Cyber Daming

Chapter 77 Parties

As Xu Yue walked away, the remaining Mianzhou garrison was also disbanded on the spot. The streets that were once crowded with people suddenly became empty.

Until this moment, the sound of gasping for survivors finally came from the surviving shops and houses on both sides.

After a long time, until the big moon in the dome had disappeared, a figure in a green shirt slowly appeared at the end of the street.

"Second Master, I'm here to collect the body for you."

Yang Shuo stopped in front of a corpse that was crushed by the sword light, took off his clothes and robes, spread them on the ground, and slowly knelt down.

"Actually, no matter whether we have a big house or a second house, we are all the Yang family, but we just have different ways of living."

Yang Shuo gently picked up the scattered body parts and placed them in his robes with a solemn expression.

"Your heart is as high as the sky, but what I see is that your life is as thin as paper. The Yang family is too weak to compete with others."

Yang Shuo's lips moved, as if he still had a lot to say, but in the end he just murmured: "Second Master, the grudges between life and death are gone. It's time for us to reconcile now."

He stood up holding his robe and stared up at the dark sky, "It's really dark today."

Peng County, Danjingshan.

An exquisite and simple Ming-style house is hidden in the mountains and forests.

Although it is dark at the moment, from some corners of the house illuminated by lights, you can still see the exquisitely crafted carved beams and painted roofs and the cornices of exotic animals.

All are made of exquisite materials and excellent workmanship.

A glimpse of the leopard reveals the luxury of the entire house.

Logically speaking, this kind of manor built in the wilderness is a favorite place for gun robbers and prosthetic thieves to visit.

But the structure of this house is not a high-walled courtyard, and the masonry structure does not appear to have any mechanism, and there are no patrolling guards around.

Such undefended confidence comes from the two lanterns hanging in front of the gate of the house.

The word "Wu" is written in black characters on a white background.

In an extremely wide courtyard deep in the house, a horrific fight was taking place at this moment.

A huge python was coiled on a rockery. The snake's head was held high and it was vomiting and hissing.

A thin, hungry tiger walked downstream of the rockery, growling angrily.

These two creatures, which should never appear in Shu, were deliberately arranged to engage in a life-and-death fight.

Not far away, a handsome young man stood behind a desk and quietly admired the bloody scene in front of him.

Two beautiful girls wearing only a thin layer of red gauze stood behind him, one holding a lamp and the other studying ink.

"Master Gong, something happened in Mianzhou County."

An old man dressed as a housekeeper walked quickly into the courtyard and stopped ten steps away from the desk. His head was buried low and his eyes were fixed on his feet, not daring to move an inch.


Wu Gong looked at the hungry tiger and dragon and snake that finally couldn't help but kill each other. He enthusiastically grabbed the brush on the desk and started to write.

"Wu Jinfeng is dead. The person who killed him was the martial arts man recruited by Shudao Logistics, Li Jun."

Wu Gong's wrist flicked the pen, and a large mass of ink immediately spread out on the rice paper.

"Didn't you grab that thing?"

The old man trembled: "No, no."

"What about the Gu family?"

"The Gu Gu family grabbed a quarter." The old man's temples had beads of sweat dripping down his cheeks.

"I didn't get the thing, and I finally managed to train a pet that I wanted, but it was killed. It seems that I lost to Gu Xi this time."

A soft sigh sounded, but it sounded like thunder in the old man's ears. His legs went weak and he knelt down suddenly.

Wu Gong casually put aside the ink pen in his hand, crumpled the ink-colored rice paper on the table into a ball, and spread it in the palm of his hand like feeding.

The red gauze maid next to her who was grinding ink with her bare hands immediately opened her small mouth and swallowed the paper ball.

Wu Gong walked up to the kneeling butler and suddenly said something for no reason, "Do you know which of the six Confucian arts I like best?"

The butler's head hanging on his chest swayed from side to side, "The villain doesn't know."

"It's etiquette and rules. Only with rules can the game be fun. Otherwise, what's the difference between us scholars and those illiterate fools?"

A toe pierced the old man's sight, and his body suddenly trembled.

"However, it's a rule that the Gu family doesn't talk about now, so naturally we can't stick to the rules. It's disrespectful to come and go."

A gentle voice came down from the old man's head, "Go and get Le Zhong out of the private prison. Don't the Legalists like to enforce the rules the most? Let him enforce the rules."

"Tell him that if the rules are not properly followed this time, I will personally guide him to change the law and embrace Confucianism!"

As soon as Wu Gong finished speaking, the fighting in the courtyard also had a winner.

The giant python had already entangled the hungry tiger. The python's body tightened, and there was a crackling sound of broken bones.

The python raised its head to the sky and roared angrily!

The outskirts of Mianzhou County.

A dragon-headed firearm was inserted into the ground, and a burst of flames spurted out from the dragon's mouth, roasting a freshly skinned hare.

Zhao Qingxia held a swollen face like a pig's head and sat next to the exoskeleton armor. He said in a puzzled tone: "Old Ma, why does my face hurt so much? It feels like someone has slapped me a few times. How can I respond?" thing?"

"What else could have happened? He was beaten by that man named Wu Jinfeng. I told you not to fight melee. Now who can you blame for being beaten like a bear?"

Zhao Qingxia said angrily: "Damn it, if you hit someone or not, why is this old bastard so vicious? Where is he now?"

"Don't worry, he's dead."

"You killed so bravely?" Zhao Qingxia looked excited.

"It was someone else, Li Jun, who did it himself."

Armor suddenly turned his head to look at Zhao Qingxia, Prince Ma said angrily: "If it weren't for Li Jun today, both of us would have been left there!"

Zhao Qingxia fell back slumped, "It's such a shame. We promised to help, but we were saved by others instead."

"It's quite embarrassing."

The red eyes in the helmet flashed, and there was an air of scheming.

"By the way, I remember that you seem to have a seventh-grade internal skill in your collection, right?"


Zhao Qingxia replied subconsciously, and then as if she realized what Lord Ma meant, she suddenly jumped up from the ground and looked into her red eyes with a fierce expression.

"Why are you asking this? I can tell you, old horse, that is my most precious martial arts collection. You can't even think of trying to take advantage of it!"

"I've lost my face, what else do I need to treasure?!"

Prince Ma said angrily: "Let me ask you, do you still want to repay the love you owe Li Jun?"

"Of course I have to pay it back,"

Zhao Qingxia's aura weakened and he murmured: "But that's a seventh-level internal skill. He doesn't need a preface eight. Is he already going to be promoted to a preface seven? He's a genius more than me. It's impossible!"

"Don't worry about whether others need it or not. Anyway, this favor cannot be owed."

The helmet was slightly lowered, and he looked at the pieces of heron feathers sandwiched between the armor on his abdomen.

"Otherwise, we and I won't be able to hang out in Tianzhihui anymore."

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