Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1050 Test

[How can there be such a test? ] Ami Paco was stunned for a full minute and immediately protested: [Can you do business? Do you understand the rules? Can't you just go online and find out for yourself? 】

[The information on the Internet is mixed, how can there be absolutely credible intelligence sources in this era? 】

When Jeanna said this, she heard Xiangshan sighing softly in her heart.

Zuo Xiangshan seems to feel that the Internet should not become what it is now... a thing that is almost useless to people who don't know how to do it.

[If that’s the case, then release the control! 】

Jeanne nodded, and then a progress bar appeared in the lower left corner of Amapaco's vision. At the same time, many internal plug-ins that support his martial arts cultivation are being closed one by one.

This is a restart progress.

Jeanne said: [After the restart is completed, you can move freely. Exchange a safer contact information. As a civilian intelligence officer, you should have prepared many safe contact information. 】

Ami Paco said: [The performance of my prosthetic body is not that bad, and it doesn’t take that long to restart. Who are you insulting? 】

[I also need some time to evacuate. ] Jeanna said: [That’s it, let’s exchange contact information. 】

After the two exchanged the necessary information, Jeanne left with Asgard.

Asga sighed: "I won't be able to use this spell on that guy next time."

"Mantra" is precious. Once the target realizes what kind of backdoor the curse is enabling, they will look for a targeted patch themselves, or spend their energy writing one. It's just that the patches you write yourself can easily introduce new bugs or cause unknown vulnerabilities. Although downloading is not safe and may leave others behind, it is better than being stable - after all, if something is triggered during a life-and-death fight that you have never seen before, The opponent will not give you time to troubleshoot bugs.

And once someone realizes the existence of this fatal vulnerability and fixes it with a patch, he will recommend the patch to all trustworthy people.

In this way, this group of people will not be affected by this curse.

And once something like this happens many times, the possibility of a spell taking effect on "any opponent" will be greatly reduced.

It is precisely because of this that certain key "curses", once used, mean "dying to death". People who use "curses"

Ami Paco really thought that Jeanne wanted to kill him at first. To be fair, this kind of curse can be used as a means to suppress the situation for internal warriors. He really felt that he would die in all likelihood. Even if he doesn't die, ten or eight powerful Gu insects will be planted in his body, and he will become the puppet of this strange old monster, and he will not be able to control his own life or death.

After knowing that this was a "test", he felt ridiculous.

This is like inviting a world-class director, with enough money to make three blockbusters, and a top actor to plan a "surprise" for you, just to test your courage and integrity and see if he can sell you a bowl of perversion. Spicy Mapo Tofu, just to see if you are suitable to eat it and whether you will fall out and skip the order after eating it.

——As for what?

Of course, he didn't know that this was what Xiang Shan meant.

This curse comes from Hartmann's old dog. This spell cannot be used to deal with Hartman and his lackeys. Instead, it will only serve as an arm for those lackeys. In this case, letting more people know about it would be a moderate blow to Hartman.

However, it cannot be disclosed directly on the Internet. Jeanne has been timid in these years and has not integrated into any circle of knights. If she posts it in the public community, she will be easily overwhelmed by a large amount of spam. Secondly, it will show that some people will believe it. Thirdly, she will also be targeted easily.

Besides, Hartman didn't know how many spells of this level he had on hand. Just give the Ranger another one.

Asjia said: "This method is indeed a good one, and you are indeed brave enough... You should have done this a long time ago to trouble that old dog. By the way, do you have any news?"

"About the connection between the Chaldean drug merchants and the Six Dragons Sect." Jeanna said: "I initially followed the activities of the Six Dragons Sect in the drug market, and then accidentally found the clues about Li Zheyuan. This guy Li Zheyuan Although he was very cautious, he did not realize that top internal warriors could complete personality profiling through conversation habits..."

The tumor floated in front of him: "You can't say that." Personality profiling requires you to be familiar with a person first. An old guy who is familiar enough with this product and has high enough inner strength would never buy medicine from a small vendor like that, right? This level of caution is almost enough. 】

Next, the two went to find the organizer of the Wild Heroes Competition and tried to buy the so-called "subscription data" - of course, this was only the apparent purpose. Their real purpose was to rely on Xiang Shan's profiling skills to see if there were any masters hiding big secrets among the staff of this operator - or to be precise, the Six Dragons Cult.

Although Yawgmoth has been committed to eradicating culture, people such as knights, scientific knights, armed security officers, and members of the Six Dragon Cult still have subtle "bias" due to their identities and daily behaviors.

This bias is actually very weak, even rangers of the level of Jeanna and Asgard cannot detect it. However, Zuo Xiangshan was lucky enough to retain this level of observation.

Asgard was not very willing to believe this at first. According to this principle, there is absolutely no possibility of the Six Dragons Sect taking root on the moon. King Agni is the second strongest human being in terms of internal strength.

Zhu Xiangshan sneered at Asjia's evaluation: [Haha, that die-hard nerd... He definitely has autistic tendencies and has no desire to communicate with others, so it is naturally impossible to train related abilities. Even if internal strength develops the brain and brings about a natural increase in related abilities, he doesn't know how to use it. His psychological profiling ability is probably only at the level of 'identifying who a certain prosthetic person is'. Besides, profiling can only detect changes in others...]

Asgar asked him what he meant.

Xiangshan's answer made the two rangers shudder.

Xiangshan said, [What if those guys were already members of the Six Dragons Cult when he met them for the first time? 】

If you are a person with stronger empathy, you may be able to easily detect the feelings of "deception" and "shadow". However, the former is difficult to distinguish from "well-intentioned deception" and "false performance", while the latter is easily confused with "feeling depressed today".

Xiangshan's ability to identify members of the Six Dragons Cult based on their cultural tendencies is really rare - even if he is just a tumor now.

The scarcity of this ability is also an advantage for Jeanne and the others. As long as Jeanna wanders around the area where "the Six Dragons Cult may be present", it is possible to directly pick out the cult members from the crowd without the need for more information.

Of course, this method could not even be called "evidence" in the old era. And in virtual works, there probably are no detectives who use psychological profiling to catch criminals.

To Jeanne's dismay, there were no people who looked like church members among the operators they saw.

I found out that I was also sick when I wrote Jeanne's line last time.

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