Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1004 Seminar on the History of Chivalry

Youki unplugged the storage device plugged into his body and said, "What a mess..."

It's's really...

That's the only way to describe it.

Although the warrior named Lu Xuanyu was the predecessor of these people, he might also be the ancestor of some people. However, his fighting skills are really...

There is no way to describe it without being disrespectful.

"He actually used a large number of neural networks to directly use his limbs to make movements..." Zhao Zhengzhen put his hands on his forehead, and his tone was full of disbelief: "He actually doesn't even know how to use the ranging plug-in... …There is no plug-in to mark the attack track, no plug-in to record the possible range, and there is not even the most basic ‘attack range warning’?”

"Maybe it's not that it's not there, but it's that you can't use it, right?" Yin Zhewei had studied this memory several times, so he was more detailed, "That was the benchmark person of the first generation..."

"The performance of the first generation of baseline humans is no different from ours in terms of neural network performance. Nowadays, brain modifications are mainly based on glial cells. Such as strengthening anti-acceleration characteristics and enhancing heat dissipation characteristics. There are very few surgeries to operate on the neural network itself, and only the most cutting-edge warriors can control it." Zhao Zhengzhen pointed out, "The early warrior named Lu Xuanyu was not as good as us when changing speeds rapidly, and his cognitive ability was not as good as ours. We are exactly the same - but then again, is this too weak? It is actually possible to be knocked unconscious by a punch from a physical human being..."

The glial cells in the brains of cutting-edge warriors have been modified to withstand strong gravitational acceleration. Dozens of Gs are no problem.

It's even more unimaginable to imagine the speed king's transformation that even if he hits the ground with his bare head, nothing will happen.

After Lu Xuanyu was hit on the head, chin and other parts by a natural boxer, he might still fall into a brief coma due to concussion.

Of course, compared to other parts of this root, they are all trivial.

Zhao Zhengzhen is now very concerned about an issue.

"Can what that guy used really be considered martial arts? He couldn't use a single perception plug-in, and there was no preset strategy group or algorithm assistance." Zhao Zhengzhen said, "This can really be regarded as martial arts. ?"

The category of external skills lies in an "input" and an "output".

"Input" means using plug-ins to assist the sensory system, perceive external information, and perform preprocessing to reduce the computing pressure on the brain.

At the beginning, Xiangshan passed on to Youki the "auxiliary lines" and "air control circles", as well as radar warnings, ammunition quantity records, ballistic analysis software, etc., all included.

An important part of external practice is to "internalize" these plug-ins, so that the processes existing in electronic devices become part of one's own thinking.

At this point, the auxiliary line will not appear in front of Yuki's eyes, but in the background of his consciousness, the auxiliary line will always exist. He can grasp the distance and position between the enemy and ourselves most accurately.

Youki also practiced hard for several years before internalizing several of the most critical auxiliary procedures in Matsushima Hiro's martial arts gym and getting on the right track.

As for "output", it is natural to entrust the body to a well-tempered algorithm, while the brain focuses on the core game - the game with people.

Lu Xuanyu did not possess these two points.

Songsong weakly raised his hand: "Speaking of which... well... are they too rigid in the 'human body'... Why do they stipulate that 'the center of gravity must be near the umbilical cord interface'? This makes no sense, right?" ?”

Now that he is a warrior, his center of gravity is lower than this.

Yuki held his head.

He actually...understands a little bit...

It is said that ancient Homo sapiens could feel that this place is the center of gravity of the body and the gathering point of self-weight, which can affect the strength of the whole body. As the position of the hands and feet changes, the center of gravity will also shift. This feeling will be even stronger when the core muscles are involved in the overall exercise. They will naturally imagine a virtual "mysterious force" jumping out from this position and extending to their hands and feet.

Anyway, this is Master’s understanding of ancient martial arts, and I don’t know if it’s right or not. There are probably few people in the world who understand this better than him.

But the center of a prosthetic person can change with the prosthetic body. There are even engineering masters who can judge the approximate position of the opponent's center of gravity by "listening to energy" and calculate the approximate structure of the opponent's prosthetic body.

Even with the help of algorithms, the enemy's center of gravity can be completely grasped.

On this basis, concepts such as the "Dan Tian" of old martial arts have no meaning at all.

But for the fighting skills of Homo sapiens, the use of Dantian and core muscles are still the most critical links.

"Probably...without this, many Homo sapiens fighters wouldn't be able to fight, right?" Yuki put forward his guess, "Maybe give them some time, and they can adapt on their own, but that is a sports meeting, a competition. , there is a preset schedule, right..."

Zhao Zhengzhen was very confused: "So there won't be a fight? This..."

The prosthetic man's power is supported by algorithms and deduced from simple mechanical models to ever-changing mechanical techniques.

From this point of view, Cyber ​​Martial Arts is much freer than all human fighting techniques in the Homo sapiens era.

"However, this should be one of the supporting materials for Ancestor Wu to open up a new world." Yin Zhewei still insisted on his historical concept, "Think about it, just think about those primitive creatures in the Cambrian Period, those strange shapes, and may not even be able to Moving pieces of meat - can you imagine that those pieces of meat are the distant ancestors of human beings?"

"Martial arts is like 'genetic information'. It evolves based on the community." Yin Zhewei has obviously studied a little bit of martial arts history and has some understanding of the concept of this niche field. "A community Martial artists will share a large amount of martial arts data, and then these communities will compete with each other and constantly eliminate martial arts data that cannot keep up with the development of the times..."

"Then, until a certain moment, a group called 'Warriors' suddenly emerged. Just like vertebrates eliminated all the old masters..."

Youki considered the information: "Is there a possibility that...the biggest impact of this 'World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference' on Martial Ancestor is, uh, telling him 'what cyber martial arts should not be like'?" "

Yin Zhewei said: "This guess is quite bold."

——I think you should be able to come to this conclusion if you look at the memories later...because this is my summary.

Yuki said so. However, Yin Zhewei probably has no memory of the real creation of Cyber ​​Martial Arts.

That memory was very provocative, so it was closely monitored. The risk of downloading relevant memory fragments is also much higher.

Yin Zhewei probably has never seen it before.

Yin Zhewei took out another storage device: "Then, do we still need to study the next section?"

Youki waved his hand: "Next time. This seminar can wait until later. Hasn't the Six Dragon Cult prisoner been rescued? I think we should go see him."

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