Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1043 Chaldean Martial Style

Compared with the city of Ur, Chaldea is different. At least the city of Ur still has a little bit of microgravity. Chaldea, on the other hand, simply "ignores it."

After all, Genesis is a large celestial body that ranks high in the asteroid belt. The city of Ur was built on that star.

Chaldea has nothing.

In general, space cities can also rely on spin to simulate gravity. However, this move is feasible for ordinary space cities, but it is absolutely impossible for neutral city-states in the asteroid belt. Those general space cities are carefully designed, with scientific and reasonable frameworks. The pressure brought by spin on the material will be dispersed as evenly as possible. The key point is advanced magnetic field technology to evenly distribute the shear force. However, the neutral city-states in the asteroid belt are barely built from the remains of battleships. Even if they are forced to spin, they will just fall apart.

The entire city simply doesn't care about gravity anymore.

This has had a huge impact on the entire city’s demographics. The complete weightlessness caused the technical institutions related to reproduction here to basically move out and go to the city of Ur. Compared with Homo sapiens, baseline humans have indeed undergone genetic modification surgery, but baseline humans are still a species more suitable for living in a gravity environment. Subsequent genetic adjustments did not deliberately modify this aspect. For prosthetic people, being in a zero-gravity environment for a long time will not cause any serious problems.

There are still some children in the city of Ur. The children of Chaldea are like the gravity of this place, "almost negligible."

Instead, there are a large number of guys who come to work hard and want to get ahead.

The entire neutral city-state, and those who wanted to work hard, came towards Chaldea.

From the perspective of knights outside the asteroid belt, the so-called "standing out" of neutral city-states is difficult to understand. The military attaches of the patrons found this kind of "standing out" even more ridiculous. The highest-status person in a neutral city-state is no more than a high-ranking military officer equivalent to a patron. As for this kind of "guardian" status, no matter how hard the ordinary people fight, they have no chance of becoming one. It is far better to bet on tomorrow in the armed force of the patron.

But no matter what the outside world thinks, Chaldea has truly become prosperous because of this.

There is no "upper or lower" distinction within Chaldea. A closed vacation, the door may open in any direction. Maybe the door of your house opens "upward in the sense". After you open the door, you will see that the neighbor's door is opposite to yours, and the neighbor's door across the street is slanted.

Anything is possible.

For Chaldea, urban planning is based on "inside and outside".

The outermost layer of Chaldea is a hangar, which originally belonged to the aircraft carrier of the Ares King's fleet, as well as the hangars and weapons warehouses of several deep space battleships. As an important transportation artery among neutral city-states, Chaldea has many ports.

Outside the hangar is the martial arts area. The most important industrial areas are further inside. For Chaldea, which is far away from the sun, "industrial waste heat" is also an extremely valuable resource.

The "stronghold option" that I was looking for for Asgard and Jeanne was at the junction of the martial arts district and the residential area, close to the residential area.

Chaldea's martial arts area is famous throughout the neutral city-state. The space it occupies forms a hemisphere, covering residential areas and industrial areas. The residential areas of Chaldea are enclosed spaces built from the remains of various warships, which are fixed layer by layer with chains. Some areas are run by private forces - such as the safe house where Jeanna and the others were just now. These areas will be further reinforced and isolated with high-grade materials produced by Chaldea itself, and various lines will be laid at the same time.

This residential area is very narrow, and the roads are as complicated as a maze. There are even many dead ends, and the twists and turns are extremely difficult to navigate.

Even if you have an experienced guide to guide you, you may still get lost.

There are also certain forces that have installed special signal transmitters and positioning devices everywhere, which can be linked to the map APP to assist others in finding their way.

However, when using this service, it is inevitable to access external devices provided by unknown persons.

In this day and age, this is somewhat risky.

Since they have been hanging out in Chaldea for a long time, they have long been accustomed to finding their own way. Moreover, due to Jeanne's hard-core elimination methods, most of them are now afraid to connect to any external devices that may be connected to the Internet. .

But Bao was a little uneasy.

After leaving the room where the fully automatic insult suit was placed, Di's mind was still occupied by it. He couldn't help but think of that horrible room.

If at this moment, a thief who knows nothing about the depth of things had gotten in by himself and faced those blasphemous words and that horrible name without any precautions...

If you don't say it, people will die.

Jeanne probably didn't care about these things. If this kind of thing really happened, what she was thinking in her mind was probably something other than "Now I can correctly assess the safety level of the safe house."

But others will always feel frightened.

It was precisely because of his uneasiness that he took the wrong path twice.

Jeanne was not annoyed. She is building a map in her mind with the help of Zhu Xiangshan. For a lone warrior, this is an instinct. Only when you understand the map thoroughly will you have the confidence to escape.

Recording side roads and dead ends is also a part of improving the map.

The group of people waited for a while, and after turning a corner, there was light in front of them.

Most of the space in the Residential Bureau is immersed in darkness. Only occasionally someone opens the door, and wisps of light are released from the door.

The martial arts area is illuminated all year round.

What caught Jeanna's eyes was a three-dimensional martial arts gym area.

Similar to the martial arts area in the city of Ur, the martial arts area in Chaldea is also formed by "large planes" plus "chain connections". However, unlike the city of Ur in microgravity, there is no strict distinction between up and down in Chaldea, which is near zero gravity. Therefore, the planes used for martial arts practice and competition venues in the martial arts area are not parallel.

The school grounds of one martial arts school may be perpendicular to the training venue of another martial arts school. It is entirely possible that two martial arts schools may be hanging over each other's heads, with less than six meters in between. Both sides can look at each other by raising their heads. .

Anyway, everyone relies on electromagnetic force to walk on the steel plate.

Of course, this can also easily lead to some disputes.

Wu Zu Xiangshan opposed "appropriating knowledge for oneself", but he did not deny the special service industry of "guiding others to obtain knowledge". The act of "guiding others to acquire knowledge" is an important kind of labor and deserves to be paid. For martial arts masters, "teaching" itself is more important than simple martial arts algorithms. At this distance, the training of different sects will be clearly seen, and the details between each other will also be exposed.

If things go on like this, there will inevitably be disputes.

Of course, more powerful martial arts schools have their own solutions. They will obtain several venues that are very close in space, and then position the "inner side" as an area for martial arts performances, while the outward side will be used for external display.

But most martial arts schools don’t have this condition.

Perhaps because there is a lot of friction here, Chaldea's folk arena games are also extremely developed.

Some people think that the Chaldean Arena is not inferior to the officially held Olympic Games - even the free fighting events of the Chaldean Arena contain internal strength and are more valuable.

Zhen said to Asjia: "I heard a little bit of news. You can pay more attention to the local 'Grass Heroes Challenge'..."

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