Cyber Daming

Chapter 623 The Long Night Fades Away (I)

The Moqi Whale raised its head and roared, landing on the top of the sacred mountain in a huge shape, its wings trembling and stirring up a fierce wind.

The towering cloud tower collapsed like a dead tree, and the god sitting high in it finally revealed his human face.

The sky was vast, and everyone occupied one side.

In the middle, Longsheng of the Jokhang Temple and Shiyi of the White Horse Temple, wearing bright red robes, flew side by side in the air, with cold expressions and fierce eyes.

Not far away was Qianzu of the Hanshan Temple, the only one who showed up this time. His eyebrows were white and his earlobes were shoulder-length. Just looking at his appearance, he looked like a standard monk who had attained enlightenment.

A few dozen feet away, there stood two figures whose faces could not be seen clearly and who could not be distinguished as male or female. They were dressed in old-fashioned black robes, with high crowns and wide belts, just like ancient scholars.

Li Jun and Chen Qisheng didn't know these two people, but Zou Sijiu recognized them at a glance. They were from the East Palace, and their status was not low. They were probably the top three people in the East Palace's 'Nine Lords'.

And the one close to them was an extremely fat man.

It was the Sheji Nongxu, 'Zhong Yin' Fei Yi, who cooperated with Tian Chou to attack Li Jun in Xin'an City.

The two sides stood on the ground, their eyes were like arrows, crossing each other.

Li Jun did not hide his murderous aura, and his sharp eyes swept from left to right, and finally fell on Fei Yi.

The latter was also not to be outdone, staring at Li Jun with a pair of empty eyes, without any fear in his eyes, but only anger and hatred.

He reached out and took out something like an eyeball from the layers of fat on his chest, put it in his mouth and bit it hard.

Filth splattered, Fei Yi spit out a fat tongue to lick his face clean, and the tongue was covered with miniature human faces, showing a provocative sneer to Li Jun.

Under the silver helmet, Chen Qisheng's face was calm, and his gushing divine thoughts were firmly locked on Qianzu.

In his feeling, this Han-chuan Buddhist preface with a compassionate face gave him a stronger sense of threat than Longsheng and Shiyi.

On the other side, Zou Sijiu also had a clear goal, releasing the momentum of the three dream masters, with his hands in his pockets, and his nostrils pointed at the two people from the East Palace.

He was arrogant and ready to go into the dream at any time.

At this time when the sword was drawn and ready to explode. The first person to speak to break the dullness in the field was a person who was ignored by everyone.

"Li Jun, I came to the aboriginal land on the orders of Zhang Tianshi, and I am here to congratulate you on your promotion to the third rank."

Zhang Chongcheng stood far away from the others, not even in the same line of sight.

Li Jun turned his head and saw Zhang Chongcheng smiling and bowing to him.

"Zhang Tianshi said that if you are free, I hope you can go to Longhu Mountain again. This time, Zhang Tianshi will not ask you about gratitude or hatred, but only about heaven and Tao."

Zhang Chongcheng's tone seemed steady, but in fact he spoke very quickly, and he finished his words in a few words.

"Now that I have brought the words, I will take my leave first."

After Zhang Chongcheng finished speaking, he did not wait for Li Jun to speak, and the sword light under his feet lit up, and he turned and shot.

In the bright flames at the end of the sword, there was a panicked and embarrassed back, as if there was a flood and a beast chasing him relentlessly behind.

At the same time, the star hanging on the sky was also rapidly dimming and disappearing into the night.

This scene was particularly funny, but no one on the scene could laugh.

"As expected of a cultivator, you can see life and death clearly."

Hanshan Temple Qianzu clasped his hands together, sighed, and turned to look at Li Jun: "Donor Li"

"Donor your mother."

Qianzu, whose voice was interrupted, stared at Li Jun and pointed at him.

"I've already said it just now. If you don't want to die, get out now."

Qianzu smiled helplessly when he heard it, lowered his eyebrows and eyes, and didn't look at Li Jun, but his figure was motionless.

"Li Jun, don't be too arrogant!"

Longsheng shouted angrily: "There are so many third-order people here, can you three stop us?"

Longsheng jumped out again, frowning and glaring, in sharp contrast with Qianzu, who was also a Buddhist order.

But under his irritability, he was hiding a meticulous mind like a mirror.

Anyone could escape today, except him.

Even if others gave up this opportunity, the worst that could happen was that they would not be promoted. They would still have decades to live before the arrival of the "Five Decays of Heaven and Man".

But he couldn't. If he let Yuan Mingfei successfully break the lock and advance to the second level of Buddha, he would also be dead.

Rather than waiting to die, it would be better to take advantage of the fact that he had a large number of people and give it a try.

This was Long Sheng's true thought, and in his opinion, a Xin'an Jichang almost trapped Li Jun to death. Even if he was promoted to the third level of Duxing Wuxu, how strong could he be?

"It's not good for everyone if the fish die and the net is broken. Li Jun, as long as you are willing to hand over Yuan Mingfei, no matter what the conditions are, we can talk."

Long Sheng's mind was racing, and he was still thinking about how to bargain with Li Jun. Suddenly, a black and red electric light flashed in his eyes.


The kneeling guardian deity was trampled into pieces by Li Jun, and thunderous movements were launched in all directions, heading straight for Longsheng.

His movement was like a tiger entering a forest, and instantly startled a flock of flying birds.

Fei Yi smiled coldly, and his figure scattered into the falling fat and flesh, merging into the flesh and blood fields covering the mountain.

The wide sleeves of the two members of the East Palace fluttered in the wind, becoming blurred and not solid at all.

"Longsheng, be careful!"

The White Horse Buddha's face suddenly changed when he realized what he was saying, and at the same time as he spoke a warning, he hurriedly stepped back.

Long Sheng also subconsciously wanted to get out of the way, but it was already too late. A pair of brows and eyes burning with banditry suddenly pressed in front of his eyes.

When a martial artist approaches, immortals and Buddhas cannot escape.

Long Sheng's eyes opened angrily, and in the depths of his pupils, the shadow of the Buddhist kingdom was rapidly condensing.

But the next moment, the arrogant aura like a ferocious beast hit his face. Long Sheng felt that the wisdom roots in his body were curling up and trembling uncontrollably as if they were encountering a natural enemy.

The Buddhist kingdom that was about to be inspired collapsed because of this, and Long Sheng could only watch as a pair of palms with clear joints got closer and closer to him.

In mid-air, Li Jun squeezed Long Sheng's neck tightly and raised one arm.

The monk, who was shrouded in the quenching weapon at close range, had no chance to fight back. He twitched and struggled like an ordinary person in Li Jun's hands, kicking his legs wildly and holding Li Jun's tiger's mouth tightly with both hands.

"The Buddha of Jokhang Temple is just like you?"

Li Jun's tiger's mouth gradually increased its force, making a harsh sound of metal twisting.

"Even if you are placed in Xu San, where I have killed you, you are not considered a high-class person. How dare you stab me here?"

"Let the man go!"

Another Buddhist kingdom expanded rapidly.

But Shi Yi, who came to the rescue, was shocked to find that Li Jun's figure was missing in the Buddhist kingdom he opened, and the only one locked was Long Sheng, who had a twisted expression!

The heart-wrenching miserable scene of hell played out in Long Sheng's mind. He was already losing his mind and was even worse. Almost instantly, he was completely immersed in the boundless illusion, and was dragged into the deepest part of Wujian by the evil ghost soldiers.

Although he realized that something was wrong and immediately let go of his Buddhist kingdom, Long Sheng's consciousness had already collapsed, his eyes turned white, and his pupils were filled with blood.

The next moment, Huigen, which looked like tree roots, rushed out from his eyes, almost lifting the entire facial bones directly, twisting wildly inside the skull.

An aura of extreme madness spread in front of Li Jun.

Li Jun frowned for a moment. This scene reminded him of Xin'an Jichang.

However, he was surprised. Li Jun suppressed the thought of staying away from Long Sheng, raised his hand to grasp the writhing wisdom root, and pulled it out forcefully with a creepy slapping sound.

Huigen wrapped around his wrist and actually tried to pierce Li Jun's skin and penetrate into his body.

When Li Jun saw this, his heart sank.

He has pulled out a lot of wisdom roots, but this is the first time he has seen one with such evil nature.

How is this different from the dirty things grown in Sheji Farm?

What made him feel even more uneasy was whether there could be something like this among Lin Jiapo's legacy to Concubine Yuan Ming. !


Li Jun clenched his five fingers and exploded Long Sheng's wisdom root into a piece of mud.

[Acquire 120 mastery points]

[402 mastery points remaining]

[Consumption of 300 mastery points to improve the fourth level of warehouse skills to perfection]

[Zang Shen (Martial Arts) has been obtained]

Black words appeared in front of the screen, and the fourth-level martial arts "Canglin Skill" was finally filled up.

Together with the martial arts such as "Eating Dragons and Tigers" and "Stating Officials", they are combined with each other and refined into a new martial arts, Hidden God.

"Donor Li"

The Buddha-headed Patriarch of Hanshan Temple stood in the distance, already letting go of his clasped hands, looking at Li Jun quietly.

"Wearing Buddha's skin and carrying a Buddha's heart, all he does is dirty things like betraying his own people."

Li Jun asked disdainfully: "Aren't you worried that Sheji will make you look like this?"

"To advance is to die, to retreat is to die. We people have long since had no choice."

"Is the Buddha also afraid of death?" Li Jun said in a teasing tone.

"Buddha doesn't talk about life and death."

Qianzu calmly said: "We are just followers of the Buddha, of course we can die. But the Buddha's order cannot be destroyed. This wrong path needs us to correct it."

Li Jun asked back: "Isn't Concubine Yuan Ming not the Buddha? Why can't she be promoted and must she become your stepping stone?"

Qianzu said without hesitation: "She is cultivating herself, not thousands of Buddhists or all living beings. She cannot save the Buddha's order."

"If she can't do it, how can you fucking do it?"

Li Jun laughed dumbly: "Ah, I understand, you can only become a Buddha yourself, everyone else is a demon, right?

"I'm tired of hearing all your nonsense."

Li Jun's eyes narrowed: "I'm still saying the same thing. If you pass me today, you will become a Buddha immediately. If you can't pass it, you will choose one of the six paths of reincarnation."

"Donor Li!"

Qianzu suddenly emphasized his tone: "As long as you are willing to give us a way to survive, the poor monk can help you strangle the agricultural order of the country!"

"Ancestor Qian, it's not good to say these things in front of me, isn't it?"

Among the acres of flesh and blood covering the mountain, the figure of Fat Yi emerged again.

His lower body was submerged in flesh and blood, and only his upper body, which was piled with fat, stuck horizontally on the mountain. He looked up at Qianzu with a smile.

"When you, the Sixth Patriarch of Lingshan, came forward together to beg us, Sheji, for help, you didn't have this vicious face of shouting and killing. Why did you turn your back on others so quickly?"

"Whoever can pass on the Buddha's order will be helped by the old monk today."

Qian Zu lowered his eyes and looked at Fei Yi: "If you, Sheji, continue to stand by and watch, that poor monk will do something treacherous and evil today."

"Ouch, you really scared me."

Fei Yi used two stubby fingers to pull out an eyeball from the folds on his chest and threw it into his mouth. He said vaguely: "But the fruit is almost ripe, and it's time to start picking it."

As soon as the words fell, waves of flesh suddenly surged in the fields, and a flesh-and-blood lotus flower covering an area of ​​​​acres appeared, like an ugly scar that breeds on the mountain.

A naked Buddha statue without skin covering slowly rises from it. It has a bun on top, swollen cheeks, and forty exposed white teeth that are tightly bitten. It has the thirty-two characteristics of the Buddha.

Fei Yi raised his hand to signal and said with a smile: "Please."

"Donor Li, are you really unwilling?"

Qianzu looked at Li Jun steadily, with pleading in his eyes.

But what answered him was a flash of black and red lightning and a fierce fist that burst out from it!


The collapse force hit the air, causing a rolling muffled sound like thunder.

"Li Jun, I have said all the good things, but it is you who are stubborn and ineffective. No wonder the old monk!"

Ancestor Qian fell from the sky and merged into the flesh and blood Buddha.

The Buddha statue stood up on the sea of ​​blood, its muscles tangled and stretched, and it looked up to the sky and roared.

"The evil spirits are blocking the way and should be killed!"

"Li Jun, you could obviously let Tian Chou go, so why did you have to kill him? Do you know how many high-quality 'seeds' he provided me?"

The obese figure swam to the Buddha's shoulder, and his ugly face revealed a frightening venom.

"He is dead, and you can only make up for my loss with your life."


The violent fist shadow crashed down, smashing half of the flesh and blood Buddha's body into bloody water!


A drop of scarlet blood fell on Shi Yi's face.

Shiyi didn't realize it, and raised his hand to touch the wisdom root between his eyebrows, his expression uncertain.

The strange scene when Long Sheng Hui Gen was extracted was still replaying in his mind.

"A way to survive, is this really a way to survive?"

Shiyi asked himself, looking towards the Shenshan Square, through the heavy protection, and landed on Concubine Yuan Ming with her legs crossed and her eyes closed.

After a moment, he withdrew his gaze and looked at the flying sword in front of him and the cold face filled with murderous intent behind the sword light.

He pressed his thumb on the blood droplet sliding across his eyebrows and wiped it horizontally, erasing a scarlet bloodstain that ran through the center of his eyebrows.

"Come on, let me fight for this way of survival."

The azure blue energy surged forward, instantly drowning Shi Yi's figure.

"Old Chen is no longer able to do anything anymore. He can only bully him with some soft persimmons. The tough battle is still up to Mr. Zou and I will fight."

Zou Sijiu smiled proudly and looked back at Shen Li who was guarding Concubine Yuan Ming.

"Xiao Shen, I'll give you a task. I'll take care of Master Zou and kill everyone later. I'll give you a share of the credit!"

Zou Sijiu said hello and closed his eyes.

The feeling of entering a dream was like being immersed in water. When Zou Sijiu opened his eyes again, there was already a strange world in front of him.

"Brother, are you Zou Sijiu?"

The cold wind blew across the empty square, and Zhang Siyuan sat alone on the stone steps at the end of the mountain path, turning back and smiling.

"You know me?"

Zou Sijiu looked around, but saw no one except Zhang Siyuan.

"Of course I know. There is a record of you in the New Donglin Party's archives, starting from the time you opened the Peace Hotel in Chongqing."

Zou Sijiu sat down next to Zhang Siyuan.

"Have you paid attention to me so early? It seems that you have known for a long time that I am extraordinary, Mr. Zou, and I have great vision!"


Zhang Siyuan had a strange expression and hesitated to speak.

Zou Sijiu sighed when he saw this, "It doesn't matter, just tell me."

"They are more curious about why you haven't died all this time."

"Stop, there's no need to say the rest."

Zou Sijiu gritted his teeth and cursed: "Damn it, Master Zou, I knew it would be like this."

Zhang Siyuan laughed and comforted: "It's okay, I'll go back and help you change it."

Zou Sijiu's eyes lit up: "Okay, then you must remember to write more domineeringly. It is best to include the story of how I, Zou Mengzhu, fell into a dream alone today and rescued Master Zhang from the East Palace."

"I feel so embarrassed to write like this." Zhang Siyuan's expression collapsed.

"We have fallen into this situation, so why do we need to save face? Shouldn't we be able to repay the favor of saving our lives?"

Zou Sijiu patted him on the shoulder and asked curiously: "Since you fell asleep, has no one come out to mess with you?"


Zhang Siyuan shook his head and said: "I'm surprised too. They didn't care about me after they brought me in. If I hadn't figured out a way to escape from the dream, I would have gone out long ago."

"Hey, it's great to have a good father."

Zou Sijiu couldn't help but sigh.

"It's okay, we are brothers, and my father is your father." Zhang Siyuan said with a serious expression.

The expression on Zou Sijiu's face suddenly stiffened, and he hesitated and couldn't speak. It didn't matter whether he agreed or not.

Just when he was in a dilemma, at the moment of embarrassment, a figure suddenly appeared in mid-air.

Dressed in black robes and wearing high crowns and belts, they were two members of the Eastern Palace.

"Brother, they should be here for you. They are treating you like a soft persimmon."

Zhang Siyuan raised his head and joked with a smile.

Zou Sijiu couldn't help rolling his eyes, slapping his butt and standing up.

"Hey, if you two have something to say, you'd better talk quickly. If you don't have anything to say, just start fighting. Master Zou, I'm very busy!"

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