Cyber Daming

Chapter 593: Pure Heart

"The basic population of the Ming Empire is nothing but flesh and blood fields with a new skin. There are thousands of miles of fertile land and tens of billions of people. Without tens of thousands of people, how can the various sequences prosper?"


A large piece of flesh and blood with tendons fell to the ground. Zheng Chu, who had melted into half a skeleton, had a burning look.

"Without our help, it would be difficult for you to move forward."

There is no doubt about the difficulty of sequence promotion.

Huge population, limited resources. Difficult rituals, and a murderous situation.

Whether it is objective conditions or human factors, it makes promotion to a high sequence extremely difficult.

Now Li Jun can confirm that Zhang Fengyue is the only one alive in the second sequence.

And this is under the premise that the Ming Empire has set off two waves of technical methods in a hundred years.

One leaf can tell the coming of autumn, and you can imagine how difficult it is.

So although he knew that Li Jun hated what Sheji did, Zheng Chu still had the confidence to win him over.

Because in their experiments, the Lone Wuxu had a prominent characteristic, which was selfishness.

If a person does not work for himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth. To be strong, you can give up everything and ignore everything. This is the true meaning of being alone.

The second is that the Wuxu gene evolved after learning the painful lesson of the destruction of the Wuxu sect.

Since it is not feasible to form a sect and gather people, then one person will become a god.

A lone person is first a beast and then a god.

All sympathy, pity, love and hate, and gratitude are useless burdens for the Lone Wuxu. Only by treating the world as nutrients for its own growth can a true new Wuxu god be born.

This is the secret of being alone explored by Sheji and Sangyan Temple. Zheng Chu is also very confident that this is the only correct path.

He believes that Li Jun should also know this now, but he is unwilling to face it because of various ties.

But if Li Jun continued to resist, he would stray further and further from the right path, and it would be difficult for him to move forward, until he could not move forward at all and was trapped to death.

"In this world, only our country can understand you."

The flesh and blood that had almost melted away revealed a pile of white bones and a variety of inhuman organs.

Zheng Chu opened a bloodshot eyeball, speaking earnestly and forcefully.

"It's just a pure transaction between us and you, and we each get what we need. After you get what you want, if you still have ridiculous compassion, you can let go and hunt us down again, and ask for a ridiculous justice for these 'seeds', how about it?"

Zheng Chu's words echoed everywhere in the huge cause and effect city.

The voice came from every cause and effect tree and every inch of flesh and blood field, and everyone could hear it clearly.

Zhang Siyuan, who was drawing his bow and arrow in the distance, looked over with the corner of his eye, frowned slightly, and his face looked a little solemn.

Dunzhu buried his head and fought with several monsters, blood was everywhere, and he ignored the noisy sound in his ears.

"With your little skill of maneuvering, it's better not to show it off. But your "hybrid" technology that can sew yourself into a hodgepodge is really a bit tricky, no wonder you can hide yourself so deeply."

Li Jun lowered his eyes and looked down at Zheng Chu who was standing at the bottom of the pit.

"I want to ask you something, do you know an old man who should be the third in the vertical and horizontal sequence?"


Zheng Chu was stunned, not understanding what Li Jun meant.

"It seems that I don't know him."

Li Jun nodded, "That's good, if the opportunity to break the sequence alone is really for you rotten fish and shrimp, I have to find that old man to have a good talk."


The long spear shot through, pierced through Zheng Chu's chest, and nailed to the ground.

The flames wrapped around the spear spread, burning Zheng Chu's body, sizzling.

"It seems that you haven't fully awakened yet. It doesn't matter. You will naturally awaken after the people and things that hold you back are eliminated. And the matter of the land has just begun. We still have many opportunities to meet."

In the firelight, Zheng Chu's voice gradually faded.

"When we meet, I believe you will make the right choice"


The two leg bones were broken, and Zheng Chu's body collapsed like sand, burning into a ball of black ash.

Li Jun's face was gloomy. He had seen many people who made harsh words before dying.

But this time, listening to Zheng Chu's ghostly words, a sense of uneasiness rose from nowhere and filled his heart.

In addition, there is one more thing.

In Li Jun's sight, there was no font prompting the acquisition of mastery points.

This shows that Zheng Chu is not dead yet


The inexplicable sound of waves echoed throughout the cause and effect city.

The green ocean surrounding the periphery suddenly began to collapse inward, revealing fertile black soil and white bones pulled out one by one.

Those causal trees with intelligence lowered their heads and swallowed the blood and flesh products around the guards. Their feet dug deep into the blood and flesh fields and sank into the ground.

This causal city, we must escape!

Although it is clear that Zheng Chu must be somewhere in this blood and flesh field, as Zheng Chu said just now, Li Jun has no effective way to stop him.

The lone warrior "Kei Di" cannot cover such a large area.

Even the investigative methods updated after Lord Ma was promoted to the third sequence were unable to find Zheng Ho's hidden identity in the vast ocean of vitality.

Therefore, it is no wonder that Zheng Ho is so confident, because in this farm, Li Jun really cannot kill him.


Suddenly, there was a burst of gunshots.

Li Jun suddenly turned around and saw Zhang Siyuan holding a short-handled firearm shaped like a 'Duoyan Guard' in his hand. The Taoist seal Buddhist scriptures engraved on the body of the gun were dazzling. The muzzle of the gun was pointing toward the sky, and a ball of light the size of a fist came out of the gun. , swaying into the sky.

In an instant, Li Jun clearly felt that there was a very complex mental power spreading rapidly, like a tight grid with extremely small holes, covering the entire land of flesh and blood, quickly sifting through it.


The light ball exploded, and tiny light spots scattered in all directions.

Almost at the same time, Lord Ma, who understood the situation clearly, broke away from his armor state, jumped into the air with Zhang Siyuan, and aimed his gun at the suspicious spot marked by the light spot.

Fire sprayed, gunshots rumbled, and pits of flesh and blood exploded one after another.

This amount of firepower is nothing more than scratching the itch of the flesh and blood farmland that covers an area of ​​more than a hundred acres, and the flesh and blood that is blown up is just a drop in the bucket.

But strangely, the fields of flesh and blood that were originally sinking and escaping deep underground suddenly stopped, like the angry sea surface in a violent storm, setting off surging waves of scarlet flesh. It was also like a giant beast that had been hit in a vital part and was writhing in pain.

"In front of me, you want to run away without even saying hello. Isn't it a bit too contemptuous? You really treat me, Zhang Siyuan, as a dandy who just got into the country and got some qualifications, right?"

The green-shirted scholar had a sneer on his face and stood tall. He held the gun with his left hand, pulled and pushed it, loaded the gun with a click, and pulled the trigger on the fields at his feet, blasting out a huge pit of flesh and blood.

"In the empire, it is often said that farming and reading are heirlooms, which means that we can make friends. But since arriving here, you have ignored me from beginning to end. Since you, a farmer, look down on me, a scholar, then But you can’t blame my men for being ruthless.”

While Zhang Siyuan was shooting and wreaking havoc, he was muttering strange and bizarre theories.

The rise and fall of the 'flesh wave' became more and more frightening. In the chaos, Li Jun clearly heard a shrill scream.


Li Jun raised his head and saw that the waves of flesh on his head twisted and deformed, transforming into a giant mountain-like hand with webs of flesh between the fingers, pressing towards Zhang Siyuan with the force of covering the top.


A figure flashed past, and the giant hand of flesh and blood froze in the air, and then exploded into a rain of blood.

"You know you can't escape now, so you're anxious? It's too late. I thought you had some extraordinary escape skills, but it turns out you're just fishing in troubled waters."

Zhang Siyuan put the barrel of the gun on his shoulder and looked at the huge body condensed out of the fields of flesh and blood, his brows filled with disdain.

"Zhang Siyuan, don't forget who you are! If you ruin a major event of the New Donglin Party, Zhang Fengyue will not let you go!"

Zheng Ho's angry curses came from the flesh and blood giant.

"Don't put gold on your face. With the size of your country, it's not a big deal in front of the New Donglin Party."

Zhang Siyuan said contemptuously: "And do you understand what it means to be an only child? If you use my father to pressure me, I think you have lost your mind."


Zheng Ho, whose escape was blocked, was no longer as calm as before, and the boiling murderous intent in front of him made him no longer able to talk to Zhang Siyuan on the ground.

Li Jun, who was wearing armor again, was hovering in the air, holding the spear in his hand, black flames burning on the tip of the spear.

"Master Li Xin, as long as you are willing to let me go, I can tell you the secret of Sangyan Buddha Lin Jiapo. She is the enemy who has a blood feud with you."

As soon as Zheng Xue finished his hasty begging for mercy, a sudden and violent sneak attack broke out.

Two giant hands suddenly shot up from the ground, clasping their palms together to attack like a fly.


Bone fragments and fleshy paste burst out from between the fingers of the giant hand, with such force that it was like a muffled thunder explosion.


A black-red electric light suddenly appeared behind the flesh and blood giant, and Li Jun, who was supposed to be caught in the palm of the flesh and blood giant's hand, suddenly appeared here.


The shadow of the gun fell and penetrated from the head of the flesh and blood giant.

The sharp force rushed down and cut Zheng Ho's body from the middle.


The huge corpse fell into the field of flesh and blood and exploded into a stream of blood.

The area of ​​​​the flesh-and-blood field, which was significantly smaller than the previous one, began to surge wildly again and quickly sank toward the ground.

"Why can't you learn well? This trick of yours won't work."

Zhang Siyuan followed suit and fired a tracer bullet into the sky again.

"Zhang Siyuan, what the New Donglin Party wants is a chaotic land. If you kill me, who will help you achieve your goal?"

No need for bullets to force him again, Zheng Ho knew that his flesh and blood carrying his main genes had nowhere to escape, and once again condensed into a tattered body the size of an ordinary person.

Astonishingly, it was the martial body that just melted and disintegrated on its own.

Zheng Ho's eyes were horrified and he begged: "Let me go, I can accept your Confucian order seal. I can also do what you want Li Jun to do."

"You're still talking nonsense here, I have a pure heart, am I afraid that you will sow discord?"

Zhang Siyuan's expression was cold, and the gun in his hand trembled, transforming into the long bow before. He drew the bow like a full moon, and shot an invisible arrow straight into his soul.

The gods' edicts, the Buddha's whispers, and the hum of the heart are filled with the sound of reading.

Zheng Ho's body trembled, and he was horrified to find that he was as if he was locked. The connection with the flesh and blood farmland beneath him was cut off, and he could no longer transfer it.


A palm covered in armor thrust forward, and a boiling sound exploded from the pinch of the five fingers together, scattering the flying arrows.

A tall figure suddenly appeared and stood in front of Zheng Ho.

Things took a turn for the worse, and the ecstasy of the aftermath of the disaster suddenly bloomed in Zheng Ho's originally desperate eyes.

"Master Li Xin, I knew you would wake up sooner or later."


The violent fist shadow scattered the subsequent words, and Zheng Ho's body exploded into a piece of filth.

Before the dirt even touched the ground, it was burned into a smelly smoke by the spreading flames.

[Acquire 150 mastery points]

[182 mastery points remaining]

[The fourth-level martial arts technique of boiling blood has been learned (Taotie ingestion)]

Following Zheng Ho's complete death, the entire Karma City suddenly erupted in wailing.

The remaining causal trees fell to the ground one after another, and all kinds of weird creatures conceived in the fruit shells rolled to the ground, their flesh and blood were gray and motionless, and they had obviously lost their vitality.

There are still dozens of acres of flesh and blood fields, like old snow under the scorching sun, rapidly melting into dark red liquid and soaking into the soil.

In just a few breaths, the originally prosperous Karma City disappeared, leaving only a stench filling the air and a highly toxic swamp.

The acquisition of proficiency points was expected, but being able to acquire a martial art from Zheng Ho was something Li Jun did not expect.

But when I changed my mind, it made sense.

Zheng Ho is able to control a body that is compatible with martial arts, Buddhism, and Taoism, and there must be martial arts genes in his body.

Although he cannot use it, Li Jun can ingest it through Taotie.

Now that Zheng Ho is dead, Lord Ma has not separated from Li Jun.

"You remember you said you only knew how to shoot, right?"

Li Jun turned around and looked at Zhang Siyuan, moving the five fingers of his left hand slightly. There was an obvious gap on the edge of his fist, which was the scar left by the arrow that had just been smashed.

The power of that arrow was not small, and what was even more troublesome was the strange power attached to it, which actually caused Lord Ma to lose control of the armor near the wound for a moment.


Zhang Siyuan looked serious, nodded and said: "Locating and tracking the enemy is also part of the art of archery. If you can't find the target when you draw the bow and nock the arrow, then it's just nonsense. Brother Jun, you think so. Bar?"

"Is that true? Why don't I look like it?"

Li Jun raised his arm and Zhao Dan's spear fell into his palm.

"That's true."

Zhang Siyuan's face was full of smiles, and he changed the subject: "But the six Confucian arts are the basic skills of Confucianism. I can dabble in them more or less, but the only one I am good at is the 'shooting' art."

"Why do I sound inconsistent?"

Li Jun took a step forward.

"Be humble, this is what my father has always taught me."

"Are you listening to your father again now?"

Zhang Siyuan stepped back and said, "You still have to listen to what you say makes sense, even though the old man is always being careless."

Dunzhu, covered in blood, stood aside with a confused look on his face.

He didn't understand what happened between his teacher and his husband, but this local man still saw something was wrong and quietly moved his steps to block Zhang Siyuan's retreat.

"You heartless thing, you just want your husband to be beaten, right?"

Zhang Siyuan glanced at Dunzhu angrily, stopped, and said with a wry smile: "Brother Jun, did you misunderstand something?"

"The misunderstanding is just a minor matter. I was worried about being betrayed, so I foolishly counted the money for me."

"I'm such a good person."

Zhang Siyuan said with a solemn expression: "The nonsense that Zheng Ho's grandson said is purely to disgust our brothers and destroy our relationship."

"What about this weapon in your hand?"


Zhang Siyuan decisively threw the gun to the ground and raised his hands high.

"This thing was given to me by the old man. It looks a bit like the stitched monsters like Sheji Nongxu, but it is an authentic product of Moxu. Brother Jun, if you don't believe it, you can let Mr. Ma take a look. He is sure. Can you restore my innocence?"

"I think it's appropriate to call first and ask later."

Lord Ma's sneer came from his red eyes.

"Master Ma, you and I had no grudges in the past and have no grudges in the recent past. Don't ever trick me like this."

Zhang Siyuan looked sad: "I have small arms and legs, what if I accidentally get beaten to death?"

"After all, he is a Confucian scholar, so he won't die that easily, right?"

Prince Ma said: "I think you are a good person at pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. You have killed many people with this trick, right?"

"Hey, I originally set my heart towards the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch."

Zhang Siyuan sighed helplessly, squatting on the ground and holding his head.

"I can't explain it clearly. Brother Jun, if you really doubt me, then come on. I don't ask for much, just stay alive."


The spear hit the ground, and the armor was separated.

Hearing the noise, Zhang Siyuan suddenly raised his head and said in surprise: "Brother Jun, do you believe me?"

"I believe that with Zhang Fengyue's status, he will not lose points to the point of using his own son to set up a trap."

Li Jun picked up the firearm that Zhang Siyuan dropped on the ground and threw it to the opponent.

"That old man is really nice."

Zhang Siyuan jumped up on the spot, picked up his weapon, and said with a smile: "Otherwise, I wouldn't have been trying to trick Longhu Mountain."

Li Jun took a deep look at the other party. He chose to let Zhang Siyuan go, not only because he thought Zhang Fengyue would not use him to plot.

The real reason was that the other party had shown his disgust for the Buddhist order in the Fandi area and his genuine concern for the Fan people along the way.

Almost all the Confucian orders that Li Jun had met were masters of acting.

But Zhang Siyuan gave Li Jun the feeling that he was not acting. He really wanted to change the Fandi area.

"You are the one who wanted to beat me up just now, right? Come here, let me kick you a few times to vent my anger!"

Zhang Siyuan smiled grimly and waved at Dunzhu behind him.

"Sir, misunderstanding." Dunzhu shook his head.

"Come here!"


Li Jun looked at the two people fighting, pondered for a moment, and suddenly spoke.

"If I really thought you had a problem just now and had to fight, what would you do?"

"Bear it."

Zhang Siyuan paused, turned back and smiled.

"Don't fight back?" Li Jun asked back.

Zhang Siyuan said honestly: "Sequence Four is walking alone in Sequence Three's black armor. Knowing that he can't win, why do you fight back?"

"Are you not afraid of death?"

Zhang Siyuan said without hesitation: "Of course I am afraid, but I believe you won't kill me."

Li Jun frowned and asked: "Why?"

"Because in the current foreign land, only you and I are sincere and want to help them."

Zhang Siyuan slapped Dunzhu on the back, making the man pale.

"This kid is so stupid, even he is willing to believe you, so I am willing to believe you."

Li Jun smiled slowly: "What if I choose to believe Zheng Chu's words, be a beast first, and then be a god?"

"Then I will turn around and leave the foreign land immediately, go back to the old man and kowtow to admit my mistakes."

Zhang Siyuan also smiled: "Then, I will only do one thing in the rest of my life."

"What is it?"

"Fighting with you."

The two looked at each other, silent for a moment, and laughed at the same time.

Dunzhu, who was almost choked by the slap, looked at the two people with a blank face.

They were fighting to the death just now, but now they are sympathizing with each other.

Ming people, it's really inexplicable.

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