Cyber Ghosts

Vol 2 Chapter 181: Resurrection

Is this woman brave? Upon hearing this, Hao Ning suddenly realized that Pixiu was a symbol of wealth and beasts. For thousands of years, people with money or no money generally placed such gods and beasts. No wonder Xiaohong said she operated these finances for thousands of years. It is of course easy and unusual for Pi Xiu to experience people's belief in finance and to change financial games such as numbers. It's just that she met a good-looking boy like Xiaohong who was sitting in her seat, and she was naturally in a disadvantage.

"Ah, ah, ah--" Suddenly the woman began to tremble, and her clothes began to fall off. The whole body seemed to hold her up, and the woman shouted in pain, "Xue Shen doctor, you hurt me, you It hurts me! You confused me! You turned out— "

As soon as the words fell, the woman's skin suddenly burst into three or four elephant-sized monsters, gray hair, faucets, horses, and linds. Although it was an instant matter, what are the characters of Xiaohong and Haoning, small The red body moved slightly, and had already escaped, and Haoning urged Lingbo to step forward and ran away, thinking that Azhe was beside him. He hurried to go back and pulled him, but he found that Azhe's body was missing, and he looked back. , A Zhe and Xiaoye, Zhou Yuan and Liu Shuai were in a circle, and Liu Shuai happily made an OK gesture to himself, so I was relieved.

The two of them stood and looked into the field. The monster stood on four feet, and each foot was as thick as Haoning's waist.

"I'm a good girl!" Haoning wiped his sweat and shivered, "How can it be such a big monster!"

"I'm afraid of something!" Xiaohong looked at the giant beast coldly, smiled slightly, and said with a lot of ostentation, "Does she think she will grow bigger?" Ning narrowed his eyes and saw that the little red next to him was getting bigger and bigger, and sometimes he was almost as big as the monster. At this time, the little red body suit had long disappeared, and instead he was wearing a red suit, and the little red was on the wind, " "Bang Bang" has two more heads, four arms, and instantly became a red child with three heads and six arms. He was the best at selling and fighting with Hunning at first sight, but it was a bit more peaceful and domineering. This is really--

Thousand-year Dharma manifests again and again, Bodhi calls good fortune.

Leave the Holy Infant looking for the right fruit, and the fire is completely at ease.

"It's a confession!" Haoning ran away a few steps to prevent being stepped on while admiring, and then looked up, the red child was too tall to look up, so his neck was sore, and he held himself for a moment. It's nausea, saying something extremely outdated: "Xiaohong, that--I can just see it from your trousers at this angle, you can see a lot of things ..."

"Lying Groove!" Xiao Hong blushed and quickly bent down to lift Ho Ning on his shoulders. It's no wonder that Xiao Hong, when fighting in general, everyone gets bigger and bigger, how can there be such a Ho Ning Living treasures without mana are standing at the feet-there are, such people without mana are destroyed into **** before the fight, where can they look up alive? And look down the trousers under the feet of the red boy?

Hao Ning was also depressed. The sweat on his legs, he wanted to vomit now. After sitting on Xiaohong's shoulder, he quietly said to Xiaohong: "You should pay attention to personal hygiene and shave your legs, Otherwise, how embarrassing it is today. "

"Know-know" Xiaohong was so tempered by Hooning's words, he didn't want to become a **** for so many years, and even encountered such an embarrassing thing today, Xiaohong settled down and didn't intend to answer the topic of Hooning, "We Let ’s fight against the enemy first ... "

I don't know that this monster didn't rush towards Xiaohong at all, but turned back and stepped on half of the body of Xue Shenxue. It seemed that Pi Yao already knew that Xue Shenxue was the culprit and wanted to step on the body to vent his anger.

"Hahaha, hahaha," the half of the body suddenly flew into the air, a sharp voice from the body that was neither male nor female, and like a baby, "It is clearly your own desire to help me, why do you blame me? ? "

The laughter was horrified and Xiao Hong creepy. Looking at the corpse again, the head did not stop after turning around in the neck, and then turned several times. Where can the corpse be twisted?

"Nima, Doctor Xue is an owl?" Liu Shuai's eyes widened, and the small leaf next to him fainted.

"Why do you say that?" Zhou Yuan looked at it with relish, and turned into a pack of sunflower seeds and nibbled up. "Why is it an owl?"

Liu Shuai's biological knowledge comes in handy: "Only the owl's neck can turn so omnidirectionally by 270 degrees, almost approaching a circle!"

"But he also turned several times, where can an owl turn so many times?" Azhe's courage, Xiaoye, holding Xiaoye actually asked such a stunned question.

"Uh ..." Liu Shuai was asked by A Zhe and said with a firm support, "That's not an owl, but seven or eight owls, okay?-Come on, don't talk, hurry and watch! "

The body of Xue Shenyi, who belonged to several owls, shook in the air. After turning his head a few times, he fell to the ground. Gulu rolled out so far that he rolled in front of Liu Shuai.

"Poof--" Zhou Yuan was so scared that all the seeds in his hand were thrown out, and a mouthful of seeds was sprayed out, just sprayed to the face of the head. Azhe saw the head of Xue Shen Xue in front of him, and he simply hugged the leaflet. Fainted together.

"It looks like five big and three thick!" Liu Shuai looked back and scolded, "It turns out to be a useless flower shelf!"

"Liu Liu Liu, Liu Shuai--" Zhou Yuan was so scared that he didn't talk anymore, "You are my real man, TUREMAN, aren't you afraid?"

"What are you afraid of?" Liu Shuai said with a smile, proudly arrogantly, "I chose to take an anatomy class in the middle of the anatomy room, fighting with several boys in the middle of the night with the ribs of the corpse, or pointing to the mouth of a corpse's head. A few teeth, guess what?

Liu Shuai was excited and spitting stars, the head there suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Liu Shuai and asked, "What's the matter? Who won?"

"Ah! Mother!" Liu Shuai and Zhou Yuan both shouted.

"Aren't you afraid? You still bet your classmates with the teeth of the corpse's head," Zhou Yuan asked while shaking, "Why do you shout?"

"Nonsense," said Liu Shuai, kicking her legs in shock and closing her eyes. "When I bet with my classmates, I can't speak in my head. Mom, corpse!"

"So, it's not necessary to gather people for gambling," I saw that Dr. Xue's head continued, "Please dial 110 for the alarm, 119 for the fire, 120 for the danger of life. Please note that the ambulance is a paid service, the price per kilometer is with you Location, during the day ... "

"Is this a head?" Zhou Yuan listened to Xue Shenyi's more and more outrageous, and gradually stopped shaking. He opened his eyes and looked at this head. He saw Xue Shenyi's mouth fit one by one, but made a very mechanical sound. Zhou Yuan wanted to understand. He picked up a stone and threw it over, hitting his head. The head did not respond at all, and continued to talk to himself.

"Don't shake, don't shake," Zhou Yuan was amused by his own advice, seeing that Liu Shuai was still shaking with closed eyes, "slap" and slapped Liu Shuai, Liu Shuai was busy Open your eyes and look at Zhou Yuan: "You just hit me?"

"No?" Zhou Yuan looked free and sincere in his eyes, "Your illusion?-Stop talking about this, where is this head, this is an artificial intelligence speaker!"

Pointed to the head of Xue Shenyi who was still explaining many phone calls.

"Hey!" Liu Shuai came to the spirit, "Really!-See how scared you were!"

"..." Zhou Yuan was being scolded by Liu Shuai and looked down at him, "Liu Shuai, don't you think your crotch is cool?"

Liu Shuai looked down and swear inwardly, his mother, just scared to pee!

Pressed some of the living treasures in the large array of two instruments of dust to mention it, and it was terrible that Xue Shenyi, who had empty his head, had only the half-brainless brainless body.

Ho Ning has doubts, turning his head to see what Xiao Hong thinks, who knows that Xiao Hong ’s mind is the same as him. The three heads are turning to look at him. The six eyes of these three heads, each one is Ho Ning. His fist is still big. At such a short distance, a pair of eyesight scared Hooning almost fell off Xiaohong's shoulders. He panicked and twisted Xiaohong's three heads in a hurry: "Don't look at me, you are like this now. Dead headless people are scary! "

"Then you also get bigger!" Xiao Hong was a little depressed. This was too difficult for Haoning to serve. When did he sit on the shoulders of his holy baby king? To say that three-headed and six-armed supernatural powers also have a head, a face and a reputation. Few people will know, but today I do n’t know if it ’s too old or what to do.

"Where do I have your skills, want to be big, want to be small?" Haoning couldn't help but spit out, "Although your clothes look good, it's really ridiculous to sit on!"

"..." Xiaohong's three heads were about to look at Haoning, but he was twisted back by Haoning again. After sighing, Xiaohong stretched out a hand, and his hand was invisible with two more fireballs: "Then you still use This one! "

"Hot Wheel?" Haoning recognized it at first glance, but he used it several times, but it was a good thing. Haoning tentatively reached out his hand, "Not hot?"

"Relax, the freely clean willow branches and clean bottle of water are professionally opened, and I have placed seven, forty-nine days in the deity of Luojia Mountain. The experience is excellent! Tongsuo no bullying!" The kid also made a joke, pinched Ho Ning and threw it into the Hot Wheels, "You try it, 42 yards. If it's good, give a five-star praise!"

"Hey hey-hey good!" Ho Ning flew in the air on the hot wheels, and immediately got awe-inspiring, although small, but we can fly! This time Haoning also had the confidence, "Shen Shen doctor, what other tricks do you have to play?"

"Hum!" The empty residual body suddenly began to grow in size, as if something had to be drilled from the chest, and there was a disgusting voice in the chest.

"No? Alien?" Ho Ning shouted, staring.

"What is an alien?" Xiao Hong probably didn't read these, and asked strangely, "What's so strange?"

"What alien," the voice continued, "This is--"

Before the words were finished, the giant monster took a mouthful and took this body in his mouth, chewed it, swallowed it, and only listened to what the voice said in the giant's neck, but it was embarrassed, and it never disappeared. The sound is gone.

"This ..." Seeing the situation, Xiaohong and Haoning looked at each other with a big face, "What's this saying? We haven't done anything yet, he fell?"

"Roar, roar—" The voice of the Pi Xiu beast suddenly shouted, and the rocks on the side wall of the rock climbing not far from the sound shattered a lot. The Pi Xiu roared while rolling on the ground, as if Painful, Hou Ning fixed his eyes on it, it seemed that a blue light appeared on the back of the brave. This blue light was getting bigger and bigger, and it was carefully distinguished. It was a trace of the crack on the back of the brave. The blue light came out of this trace. .

"Hahaha, thank you very much, the brave little beast!" This blue light gradually turned into a human figure in the brave back, a closer look, it was not similar to the Shen Xue doctor just now, but it was the same as what I saw in the restaurant the other night That Xue Shenxue was exactly the same. It was his real body that he wanted to come. As for what it was just now, Haoning really couldn't understand it for a while.

This Blu-ray villain no longer drilled from the back of the brave after appearing in the half body, as if growing up to the body of the brave body, at this time, the brave animal was in pain, rolling constantly, seeming to want to crush the little man with weight, who knows this The villain seems to be invisible and intangible, and it does not deform when pressed to the ground. When the back of the pig is facing up, the villain stands on his back.

"You're not good!" This unpleasant voice just finished speaking these four words. Two long whips extended from the blue light of the body. After flying for a while, they pierced straight into the ear of the pixiu, pixiu this The whole body was shaking, but it did n’t take long. The whole brave head was not shaking, but the two above them became blue like the little blue man. The original branch-like angle seemed to be propped up by something, and it was getting more and more The bigger the angle is, the bigger the horn is, the bigger the head is, and the color changes from pure black to transparent. There are blue and white insects in it. The white head, and the bigger and the smaller, will be broken every moment, which is very disgusting.

"What magical power is this?" Seeing this little blue man move like this, Hao Ning instantly turned into this terrible look, shaking his body and quickly asking Xiao Hong, "Have you seen it?"

Xiaohong shook his head and said that he did n’t know he was about to speak. Liu Shuai ’s voice came behind him. Because, this kind of parasite, parasite, worm-hey, why the reverb is not adjusted well? "

When Ho Ning turned around, Le almost fell off the Hot Wheels, and Xiao Hong also saw it. He sighed angrily. It turned out that Liu Shuai didn't know where to go, and moved out the set of audio that he was comfortable with at that time. The set of sounds was used by Liu Shuai when Haoning subdued Xiaohong. It seemed that the contact was not very good. There was always a problem with the reverberation. Haoning thought that he had taken back the sound afterwards. Now it seems that it should be given to Liu Shuai. Too.

But it's easy to understand, how can you use something so poor in quality, anyway, throw it everywhere, it is better to give Liu Shuai a personal affection.

"Well, hey, Zhou Yuan, would you like to say a few words?" Liu Shuai said with a microphone and no skin and no face ~ ~ Zhou Yuan looked contemptuously far away from Liu Shuai and waved his hand and didn't speak.

"Are you okay," Hao Ning screamed, "Aren't you letting us be careful? Tell the truth!"

"Oh, yes, yes," Liu Shuai said quickly, holding the microphone. "The kind of parasite I am talking about is called a double-disc fluke, a parasite of the snail's body. It can control the snail's brain and plug its own body. Into the two tentacles of the snail, it is very similar to what the brave paw is like now. And this double-disc fluke will drive the snail to climb up to be eaten by the bird, and then spread its own eggs through the bird's body! "

Honing looked back at the brave pig, and indeed, it was very similar to what Liu Shuai described. At this time, the brave pig had no much action and did not resist. It seemed to be really controlled by Xue Shenyi, but he did not attack at all.

"Hum, it's just a little bug!" Xiaohong didn't care, his hands flicked, and he had a flaming gun in his hand. He wanted to stab him towards the blue-eyed pixiu.

"Stop it!" Hou Ning thought of what was common, and quickly popped it with one finger. An invisible sword gas of Shao Shangjian immediately interrupted Xiaohong's flame gun. The flame gun head left the gun body, making a flame in cavitation, and disappeared. .

"What's the matter?" Xiaohong frowned. Although the flame gun could be regenerated, he was interrupted by Haoning with one finger. After all, his face was dull. He was defeated by Haoning before. He thought he was a magic weapon for self-consistency. When fighting with Haoning alone, at least these flame guns transformed by the real fire of Sanmei are definitely not opponents. However, he was easily interrupted by Haoning, and his heart was a bit sad.

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