing is the son."

"You are different from those children of the aristocratic families." Li Jun stared into his eyes.

"This is indeed different. They are all filial sons and grandsons, all of them are gentle, respectful, frugal and modest. They would rather kill their brothers than disobey their fathers."

Zhang Siyuan nodded solemnly, "I should be considered a rebellious son."

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