Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1002 Ineffective Strangulation

Xiangshan raised the soda in his hand to the two entrepreneurs behind him as a sign of "cheers": "This is what I mean. Not to mention the price of the products of the previous generation, their performance must be weaker than those of the next generation." Generation by generation. This is a generational change in the 'industry'. There is no chance of 'us' losing."

He seemed to have something else in mind.

The other two people also raised their cups from a distance and returned their attention to the game.

Louisinho Gracie seemed offended by Yawgmoth's words. He raised his fist toward the commentary box as if to demonstrate. But the referee quickly asked him to quiet down and handed the two men to the center of the ring.

Lu Xuanyu tossed the hooded robe, revealing his Jiu-Jitsu uniform - this was required by the rules.

Luisinho Gracie was not a complete idiot. Although he requested a completely unrestricted prosthetic body, he put forward regulatory restrictions in other aspects. This game is based on MMA, but other rules are added.

For example, for "attire", he asked to use the "jiu-jitsu gi" that he was familiar with.

For Jiu-Jitsu practitioners, "what the opponent wears" can really affect performance. In formal Jiu-Jitsu competitions, "with gi" and "without gi" are two different groups, and the techniques used are quite different.

In addition, the rule "if you land on your back for five seconds, you will lose" is also a rule he proposed. Jiu-Jitsu is a martial art created on the premise that your opponent is bigger and stronger than you. Jiu-jitsu practitioners are better than ordinary martial arts practitioners at subduing those who are stronger than themselves.

He felt that he had a lot of confidence in suppressing his opponent for five seconds.

Even if he is a world boxing champion or a legendary fighter, he can hope to suppress his opponent for five seconds as long as he fights hard.

He is also a world-class fighter in his own right.

For the average person, "analyzing how favorable the rules are to Luisinho Gracie" is time-consuming and laborious. They will only remember another, simpler piece of information - "Luisinho Gracie defeated the cyborg martial artist under the same rules."

The referee explained the rules to them dutifully, and then signaled the two to distance themselves and raised a hand: "3, 2, 1...fight!"

As the referee's right hand landed heavily, neither man moved. Luisinho Gracie assumed a standard posture, while Lu Xuanyu was still standing normally.

After waiting for a few seconds, he even opened his hands in an "undefended" state.

"Oh! What an amazing start!" Jonathan Lee explained passionately: "Lu seems as peaceful as a traditional East Asian, but he made such a fierce provocation as soon as he came up..."

Lu Xuanyu even moved the fingers of both hands, signaling Louis Xinhuo to hit him.

Luisinho Gracie immediately turned into a strong black wind, and his fist bit into Lu Xuanyu's face like a dragon.

And Lu Xuanyu's idea is...

——Ah, a little slower than Vasily...

After all, Vasily is a world-class boxing champion with two belts. He gave up ground skills and joint skills, gave up leg skills, and only practiced footwork and boxing, so he concentrated on reaching the top. In terms of boxing and footwork alone, Gracie is not as good as Vasily.

Lu Xuanyu just swayed back and didn't even move.

Luísinho Gracie was executing a combination of punches smoothly, while Lu Xuanyu occasionally dodged - he only had to avoid the punches heading towards his face. He can take the rest of the attacks forcefully. After every few punches, he took a step back.

"Oh! What an amazing offensive! Gracie's fist! Beautiful combination of punches!" The commentator shouted: "If this punch had landed on an ordinary boxer, it would have been enough to send them to the emergency room! But Lu He just took a few steps back - he didn't even show any pain? What's going on?"

Yawgmoth waved his hand, and then a small window appeared on the live broadcast screen, which was part of a promotional video.

"For Homo sapiens, the ribs and sternum are very fragile. If the ribs are broken, the internal organs are at risk of rupture. So in an operation last year, Lu Xuanyu strengthened the ribs. His ribs are made of special high Made of molecular materials, its strength is close to steel. In addition, his internal organs are also protected by mechanical shells and shock-absorbing equipment." Yawgmoth said calmly, "In addition to the fact that the muscles cannot resist cutting injuries, his upper body, It can be completely equivalent to an ancient warrior wearing armor - for us, the more difficult point may be to complete these transformations while ensuring that his weight does not exceed 113 kilograms."

"Lu can't be KO or TKO. If he wants to do that, he probably can only pull out a hot weapon, or hit the head with the most powerful kick and cause a concussion."

Yawgmoth showed a smile: "So, the only chance for a natural warrior to win is to adopt the points rule - oh, I almost forgot, the points rule of MMA is to judge the advantages and disadvantages of both players in each round. Let's use the disadvantage to find the winner. That's it."

Most contemporary mainstream fighting competitions use one of two scoring methods.

Scores are directly counted by the number of effective hits (point system), or the winner is determined by judging the strengths and weaknesses of both players in each round (turn system).

Generally, point system rules are applicable to fighting competitions in which effective technical movements occur relatively rarely, such as Taekwondo (which can only attack with two feet and extremely limited punches) and freestyle wrestling (where competitions only involve wrestling and position changes). ).

However, in competitions such as boxing and Muay Thai, since both players may hit too many blows, and the effect of each hit will be very different, it is only possible to use each round as a macro perspective. Unit turn-based scoring determines the winner.

That is, if the referee determines that a certain boxer has the advantage and dominates the attack in that round, he will be awarded ten points, and then the other boxer will be awarded seven or eight points, like this.

But this approach won't work in this competition.

Lu Xuanyu took several steps back, feeling a dull pain in his back. The strengthened ribs absorbed most of the energy, and then released it through the frame in a gentle way to all parts of his body. Except for some redness and swelling on a few exposed skins, he basically suffered no major injuries.

This game only lasted a few minutes.

Lu Xuanyu moved his neck and looked at Gracie, who was breathing slightly in front of him: "Okay, it's my turn."

Saying that, he gave an ordinary straight punch.

Gracie's expression changed drastically, and she blocked the punch with her hands before sealing her face. The force of this punch made him suddenly change color. His feet involuntarily stepped back, taking seven or eight steps.

Lu Xuanyu did not pursue him, but assumed a basic boxing stance, and then approached unhurriedly.

"What a terrifying power! Gracie actually knocked back a heavyweight boxer so many steps with one punch! His boxing frame was blown away! If Lu pursued at this time, the victory might have been established, right?"

Gracie's eyes widened, and she seemed shocked by the strength of her opponent. Lu Xuanyu was already close, and then he punched. The fist drew a long arc and struck Gracie quickly. Gracie ran away and blocked with her arms.

Then, he was staggered. Gracie, a jiu-jitsu practitioner, immediately lay down to reduce the damage.

The sound of landing was so loud. At that moment, Gracie's facial expression showed a slight distortion.

Lu Xuanyu was not polite, he raised his foot and was about to kick him.

Gracie kicked Lu Xuanyu's calf very quickly and violently. Lu Xuanyu didn't move at all, but Gracie was lucky enough to avoid Lu Xuanyu's kick due to the reaction force. At this moment, he was probably very lucky that the rules he adopted did not allow stepping on them.

Lu Xuanyu leaned down, as if preparing to suppress him.

——This is the angle...

Gracie's consciousness has not yet reacted. However, the neural network, which has been trained thousands of times, does not belong to the surface consciousness, but makes judgments before consciousness.

This is what the saying goes, "It's all about the intention first."

Before Gracie himself could react, his legs were already on Lu Xuanyu's shoulders, one thigh was bent, and he used the strongest muscles in his body to strangle Lu Xuanyu's fragile neck. And his hands had already controlled a fist stretched out by Lu Xuanyu.

That's a perfect...

Triangular twist.

The opponent's arms, head, and Gracie's legs cut into this space at this moment with perfect timing and perfect angles.

Gracie naturally caught the moment.

"Oh oh oh oh! Triangle choke! Perfect triangle choke!" Jonathan Lee screamed: "Did Lu underestimate his opponent? He actually tried to suppress a jiu-jitsu master from the same angle just now! Triangle choke! !Is this round about to end?”

The Japanese Jiu-Jitsu master also wanted to express a little sigh. But Yawgmoth held down the microphone.

"How is that possible?" Yawgmoth sneered, "The principle of the triangle choke is to apply force to cause insufficient oxygen supply to the opponent's head, right? Even among natural fighters, there are a few who can forcefully eat them. And Lu Xuanyu …”

He chuckled sinisterly: "Only 20% of Lu Xuanyu's body energy is supplied by aerobic respiration. To use an inappropriate metaphor, even if he stops breathing at all, in the most extreme case, it is only equivalent to one blood Slight altitude sickness with an oxygen saturation level of around 80. Although he cannot float in the water, it is impossible to drown. Triangular strangulation? It will only make him dizzy."

"I've said before, the points system is the only way for ordinary warriors to defeat Lu Xuanyu. Triangular choke? It's useless even if it strains his muscles."

Luisinho Gracie blushed. He was thinking hard in his mind, trying to switch to other technical moves that could actually damage his cervical spine.

But at this time, he heard the sound of mechanical bites.

Then, his whole body rose into the air.

I watched a lot of game clips...

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