Cyber Heroes

Chapter 983 Goodbye Old Friend

The entire underground base was in jubilation.

Xiang Shan stayed in the reception room, listening to the noise outside, and couldn't help but sigh: "What are you doing..."

This is an underground base, originally a station. Directly above here is a national park in central Africa - this area is the most worthy of sightseeing in this natural environment in the 21st century.

To go up from here, you have to take a long escalator.

And this group of knights, based on this site, continued to dig deeper and expanded into a reliable underground base. .

The base is buried more than 200 meters deep. At this distance, the daily activities of the base are basically impossible to be perceived by people on the ground. In addition, there are also knight squads stationed on the ground to monitor the government's activities nearby.

In addition, there are several secret passages in the base, which can ensure that warriors crossing the first level of heaven and earth can be directly launched when necessary - but they are rarely used. According to the procedure, every time they launch, they will blow up a large section of the tunnel to ensure that no enemy can find it directly. After that, a new road needs to be dug, which is very troublesome.

Within the base, most of the knights use prosthetic bodies that are close to the appearance of Homo sapiens. It looks like a group of people wearing tights wearing various exaggerated mechanical helmets, like a cosplay convention for mechanical geeks.

Generally, the prosthetic bodies used by knights are for combat purposes, and "convenience in daily life" is something that needs to be considered later.

Those prosthetics move within the base and take up a lot of space.

When these knights rest in the base, they will withdraw from their combat prosthetics and use the standard body provided by the base. Their combat prosthetics will be entrusted to maintenance personnel to perform multiple complex maintenance including stress relief and repair of minor damage.

After using the body, the base seemed a lot more spacious.

However, Xiangshan still used his own Yitian prosthetic body. According to the etiquette of this era, unless he takes the initiative, the host here will not ask him to change his prosthetic body as a "visitor". This is also the etiquette that sect leaders should have when foreign knights visit other sects.

According to the guiding ideology of the Fourth Martial God, knights still pay great attention to the cultivation of new culture.

Xiangshan looked outside through the reception room. In the center of the base, in an open activity space, many knights gathered together and chatted about something - although there was no sound, judging from the noisy electromagnetic environment, they were probably chatting happily. Not only that, they couldn't help but make gestures with their hands, as if they were practicing moves and exchanging martial arts.

Xiangshan originally felt that it was unwise to train boxing without a prosthetic body. But after taking a few glances, he figured out the clue. These guys are different from the entry-level apprentices he led. They have broken away from the ordinary gains and losses of one move. The gestures on their hands are also discussing more abstract "offensive and defensive strategies" and "game theory."

These highly abstract results can be applied to most martial arts.

"The level is pretty good..." Xiang Shan whispered.

--but why……

"I guess you're thinking now, why don't they go into a virtual space and practice this, right?"

Turn towards the mountain. The stereo in the living room has just been turned on. Then, an access request pops up. Xiangshan's own inner martial arts were already extremely powerful, so he naturally agreed without hesitation.

Then, he saw Niyaguti’s figure.

Niyaguti chose an older avatar. Based on her own image when she was forty years old, gray hair was added. Her face was almost the same as when Xiang Shan first saw her, almost haggard and tired.

Xiang Shan made a smile on his face with his fingers: "As expected of an old friend, he actually understands me so well."

Nia Guti also smiled: "After so many years, you haven't changed yet..."

"Change to what?"

"There are obvious differences in the mentality of human beings when facing 'real' and 'virtual'."

"Really? But I think the 'electrical signal obtained by the prosthetic eye' and the 'electrical signal obtained by the computer reading the memory' are both similar things."

"Are you still trying to say, 'The electrical signal generated by the retina being stimulated by light is no different from the electrical signal obtained by the prosthetic eye'?"

Xiangshan opened the protective eyelids of the prosthetic eye to the maximum, so as to make a "wide-eyed" expression: "Is there a difference? We have made so many efforts, isn't it just to achieve 'no difference'? You think Why should I reject Lao Chen’s suggestion of ‘directly pouring image signals into high-level functional areas of the brain’?”

Niaguti couldn’t help but laugh. Xiangshan also laughed.

Xiang Shan said: "It is indeed you, old friend."

Niaguti turned her head away. When Xiang Shan saw it, the camera also turned slightly.

Niya Guti said: "No matter how close you are to the reality, or even beyond the reality, human beings also have an instinctive pursuit of their own 'natural form'. Their instincts only match that natural form, and any deviation from that natural form The state of their form will cause discomfort to their instincts - I know you want to say, 'That's because their instincts are too backward'. But, this is what humans are."

Xiang Shan muttered: "It's as if I'm no longer a human being."

"The one who is one step ahead is a genius, the one who is two steps ahead is a madman...and what about you?"

“The innovator must be three steps ahead in his thinking.”

"'Innovators must be three steps ahead in their ideas.'...Xiang Shan often said this, and I have remembered it." Nia Gudi rubbed her forehead, "I'm sorry, I don't know what your self-perception is like. . I still can't treat you as the Xiangshan you were at the beginning. He is my friend."

Xiangshan folded his arms and asked, "Is this your first face-to-face interaction with the God of War?"

"This is not the first time." Niyaguti said, "I have seen the Second Martial God, the Fourth Martial God, and the Sixth Martial God. When the Seventh Martial God failed, I stayed in outer space for a while and then returned to Earth. . This is not far from where I was born. You may not understand it, but for me, it may be a comfort. I would rather fight to the death here."

Niyaguti sighed again: "Those who died as warrior gods don't even have their own names... They would rather be covered by titles like 'Number of Numbers'."

Xiang Shan said: "It seems that after so many years, you haven't changed much."

"After all, I am over three hundred years old." Niyaguti said: "Based on the life cycle of Homo sapiens, I am no longer just an old lady. I even live longer than most countries and most dynasties. It’s impossible for people like us to change. It’s too tiring.”

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