Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1037 Cheating

"Oh, you ask about the 129,633 points." After receiving Lu Xuanyu's call, Xiang Shan nodded and readily admitted, "Yes, that's right, it's me."

Lu Xuanyu's expression became even more horrifying. He remembered that Xiang Shan had tried several times. The first few times he was killed instantly and he failed to score single-digit points. Then the best time he got was ninety-six points.

This is the score that most amateurs deserve.

People who have received basic training should have about 300 points. Professional athletes can easily exceed 2,000 points.

But going up is difficult.

The world boxing champion can probably knock out several people in a row and win by four to five thousand points.

While Chen Feng was addicted to this "game", he always used some extremely risky swordsmanship that normal people would not use, and might lead to death together. If the Olympics were about fencing, it might evolve into this format. This kind of route depends very much on luck. Even if he is in good condition, he will only score less than 8,000 points.

But one hundred and twenty-nine thousand, six hundred and thirty-three...

The best results of Chen Feng and Lu Xuanyu were only a fraction of this number...

"How did you do it?" Lu Xuanyu was extremely surprised, "Why? This... and why did you delete your score records?"

"I cheated." Xiang Shan's tone was very casual.

"Cheating... cheating? This... this training program can be cheated? Well, as long as you want to cheat, you can indeed cheat." Lu Xuanyu scratched his head and accepted this explanation.

Indeed, this project was led by Xiangshan himself. If he wants to use his permissions to cheat, he can use his permissions to cheat.

Xiang Shan said: "I still have some basic morals as a gamer. Cheating is commonplace. However, it would be unethical to compare the scores obtained by cheating with those who rely on strength to play. I used mods. You can't compare them with those without mods. Because I cheated, I won't compare with you. I took a screenshot and kept it for myself and then deleted the record... Wait a minute, I remember you don't know the administrator. The password for the account? Lao Chen? Is he still over there?"

Lu Xuanyu glanced at Chen Feng, who was sharing the conversation, and nodded.

"Ah... this is embarrassing." Xiang Shan sighed, "Ask him to stay with his daughter for a while and refuse to say anything. Tsk, it's hard to say anything to him, but at least play less games."

Chen Feng seemed not to hear it at all. His fingers trembled and he continued to type on the AR keyboard in front of him. Then he frowned and said to Lu Xuanyu, "Ask him what he did."

Lu Xuanyu's eyes widened and he thought, is it necessary to ask? He has heard of adjusting a few parameters, inserting some code, etc.

But Chen Feng obviously knows Xiang Shan better. Xiangshan is not the kind of game to cheat casually. Going forward twenty years, they were netizens in the same gaming community, and they both liked difficult games like Soul-like. Xiangshan is the kind of person who likes to find "skipping methods" (the strategy route with the lowest operating difficulty and lowest learning cost in difficult games). However, Xiangshan doesn't know how to use modifiers.

For Xiangshan, the process of finding the "playing method of skipping classes" can be seen as a "match of wits and courage with the game producer." The process of finding this method of playing is even more interesting than fighting a difficult boss. Turning on modifiers is a boring thing for Xiangshan - unless there is something wrong with the design of the game itself.

Moreover, he could not find any record that the training program itself had been rewritten.

Yes, at Xiangshan's level, it was possible for him to completely prevent anyone from being able to find the rewritten records. But Xiangshan obviously didn't put much thought into this matter. Chen Feng could easily restore Xiang Shan's deleted score record, which proved that Xiang Shan didn't care much at all.

He really wanted to know what Xiang Shan had done.

Lu Xuanyu bit the bullet and asked: "Boss, let me ask you a question...what kind of trap did you use? To lock blood or to kill with one hit?"

"Of course it's not that low-level. What's the point of that kind of thing?" Xiangshan said, "AI assistance."

"AI?" Lu Xuanyu was stunned: "AI warriors versus AI warriors, the winning rate of both sides should be the same, right? Aren't the AIs generated within this training program the result of confrontation training in real martial arts? There is no stronger AI. Bar?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, you're wrong. The AI ​​only assists. In fact, it's me who plays the game. It's just that I'm not responsible for more specific actions. I'm only responsible for specifying strategies and conceptualizing goals. The specific actions are completed by the AI."

"What does it mean?"

"I told you, the idea of ​​'movement' in your brain is not directly transmitted to the body. Your surface consciousness proposes an idea, which is transmitted to the motor functional area, and then converted into many sets of instructions, respectively. Command the muscle fibers throughout the body to contract or expand. Just like a centipede doesn't need to think about 'which foot to step first', you don't need to think about 'which muscle to exert force'." Xiangshan said, "'Thoughts in consciousness' There is a corresponding relationship between the two sets of 'actual movement instructions', just like a function. As for me, I just replaced part of the original mapping relationship with AI. Anyway, after the prosthetic body, this part of the mapping relationship It originally existed in the machine. I thought, 'I need to use Ali's dodge here,' and then the AI ​​would complete Ali's divine dodge for me."

Lu Xuanyu was at a loss: "It can still be like this..."

"Of course, that's how it should be." Xiang Shan said, "Of course, it's also inseparable from my ability to predict."

"Prejudgment? Can this be predicted?" Lu Xuanyu became even more confused.

When fighting against others, he could clearly feel that he was fighting against a target with a "soul". The opponent's emotions, the opponent's experience, and the opponent's skills will all be displayed in the fist. He can feel the collision between hearts, and can also predict, set traps, and deceive based on this. But against AI, you won't have this feeling. AI is just technically strong...but so strong that it is difficult for humans to predict.

"Well, someone told me a story before. An ace pilot competed with a skinny programmer in an air combat game. The pilot thought his reaction and eyesight were invincible, but he couldn't beat the young man no matter what." Sandow, "Later the ace pilot asked him why he got such a high score, and the programmer said he understood the logic of the program's operation."


Chen Feng frowned: "This is unrealistic. The enemy character AI in the game is designed for players to defeat, so it can be easily seen through, and after being seen through, it will be easily killed. But these warrior AIs are similar to Alpha Zero is an AI that was born from deep learning and adversarial training... Moreover, if programmers can see through AI, they will definitely be able to defeat AI. Then, starting from the end of the last century, all chess masters should be programmers."

Lu Xuanyu relayed Chen Feng's doubts.

Xiangshan was obviously in a good mood at the moment. During the call, he put down what he was doing and said enthusiastically: "That's true. However, the human brain is still different from a computer. I can easily detect a 'law' from the code, and then my The brain will abstract it into a 'style'. This fuzzy concept called 'style' is generated in the brain in a very energy-efficient way in decision-making operations. AI cannot detect this. They are constantly Try to explore the rules of another AI and seek the optimal solution through a process similar to natural selection and survival of the fittest. Therefore, I understand AI better than AI. Although my prediction may not be correct, I can find a way Calculation shortcuts.”

"In addition, I have to remind you, Lao Lu, fighting is different from chess. Chess is a dynamic game with complete information. The actions of the participants are sequential, and the latter can observe the actions chosen by the first; each move Each participant has an accurate understanding of the characteristics, strategy space, and payoff functions of all other participants. In a complete information dynamic game, the importance of computing power, algorithms, and stability is overwhelming, and it is impossible for humans to defeat it. machine."

“But with current technology, it is still somewhat difficult for machines to understand the ‘whole’, imagine long-term goals, or set short-term goals and continuously adjust them in a chaotic and unclear situation.”

Lu Xuanyu was stunned for a moment: "Then what if you made a wrong judgment?"

Chen Feng sighed. He probably guessed it.

"Oh, after I was beaten by that training program last month, I specially trained a group of AIs in 'Zhenwu' to 'save the situation from a disadvantage'. These AIs did nothing but train to 'save the situation from a disadvantage'. Situation'. With the same training content, they are naturally better at this than all other warrior AIs." Xiang Shan said in a brisk tone.

"It's like the difference between natural evolution and artificial breeding." Chen Feng said in a low voice.

"In short, for me, AI does not have the interference of irrational modules such as 'emotion'. It is more stable and its predictions are naturally clearer." Xiang Shan said cheerfully, "In short, this is cheating and not worth it. Mention it."

But even people as slow as Lu Xuanyu about technology actually realized something was wrong.

Xiangshan’s set...

In fact, it can be used in reality.

The principle is just to replace part of the original "consciousness-action" mapping relationship with combat AI.

"This... if this is applied in reality... applied in war..."

"Pfft." Xiang Shan laughed rudely: "Old Lu, Old Lu, don't be stupid. This is reality, and reality is about physics. What kind of cyborg warrior can't defeat cannons and missiles, right? Besides, As for the cost, it’s hard to find a talented programmer like me who writes code every day after benchmarking. And AI training also costs money.”

"This world is, after all, a world of military, automated weapons, and beyond-visual-range strikes."

"Tell Lao Chen to stop being addicted to games. He still has a daughter in reality. He's dead."

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