Cyber Daming

Chapter 96 Legalist Haechi

"In the first year of Jiaqi in the Ming Dynasty, the new emperor ascended the throne.

The entire process of power transfer was very smooth, but the situation in the imperial court did not quickly return to stability. Instead, it became increasingly turbulent.

At that time, the leader of the New Donglin Party and the eunuch in charge of the ceremony were appointed as auxiliary ministers at the same time.

The New Donglin Party, which had been walking on thin ice during the Emperor Wu period, finally had enough say and the capital to compete with the Supervisor of Ceremonies.

The two sides had just opened up their posture and arranged their carriages and horses, when the opportunity for fighting appeared at the right time.

The trigger that triggered everything was the national policy of sinminqu that was implemented by Emperor Longwu against all objections - to seize the land and water from all directions and nourish the heritage of China.

The severity of this national policy can be understood with just the word "grab".

The heavy tax pressure caused resentment among the people in the criminal community. The Ming Dynasty official system's blockade of the criminal people even made many ambitious people dissatisfied.

Therefore, after the death of Emperor Longwu, many criminal areas such as Dongying, Annan, Sulu, Siam, Mansika, and Chambe began to move.

The joint petition requested that the border barriers between the empire and the criminal areas be opened, and the criminal areas be transformed into provinces, allowing free exchange of goods and supplies.

He even proposed to cancel the title of guilty people, give the guilty people the same treatment as the civilians of the empire, open the imperial examination widely, and allow barbarians to enter the official career.

At that time, the Imperial Honglu Temple was responsible for the management of the criminal area, and the power was in the hands of the Chief Ceremony Supervisor.

The Chief Supervisor of Ceremonies has always respected "the supremacy of Ming people" and simply ignored the requests of the criminals.

It is simply thought that there are political figures who are stirring up trouble and inciting these unruly people to cause chaos, and then let the general troops stationed in the local area send troops to suppress it.

The New Donglin Party used the theory of Confucian saints that "there is no distinction between religion and religion" and believed that since Emperor Longwu had changed the vassal state into a criminal area and brought it under the jurisdiction of the empire, then the criminal area would be the territory of the Ming Dynasty, and all the criminal people would also It's the people of the empire.

The previous emperor used guns and artillery to expand the territory, so the new emperor should naturally use civil rule to show his kindness.

Only by persuading these barbarians to naturalize through imperial civil rule can we embody the style of the Holy Dynasty and realize the unification of the four seas and the unity of the world.

The two major forces expressed completely different attitudes on how to handle the joint petition from the criminal district.

There are also public opinions throughout the empire.

The leader of the Xindonglin Party and the eunuch of the Chief of Ceremonies, who were both imperial ministers, even had a quarrel in the cabinet.

One was rolling up his sleeves, and the other was grabbing his crown. They were obviously top figures in their respective ranks, but they were fighting together like a gangster.

A vast number of memorials poured into the Huangliang Host of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, but they have not been approved by the new emperor.

With such an ambiguous attitude, Confucianism immediately sensed an opportunity, and immediately began to prepare for an all-out attack on the Superintendent of Ceremonies.

This kicked off the sensational ‘Great Dynasty Debate’ in the Ming Empire.

As the compilers of the Ming Dynasty Law, the Legalists had control over the Huangliang Law Realm of the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple, and the "Three Law Divisions" of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

In this mighty "Da Chao Debate", he naturally became the target of the Chief Ceremony Supervisor and the New Donglin Party to win over.

Because of the requirements of the sequence of rituals, most Legalists have an upright character, and their usual stance is to maintain the stable operation of the Ming Law.

Even because of the opposition of ideas, Legalists are more inclined to the side of the Supervisor of Ceremonies.

But during this period, a major event occurred that outraged the entire Legalist order.

A Legalist official, Xu Qi, who secretly investigated the corruption of Si Li Jian, was assassinated. All the witnesses and physical evidence at the scene pointed to Dongchang, the number one vicious dog under Si Li Jian.

The Director of Ceremonies was unable to defend himself. Before he could prove his innocence, the New Donglin Party had already started to add fuel to the fire.

Local officials in the two capitals and thirteen provinces of the empire reported a large number of crimes of rioting in factories in the east and west, falsely accusing Zhongliang of being good at interrogating officials, and abusing evidence of lynching.

The government and the public were in an uproar.

Many voices of dissatisfaction also erupted within the Legalist family who had been touched.

Many enthusiastic Legalist officials put aside their ideological disputes, chose to stand with Confucianism, and agreed to join forces to attack the Supervisor of Ceremonies.

And these are just the undercurrents surging under the table.

On the surface, Confucianism has united with Taoism and Buddhism to complete the first domestication deduction of the Yi people.

When a Yiren wearing Ming clothes spoke standard Ming Mandarin and even mastered the ability of the Confucian Eight Gentlemen, he knelt down in the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

The eunuch and eunuch who was the chief of etiquette and the eunuch who was waiting beside the new emperor looked as if he were mourning for a heir, and sweat was pouring from his forehead.

He didn't expect that these pen-wielding bastards would go so far as to lure the barbarians into the Ming Dynasty and steal the Divine Sequence in order to kill him.

The leader of the Xindonglin Party led the ministers to make a speech and listed the ten crimes of the Secretary of Ceremony, including engaging in military affairs, defying the ancestors, deceiving the emperor and neglecting the superiors, and undermining the people.

The Superintendent of Ceremonies, who had all the power for a while, fell into the abyss.

With the help of Legalist judicial authority, the New Donglin Party held a sword in one hand and a scepter in the other, launching a bloody purge in the empire.

At that time, Le Zhong, who was far away in Chengdu Prefecture, had just been promoted to the eighth level of the Fa. A pioneer of Legalism made an exception and personally determined his qualifications.

With this comment, it can be said that Le Zhong's official career has been smooth and he is just around the corner.

When a young man is successful, he will naturally be proud of the spring breeze.

When people are high-spirited, they simply cannot understand that talking too much will lead to mistakes, and misfortune comes from speaking these sophisticated words.

After watching the entire record of the "Da Chao Debate", Le Zhong resolutely pointed out in Huangliang Legal Realm that Legalists interfered in party disputes and violated the original intention of the law.

If the guilty people are dissatisfied and intend to rebel, then they will be beaten. Confucianism attracts barbarians and forgets the sect. It deserves to be killed even more!

It is not only necessary to suppress the guilty people, but also to reform the official system and clean up the lazy behavior of today's officials.

On ordinary days, many high-ranking Legalist officials in the Huangliang Dharma Realm would laugh at remarks like this and regard them as young people complaining.

But Confucianism, which had destroyed Si Li Jian at that time, had already begun to have thoughts about the Legalists, who had been comrades in arms not long ago.

There is no other reason, the way is different, and it is always impossible to plan.

Without the Supervisor of Ceremonies, the Legalists who were in charge of the Ming Dynasty Law were the biggest constraint on Confucianism.

Although my house is small, it is also outside the shadow of the dragon and snake, and amid the sound of wind and rain.

Le Zhong said something he shouldn't have said, and was included in the Confucian purge list. Soon after, he completely disappeared from Chengdu Mansion.

Suspected to have been captured by the Wu family and thrown into private prison.

I don’t know life or death. "

The record about Le Zhong on the electronic slip ends here, and no more words appear.

Li Jun suddenly thought of the man with a mean face but a magnanimous smile. The fingertips of his right hand were rubbing the broken ruler in his sleeve.

After a long silence, he handed back the electronic document to the waiting intelligence department employee, turned around and walked out of the archives room of the Shudao Logistics Intelligence Department.

Outside the door, Qian Zhongxiao has been waiting here for a long time, bowing to Li Jun with a smile on his face.

"Minister, this is the recent formation of the Ministry of Security. Please take a look."

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