Cyber Daming

Chapter 637: Fengyue Town Human World

"I've heard before that Pei Xingjian had a proud student in Chengdu. Now that I see it, you are somewhat similar to him back then. You are as sharp-tongued as you are sharp-tongued. But putting the people first is the most important thing. I have heard this from countless people throughout my life, but when it comes to putting it into practice, few people can do it.”

The old man asked calmly: "Since you have said the same thing now, I will ask you. In the current situation, if we do not make a choice and eliminate major troubles to stop minor chaos, how can we protect these people?"

"First inside, then outside, use defense as offense!"

Yang Baize lowered his eyelids and kept stroking the left tiger's mouth with his right hand.

The old man frowned slightly when he heard this: "You mean you plan to touch these clans first? How do you touch them?"

"As you just said, my lord, whoever likes to ask ghosts and gods should be sent to see them first."

The young man answered without hesitation, his words were chilling to the bone.

The old man followed up and asked: "Right now, we are facing a powerful enemy. Instead of dealing with it, you want to mess up your position first?"

"Confucianism relies on the country to make a living, and when the country is strong, Confucianism flourishes. Now that the Ming Dynasty is about to fall, Ruxu is also suffering from many diseases. Instead of looking forward and backward, lingering for breath, it is better to make a decisive decision and cut off this rotten flesh, and cut off the tangled knot as soon as possible. Only then can we seize the time to regain our physical strength!”

Yang Baize said in a deep voice: "If these internal hidden dangers are not eliminated first, then when the war breaks out, Ruxu will inevitably fall into a difficult situation of internal and external attacks, and the chance of winning will be slim!"

"Little guy, do you really look down on these people of the same order?"

The old man's eyes were closed and his eyes were deep, making it impossible to see the joy and anger in his heart.

"It's not that I look down on it, but that I can see it clearly. Because I can see it clearly, I look down on it."

Yang Baize said coldly: "Every time a dog is slaughtered in a righteous way, Wuqing is a scholar. There is no point in covering up things that everyone knows well."

The old man was noncommittal, folding his hands and putting them in his sleeves.

"Scholars are not only ruthless, but also fickle. It's not difficult to pick up a sword and axe, but the difficult part is how to distinguish between loyal and traitorous people. Can you tell who should be killed and who shouldn't be killed? If you don't grasp this balance, the result will be disastrous. It’s not about cutting flesh, it’s about killing oneself, do you understand?”

"There is no need for me to judge, there are already ready-made people to do this right now."


Yang Baize's face tightened and he said word by word: "Honghu."

The old man laughed: "You are trying to force them to take sides."

"Scholars are not only fickle, but also cherish their lives. But you are wrong about one thing, my lord. These nobles have no right to take sides at all. They should only stand on the side of the people from beginning to end, and only then can they be worthy of being Confucian. Now I just give them more If you have a chance to repent, you will only become a thief."

Yang Baize's words were cold and hard, with a hint of nervousness audible: "To deal with rebellious ministers and traitors, use thunderbolt methods!"

"You're not old, but you're very murderous."

The old man said softly: "Showing your sharp edge is not the character that a minister should have."

Yang Baize noticed that there was something in the other person's words, but before he could think about it deeply, an answer jumped out of his bones at this moment and blurted out.

"Scholars are subjects of the people, not subjects of the monarch."

"If there is no king, then who is the scholar?"

"If there are no people, where will the king come from?"

The clear voice chased the old voice.

During the question and answer session, Yang Baize was sweating profusely in this freezing weather, his face turned red, and he stared at the other person intently.

He completely didn't notice the men in black who were guarding the old man, and there was a faint smile on his lips.

"What a sharp-tongued, bold boy. He really doesn't give me any face."

The old man smiled jokingly and then asked: "Okay, let's continue according to your idea. If the valve is to be dismantled first, how should Longhushan respond? Or do you think Zhang Xiji will choose to stand aside and watch?"

"The problems we face are the same as those in Longhu Mountain, and they are even more serious than ours!"

Yang Baize's eyes flashed and he said loudly: "Today's so-called Dragon and Tiger Tao Kingdom is just an empty airs in name only. In the 'Four Mountains and One Palace' that were forcibly gathered together, the disciples were not angry when the master died. Those who are committed to survival have hidden evil intentions. The basis for maintaining the relationship is only the temporary fear of people's hearts and Zhang Xiji's personal powerful force. It seems to be strong and prosperous, but in fact it is crumbling. "

The old man nodded, "It makes some sense, go on."

"In addition to the disunity of people, the 'geographical advantage' is also an urgent problem that Longhu Mountain needs to deal with now."

Yang Baize said in a disdainful tone: "There is only one Gezao Mountain in the same province of Jiangxi as Longhu Mountain. The other Daoxu bases are not connected to his home base of Longhu Mountain, they are just enclaves."

"If Zhang Tianshi is not stupid, he will definitely give up those far-flung bases and move the Taoist disciples and properties there to prevent them from being defeated one by one. So in the final analysis, Longhu Mountain is still Longhu Mountain, but it has been changed. It’s just a bluffing name. As long as Zhang Xiji dies, this Lao Shizi’s country will fall apart immediately.”

"Well, keep talking."

Yang Baize said with a solemn expression: "So now the confrontation between Confucianism and Taoism seems to be about to break out. It's just that everyone is expressing their attitudes and positions. In fact, no one dares to act rashly. Everyone is covered in lice. The key is to see who takes the lead first. Whoever cleans his own home will get the upper hand!”

The old man smiled and joked: "I can't tell, but you know our great protector of the country very well."

"Actually, you already have a thorough understanding of everything and have the pearls of wisdom in your hands. I'm just doing my job here."

Yang Baize admired: "If it weren't for you, Longhu Mountain, which was in the limelight at that time, would not have been hit hard, and Zhang Xiji would not have been lurking for so many years, only to come out to cause trouble now."

"Haha, although I am also willing to listen to the flattery of a young talent like you. But I really have no shame in stealing this credit. Zhang Xiji did not lose to me, but to Wudang Mountain, and I am just I got a big deal by following behind.”

"I just heard you say that once Zhang Xiji dies, Longhu Mountain will fall apart."

The old man suddenly changed the topic and asked with a slight desolation: "Then if I die one day, do you think Ruxu will follow in the footsteps of Longhu Mountain, or will he be safe and sound, without any trouble in the ancient well?"

Yang Baize didn't understand why the other party suddenly asked this question. He lowered his head and pondered. After a moment, he slowly said: "People can die, but their ambitions will not perish. Mountains and rivers bury their bones, and history will leave their names. It doesn't matter whether the Confucian order is chaotic or settled. "

"Listening to what you said, I should have a good ending."

The old man smiled and continued: "However, you still underestimate Zhang Xiji. He will not be a loner."

Yang Baize's heart suddenly trembled, and he asked eagerly: "Are you referring to the East Palace?"

"This wise old man has died once. If no one hugged him, he would probably still be hiding in his son's body and trembling. How could he have the courage to say anything in front of me?"

The old man's tone was calm, but there was a sense of natural domineering flowing through him.

Yang Baize slowly frowned. In his imagination, he had not considered the possibility of Longhu Mountain cooperating with the Eastern Palace.

But in his opinion, it would be possible for the Eastern Palace to end after the two families had played for several rounds, with each winning or losing, or even Longhushan suffering a loss and falling into a disadvantage.

After all, the most advantageous option for the East Palace right now is to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, fish in troubled waters on their own, and wait for the opportunity.

But now it seems that Donghuang Palace has clearly colluded with Longhu Mountain.

Ruxu's current situation is far more difficult than Yang Baize himself expected.

"Do you suddenly feel that your chances of winning are slim?"

The old man smiled and said: "After all, if you calculate it this way, Confucianism is a small enemy against many, and everyone is an enemy."

"It's not Ruxu, it's you who are supporting the entire empire on your own and fighting against all the enemies around you."

Yang Baize cupped his hands and said from the bottom of his heart: "Sir, you are tired."

"Yes, this kid is indeed better than Pei Xingjian. At least the old bastard won't feel sorry for me. He will just confidently say that this is what I should do."

The old man rarely laughed loudly and smiled at the men in black around him.

"People today don't understand what you do, but future generations will understand it sooner or later."

The square-faced man in the lead looked solemn and spoke in a deep voice.

"By the time that day comes, I'm afraid I will have turned into a handful of loess. It doesn't matter whether I understand it or not."

The old man turned to Yang Baize and asked, "There are swords outside and sores inside. Do you still want to stick to your idea now?"

"Your thoughts remain unchanged!"

The old man looked slightly surprised and asked: "Why?"

"The old hatred between the East Palace and Longhu Mountain is overwhelming, and Zhang Xiji was the instigator of the persecution of Yin and Yang Xu back then. Even if the two families are forced to join forces due to the current situation, they must be full of suspicion and wary of each other. We are even secretly planning how to trick the opponent, so Xianguan believes that the current balance will not be easily broken, and we still have time to deal with internal troubles. "

"Then have you considered how risky it is to deal with internal troubles? If you don't manage the scale properly, you will force people in these powerful families to unite and resist."

The old man said calmly: "When internal and external troubles break out together, the situation will be irreversible."

"Regardless of the status of the family, the transcendent status of the head of the three religions of Confucianism and Xuexu is just a beautiful bubble that will burst when someone pokes it!"

The young man raised his back and his head high, his eyes showed sharp determination, and he was unstoppable.

"If you go forward, you may lose, but if you go back, you will definitely die! There are many obstacles in the mountains, and there is no other way to go forward than in the abyss!"

"The tiger roars in the valley, and all the beasts are in panic. It's a good thing that you have this courage, but the battle for the order is not a battle between rivers and lakes. The important thing is not ruthlessness, but stability. Because your one step difference may cost thousands of lives. Thousands of people sacrifice their lives to fill it.”

"If you want to fight, you can't be sure."

Yang Baize said one word at a time: "When faced with extreme difficulties, you need to be bold. One general can accomplish everything!"

"So you want to step on the bones and achieve your unparalleled achievements?"

There was a sudden coldness in the old man's words, but he saw the young man in front of him shaking his head and chuckling.

"You sir, you underestimate me, Yang Baize. I am willing to lay down my bones to pave the way, not to win the victory!"

"A good man is willing to die for his bones."

The old man raised his voice and asked sternly: "Then if I still don't want to adopt your suggestion, what will you do?"

Yang Baize looked calm: "I will remain the same as a lower official. I will do my best to fulfill my duties and protect the people of Huating."

"Are you really that stubborn?"

"To tell you my lord, this is not stubbornness."

Yang Baize raised his head and his dark eyes were like the quiet night sky in Mianzhou County when the Yang family was destroyed.

"This is exactly the book Xiaguan is reading and the path he is taking."

In the deep and cold night, Yang Baize expressed his true feelings and slowly exhaled a long, white breath.

Whether it was thunder and anger, or contempt and ridicule, he could face it calmly.

"After Liu Jinxun came back from Fandi, I met him. In that conversation, the most common thing he said was that there is still hope for Ruxu. I thought he was just praising Zhang Siyuan in a roundabout way. But now I see Come on, he sees this more clearly than I do.”

The old man smiled and said: "Yang Baize, since you are not afraid of life and death, you are willing to be a dead man. Then I ask you, are you willing to be the one who catches the knife for me?"

Yang Baize didn't hesitate at all. He cupped his hands and exhaled loudly.

"The southern part of the Ming Empire is directly under the jurisdiction of Huating County, Songjiang Prefecture, and the county magistrate Yang Baize is here to obey the orders of Lord Zhang, the chief assistant of the empire."


Zhang Fengyue nodded and changed the topic: "Since it's about catching a knife, why don't you ask me where the knife is?"

"Your word is a knife."

"If you want to kill someone, you can't just use your mouth. I won't just ask you to do things with empty words. Otherwise, if Pei Xingjian finds out, he won't let me go. It's really unpleasant when that old guy curses people."

Zhang Fengyue pointed at the men in black beside him and chuckled: "I will leave these magic swords to you. As for how to use them, you should know what to do."

Yang Baize's eyes flashed with horror, and he finally had the strength to look at these three men who were silent and cold-tempered.

"Do you also think that I have wiped out all the laws in the empire a long time ago?" Zhang Fengyue saw his gaffe in his eyes and couldn't help but joked.

"The people of the world are ignorant and not worthy of the Tao."

The leading square-faced man took a step forward and saluted Yang Baize: "Shang Lu, the master of the third punishment in Faxu, has met Mr. Yang."

"Master Shang, you're welcome. Just call me Yang Baize."

Yang Baize swallowed unnaturally and waved his hands towards the other party.

When facing Zhang Fengyue, Yang Baize felt as if he was facing an abyss. Even if he tried his best, he could not see the bottom at all.

This fear is not strong at first, but it will remain in your heart until you suddenly think about it one day, and you will think about it with great fear.

When I suddenly woke up, it was too late to look back and I could only let the abyss swallow me.

But when the man named Shang Lu stood in front of him, he was like an extremely sharp knife thrust between Yang Baize's eyebrows.

It seemed that if he made the slightest move, his head would be split open and he would die on the spot.

This is Ruxu's natural fear of legal order, which is deeply rooted in his genes and cannot be suppressed by willpower alone.

Shang Lu seemed to notice that Yang Baize's face was gradually turning pale. After nodding in greeting, he stepped back and stood behind Zhang Fengyue.

The fear of facing the natural enemy finally faded away. Yang Baize took a deep breath, looked at Zhang Fengyue and asked: "I don't know where do you want me to start?"

“It’s better to choose a place than to be there, let’s start from here.”

Zhang Fengyue said calmly: "Nanzhili, it's time to clean up. Otherwise, I won't be able to stay here if there is a nest of snakes and rats."

"In half a month, I will definitely let the Xu family take the blame on themselves, and they deserve it!"

"You deserve it."

Zhang Fengyue repeated these four words in a low voice, then suddenly took steps and walked past Yang Baize, who was bending to accept the order.

The ashes covering the fire field were driven by the rising and falling footsteps, flying and drifting, and slowly fell towards the old man's white hair.

He reached out and took off the cloak from his shoulders, covering an unrecognizable charred corpse.

"You're right, it's time for them to deserve what they deserve."

Zhang Fengyue murmured to himself, straightened up and raised his eyes to the sky.

I saw only one dazzling star, hanging high in the dark night like the sea.

"Don't be anxious, everyone. Since you are all on the table now, let's take our time. Let's see in the end whether you deserve what you deserve or whether I deserve to die."

A dark cloud drifted in just in time, blocking the stars and moonlight.

It was as if the gods in heaven did not dare to look at the old man.

"A bunch of gutless gangsters."

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