Cyber Daming

Chapter 630 The Long Night Fades Away (VIII)

It was late at night and the village had already fallen asleep.

The Banmin boy who had just broken into the sequence was so excited that he couldn't sleep all night. He could only vent his excess energy in the open space by playing the boxing taught by his master during the day.

Before the boxing match was over, Ji Qing was surprised to find a stranger entering the village alone.

"Mom, where are you from?"

The woman stood cautiously a few feet away, her face red and cracked by the cold wind. Her thin robe was covered with patches and hung on her thin frame, looking empty.

"Gawazi, I am from Nagqu City. Someone in the city did something wrong and made Nagqu Buddha angry, so I kowtowed all the way to the southwest, hoping to ask for forgiveness from the Buddha. I was too tired and wanted to find the Buddha. A place to rest, if you mind, I’ll leave now.”

The woman's chapped lips squeezed out a forced smile. With just one sentence, it was as if she had exhausted the last bit of strength in her body. Her figure swayed, and she looked about to stumble and fall.


Ji Qing quickly stepped forward and stretched out his hand to support the other person, and slowly sat down on the steps in front of the temple.

"Mom, stop kowtowing. There is no such thing as a Buddha in this world."

"Son, what nonsense are you talking about?"

The woman's tone was particularly frightened. She clasped her hands tremblingly and placed them tightly in front of her forehead. She murmured something in her mouth. Her body that had just sat firmly seemed to be falling towards the ground again.

"Your Majesty, Buddha, my child is still young. Please forgive his sins."

Ji Qing held the other party tightly, his innocent eyes filled with helplessness.

Just like facing the old people in the village, he didn't know how to explain the existence and non-existence of Buddha.

But even if there were Buddhas in this world, at least they wouldn't be those wearing red robes.

"Mom, I said the wrong thing, don't worry."

Ji Qing helped the other person sit up, put his right hand into his arms and touched it for a long time, then he embarrassedly took out a piece of tsampa that had already become cold and hard, and handed it to the other person.

"Mom, just eat a little first. After you have rested, I will take you home to have some hot food to warm your body."

Ji Qing grinned widely and said, "The butter tea made by my sister is delicious. You must try it."


The woman thanked her profusely, held the ball of tsampa in her hands, and looked at the young man in front of her, who had absolutely no intentions at all.

"My son, aren't you afraid that I am an escaped Buddhist slave and will bring your village with me and be punished?"

"Ama, we are slaves, not anyone's slaves."

Ji Qing said with a serious expression: "Our husband once said that we are all carrying one head on two shoulders, who is he?"

Ji Qing bit down on the words that were about to blurt out, and then said: "Sir, what you mean is that nobleness and inferiority are determined by the heart, not by fate. We people have suffered a lot, and we must help each other in the days to come. Even if you escape Yes, we are not afraid either.”


The woman asked doubtfully: "Do all the teachers in your village call the guru who teaches scriptures like this?"

"Sir is not a monk. He is wearing a long robe, not a red robe."

Ji Qing sat down on the steps with a look of longing on his face.

"Sir, I am a scholar from Beizhili. It is a prosperous and prosperous place. When I finish practicing my boxing, I will go there to see it!"

"My dear, do you know what prosperity is?"

The woman looked at the tsampa in her hand, and there was an inexplicable meaning in her slow tone.

"have no idea."

Ji Qing scratched his head and said with a chuckle: "My husband has something to do and left the village temporarily before he finished telling us. But I think there must be countless pastures, cattle and sheep, and endless highland barley." "

"My son, you are wrong. There is no pasture, no cattle or sheep. There are only houses as high as the mountains and roads as wide as the river."

The woman said softly: "If you go there, the people there will think you are dirty and poor, and will try their best to drive you out."

"Is that so?"

Ji Qing said "Oh" indifferently, retracted his hands into the dirty robe, and said with a smile: "But it doesn't matter."

"It doesn't matter?"

The woman's voice rose: "Then if they beat you and scold you, what will you do?"

"There's no need to think about it. Of course I'll hit him back and scold him."

Ji Qing's right hand suddenly shot out from his robe and clenched into a fist.

"Why do you have to fight with them? Isn't it good to stay here?"

The woman advised: "There are pastures here to feed your cattle and sheep, and there are family members who will cook sweet tea for you. When you grow up, you will meet the girl you like in a place full of Gesang flowers. The wealth and prosperity there are , not what you yearn for.”

"Mom, because someone will come to snatch it."

Ji Qing stared at his fist, "Only if I go out can my sister and the others live better at home."

"Who do you mean will come to snatch it?"

Ji Qing sneered twice, "I'm afraid that if I tell you, Mommy will be unhappy, so I won't tell you."

"I understand what you mean. But these things will never happen again. Those false Buddhas have been punished as they deserve, and they will not come again."

The woman said: "We people should live on this plateau. Only here is our home."

Ji Qing didn't say anything else, but just stretched out his hands from his sleeves again.

The woman turned her head and looked at the temple behind her. The prayer flags on the eaves were in tatters, the prayer tubes on the wall were covered with frost, the incense burners were extinguished in the furnace, and the paintings on the walls were torn to pieces by shovels.

"My child, where is the Buddha in this sutra hall?"

"This is no longer a worship hall, it is a private school where Mr. gives lectures to us."

The woman sighed: "You shouldn't do this, the Buddha will be angry."

"Mom, aren't you hungry? Why don't you eat?"

The young man's sudden question made the woman look in surprise, and her puzzled gaze met a pair of clear eyes.



A rough fist hit the woman's face firmly, muffled the subsequent words.

"Jiqing, what do you want to do?"

His cold and piercing gaze was directed at the young tiger-like young man.

"You actually know my name. You are indeed pretending to be one of those beasts, and you want to deceive us again. Do you really think I'm stupid?"

The Buddha's thoughts suddenly stirred up, and the young man was thrown away directly.

"A shameless bitch!"

The hateful words were close to his ears. In Ji Qing's horrified eyes, a tentacle of flesh and blood with a bone tip appeared from the woman's back. It was as fast as lightning and stabbed towards his head.


A slender white palm passed through the line of sight, cutting off the tentacles.

Ji Qing, who had saved his life, collapsed on the ground, sweating profusely and breathing heavily.

"A kid who has just entered the ranks dares to attack her? Where does he have such courage?"

A smiling voice sounded behind him. Ji Qing looked back, and an indescribably beautiful face came into his eyes.

For no reason, Ji Qing felt genuine and genuine kindness from her, and a sense of closeness arose spontaneously.

"There is nothing to be afraid of. The worst case scenario is death. Zhenbao Village is no longer the Zhenbao Village it used to be, and we are no longer the Buddha slaves we used to be. If anyone wants to bully us again, it is absolutely impossible!"

The brave words uttered from the childish face made the woman chuckle.

"You guys who practice martial arts alone are all carved from the same mold."

Ji Qing didn't know why the other party was laughing, but at the moment he couldn't care less about it. His eyes with lingering fear swept over the twitching tentacles on the ground, and he resolutely stood up and stood in front of the woman.

"Sister, please step back and leave this place to me!"

As soon as Ji Qing finished speaking, he suddenly felt the world spinning in front of his eyes and fell to the ground with a thud.

Concubine Yuan Ming waved her palm lightly, and a wisp of cold wind came, gently lifting the young man up and away from him.

"Lingjia Po, we meet again."

The woman stared at Concubine Yuan Ming, whose temperament was completely different from before, with a gloomy and ugly expression.

"Buddha Preface 2, Bodhisattva of the Ten Directions?"

Concubine Yuan Ming said disdainfully: "This is a hole you dug with your own hands and a game you made yourself. Don't you know whether I can be promoted?"

"Without promotion, I can condense my body with my thoughts and accurately find my reincarnation in such a vast place. This is a method."

A cold smile appeared on Lin Jiapo's face: "It seems that the difference between two and three is really a difference between clouds and mud."

Concubine Yuan Ming ignored her words and asked, "Ling Jiapo, is it really so difficult for you to do something good? You don't even let a child go."


Lin Jiapo tightened her fingers, and the piece of tsampa in her palm was immediately crushed into powder and fell from between her fingers.

"On this land there can only be Buddhists worshiping and raising livestock. People with a bad heart like him are worse than livestock and are not worthy of continuing to exist in this Buddhist kingdom."

"Buddha country?"

Concubine Yuan Ming said disdainfully: "Does it mean that you can just say it?"

Lin Jiapo said loudly in a matter-of-fact tone: "I am the future Buddha here. Of course, the fate of Fandi is decided by me!"

"When you were on the sacred mountain, you spoke so grandly and kept saying you wanted to redeem yourself for the sins you committed against the people. It turned out that it was just lies from beginning to end."

Concubine Yuan Ming asked: "What is the difference between you and those who surrounded and killed you?"

"You are not qualified to say this in front of me. Concubine Yuan Ming, aren't you also a person with vested interests? Don't say that you have not squeezed these Buddha slaves. When you become the Buddha's order on this plateau, you have Already stained with their blood!"

"Concubine Yuan Ming, this is just an exchange of interests between you and me. Is the reason why you went up the mountain to look for me for these humble people? So don't put gold on your face, and don't stand so high."

Lin Jiapo sneered: "If you were really compassionate, you wouldn't come to me at the risk of losing your soul. There is no difference between the causal human heart you have proven and the causal human heart I have proven. They are all for the sake of winning. !”

"I don't want to win."

Concubine Yuan Ming said calmly: "I just want to kill you and give you a clean slate."

"You want to kill me? You can't do it."

Lin Jiapo said with a sneer on her face: "The flesh and blood field in your body is about to get out of control, right? Concubine Yuan Ming, you yourself are a clay Bodhisattva crossing the river, how much power do you have now? Preface 4, or Preface 3?" What are you using to fight me to death?"

"The cunning rabbit dies and the lackey is cooked. Lin Jiapo, do you really think Sheji will hand over my body to you to help you advance to the second level of Buddhahood?"

"It's not my place to answer your question."

Lin Jiapo smiled slightly, and scarlet flesh suddenly burst out of the ground beneath her feet, like small snakes burrowing into the bottom of her robe.

Her figure expanded rapidly, filling her large robe to the brim, and a large amount of flesh and blood accumulated on the back of her neck, outlining the outline of a human head.

Amid a creepy wriggling sound, the face of the human head growing out of Lingapo's neck gradually became clear, forming an old face.

It was the leader of the country who was supposed to die on the Sangyan Mountain, 'Tianshi' Yin Ji!

"Of course I will keep my promise."

Yin Ji looked at Yuan Mingfei with a smile in his eyes and sighed: "On the contrary, you really surprised me. Since you saw through our plan, why did you come alone without telling Li Jun? Do you not want him to continue to take risks, or do you not want him to see you die with his own eyes?"

"I am also a Fan people. The things in Fan land started because of me, so naturally I should end it with my own hands."

The gorgeous Gesang flowers bloomed one after another at Yuan Mingfei's feet, spreading towards the surging blood and flesh fields.

The flesh waves rose and fell, and the splashing blood stained the petals, corroding and withering in the blink of an eye.

In front of the ruined temple, the demon and the Buddha confronted each other.

On one side is a paradise with flowers in full bloom, and on the other side is a hell with blood and water.

"Yuan Mingfei, why are you so persistent? You haven't been promoted to the second level of the Buddha Order yet, and you have left most of your energy in your body to suppress my Jichang. You should know that you have no ability to end this matter now."

Yin Ji smiled and said, "If you ask me, you might as well return to Sangyan Mountain, cherish this short time, and say your final goodbye to your companions. Otherwise, when the wisdom in your body is fully mature, you will completely disappear from this world."

Yin Ji paused, as if he suddenly remembered something, and said with a smile: "But you don't have to worry too much, they won't find out your death, Lingjia Po will live in your body for you and rule this great Buddhist country that is about to be born."

"Yin Ji, that was originally my body." Lingjia Po said in a dissatisfied tone.

"I said it wrong"

"I'm relieved to confirm that you are living in the same body."

The calm voice interrupted their sarcasm.

It seems that Yuan Mingfei's previous words were just to wait for Yin Ji to show up so that he and Lingjia Po could be caught in one fell swoop.

One by one, Gesang flowers continued to grow stubbornly in the flesh and blood fields, gradually gaining the upper hand in the competition.

Seeing this scene, Yin Ji's expression suddenly became gloomy, and his cold eyes glanced at Lingjia Po who was close at hand.

"Yuan Mingfei, it seems that you are planning to completely give up that leak-free body and want to burn your soul to die with us?"

Lingjia Po, who is also a Buddhist order, saw through Yuan Mingfei's intention at a glance.

"How long can you endure such pain?"

"It's enough to save you."

Yuan Mingfei's face was pale to the point of being transparent, and the wildly growing sea of ​​flowers devoured the flesh and blood fields, and drowned towards the twisted and symbiotic ugly figure.

Lingjia Po looked at the flowers that had spread to her feet with disgust, and said in a cold voice: "Yin Ji, do you understand? It's not a great method, let her wake up."

As soon as the voice fell, a pain more intense than the burning of the soul instantly surged into Yuan Mingfei's mind.

Her figure trembled continuously, and the shadows of flesh and blood tentacles twisted and swayed behind her, piercing through her limbs, as if they could tear her to pieces at any time.

The Gesang flower sea that had originally had the upper hand was also defeated in an instant, becoming the nutrient for the expansion of the flesh and blood fields, and the flesh and blood rose up and rolled down.

"You are not the second Buddha. Without the consciousness of the body, you are just a tree without roots."

Lingjia Po closed his eyes slightly and looked at Yuan Mingfei with contempt: "Also, do you think I really didn't think you would come here? Ridiculous."

"Idiot, you laugh like a hammer."

The sky, which was gradually getting brighter, suddenly started with a sharp sound of breaking through the air, and there was a thunderous curse with a strong Sichuan accent.

A black and red lightning tore through the night sky, blasted down from a high place, pierced through the waves of flesh and blood, and the violent wind pressure blew down the prayer wheel on the wall and tore the prayer flags on the eaves.

In the flying smoke and dust, Li Jun walked out slowly with a ferocious smile on his face.

"I was still wondering why I didn't get any points. It turns out that you, the old bastard, are really not dead."

"How could you."

Yuan Mingfei's expression changed, like joy and sorrow, complicated and indescribable.

"Aunt, you are a woman, I understand you. But don't ask anything now."

Li Hua, who was the size of a palm, stood on Li Jun's shoulder, with her hands on her waist, and said in a tender and soft, but old-fashioned tone.

"Old Li, beat these two idiots to death!"

The lightning suddenly rose, tearing apart this weak millet field.

It crashed into those two pairs of horrified eyes!


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