Cyber Daming

Chapter 6 Ruining the place

The three main streets in Ji'e District present a "two horizontal and one vertical" pattern, with Ghost Street being vertical and Sinmin Street and Jiulong Street being horizontal.

After Li Jun left the Crow Clinic, he ran wildly along the dark capillary-like path, and it took him nearly half an hour to sneak back to Kowloon Street.

The name Kowloon Street comes from the large-scale "Cantonese people going north" movement during the reign of Emperor Longwu Zhu Pingyuan.

A large number of businessmen with strong capital in Guangdong and Guangxi took advantage of the conflict between the New Donglin Party and the Eunuch Party to take advantage of the situation and took the opportunity to go north to join forces.

Guangdong gangsters, who smelled money like hyenas, also followed suit and invaded the hinterland.

Many of these people came from the Kowloon Walled City on Hong Kong Island, so when they entered Chengdu Prefecture, they renamed the area they occupied Kowloon Street.

As the political situation in the court gradually became clearer, the New Donglin Party decided the situation, and a large number of forces that had bet on the wrong money were liquidated.

The territory of the Guangdong gang was invaded by the Pao Brother Society in one fell swoop, and they were all driven back to the seaside. Only the name Kowloon Street remained.

Therefore, the style of Kowloon Street is unique in Chengdu. You can see signs written in traditional Chinese everywhere.

Cantonese teahouses, dog meat hotpots, all-night hotels, and bustling flower gardens

There are rows of red lanterns hanging under the signboard, and the continuous bright red reflects the neon glare of the dome. The whole street is like a red dragon entrenched on the ground.

It's just that these are all business on the surface.

The real money in Kowloon Street is hidden under these signs in the casinos, hook bars, underground boxing rings, and illegal Huangliang Dreamland.

Li Jun's footsteps stopped in front of a nightclub, which was Zhao Dou's most profitable place.

Of course, the way to make money here is not by selling alcohol and bionic prostitutes, but by betting on boxing.

This is the most famous underground boxing ring in the entire Chicken Goose District, the Kowloon Boxing Ring!

Perhaps it was because the entire street was the territory of Pao Gehui, and the guards watching the venue simply did not believe that anyone would dare to come to the place where Pao Gehui crown prince was and cause trouble.

Therefore, the entrance inspection was very casual, and Li Jun entered the nightclub effortlessly.

As soon as I entered the door, I was greeted by the sound of the blood-pumping drums and the sound of the guzheng that penetrated the cracked gold and stone. The entire dance floor was filled with excited and crazy men and women.

Li Jun had been to this venue before, so he was familiar with it, bypassing the crowd, and walked straight into the depths of the nightclub with his head buried.

There is a secret door there, and behind the door is the Kowloon Boxing Ring, which is called the "Blood Gold Platform".

The deeper you go, the more people with tattoos on their necks become more and more. One of them stood up and stood in front of Li Jun.

"Hey, dance in the front, no one in the back is allowed in."

The robe brother thought Li Jun was a drunk guest who had gone the wrong way, and was about to drive him away, but suddenly he saw the green claws exposed between Li Jun's collar, and his raised hand suddenly froze in the air.

Li Jun raised his head and said with a smile: "Am I considered an idler?"

Brother Pao who was blocking the road clearly shrank his eyes when he saw Li Jun's face. Then he immediately looked away, lowered his head and said respectfully: "Brother Jun, why are you here?"

Li Jun looked around at Brother Pao, who was surrounded by enemies, and said to the man in front of him: "Why, I can't come to Zhao Dou's place?"

The man was obviously panicked. He didn't even say anything, but his fingers on the side of his trouser legs were moving slightly.

"Okay, stop doing these little tricks. Go tell Sun Jiu that I, Li Jun, am here to ruin his situation."

After saying these words, Li Jun pushed the man away and kicked open the secret door.

Behind the door is a wide area, a space the size of a basketball court, with thousands of stands scattered at different heights, surrounding a boxing ring one meter above the ground in the middle.

At this moment, the match in the boxing ring has just been decided.

A burly boxer's stomach was cut open with a sharp weapon, and blood gushed out like a waterfall.

Large clumps of hot organs flowed onto the ring, and the already turbid air was immediately covered with a layer of fishy smell of blood.

"What the hell is the Five Tigers Cutting the Door Knife? He was disemboweled so easily, causing me to lose three hundred Ming Dynasty treasures!"

"That's right, I think this Turtle Happy is a fake."

The gambler who lost the boxing ring stared at the corpse on the stage with scarlet eyes, wishing he could pounce on it and tear off two more pieces of meat.

Just as the punters were gearing up to place their bets on the second match, the word 'stop' suddenly popped up on the surrounding electronic screens introducing boxer information.

Before the gamblers could react, a dozen or so Mushui Pao brothers began to clear the place.

Soon after, the entire boxing ring became empty, leaving only the still bright red blood on the stage proving the previous excitement.

Li Jun was sitting in the stands, with his arms spread out on the backs of the left and right chairs, and his eyes were sternly looking at the man in front of him who was wearing a thick water robe.

This person is none other than Zhao Dou's confidant, Sun Jiu. Specially guarding the cornucopia of Kowloon boxing ring for him.

"I didn't expect you to be able to return to Kowloon Street. Your life is long enough."

Sun Jiu didn't even show respect to Li Jun, who was the fifth brother of Hongqi, and just stood there like that.

The thick neck is covered with a layer of metal, as if the head is stuck on a steel pillar.

Facing such arrogant and domineering Sun Jiu, Li Jun did not get angry, but instead showed a smile on his lips.

This proves that Sun Jiu must know what Zhao Dou did. As long as he pries open Sun Jiu's mouth, he can get evidence that Zhao Dou cheated and murdered his colleagues.

To expose the matter, this is the purpose of Li Jun returning to Kowloon Street to challenge Zhao in the fighting arena.

Only in this way can Li Jun occupy the word "morality".

As long as Zhao Ding, the uncle of Muddy Waters Pao, doesn't want Brother Pao to be so distracted, he must deal with it impartially.

"You, Sun Jiu, are not qualified to comment on whether Li Jun's fate is good or not. I just want to ask you, if you follow Zhao Dou and eat everything, aren't you afraid of three swords and six blows?"

As soon as Li Jun finished speaking, there was a sudden gasp of air in the boxing ring, and many robe brothers around looked at Sun Jiu in shock.

In the Pao Brother Society, the "three swords and six eyes" represent that the sinner has committed a major crime of betraying his brother. This is a huge crime in the Pao Brother Society where "righteousness is the most important".

No one wants to bear such a reputation.

Although Sun Jiu is a thug with big muscles in his head, he also knows that he cannot follow Li Jun's words at this time.

"Li Jun, although you serve as the fifth brother of the Red Flag in the association, you can't frame people with empty words, right? Brother Dou is our future boss, how could you possibly betray your brother?"

Sun Jiu's fists clenched loudly, and a sinister smile appeared on his lips, "I heard that you led people into Sinmin Street to discuss business with the group of Japanese pirates from the Sacrifice Sword Association, but you were caught by the Tianfu guards."

"Master Ding once had a destiny. Brother Pao would be at odds with the Japanese pirates. If you do this, you should be stabbed three times and six times, right?"

"Rebellion can indeed stimulate people's potential. You, an idiot, can actually say so many high-sounding truths."

Li Jun raised his hand to scratch his eyebrows, his eyes were as cold as knives, and he slowly stood up.

"Time is running out, so I won't bicker with you. When I pull out the chip in your head, everyone will naturally understand who is the cat and who is the mouse."

"I've been unhappy with you for a long time. Brother Pao is the fifth brother who can best fight the red flag? What the hell! My chip is right here, I'm waiting for you to pull it out!"

Sun Jiu patted his head, spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm, and yelled in a violent voice: "Kill him to death!"

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