Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1014 Existing Religion?

In the midst of Songsong's muttering of "having another small meeting, another small meeting," Yin Zhewei once again ordered several former apprentices to go to the small meeting.

Except for Songsong, who has the best personal relationship with Yin Zhewei, Youji is only familiar with Zhao Zhengzhen. The other apprentices only knew their names.

Before sitting down, Songsong was extremely vigilant: "Last time, I said something stupid myself, so I admit it when writing the meeting minutes. But you can't come to me every time."

For the sake of the harmony of the sect, Yin Zhewei did not convey the unfriendly news to Youki - those were all done in private chat channels and were not forwarded to Youki. Zhao Zhengzhen still asked them to write the meeting minutes.

Although it cannot be stated openly, this is a kind of "punishment".

Youki probably didn't expect it at the time, but he should have thought about it afterwards.

After all, I chatted privately in front of him, and then I didn't dare to show him those records. This is enough to explain what Xiao R and Songsong may have said at that time.

But, that’s it.

In Yuki's opinion, this kind of thing is actually very common.

When we were in Songying City, several civilians who were almost unjustly killed by Mr. Zhao, after being rescued by the knights, their first reaction was to grab the knights and shout, "I caught the knights, I am not the same as them." Guys".

This incident greatly shocked Matsushima Hiro and other martial arts masters at the Iron Block Style Dojo. But for veterans like the solo killer king, this is commonplace.

Even the solo kill king senior should be kept aloof by everyone.

Yuki is naturally mentally prepared for this. As a knight, you can't keep an eye on things like this. Moreover, due to circumstances and reasons, these scientific knight apprentices saved his life. He is the beneficiary.

Of course, this also depends on the occasion.

For Youki, although these apprentices have a certain level of force and say they want to "resist", their mentality is no different from that of ordinary people. In his definition, these people are "the people."

There is nothing shameful about people succumbing to fear and temporarily turning to their patrons.

What is truly unforgivable is the betrayal that occurs after making an agreement to help each other.

For Youki, "surrendering" was an unforgivable thing from the moment Yin Zhewei asked him to assist the Picoxi faction in defending against the Six Dragons Cult. After this point in time, "surrender" is a mistake that needs to be corrected with life.

Naturally, Songsong was not willing to take on more meeting minutes work.


She really ran away in vain.

Yin Zhewei smiled: "Easy to talk about, drawing lots or taking turns?"

Another round of complaints followed.

Zhao Zhengzhen asked directly: "What is the theme this time?"·

"It's still about the Six Dragons Sect, the Six Dragons Sect..." Yinzhewei pointed at Yuki: "Yuki has studied the characteristics of the religions of the old times, and wants to find out the possible ways of extracting the Six Dragons Sect from them. The to say, was not very successful. It just so happens that we also need to discuss this topic - for our future."

In the end, Yin Zhewei learned how to "pull the tiger's skin". Her tone was so excited that anyone could tell that this guy probably just thought this was funny.

Zhao Zhengzhen said: "I don't understand either." Then he planned to turn around and leave.

"Hey, don't, don't, don't," Yinzhewei shouted, "I know that everyone here is actually trying to study history and anthropology in order to seek fame. At least you all After reading some books, you have some understanding of this issue, right? You are the experts on this issue!"

Anthropology and history are now extremely underappreciated subjects. The Father of All Machines despised the subjects of these subjects with great disdain. Once this attitude comes out, it will be impossible for funds to reach the hands of scholars in related fields. The most they can get is another guaranteed amount of funding, or some basic rights to free movement.

Therefore, the famous historical/anthropological research in recent decades basically comes from the interests of famous scientific knights.

But the right of "free movement" is also very attractive to the "Lao Yanbi" group.

You can raise your own resources to complete projects that you have not completed in the past, and put an end to your obsessions... Is there anything better than this?

The scientific research knight apprentices on this ship have basically had similar thoughts.

And these are the people who have put it into practice.

And it has achieved some results in practice.

Yuki was once again impressed by these apprentices. Especially Zhao Zhengzhen. It seemed that it was no accident that he was able to say a lot of sober things that day.

Yuki stood up, expressed some of his thoughts, and raised his hands to the apprentices who had gathered in a group: "Brother, I don't understand these things at all. If you don't speak well, you can just tell me directly."

Zhao Zhengzhen scratched his head: "How should I put it? In fact, after learning that the Six Dragons Sect was a scientific research knight, I was not surprised that the Six Dragons Sect is a religion..."

Yin Zhewei was shocked: "Is there any connection between this?"

"Do you still remember..." Zhao Zhengzhen said: "The alias of the Scientific Research Knights is the 'Order of Yawgmoth'."

Yin Zhewei was shocked: "Does this still matter?"

"Otherwise? Are we still the order placed by His Majesty the Father of All Machines?" Zhao Zhengzhen was extremely annoyed: "Although there is no religion in this world in name, there are actually two religious groups, right? Knights and Knights group."

"Knights are considered a religious group?" Yuki was very surprised.

"I think knights worship the God of War very much, and the ancient dead souls that the God of War admired..." Zhao Zhengzhen muttered, "Then, since the Six Dragons Sect also came out of the sect... they may have just found a new god. It’s just an offering.”

"A new god? A god worthy of their betrayal of the All-Father?"

"Who knows? Maybe it's some kind of negative incarnation of Martial Ancestor. This kind of plot often appears in novels."

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Yuki shouted.

"Anyway, those who are qualified to be gods in this era can basically be found in the circle of friends of Wu Zu and His Majesty." Zhao Zhengzhen sneered and said, "That's about it."

Youki still refused to give up: "Let me tell you, Brother Zhao, you still have some strange understanding of knights, right? Are you still thinking about the misfortunes that happened in the past?"

"No, sincerely." Zhao Zhengzhen asked, "What is religion?"

"This...believes in the same set of classics, has a complete clergy system, and has believers who are loyal to it...probably?" Yuki said, "But my resistance comes from the bottom of my heart."

"Human heart? What the hell?" Zhao Zhengzhen shook his head: "A full-time cleric lives in a religious site, leads believers to complete religious rituals, manages religious organizations, and organizes surrounding religious groups... Such a person, There is no doubt that he is a religious believer, right? There are countless good men and women who complete religious rituals with this clergy. Those are the basic believers and the parents who provide food and clothing for the survival of the sect. Then, there is another person who has not joined a formal church. He organizes, lives at home, worships idols or symbols of God at home, abides by religious precepts, performs religious services at home, and even spontaneously promotes this religion - but he never goes to church organizations and does not join other believers. Participate in collective religious activities. He has his own formal profession and does not need support from believers. He just believes in religion by himself. So, is he a religious believer?"

"Definitely," Yuki said.

"Then it's over." Zhao Zhengzhen said, "The scientific research knights can be regarded as the first type, and the knights can be regarded as the second type, that's it. Ah, of course, of course, some people think that religion is a kind of spirituality. It is the belief of an organized group, and it is a belief that is accompanied by certain worship behaviors. Therefore, simply emphasizing 'rational awareness' cannot be a religion - ah, you do worship the God of War, right?"

Zhao Zhengzhen opened his hands: "They are normal people in this era, and they are doing normal things in this era. It's just that this era is crazy, so they are the ones who are crazy. It is also possible that we are the ones who are crazy."

——Ah, no, this person is really difficult to communicate with...

Yuki slapped himself on the forehead.

He tapped the table with his fingers in annoyance: "Even this magical organizational structure is not outdated today... The gods of the Six Dragons Sect can steal faith from His Majesty the Father of All Machines, probably Just because it has something must be something different, so it seems a bit special in this era..."

Zhao Zhengzhen sighed: "Those of us may have lived with a group of Six Dragon Sect members day and night for many years, but we have never felt that there is anything special about it. Maybe the essence of the Six Dragon Sect is not so obvious here? "

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