Cyber Daming

Chapter 617 Calling

At the top of the mountain, it seems that you can touch the sky with your hand.

The cold wind blows here, so fierce that people can hardly stand.

Yuan Mingfei walks against the wind, and every step is very steady.

Once upon a time, this huge square was full of thousands of monks and believers who came here for pilgrimage.

Red robes are like the sea, and yellow hats are like waves.

The sound of chanting resounds through the world, and the brilliant Buddha light shines everywhere.

But at this moment, everything has disappeared.

With the slaughter of all the high-ranking monks in the temple, a huge sect that once had thousands of disciples and millions of Fanmin Buddhist slaves has reached the brink of destruction.

As long as the Sangyan Buddha completes her last "mission", the once glorious Sangyan Temple will immediately become the fattest cattle and sheep in the Fan land.

By then, the guests who have already sat down will be eager to stretch out their hands, directly skin and bones, and share them.

As for the Fan people, it won't be long before new gods and Buddhas will fill the gap in their faith, and new monks will put on a new shackle for them again.

The Fan land will also soon forget the so-called Sangyan Sacred Mountain, and the mountain under their feet will return to its original name, Nanjia Peak.

When they passed through this vast square, Yuan Mingfei's body was already covered with ice and snow.

The moment she stepped over the threshold of the temple, the sound of the wind like ghosts crying and wolves howling stopped abruptly.

In the temple where a pin drop can be heard, there are no pearl necklaces, no precious tree canopies, only a dim oil lamp, and the bean-sized lamp makes a slight crackling sound.

In the firelight extending a foot square, Lingjia Po, dressed in white, sat cross-legged on the cushion, with a calm and peaceful expression on her face.

There is no sign that she is now a caged beast in the eyes of others, a lamb to be slaughtered.

"I didn't expect you to come."

Lingjia Po opened his slightly closed eyes, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his clear eyes were full of tenderness and kindness.

"You know I will definitely come, why do you say such things?"

Yuan Mingfei stood in front of the temple gate with an indifferent look.

"You obviously knew that Sheji would take action against Tianque, and you also knew that they had already transformed Xin'an into Jichang and ambushed Li Jun who rushed to rescue him. That's why you came to me, because you knew very well that I would agree to your conditions in order to save Li Jun. Right?"


Unexpectedly, Lingjia Po shook his head gently.

Yuan Mingfei calmly asked back: "What's wrong?"

"My fault is that I didn't do what you said, and I was very sure that you would come today."


Lingjia Po said slowly: "Because in my opinion, you are selfish. From the day you awakened your wisdom in the Buddhist country and chose to rebel against the Jokhang Temple, you chose to live for yourself."

"Whether it is Chongqing Prefecture in the empire or the Japanese area outside the empire, you deliberately approached Li Jun just to find a support for yourself. But now you have achieved the third level of Buddhahood and have the ability to protect yourself. You don't need to rely on anyone at all. So I'm not sure you will come."

Yuan Mingfei heard the words and looked at the other party deeply. Her originally tense body suddenly relaxed, shook off the broken snow, and sat on the ground by the door.

"Lingapo, do you think you know me well?"

"I don't know you, but this is the right choice for you."

Yuan Mingfei sneered at the words and said sarcastically: "When did the Buddhist order begin to figure out human nature?"

"Then what do you think the Buddhist order should be?"

Without waiting for Yuan Mingfei to speak, Lingapo asked himself and answered: "Now the world thinks that the three religions and nine schools were created by Emperor Yizong, and the Buddhist order was born because of this. In fact, this is wrong from beginning to end. Buddha has existed since ancient times, so how could he be born because of a mortal, and how could he be limited by a sequence?"

" As long as you respect all Buddhas, praise the Tathagata, make extensive offerings, repent of karma, rejoice in merits, invite the Dharma wheel to turn, invite the Buddha to stay in the world, always follow the Buddha's teachings, always follow sentient beings, and dedicate all merits, you can transcend all confrontations and not be restricted by the so-called sequence. This is the Buddha. "

"Lingapo, these ten things you keep saying, can any Buddhist disciples now do even a little bit?"

Yuan Mingfei retorted: "On the contrary, respecting treasures, praising power, keeping many Buddhist slaves, being selfish and cowardly, bullying the superiors and flattering the subordinates, being greedy for power and perverting the law, living in the world to do evil, disregarding Buddhist principles, enslaving sentient beings, seeking longevity for oneself, and looking forward to the sequence No hindrance, longing for the eternal existence of the Buddhist kingdom, this is the current Buddhist order! "

"So we have all taken the wrong path. It was not wrong when the Huangliang dream appeared, nor was it any ritual method, but when Emperor Yizong set the so-called "sequence", Buddhism had already gone astray. He is the biggest original sin and the source of all unrest. "

"It's a thousand years ago, what's the point of saying these things?"

Yuan Mingfei said disdainfully: "And it's not us who are wrong, it's just you."

Lingapo did not comment, and continued to say: "The sequence is a battlefield designed by people , the so-called three religions and nine classes are just soldiers fighting in it, struggling all their lives to abandon humanity and degenerate from humans to beasts controlled by genes. "

"Before the Ming Dynasty, we used to discuss ghosts and gods, monks and laymen, praying, making wishes, transcendence, repentance, cause and effect, and the destiny of life and death in temples. But now, as you said, these have become empty. "

"Also before the Ming Dynasty, the hearts of the people of the world still had the court and the country, the country, the monarch and the ministers, the self and the people, right and wrong, reason, constant change, and the responsibility of the mountains and rivers. Now it is also false. "

Linga Po spoke very slowly, and every word was particularly heavy.

"We are just the chaos before the gods come, the pavement for the fall of the world, and the existence that will eventually be forgotten."

"I don't understand what you're talking about!"

Concubine Yuan Ming frowned and felt that her mind was in chaos. She didn't know what these specious words meant, and she didn't understand what Lin Jiapo's intention was in saying these words to her at this time.

"You will understand. When you take another step on this road that is destined to make mistakes, you will get a glimpse of the true face of this world."

Speaking of this, Lin Jiapo's face suddenly showed a strong bitterness.

"It's a pity that I have clearly seen it, but I can't do anything. Instead, I am destined to become fuel wood that fuels the fire of sin."

Her eyes fell on Concubine Yuan Ming.

"I chose you not because you are full of evil conspiracies as you guessed, but because you are a kind person."

Lin Jiapo smiled and said: "I can't save the world in my whole life, so I can only choose to save one person in my whole life. This is the last thing I can do for Buddhism, and it is also my dedication and sacrifice for atonement. Concubine Yuan Ming, I hope you can find a way to save yourself one day." Return to the true Buddha’s heart and save all suffering sentient beings.”

As soon as the words fell, an unreal loud noise exploded in Yuan Mingfei's ears.

In an instant, the stunned Concubine Yuan Ming felt that everything around her had disappeared, and she was sitting alone on the top of a barren mountain, facing the wind and snow raging world.

The thunder roared continuously, and the short thunder light was trapped in the boundless black clouds. The air was filled with the thick smell of blood and the sound of the collision of weapons. There were loud noises from firearms, sighs at the end of life, and There is the joy of breaking the order of the Jin Dynasty, the laughter and begging for mercy during the fight, the wails and begging of hungry people, and the powerlessness and pain of parting from relatives.

"Li Jun."

Concubine Yuan Ming closed her eyes tightly, and a faint call came from her mouth.

"Concubine Yuan Ming, I hope you can leave a piece of pure land in this miserable world."

Lin Jiapo looked expectantly at Concubine Yuan Ming, who was floating cross-legged in front of her, but her figure slowly disappeared like a bubble.

The moment she disappeared completely, a strong impact exploded from this shabby temple, and the pillars on the top of the temple were instantly destroyed and thrown high into the sky.

The impact swept out in all directions, lifting up the heavy snow on the square like an avalanche.

The thunderclouds in the sky were blown away, revealing a blue sky.

A substantial ripple spread across the sky, rapidly expanding into the distance.

"Why is she being promoted out of order?! Damn it, this is going to be troublesome."

Zhang Siyuan's robes rustled in the impact. He turned around in shock and saw clearly the figure suspended in the center of the impact through the snow curtain.

"Zhang Siyuan, get out of the way!"

Suddenly, a suffocating sense of oppression hit him from behind. The surge of heart palpitations and Gene's sharp screams made Zhang Siyuan almost unable to move.

Blue veins popped out on Zhang Siyuan's forehead, he opened his eyes angrily, gritted his teeth, suppressed the instinct to escape in his body, and turned around forcefully.

In the mid-air, no longer obscured by clouds and fog, the huge Buddha-order protectors surrounded the mountain peaks, and the stars in the sky emerging in the distance were as bright as the moon.

Bright red granulations emerged from the cracks in the mountain, visible to the naked eye, and spread rapidly.

Dreams invisible to the naked eye and Buddhist lands were intertwined, like the surging deep sea, making Zhang Siyuan feel suffocated.


Countless angry shouts condensed into sound waves and hit him head-on, as if countless hands were pushing against his body.

Zhang Siyuan's face is as pale as paper, but his five fingers are tightly clasping the long bow in his hand, his body is like a powerful arrow, and the string is like the full moon!

"I can't give in. If you dare, you'll kill me!!!"

Nagqu City echoed with countless chanting sounds.

Thick crowds of people knelt in front of the dilapidated Golden Temple, clasping their hands and praying to the Buddha who had abandoned them to show some mercy and grant them a chance to atone their sins.

Suddenly, a loud noise came from the wilderness behind the Golden Temple. After traveling a long distance, it was still as shocking as thunder.

Amidst the rumbling echoes, countless buried heads all lifted up. Their frightened and glazed eyes looked at the suddenly dissipated clouds and snow, as well as the bright star hanging from the zenith.

"Bufo didn't abandon us, no!"

An extremely excited cheer erupted in the crowd. In an instant, a pair of frozen eyes began to tremble rapidly, with crystal tears and boundless ecstasy pouring out.

The sudden cry suddenly became like a mountain and a tsunami. Heads with withered and yellow hair criss-crossed and knelt down to kowtow.

In a corner where no one was paying attention, an ordinary civilian woman suddenly stood up.

Her clothes were stained with dust, her limbs were covered with layers of patches, and her calloused forehead was stained with blood.

But for such a seemingly devout Buddhist believer, there was no joy in his eyes at this moment, but he was looking calmly at the majestic sacred mountain standing between heaven and earth in the distance.

"You guys are too noisy."

The woman spoke softly, but as if she had divine power, she froze the entire Nagqu City.

In the dead silence, her muttering to herself was clearly audible.

"Concubine Yuan Ming, I will give you a lifelong relationship with Buddha. You can help me survive the calamity of death. You and I will be clear about cause and effect."

In Zhenbao Village, a group of youths were shouting and punching, dripping with sweat.

At this time, their fist fights were no longer as simple and crude as before, but had a hint of atmosphere.

Lonely Wu Xu, who had just regained his freedom not long ago, walked through the queue, observing each boy's movements with serious eyes.

Suddenly, their footsteps froze in unison, and they suddenly looked up at the vision of heaven and earth spreading in the air. They clenched their fists, and a solemn and chilling aura flowed out of their bodies uncontrollably.

Although the young men practicing boxing did not understand what was happening, they all felt a strong call and order, urging them to kneel down and kowtow in the direction of Nagqu City. One by one, they subconsciously approached each other and clustered together, like a helpless flock of sheep hugging each other when a blizzard approaches.

Ji Qing also felt the throbbing coming from deep within his body, but his body remained motionless, nailed to the spot.

He slowly reached into his arms and took out the gift Dundup left for him from the pocket sewn in his robe by his sister.

As the cold liquid was injected into his body, Ji Qing did not hear the sound of the copper lock shaking as the masters said.

He only felt a fire burning in his heart.

The heat made Ji Qing abandon all noises and thoughts. He slowly clenched his right hand, stepped forward, and punched the air in front of him!


Among the ruins of a temple, Dunzhu leaned over and punched down one after another, beating the face of the monk at his feet to a bloody pulp. He pulled out a piece of wisdom root and threw it aside with his hand.

After doing all this, he was extremely exhausted but did not fall down, but looked up to the sky.

His shirtless body was covered with scars, but there seemed to be flames burning in the depths of his eyes.

No fear, no fear.

Not far away, Zhao Qingxia also looked at the impact that was still spreading farther away, with a solemn expression.

"Uncle Zhao."

Li Hua stood on his shoulder, her face wrinkled.

"Where is my uncle?"


A huge creature rushed out of the sea of ​​clouds, its scarlet eyes looking down at the dark ruined city below.

The strong smell of blood could be clearly heard even at such a high altitude.

"Brother Chen, this farm"

Before Mo Qijing could finish his worried words, a dazzling silver light flashed across his sight.

Silver-white ink armor covers the whole body, and green and red lines wrap around the arms.

Chen Qisheng fell from the sky like a long rainbow of sword light, piercing through a dilapidated building covered with tendons and vines, and crashed into the squirming fields of flesh and blood.


Chen Qisheng stood in the deep pit, and the infuriating Qi and spiritual thoughts poured out condensed into a series of blue Zhenwu heroic spirits.

"Lao Li, don't fucking sleep!"

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