Cyber Daming

Chapter 596: Riding Alone to Break the Dream

Teardrops fell like raindrops, and Zou Sijiu, who was soaked all over, finally came to his senses at this moment.

How could this be a ground-based agricultural country imitating the Buddhist order?

It was clearly a strange and sinister Huangliang dream!

Zou Sijiu, who saw through this, was no longer confused, and immediately understood the whole story.

It was precisely because it was not the mutual collision, erosion, and coverage of the Buddhist country that Yuan Mingfei, who was the third in the order, was defeated and easily defeated by the other party.

In Zou Sijiu's opinion, when entering the valley, his group of people might have been tricked.

But when will the Huangliang dream pull in Chen Qisheng, an old-fashioned Taoist order of pure flesh and blood?

Could it be the overlapping of the Buddhist country and the dream?

Zou Sijiu also used this method when sending Chen Qisheng to Zhao Yanlong Cave Heaven.

Although he and Yuan Mingfei worked together to perform it at that time, for these agricultural sequences that like to stitch together different sequences, it is possible to do it alone.

And the way this dream is constructed is indeed weird enough.

It can accurately capture and target the fear in everyone's consciousness, amplify the inner desire, and silently drag everyone into the depths of the dream step by step.

Thinking of this, Zou Sijiu's mind immediately had a doubt.

But if it is a Huangliang dream, why can't I feel any known backdoors?

That is the capital for my survival. No matter how weird the geopolitical means are, it is impossible to block all the backdoors.

It is precisely because of this that I was pulled into the dream without warning.

In all the sequences involving "Huangliang", there is a general understanding that "Huangliang" is regarded as an ocean that can carry and breed all fantasies.

And the Huangliang dream is artificially created and parasitized by different "sea beasts" in it.

But in this dream of geography, Zou Sijiu felt extremely unfamiliar.

This situation is almost impossible for a Yin-Yang Sequence Four Zhuang Zhou Butterfly.

Unless this is not the ‘Huangliang’ where Zou Sijiu controls many backdoors!

And Zou Sijiu is very sure that the foreign Buddhist order must have also intervened in this, otherwise the Huangliang dream would not be so perfectly integrated with the Buddhist country on earth.

"Those bastards in the East Palace are really everywhere! And now it seems that this time they really made some amazing things!"

Zou Sijiu was shocked, subconsciously sticking out a tongue, panting.

This is a new ‘Huangliang’

If they really made it, the entire Ming Empire will set off an uproar.

Its wide coverage and great impact are definitely no less than a new wave of technical methods!

When the use of ‘Huangliang’ no longer depends on the inherent host, and its nature is no longer co-construction and co-ownership, it will no longer be restricted by permissions like Baiyujing.

Taking geography as an example, a third agricultural order can unfold such a huge Huangliang dream, which is so strong that even the third Buddhist order can indulge in it and cannot extricate themselves. Zou Sijiu has never heard of it or seen it before.

Although this has something to do with geography grasping the weakness of Yuan Mingfei's heart, it is really shocking to be able to do this.

And as a Yin-Yang order, Zou Sijiu knows very well what the emergence of this new technical method means.

This means that a follower who masters this technical method is a moving "Huangliang".

His brain is the Huangliang host, his will is the Huangliang authority, one thought creates a dream, and everything sinks!

Following this line of thought, the situation that may eventually appear is that an extremely powerful existence will pull all the people in the entire Ming Empire into the dream with its own strength, and even pure flesh and blood cannot escape.

By then, the boundary between reality and illusion will no longer exist!

The powerful existence that constructs the dream is the creator in the agricultural order, the will of heaven in the Yin-Yang order, and the Buddha in the Buddhist order.

It is a human, but also a god.

It is everything, but also the only one.

"Turning the false into the true, are the people of Sheji and Fanchuan Buddhist Order brainless? How could they go crazy with those lunatics in Donghuang Palace?!"

Zou Sijiu's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and he felt creepy.

Compared with these speculations, why didn't he sink into it like Yuan Mingfei and Chen Qisheng, and couldn't extricate himself, Zou Sijiu was not surprised at all.

Since it is confirmed that Donghuang Palace is involved, everything seems reasonable.

With the nature of Donghuang Palace, or the entire Yin-Yang Order, as long as they have handled something, how could they not leave some tricks that are beneficial to themselves?

From the fact that the desire fluctuations of defense can be sensed by Zou Sijiu and wake him up, it can be seen that this dream does not suppress Zou Sijiu strongly.

The problem either comes from the thing in the geography that can replace the Huangliang host, or the technical method he has mastered.

"This time I am indebted to you. When we meet again in the future, I promise to leave you with an intact body."

Zou Sijiu expressed his gratitude to Donghuang Palace while raising his claws to overturn the swill in front of him.

Since Diyuan is the master of this dream, there is no point in pretending to be stupid in front of him.

It is better to directly declare that I am awake, and let's fight face to face, and see whether you kill me or I tear open your dream!

"You are a bunch of yellow millet rats, you really have evil intentions!"

Diyuan's angry voice sounded at the moment the barrel overturned.


A chain was thrown out from the door, like a python twisting its body, and pounced on Zou Sijiu like lightning.

But just when the chain approached Zou Sijiu's 10-foot range, a sudden change occurred.

The iron chain, which was originally as thick as a thumb, suddenly shrank rapidly and turned into an iron wire in an instant, and the speed of the pounce also slowed down synchronously.

Although Zou Sijiu's body was still petite, such an attack was not enough to make him give up resistance and wait for death.

"My back door is indeed useless here, but don't think that only you have unique skills, I have them too!"

Without the back door, Zou Sijiu also has a special method derived from Zhao Mengze, one of the five pillars of the inherited Tianque, the Yin-Yang Sequence Three.

Heaven and earth live together!

If I am not sure that this thing can work, how can I, Master Zou, fight you head-on?


The black dog was like a vicious tiger, raising its paw to step on the snake's head, baring its teeth as if it was sneering in contempt, and the short tail behind its buttocks swung quickly.

The dogtail grass transformed by Shouyu was also within the influence range of Tiandi Tongshou, and its body was reduced to just a little taller than Zou Sijiu.

This height was just right, Zou Sijiu stretched his head and bit a grass spike formed by the dogtail grass, which was the core of Shouyu's consciousness, and turned around and ran out of the yard.

At the same time, suppressing a Buddhist order three Buddha master, a Taoist order four immortal master who was only one step away from promotion, and two order four Ming ghosts and a Yin-Yang order, Diyuan also reached the limit, and it took all his mind to barely maintain the stability of the dream.

Moreover, in order to limit the resistance of Yuan Mingfei and Chen Qisheng to the greatest extent, the dream he constructed was purely an ordinary world.

Although there were some grotesque products, the overall situation was still within the scope of ordinary people.

Therefore, facing Zou Sijiu's resistance at this moment, Diyuan did not dare to use the ability beyond the construction principle, nor did he dare to modify the content of the dream.

Gnashing his teeth, he could only grab a broom leaning against the corner of the wall and chase out of the yard.

The originally quiet village gradually began to hear voices.

The doors on both sides of the village road were pushed open one after another. People of all ages, men and women, grabbed bricks, swung spatulas, and chased Zou Sijiu.

Although there were many enemies, Mr. Zou rushed left and right in the crowd, and no one could stop him.

Everything depended on the technical method Zhao Mengze taught Zou Sijiu. Anyone and anything close to him, without exception, shrunk to the same size as him.

Although the coverage area was only a mere ten feet, it temporarily saved Zou Sijiu's life.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A person as big as a dog is not to be feared.

But a stone as big as a dog is enough to kill him!

Zou Sijiu dodged the hidden weapons thrown from behind, and soon saw the hanging building with a balcony.

The yellow gladiolus was suffocating in the bottomless ravine and was about to wither.

Between life and death, Zou Sijiu's broken leg, which was still tilted while running, suddenly shook, and his three good legs bent and exerted force, and he jumped up while running wildly!


A low roar, swinging claws, shrinking houses, and frightened women.

Zou Sijiu was like a tiger coming down the mountain, with a fierce momentum. He slapped the woman away with a slap, turned around and smashed the flowerpot where the long army was planted with another slap, and dug out a palm-sized rusty sword from the scattered soil with his claws.

Without stopping for a moment, the black dog picked up the rusty sword and ran straight out of the village!

He wanted to wake up Chen Qisheng!

Of course, Diyuan knew what Zou Sijiu was going to do. Surrounded by the crowd, he had a cold look in his eyes, held the middle of the broom, stepped forward, and threw it with his arms!

The wind was whistling, and the broom was as fast as an arrow!


Zou Sijiu heard the evil voice behind him and jumped away desperately, but was still hit by the broom in the waist.

The black dog stumbled and rolled out on the ground, but did not fall down. Instead, he stood up again with blood and dust on his body and ran towards the outside of the village.


Diyuan had a ferocious expression and gave a cold order.

In the fields outside the village, a farmer who looked exactly like Zhang Chongyuan had been waiting on the ridges.

"You dirty beast, don't even think about getting close to my cause and effect tree."

"Those who stand in my way will die!"

Zou Sijiu roared and flew out.

On the ridges, the fist-sized black dog knocked the man to the ground and stomped on his head with its two short claws.

The funny scene was a life-or-death situation.

The pursuers behind him were approaching. If Chen Qisheng couldn't wake up, Zou Sijiu would have to die here today.


The half-dead Chang Jun fell in a spiral, like a weed stuck in the soil.

"Stop dreaming, you stinky cow nose, if you sleep any longer, I, Master Zou, will be chopped to death!"

The dog barked, and on the ridge of the field, the tail behind the black dog's butt swung like a flywheel.

Why did Zou Sijiu go far away and not wake up Yuan Mingfei who was also in the courtyard, but rushed out of the village desperately to find Chen Qisheng?

The reason lies in the conversation between the two.

"Aren't you Zhenwu Mujun?"

"Aren't you the master of Huangliang Dream?"

It was this sentence that made Zou Sijiu know that although Chen Qisheng could not move, his sinking situation was much lighter than Yuan Mingfei, and the possibility of awakening was higher.

"Wake up, Taoist, Master Chen, I beg you"

Amid the anxious shouts, the fruit on the top of the cause and effect tree cracked with a crackle.

Zou Sijiu only felt a weight on his back, and then a playful laugh floated down from his head.

"Master Zou, we are all brothers, so you don't need to be so polite, right? However, I have to say, you are really unique the way you are now."

"How long has this been, and you're still taking advantage of me?! Besides, do you need to ride on me? Since you're awake, come down and fuck them!"

Zou Sijiu twisted his head back, but was pushed back directly by a hand.

"I am also a mortal here. Without you, how can we fight against so many people?"

Chen Qisheng was riding on the back of a black dog, with his back straight and his eyes piercing through the crowd, fixed on Ge Yuan's face.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm just asking you if you want to kill this bastard?"

"Master Dao, you ride steadily!"

Zou Sijiu roared, his front paws digging at the ground. He rolled his tongue in his mouth and held the grass spike in his mouth.

Touch my mother-in-law, I will not cut you into pieces today, I will take your surname!


With one command, dogs emerge like tigers!

A two-inch-tall man riding a fist-sized black dog charged towards the densely packed crowd from the other end of the field.


Chen Qisheng grabbed the black dog's mane, leaned over and pulled out the rusty sword stuck in the soil, with a fierce look on his brows.



A dog entering a crowd is like a tiger entering a flock of sheep!

Chen Qisheng grabbed the iron sword and killed everyone in all directions. No one was able to unite.

The woman who wanted to suffocate Changjun was also among them, her face was stained with blood, her claw marks were clear, and her eyes were full of resentment and hatred.

"Give me my sword back."

Chen Qisheng followed his kindness and immediately returned Changjun to the opponent.

The rusty sword pierced the woman's bottomless chest, and her small body was like a tattered rag doll being lifted on the sword.

Chen Qisheng flicked his wrist and threw her away.

As the blood spilled, the rusty sword became a little brighter.

The crowded figures in the distance are as tall as mountains, and the battlefield nearby is as small as mustard seeds.

The scene was chaotic. Seeing that something was wrong, he withdrew from the crowd, turned around and ran towards the courtyard.

There, there is still his final chance to make a comeback!

People are like tigers, dogs are like dragons.

Riding alone, he rode through the fields and ridges, leaving a trail of stumps and broken arms behind him.

Entering the village, it is already a street fight on the village road!

Here, the combination of Chen Qisheng and Zou Sijiu is still invincible, and the villagers rushing out from both sides cannot stop them at all.

As long as you dare to get close, you will definitely end up with sword light passing by and your body and head missing.

All they could do was throw various pots and pans from afar, trying to buy time for Geoyuan who was running for the road.

"Quick, faster!"

Ji Yuan was anxious, wishing he could use the dream master's ability and teleport there.

But as long as he dares to do that, the enemy chasing behind him will immediately break free from the dream.

The only good thing was that Zou Sijiu was seriously injured, and the pain in his waist and legs made his running speed slow down.

One chase and one escape, the long road gradually approaches.

Finally, the ajar courtyard door appeared in front of Ji Yuan.

But a violent roar also exploded behind him at this moment.

"Master Dao, chop him up for me!"

Zou Sijiu's eyes were red, and his heart was roaring like thunder.

The Taoist stood up on the dog's back and stabbed forward with the long sword in his hand!

The sword light burst out.

Meteors catch up with the moon and head towards the edge of the earth.

At this moment,

The setting sun, distant mountains, villages, courtyards, and corpses. The scene in front of me suddenly seemed like wrinkles on a flat lake, or like a broken lens.

In the end, like a thin layer of ice under the scorching sun, it completely melted away in an instant, exposing the real world outside the dream.

The boiling lake water is almost dry, revealing countless corpses of Buddha sitting in the mud at the bottom of the lake.

The flowers and grass on the island were withered, and the Taoist was already standing in front of the big flesh-and-blood tree with his sword in hand. The tip of his sword pointed at the ferocious face of Nongxu Geyuan.

"So what if you broke the dream, don't forget that Concubine Yuan Ming hasn't woken up yet."

Ji Yuan put away the ferocity on his face, showed contempt in his eyes, and looked in front of him.

"If you kill me, she will be buried with you. If you kill her, what will your conscience be, and how will you explain to Li Jun?"

Concubine Yuan Ming's face appeared on the tree trunk, her brows were furrowed, her eyes were tightly closed, and her face was pressed against the ground, blocking the tip of Chen Qisheng's sword.

"The nonsense you are talking about has nothing to do with the fact that you are going to die here today. You are destined not to survive today."

Chen Qisheng's eyes were as calm as ever, and the corners of his mouth moved slightly.

"Master Zou, it's your turn."

The words trailed off.

Chen Qisheng suddenly moved aside, revealing a flying figure and a pair of eyes that made Ji Yuan feel intimidated.

The pupils are deep and soul-eating.

"Don't you like playing in dreams very much? Come on, I will take you to play again."

Zou pressed his fingers on Ji Yuan's face, grinning with an extremely cheerful smile.

In silence, the dream comes again.

But this time, what came was not the familiar yellow beam.

Although the island is still in front of you, it is no longer surrounded by rocky cliffs, but an endless dark deep sea.

The edge of the earth is separated from the tree body, and I stand alone on a deserted island.

"Fake, welcome to the real sea of ​​​​huangliang."

In mid-air, Zou Sijiu hovered in the air, raised his hand to unbutton his collar, and slowly touched his temples with his fingers.

"In your dream, you called me my pawn and treated me like a lost dog. I admit it. After all, it is your territory that you have to drag. As a Yin-Yang sequencer, you were actually dragged into your dream. It was a beating. Whether it’s scolding or insulting, you have to bear it.”

The sea surface rippled with the words, the heaven and earth became angry, and the boundless pressure made Geo Yuan almost unable to stand still.

"But if you still think I'm Yin Yang Sequence Four after getting here, then you're insulting me. In the Yellow Millet Sea, Yin and Yang walk alone. Today, let's see if you, Nong San, can beat me, Wu San!"

Zou Sijiu was full of arrogance, and his figure disappeared in an instant.

The rolling sonic boom exploded like thunder, and Zou Sijiu crashed into the horrified eyes of the ground, grabbed the opponent's neck with his right hand, and swung it directly into the ground.


The rocks cracked and the island collapsed.

Amid the sound of falling fists like drums, Zou Sijiu's roar came out.

"Aren't you fucking crazy? Why are you shutting up now? Speak to me, Master Zou! I fucking told you to speak!"


The island collapsed, the rubble splashed, and slowly sank into the dark sea.

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