Cyber Daming

Chapter 598 Tianque is in trouble

The village where Jiyang lives, like Jinzhu Village, is trapped in history hundreds of years ago by Fandi Foxu.

There is no flood of light and shadow and noisy crowds here. What can be seen everywhere are just low and shabby traditional houses.

In the blue-black village, the only bright color is the temple with red walls and gold tiles that stands in the center of the village.

Perhaps because it is close to Nagqu City, the people in the village know not to provoke those weirdly dressed Ming people.

Therefore, the appearance of Li Jun and Zhang Siyuan was not met with hostility by the people here, but the secret respect hidden under their smiles still made them choose to stay outside the village.

Three bowls of tea soup and three balls of tsampa.

Ji Yang looked at the three men squatting on the ground eating something delicious, with a guilty look on his face.

A tough-headed boy hid behind Ji Yang, and bravely stuck his head out to look around. His curious eyes swept over Li Jun and Zhang Siyuan, and finally landed on Prince Ma, who was wrapped in a black robe.

The majestic figure of Lord Ma was very attractive to him.

A little red light slowly lit up from the darkness of the hood. It looked scary, but it did not frighten the naughty boy. Instead, it aroused his curiosity. He walked around the woman from behind and approached cautiously.

"Actually, many of them have good potential. If it weren't for the three sacred mountains on their backs, this plateau might have given birth to many outstanding followers."

Zhang Siyuan glanced at the daring boy with his peripheral vision. At this moment, the boy was close to Lord Ma. His eyes were shining, staring directly at the dark gold armor with some patterns engraved on it exposed under the robe.

This was something he had never seen before. The child opened his mouth wide open, and the crystal hanging under his nose was flowing down, and it was about to fall into his mouth.

"You also said that if someone is riding on their back, if they don't get those people off, they won't be able to straighten their backs for the rest of their lives."

"Isn't this what we are doing now?"

Zhang Siyuan took a sip of the tea soup against the edge of the bowl, smacked it in his mouth, looked at Li Jun and said with a smile: "Are you worried that if you drive away this crop, another one will come? The wildfire will never burn out, and the spring breeze will blow it again. So. Did you choose to teach them how to hold a knife with a fist? "

Li Jun took a bite of tsampa and said calmly: "I didn't teach you. It is human instinct to make a fist and hold a knife. They just temporarily forgot that they are still human beings and that they still have a pair of hands that can resist."

"In terms of being a person and doing things smoothly, it has to be your Wu Xu. Lao Li, you said that if someone from the Wu Xu of the sect was willing to come here to establish a sect, it would be a different story, right?" Zhang Siyuan said with emotion. .

"Would you, the Confucian New Donglin Party, be willing to see that scene?"

"Lao Li, don't overturn a boatload of people with one stroke."

Zhang Siyuan smiled and said: "They are them, and I am me. I am Ruxu, but I am not a member of the New Donglin Party."

"This is not something you can just say."

Zhang Siyuan understood what Li Jun meant.

As the son of Zhang Fengyue, Zhang Siyuan has been stamped with the mark of the New Donglin Party from the day he recognized his master and returned to the clan.

Regardless of whether he admits it or not, in the eyes of outsiders, he is a real member of the New Donglin Party.

He might even be the next chief minister of the empire and the leader of the New Donglin Party!

"Of course I understand this truth, so I never pretend to be pretentious. The advantage of free delivery is that no one will be refused, and there will be nothing harmful to the world. Relying on the tiger skin of the chief assistant's only son, I eat the Make a mouthful of oil!"

Zhang Siyuan drank the tea soup in the bowl cleanly, grabbed his sleeve and wiped his mouth.

"So in the past few years, people in the court have scolded me as much as those who scolded me. They say that the Zhang family is the father of a tiger and the son of a dog. I am a tycoon, but my son is a bear."

Li Junqi asked: "Then you won't kill them? There should be no problem for the young master with the first rank in Confucianism and Tianzi to be a member of a first-class family, right?"

"I also want to be a domineering and domineering dude, but unfortunately I don't have that domineering spirit in my bones. And after all, it's me who has taken advantage of others, so if I get scolded, I'll get scolded, and I won't lose half of my flesh anyway."

Zhang Siyuan chuckled and said: "Besides, it's good, because others will regard me as a fool without a tune, so no one will encourage me to put the dragon robe on my father, and I will be happy."

"I'm really curious. Are you and your son doing this to hedge your bets? Even if one of the boats capsizes one day, the other one will still have a chance to dock?"

"It is a good thing to be encouraged to love using your brain, but Lao Li, I still have to remind you that there are some things that we are not good at, we should do less, and don't embarrass yourself."

Zhang Siyuan looked at Li Jun with strange eyes: "You said if my father doesn't fall, who dares to touch me? If he falls, who can let me go?"

Li Jun, who was hurt again, sneered and said, "For the sake of your own life, why don't you quickly become an obedient and filial son?"

"People can't live just for one life."

Zhang Siyuan's expression became solemn, and he raised his hand to poke his heart, "I don't have to listen to anyone's words, but I can't violate what you say here."

Li Jun raised his eyebrows when he heard this and was speechless for a moment.

"You are a person who climbed out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​​​blood. You fought your way out of the swords and swords. You must feel that your life is the most important. There is nothing wrong with that."

Zhang Siyuan didn't care about the snow and gravel on the ground and sat on the ground, holding the clean bowl in his arms.

"Although my experience is not as rich as yours, before I found my identity, I had also seen a lot of ups and downs in human relationships and the ups and downs of the world. I didn't realize any great principles, and I didn't have much ambition to change anything. I have only learned one thing: justice and reciprocity."

"But justice of grudges is a confusing matter. There is no set of standards in the world that can explain it clearly."

Zhang Siyuan looked up at the village not far away, and the falling snow melted on his shoulders.

"The old man is a man, not a god. He has lived for so many years and will always do something wrong. No matter how big or small it is, whether it is sacrificing small profits for the so-called righteousness or sacrificing a small family for the sake of a big country, some people just Shouldn't have died."

"As a son, I have to help him make amends for the mistakes he made. Just think that if he doesn't fall behind, he can't die one day and still be scolded for hundreds or thousands of years? What if one day? My life can be exchanged for his good reputation, and I may also think, hey, this deal is a damn good deal."

Zhang Siyuan paused for a moment and suddenly laughed: "Do you think I'm naive? A stupid young man who hasn't lived for many years dares to speak so brazenly that he thinks that Zhang Fengyue, the chief minister of the empire, will also make mistakes, and he still has to go Wipe his butt? "

Li Jun shook his head and said sincerely: "If I were your father, I would be very lucky to have a son like you."

"I'm here to talk to you heart-to-heart, but you're not taking advantage of me enough, right?"

Zhang Siyuan rolled his eyes angrily, sighed and said, "So the big guys are going up and down, playing games in the sky. A little guy like me just steps on the ground and saves as many as I can."

Li Jun laughed dumbly and said, "Confucian scholars like you are really rare."

"Yes, so I may stay in this position for the rest of my life. The Confucian gene does not look down on people like me who have no ambition."

Zhang Siyuan mocked: "It's cold at high places. Those who can stand on the top of the mountain have to care about the world. It's impossible for me to be a petty person who only cares about justice in front of me."

Li Jun joked: "Don't be so serious about what you say. What if one day the entire Ruxu family discovers that you are the only one who is right and they are all wrong?"

"I accept your good words. If that day comes, I will definitely write a book and biography for you, Brother Jun, to repay this kindness!"

"Write a Confucian classic for future generations to study?"

Li Jun raised his head.

"Nonsense, who's reasonable book contains scenes of slashing people with knives?"

Zhang Siyuan laughed and scolded: "You, this must be a novel. You laugh and curse, you enjoy grudges, and you draw your sword to help when you encounter injustice. Only then will it be interesting to read. It is better than any historical collection of Jingzi!"

"It makes sense, then you have to write it well."

The snow fell heavily and covered the village.

The child was bold, sniffling and touching the ink armor that he had never seen before.

The man is bold and chats with the shy woman in secrets that he has never said before.

"If I hadn't died, I would have built a Confucius Temple in this world."

Zhang Siyuan smiled happily: "We don't force them to follow the Confucian order, but only teach them how to behave in the world. If the children are able to follow the Confucian order, let them repair grandma's wardrobe and windows."

"What are you talking about?"

Prince Ma snorted in dissatisfaction, but squatted down and let the screaming child crawl around on his shoulders and back.

"Children who can be farmers, let them help their father take care of this year's crops. Children who can be farmers, let them uphold justice for their neighbors. Children who are soldiers are not afraid of fatigue, so go see the distance. . Zaxu’s baby loves to talk, so write down stories about the mountains and flowers on the plateau.”

"If they don't live up to expectations and have to become Taoist monks, let them recite mantras and chant sutras to bless their hometowns with good weather and good health for the people."

"What if you become a martial artist like me?" Li Jun asked with a smile.

Zhang Siyuan said without hesitation: "Of course it is to protect the family and the country and guard the borders! This is the meaning of the existence of sequence, this is the meaning of the existence of those who follow the sequence!"

The child lying on top of Mo Jia grinned, and the emotional girl sang a sweet song.

"The spring scenery on the plateau is so beautiful, how can I not sing? The snow-capped mountains are shining with silver light, and the rivers are surging with waves. The dark clouds are driven away to see the sun, and the singing of happiness spreads everywhere."

Li Jun smiled and said: "When your Confucius Temple is completed, remember to leave a place for me."

"What are you doing here, teaching them how to fight and kill?"

"Who are you looking down on? A few charlatans who fight against injustice?"

Zhang Siyuan said seriously: "A child like you is not easy to discipline. He has a bad temper and is prone to mischief."

"What do you know? That's called loyalty!"

Li Jun patted his robe and suddenly stood up.

In the distance, someone is coming from the wind and snow.

Li Jun knew the other party's identity from his old face and the undisguised coldness in his eyes without having to tell him his family name.

Liu Clan of Jinling, Liu Jinxun.

The moment he saw Liu Jinxun, Zhang Siyuan's face suddenly became a little sad and ugly, and he vaguely guessed the purpose of the other party's visit.

In his plan, the sooner the Nagqu Golden Temple was destroyed, the sooner he would be able to enter the Sangyan Mountain, and the sooner the entire Uzbek Guard people would be liberated.

He knew that Liu Jinxun stopped in front of the Nagqu Golden Temple because he had concerns and wanted to consider the pressure from the reactions from all sides after the Nagqu Golden Temple was destroyed.

That's why Li Jun was asked to help, allowing Li Jun to break the deadlock as an outsider.

In other words, let Li Jun bear the risks that may arise from detonating this situation.

This was already explained when he met Li Jun.

Li Jun himself also understood the danger.

Zhang Siyuan did not take advantage of Li Jun. What he promised was to do everything possible to kill Lin Jiapo, the Buddha of Sangyan, and destroy the Sangyan Temple after entering the Sangyan Buddha Land.

This does not conflict with the goals of the New Donglin Party.

But now that Liu Jinxun has come to him in person, Zhang Siyuan understands that he may have oversimplified the entire situation before.

The reason why the Nagqu Golden Temple still exists is not because Liu Jinxun dare not, but because he does not want to!

"Did I miss something in my calculation? Or was it wrong from the beginning?"

Zhang Siyuan pulled his hair with annoyance on his face.

Li Jun looked at the old man in front of him: "You come to settle accounts with me?"

"I can figure it out, but not now."

Liu Jinxun behaved very calmly, without any unnecessary emotional fluctuations, which shows how good he is at cultivating qi.

You must know that Liu Jinxun, as the head of the "Thirteen Provinces of the Old Two Capitals", personally led a team into the land to do such menial work as dancing with others and dancing with sticks, which can be regarded as "degradation".

But he fell into such an embarrassing situation and was forced to give up the initiative to wait and see and take sides. He could only rely on Zhang Fengyue's men without reservation, all thanks to Li Jun.

If Li Jun hadn't killed Liu Dian and Liu Tu and brought some taboo matters of the Liu family to the forefront, he, Liu Jinxun, wouldn't have done this.

"If you're not here to seek revenge, then you're here to talk things over?"

Liu Jinxun said bluntly: "The Naqu Golden Temple cannot be demolished now, and the Naqu Living Buddha cannot die now."

Li Jun glanced at Zhang Siyuan, who looked a little depressed, "You have gone to such trouble to save the last fig leaf for Sangyan Temple. It seems that Mr. Liu, you want to use Lin Jiapo to fish?"

Liu Jinxun was noncommittal and said, "Yi Zheng's math skills are still a bit lacking, but Li Xinzhu, you have rich experience, you can speak clearly and clearly."

"Originally, I promised Zhang Siyuan that I would help him demolish the Nagqu Golden Temple. Since you guys have different opinions now, I have nothing to say. It's just..."

Li Jun smiled and said: "I am also very unhappy after seeing these Buddhist prefaces. I really want to demolish this temple, and I really want to kill the people."

"Naqu won't live long."

"I don't like watching annoying people jumping around in front of my eyes."

Liu Jinxun's voice turned cold: "I'm not begging Li Xinzhu, and I don't think my old face is worth much. I'm here to make a deal with you."

"Master Liu, be careful what you say. There are some chips that you shouldn't take out, so keep them well."

Li Jun's face also turned cold: "If you want to threaten me with my people, you'd better weigh the necks of your Liu family first. Is there any tougher than the Tao Xu of Longhu Mountain?"

Behind him, Lord Ma took off the child from his head and stood up. There was a harsh sound of armor scraping under his robe.

Dunzhu took a step across and stood in front of the woman, his childish strength rushing through his body.

"Master Li Xin is worrying too much. There is a precedent from the Zhang family in Longhu Mountain. I will not ask for trouble."

Hearing Liu Jinxun's words, Zhang Siyuan, who frowned, took a deep breath and looked at Li Jun with an increasingly guilty look.

"Then what do you want to give me in exchange for the Nagqu Golden Temple?"


Liu Jinxun slowly spit out two words that made Li Jun's pupils shrink suddenly.

As soon as he finished speaking, an evil wind suddenly rose.

"It's not the New Donglin Party that wants to move them, it's Nongxu Sheji!"

Liu Jinxun's voice was like thunder, a fist shadow suddenly stopped at the tip of his nose, and the noisy wind made his clothes crackle all over.

How could Tianque be suddenly exposed?

Before the questions that popped up in Li Jun's mind were spoken, Liu Jinxun saw what was on his mind.

"There is no airtight wall in the world. Tianque has been really cautious in these years, but it still cannot withstand the calculations of thoughtful people."

"If you go to rescue now, you might be able to save a few lives."

Liu Jinxun's eyes were as bright as a lake: "If it had been any later, they would have been eaten clean."

"Where are the people from Tianque now?"

Li Jun stared coldly into the other person's eyes.

"Xin'an County, Guangzhou Prefecture, Jiulong River Estuary!"

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