Cyber Daming

Chapter 59 No. 14 Chain Monastic House

[The study of the Polu Sword (eighth-level martial arts sword technique) has been completed and has been replaced by the single-sword technique selection (ninth-level Dzogchen)]

[Polu Sword is upgraded to mid-eighth grade 0/100]

Chengdu Prefecture, Shenhou District.

Li Jun, who had just left Shudao Logistics Group, did not return to the residence arranged by the group for the management, but appeared on the streets of Shenhou District.

Compared with other districts in Chengdu Prefecture, Shenhou District is not considered prosperous as a whole, but has a calm and leisurely temperament everywhere.

In the shops on both sides of the street, whether they sell Taoist consumables such as yellow paper or cinnabar, there is almost always an electronic portrait of Taoist Wang Lingguan hanging in front of the door.

This is a Taoist immortal with a red face and beard, wearing golden armor and red robes. In the portrait, he is dancing with a golden whip, which is extremely powerful and brave.

Among the passers-by, there were also many people with their hair in buns and long beards on their lips, looking as cool as a fairy.

All this is because this is the seat of the Shu Dimen oligarch Qingcheng Group.

Li Jun was not wearing the black military uniform at this time, but he changed into white short-sleeved shirts and jute trousers from somewhere.

This kind of dress does not stand out among the crowd, and even looks a bit shabby.

The rich wear Ming clothes, and the poor wear Yi shirts.

In the Ming Empire, only the powerless people would wear clothes popular from the Western Yi countries.

Even suits and gowns, which are said to represent respectability in Western Yi, are almost ignored in the Ming Dynasty, and wearing them will only cause ridicule.

Li Jun, who had been wandering aimlessly for a long time, finally stopped in front of a quaintly decorated house. This was the purpose of his visit to Shenhou District.

"The Qingcheng Group's No. 104 chain monastery."

Li Jun muttered the name on the signboard in a low voice, raised his hand and rubbed his face. After rubbing away all the coldness in his eyes, he opened the door curtain with Tai Chi Bagua painted on it this time and walked in.

The interior structure of the monastery is extremely simple, with almost no furniture, and the space is wide and unobstructed.

On the altar in the middle of the hall is suspended the three-clear holographic image of Taoism. At the feet of the three supreme Taoist gods is a Bagua-shaped seat covered with bright yellow futon cushions.

Yu Kou was wearing a plain Taoist robe. He changed his usual exaggeration and sat on the stage with a solemn expression. He held a Taoist seal in his right hand and a copper chime and pestle in his left hand.

"Heaven and earth are unkind and regard all things as rudderless dogs. The saints are unkind and regard the common people as rudderless dogs."

I didn't expect that this sinister fat man who was involved in wine, sex, wealth and everything could be so solemn and solemn at times. There was really more than one facet to the man.

Li Jun was sighing in his heart, but the expression on his face suddenly became weird the next second.

"The Great Dao is fifty, Tianyan is forty-nine. If you don't want to become a stupid dog, then you have to escape into the only 'one'. This 'one' refers to the Taoist sect."

"Those who enter the Taoist sect can jump out of the five elements. This is an act that goes against heaven, so the Taoist practitioner needs to have a supreme mind and supreme qualifications. But people are not saints, and the Taoist road must have shortcomings. What should we do?"

After Yu Kou asked the question, he raised the chime and pestle with his left hand and struck the bronze chime.

Boom. A melodious sound of a copper chime sounded.

"Naturally, we have to replace the meridians at Qingcheng Group, wash the bones and cut out the marrow, and rebuild the foundation. From now on, the path to immortality will be smooth, and we will be able to ascend by riding a crane just around the corner."

Li Jun's eyes twitched, "Damn it, this fat guy has been selling goods for a long time?"

At the same time, Yu Kou glanced at the figure standing at the door calmly and said loudly:

"The Tao can be taught, but it is not the Tao. The name can be named, but it is not the same. All Taoist friends can enter the Qingcheng Cave and find the wonderful doors. Go!"

With the sound of another copper chime, many nerve bundles hung down from the ceiling, landing just on the heads of dozens of monks sitting cross-legged on futons.

"Thank you, Master Immortal, for your guidance."

Everyone knelt and bowed their heads, thanked Yu Kou in unison, and then inserted the wire harness into their respective brain-computer interfaces.

At the moment when the wire harness was inserted, a large amount of mist overflowed from nowhere and spread rapidly in the monastery.

After a while, no monks could be seen in the monastery, and white mist curled up everywhere, like an ethereal illusion.


Yu Kou stretched out, lit a cigarette and held it in the corner of his mouth. His slit eyes looked at Li Jun with a smile, "Xike, if I remember correctly, this is the first time you have taken the initiative to come to me, right?"

"This is indeed my first time here," Li Jun looked around and chuckled, "I didn't expect you, Mr. General Banner, would have such a job."

"There is no way, life is not easy. This Taoist practice is also a time-consuming and costly process."

Yu Kou looked up to the sky and sighed, "It costs money to raise essences in the cave, cultivate Taoist tools, and carve talismans and seals. The salary of our Jinyiwei is not enough at all. I can only sell some artificial meridians to earn some hard-earned money."

Gray-white smoke rose from the corner of his mouth, drifted to the feet of the three Taoist ancestors and slowly dispersed.

As Yu Kou spoke, his eyes were always watching the expression on Li Jun's face, and he secretly thought that this Wu Bahongxue probably didn't know the grudges between Buddhism and Taoism and martial arts.

Otherwise, even if you don't dare to show your hatred to yourself, at least it will be a little awkward and it won't be so calm.

Yu Kou asked softly: "What happened?"

Li Jun looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "The Gu family has made big moves recently."


A piece of carved talisman flew down from the platform and hovered at the door of the monastery, ripples rippling in the air.

Yu Kou looked solemn and said, "Speak clearly."

Li Jun then repeated what Gu Jia said to him in the martial arts arena.

After hearing this, Yu Kou pondered for a moment, then suddenly smiled hoarsely, "No wonder people from these two families have been frequenting Mianzhou recently. It turned out to be for Yang Zhan's brain tissue slices!"

"Now that the recommendation is imminent, if this thing suddenly appears, the Gu and Wu family's education seeds will be ruined?"

Li Jun looked at Yu Kou who was talking to himself, frowned and asked: "Master General Banner, there is something I still can't figure out."

Yu Kou seemed to have guessed what Li Jun was thinking, "You want to ask the No. 1 Scholar what the use of his brain tissue slices is and why it deserves so much attention from both families, right?"

"Your Excellency is wise."

Yu Kou dusted off the cigarette ashes, changed himself into a comfortable sitting position, and then said slowly and leisurely: "If you want to understand the use of this thing, you must first understand the so-called Six Arts of Confucianism."

"Etiquette, music, archery, imperialism, calligraphy, and numeracy are collectively called the Six Confucian Arts. These scholars claim to have the world in mind and pursue balance and moderation. Therefore, they require their successors to be masters of everything and master everything."

"If you meet a Confucian person one day, don't be surprised if he rolls up his sleeves and wants to fight with you. Their fists are also very hard."

Yu Kou held a cigarette in his mouth with a hint of disdain, "There are a lot of things to learn. If you want to master it, you have to rely on the talent in your brain for reading. But what if your brain is not enough?"

Li Jun thought for a moment and took over Yu Kou's words, "Then you can only steal from others."

Yu Kou laughed loudly and praised: "Clever!"

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