Cyber Daming

Chapter 635: Conflict and Turbulence

Why do these people seem to be very afraid of being associated with their elders?

Are they worried that I will take advantage of them and climb up the ladder? Is my reputation really that bad now?

Li Jun was puzzled and could only smile helplessly and asked: "Master Han, you deliberately sent them away. You must have something to say to me alone, right?"

"Is it so obvious?"

Han Yang smiled on his plain face and said bluntly: "I want to ask how much you know about Mo Xu?"

"I don't know much about this."

Li Jun said truthfully: "In fact, Master Han, you might as well say it directly."

"It's still too blunt to say it directly, and it seems that I am too eager for quick success. If you have patience, you might as well listen to me talk more."

Seeing that Li Jun did not object, Han Yang raised his hand and waved it gently, and the light and shadow cast by the light intertwined a strange scene like a shadow play.

The picture shows a very simple and primitive village. The architectural style and the characters' clothing are far from the current Ming Empire. It can be seen that the interpretation should be a period of history from a long time ago.

"The birth of the Mohist Group was initially composed of a group of handicraftsmen and new individual farmers who were liberated from the hands of slave owners. In the years of life practice, these Mohist members have accumulated rich experience, summarized the cause and effect relationship between things through systematic experiments, and gradually formed a systematic academic knowledge and inheritance method."

The projected picture evolved with Han Yang's words, from farming to workshop handicrafts. The ancient shadow puppets imitated natural phenomena and created tools to facilitate survival and development.

"However, due to the historical background at that time, the Mohists at the beginning mostly passed down the techniques they mastered secretly from master to apprentice, but this kind of 'ancestral secret recipe' style of inheritance is very fragile and inefficient. Once the master encounters an accident and dies, many things will be lost."

"Therefore, in the history of Mohism, many techniques have experienced the painful process of invention, loss, and re-invention."

In the projection, the ancient shadow puppets exaggeratedly performed the various accidents experienced by the ancestors of the Mohist school, including sudden illness, experimental accidents, grudges, natural disasters, and other natural and man-made disasters.

In the end, a fire ignited from all sides, surrounding these Mohist ancestors.

"But the biggest threat to the Mohist school is still the war provoked by humans. Because the cultural ideas of the Mohist school are not welcomed by those in power, and even regarded as a disaster that causes unrest. So in order to protect themselves and to promote the ideas of the Mohist school, a new branch evolved in the Mohist school, the knight."

As soon as Han Yang finished speaking, a white light suddenly appeared in the projection.

A shadow puppet dropped the hammer in his hand, drew his sword, and cut a path through the raging flames.

"At this point, people who advocated Mohist thought were divided into two categories, one was a craftsman who was good at research, summary, and invention, and the other was a knight who was proficient in all kinds of weapons and fighting tactics."

The scene in the field suddenly divided into two parts. On one side was a blazing furnace, and the hammer was hitting out a series of fire points.

On the other side was a sword light that was chilling to the bone, and the dancing sword set off a bloody storm.

Sometimes it was clearly divided, and sometimes it was intertwined, as if hinting at the gap and mutual assistance between the two forces of Mohism.

"In the Ming Dynasty, after Emperor Yizong announced the establishment of the sequence, Mo Xu entered a period of rapid development."

Han Yang's eyes showed a nostalgic look, and he sighed: "At that time, Mo Xu could be seen in almost every corner of the Ming Empire. The construction of any prefecture, city or county in the old two capitals and thirteen provinces could not be separated from the help of Mo Xu. It can be said that at that time, Mo Xu was the well-deserved leader among all kinds of people."

"It was also during this period that a large number of technical methods emerged in a blowout manner, and the status of craftsmen in Mo Xu became higher and higher."

Han Yang said in a faint voice: "But what followed was the hidden danger of decline."

In the projection, Mo Xia holding a sharp sword stopped in the sea of ​​blood and corpses, and turned to look back at the prosperity on the other side.

After hesitating for a moment, they decisively threw down their weapons, picked up the hammers they had discarded, and put them into hammering beside the stove.

At the same time, a large shadow condensed at the edge of the picture, and a pair of wolf-like covetous eyes slowly lit up.

"There are fewer and fewer people willing to be heroes. After all, not everyone is willing to take their own lives to protect the safety of others, right? The result is that the martial spirit in Mo Xu has gradually evolved into luxury and enjoyment, and chivalry has become selfishness."

"When a beast loses its sharp claws and fangs, it becomes a domesticated poultry in the eyes of others, and it is not far from being served on the table."

Han Yang laughed at himself: "Sometimes when I think back on these past events, I feel that all this seems to be deliberately done by someone, first fattening up Mo Xu step by step, and then wielding a knife to slaughter us when we are full of fat and have no power to resist."

At this point, Li Jun saw that the body of the shadow puppet in the picture had changed from the previous agile and agile to bloated and obese, and the high-rise buildings where they lived had become like carefully built pens, where these Mo Xu were kept.

In the shadows approaching from all sides, there were bursts of harsh sounds of knife sharpening.

Li Jun seemed to be thinking about something, and after a moment of silence, he asked, "Did Mo Xu not resist?"

"Of course, the current Ming Gui Realm was developed at that time. Originally, their plan was to create a group of weapon spirits that were not afraid of life and death to replace Mo Xu in the fight."

"But this way of escape could not save Mo Xu either, until some Mo Xu who still had martial spirits in their bones took the initiative to sacrifice themselves, and then evolved the first batch of Ming Gui, becoming another form of "Xia", combined with the Mo Jia method, which saved the entire sequence from the water and fire."

Han Yang shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Although it escaped death, Mo Xu also fell from grace and became a mediocre existence among the twelve sequences, and could no longer restore its former glory. In the final analysis, all this was our own fault."

Li Jun remembered what happened in the Mo Xu Central Branch, and said clearly: "So the craftsmen and Xia in Mo Xu back then are now Mo Zhe and Ming Gui?"

"That's right." Han Yang nodded.

Li Jun frowned slightly, and was about to speak, but was suddenly attracted by the drastic changes in the projection in the field.

In the shadows approaching like a tide, the knife light has already appeared, and a black figure whose face cannot be seen gradually appears, holding a sharp blade and constantly approaching.

The fat and pig-like Mozhe were terrified, huddled together, as if they would be safe as long as they squeezed into the crowd.

In the process of pushing and shoving, gold and silver jewelry kept falling from their gorgeous robes, covering the ground under their feet, dazzling people unable to open their eyes.

But even at this critical moment of life and death, there are Mozhe who risked having their hands and feet cut off, and struggled to grab a hand from the gap between people, trying to grab their fallen money.

Seeing that a bloody massacre was about to take place, several figures who were only pale and thin compared to others suddenly rushed out of the crowd.

They let out an angry roar and jumped out of the furnace burning with a raging fire.

After an indescribable crackling sound, several charred, iron-like skeletons rose up, their bodies covered in lava as if covered in armor, and fought with the ferocious enemies.

The result of the battle was that these brave Mozhe won a tragic victory at the cost of great sacrifice.

But when they looked back with blood and broken flesh, what they saw was not cheers and gratitude, but a noisy looting scene, and the occasional look of fear and disgust thrown at them during the looting.

"It's easy to change a country, but hard to change one's nature. Although the Mohists who survived that year had a close call with death, they still couldn't change the vanity and greed that had become a stubborn disease in their bones. But if no one is willing to become a new Ming Gui, the entire Mohist Order will sooner or later repeat the same mistakes."

"So Juzi set a rule that year that every new Mohist who entered the order must be connected to the Ming Gui realm. On the surface, it was to awaken the dormant Ming Gui, but in fact, it was to leave a seed of one's own consciousness in the Ming Gui realm."

Han Yang revealed this not-so-glorious history for Mohist Order in front of Li Jun.

"The techniques involved are too complicated, and I don't think you are interested in understanding them. You only need to know one thing, that is, whenever a Mozhe dies in the real world, the consciousness left in the Minggui realm will begin to awaken, and gradually grow into a new Minggui without the memory of the previous life."

The scene changed again, and the once prosperous city became dilapidated. The Mozhe, who had become thin, lined up in front of the furnace and threw the last jewelry on their bodies into the surging magma.

In a red ocean, there stood a few flaming skeletons, with red light jumping in their eye sockets revealing sarcasm, watching all this coldly.

Suddenly, Li Jun's eyes were fixed on one of them.

That seemingly cynical, but actually arrogant and arrogant look, no matter how you look at it, looks like the horse king he knew.

"It was because Lord Juzi set this rule at that time that Mo Xu barely had the power to protect himself."

Han Yang's desolate voice sounded like a narration in Li Jun's ears.

"But it can only protect itself. Mo Xu is still helpless in many cases."

The projection that had just calmed down was in turmoil again. This time, the darkness that coveted Mo Xu condensed into a huge hand that covered the sky and covered the furnace representing the Ming Gui Realm.

"The Ming Gui Realm was discovered, so they forced Mo Xu to publish this technical method to build a more complete and powerful Ming Gui Realm for them."

Li Jun raised his eyebrows and asked, "Huang Liang?"

"Yes, the Huang Liang that now covers the entire Ming Empire and accommodates hundreds of millions of people is based on the Ming Gui Realm derived from Mo Xu. It is rumored that the Yin-Yang sequence that built Huang Liang was also upgraded and transformed based on this technical method."

When Han Yang said this, Li Jun's heart suddenly moved and he found something strange.

Although Li Jun did not have a deep understanding of this period of history of the Ming Empire, he could not help but kill many people, so he naturally knew some secrets.

According to his understanding, before Huangliang started to build, Mo Xu had already clung to the thigh of Wuxu, and although he could not run rampant in the empire, at least he would not be easily controlled by others.

How could he take out his hidden skills so easily?

There must be a story behind this.

Although Han Yang did not say it clearly, Li Jun could guess a little.

It was nothing more than that Mo Xu was painted a pie in the sky at that time, and he wanted to use it to turn things around, so he stabbed Wuxu in the back.

If this is true, then it would be logical for Mo Xu to escape from the battlefield after the subsequent "Dividing the World into Martial Arts" broke out.

Thinking of this, Li Jun suddenly sneered.

"You guessed right, Mo Xu did do some despicable things back then."

Han Yang sighed and said, "But not all of Mo Xu were willing to do this at the time, especially the Ming Guis. Most of them resolutely chose to fight side by side with the sect Wu Xu until they died in battle."

"Fortunately, they left behind this incense and love, so that the sect Wu Xu did not take ruthless action against Mo Xu when it was the craziest before it was about to be destroyed, and once again escaped the disaster of being liquidated."

Han Yang paused, suddenly stood up from the chair, clasped his hands and fists to Li Jun, and bowed deeply.

"This bow is for what happened in the Central Branch. Those beasts who forgot their ancestors, forgot who protected them to live to this day, and dared to enslave Ming Gui. They really deserve to die! They deserve to be killed!"

Han Yang said word by word: "Mo Xu owes Wu Xu a favor. We will repay it one by one when we have the chance in the future."

Li Jun sat in the chair, his figure motionless, and steadily accepted Han Yang's apology.

This is what Wu Xu deserves, and he doesn't need to give it up, and he can't give it up.

"Master Han, get up."

After a moment, Li Jun slowly said: "We will talk about repayment later. You went through such a big circle today, not just to apologize, right?"

Han Yang stood up, waved his sleeves to disperse the projection in the field, and did not directly answer Li Jun's question, but asked: "I wonder if Lord Li Que knows what happened in the empire recently?"

Li Jun shook his head. After a short rest in the foreign land, he rushed to the East Courtyard without stopping. He slept in the open all the way and was indeed not clear about the current situation of the empire.

"Not long ago, the Prime Minister of the Empire, Zhang Fengyue, without any warning, publicly announced the twelve crimes of Daoxu Longhushan at the court meeting, and announced it to the world through Huangliang."

Han Yang said in a deep voice: "The most important crimes include arbitrarily casting immortal yuan instead of treasure notes, expelling and killing court officials without reason, inciting believers, spreading evil ways, and having bad intentions. It is required that the contemporary Zhang Tianshi take the initiative to come to Beijing to apologize, otherwise he will be severely punished and will not be tolerated."

The matter of Fandi has just ended, and Old Zhang has immediately pointed his gun at Zhang Xiji again.

Li Jun sneered in his heart and asked, "What is the reaction of Longhu Mountain?"

"Not admitting any crime!"

Han Yang said, "On the contrary, Zhang Tianshi issued an edict to all Taoists in the world, claiming that the late emperor had secretly sent him to Longhu Mountain before his death, and conferred him the title of Great Protector of the Nation. When the empire was in crisis, he would do his best to restore the order of Taoism, clear the emperor's side, kill the slanderous ministers, cleanse the world, and correct the government!"

Li Jun couldn't help laughing when he heard it: "Is this going to confront Zhang Fengyue head-on? This Zhang Tianshi is really ambitious."

Unlike Li Jun's happy expression of watching the fun, Han Yang looked solemn and continued.

"In addition to these two families, Honghu have appeared frequently in the coastal states of the empire recently, gathering a lot of rebellious bandits, just like a resurgence."

Han Yang kept talking: "Also, in several bases of the Han Buddhism, a large number of high-ranking monks suddenly disappeared for some reason, disappearing without a trace, and people are panicking. According to our understanding, it should be the people of the Yin-Yang Order East Palace who are behind it."

"In short, the current Ming Empire is already in a precarious situation, and the building is about to collapse!"

Han Yang's words were sonorous, but Li Jun was still unmoved.

"Master Han, you've said so much, but you still haven't made it clear. What exactly do you want to tell me today?"

Hearing this, Han Yang smiled bitterly: "Whether it's the New Donglin Party, Longhu Mountain, or the East Palace, we can't afford to offend any of them, and we don't want to get involved. But we want to stay out of trouble, and they may not be willing to let us go, so."

Han Yang clasped his hands again and said earnestly: "I hope Master Li Que can protect our Eastern Branch."

Having said this, Han Yang finally stated his purpose.

Li Jun's face was not surprised at all, and he asked very calmly: "This is a group of gods fighting, and I am just a few big fish and small fish here. Master Han, why do you think I have the ability to protect you?"

"In the eyes of outsiders, the empire is now a three-way struggle. But in my eyes, it should be a four-legged tripod."

Han Yang said in a deep voice: "Master Li Que, you are a force!"

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