Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1047 Forced Control

At the end of the game, when the audience dispersed in an orderly manner, Ami Paco saw the two strange spectators leaving the queue, so he stood up and followed them.

These two people are very different.

Ami Paco thinks so.

Strictly speaking, Amapaco should call another companion at this time. But he thought about it carefully and still didn't do it. Now everyone doesn't really believe that there is still a Six Dragon Sect here - or in other words, even if there is indeed a Six Dragon Sect HR headhunting here, they should have been scared away long ago. If you call your companions for something unrelated to your goal, you will be complained about afterwards.

But Ami Paco felt that those two people were a bit interesting, so they were worth spying on.

Those two people were different from those ordinary people, but they were also not those "peers" who focused on observing the audience.

People who focus on observing the audience will enter a state that is biased toward rationality. The highly active mirror neurons allow them to simulate others in their brains and then understand others. Although the influence of this kind of brain activity is subtle, it extends to countless details that are difficult for normal people to detect.

For internal warriors like Ami Paco who use their internal skills to strengthen their "understanding of others" and synesthetize this aspect of their neural network with vision, this kind of detail will appear as a "cold color".

It's as if those people show traces of "post-processing".

But those two showed no signs of, one of them might have a little. One of the two people was observing the surroundings without much concealment.

And the other...

It's hard for him to say.

That guy's "color" is the same as the previous companion most of the time, without any special means. But Paco always felt that the "color" of her soul occasionally changed without warning. The change was so subtle that he thought it was his "illusion" several times. But when he focused on that person, he felt that the change did exist...

The soul after the change seemed to be covered by another unnatural color. That is "acting skills", or the advanced instincts naturally stimulated by practicing inner strength to an extremely deep level. He only felt that the changed color was like dead wood, but in the deep cracks, something strange could be glimpsed, which was elusive.

His gaze seemed to last too long. The first person to observe the surroundings even turned his head and glanced at him.

At that time, Ami Paco immediately returned his attention to the game.

This is also a kind of "acting skill". Ami Paco will deliberately separate several threads of his mind to pay attention to the game, and he even mentally assumes that he has placed a bet on a certain side of the ring (for the sake of realistic acting, occasionally he will actually buy a few bets, but more often , in order to save money, he always made up his mind "If so-and-so loses, he will go back and practice more.") He deliberately kept his mood ups and downs with the scenes in the ring, and blended himself into the audience.

Among the crowd of observers, his internal strength definitely ranks at the forefront.

However, Ami Paco felt that the person he was observing now did not seem to be weaker than himself.

There is even a trace of familiarity in their "soul color".

Ami Paco followed the two people and entered the vertical market area.

In order to ensure that there are not too many people watching the battle for nothing, the competition venue for the Heroic Heroes Arena is a cube surrounded by six "grounds". Then, iron chains extend from the four corners of these six metal plates to fix a platform to serve as the arena. .

The gaps between the six "grounds" are for people to enter and exit. Just outside the exit, there are layers of vendors. The ones closest to the entrance and exit gaps were opened by the organizers of the Hero Tournament themselves, mainly selling peripheral products of star players - this kind of cultural behavior is also prohibited in the area governed by the Patron. And more peripherally, there are various parts vendors or charging stations. In addition, there are several large stalls, outsourced to martial arts gyms and clubs, specializing in selling second-hand prosthetics that have been eliminated by well-known players.

These vendors are chained together in layers. There is no straight path to the outside. With such a stack of obstacles, looking from the outside, one can feel that the inner arena is half-hidden with a pipa in hand, and the lively cheers coming from inside are particularly enticing.

Seeing that the two people were about to blend into the crowd, Ami Paco quickly followed them.

While tracking, he was still thinking hard, wondering where he had seen such a soul color—why there was that slight sense of familiarity.

When passing a small decorative vendor, he even added a few decorative inserts to his body at will. At the same time, he removed a few pieces of armor near his neck and put them into a storage bag on his waist to ensure that he had changed his appearance.

At most, I only have a one-on-one relationship with the tracking target, so this level of disguise is probably enough.

He thought like this and continued to get closer.

One of the two men walked towards a large-caliber weapons vendor, chatting and replenishing ammunition. Ami Paco noticed that the two people had used a direct connection at some point.

Wired is by far the most secure and convenient communication method.

After that, the two stopped in front of a martial arts gym. The martial arts school is called "Andromeda Nebula", and it seems to be centered on magnetic link martial arts. Some martial arts masters are doing popular martial arts science for the public, telling the history and mysteries of magnetic link martial arts, and providing free downloads. There are also many people around who are discussing in non-acoustic ways.

The two of them stopped here, seeming to be somewhat interested in the content of the lecture.

Ami Paco decided to get a little closer.

The two warriors suddenly turned around and seemed to be leaving.

Ami Paco was shocked, but on the surface he remained calm, pretending to come here to chat and recharge, and just drifted over normally.

He passed by one of them normally.

One of them turned his face and gave him a normal look.

This moment...

Paco realized that something was wrong.

He was possessed by the art of witnessing.

An ancient zero-day vulnerability... an ancient shortcut, like the Kelka Gate of Constantinople that did not close. The instructions of others go straight in and take effect directly in one's own body.

Amapaco froze. He just hit a chain. The body carried out the last command before the brain was deprived of authority and grabbed the chain with its right hand.

Ami Paco watched helplessly as the two people bought a set of magnetic link weapons on the opposite side, and then one of them went to the martial arts school to directly download the martial arts package recommended by them, while the other one came to him like an old friend. , Hooking shoulders and shoulders.

She glanced at herself, and the interface popped up directly.

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