Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1055 Backhand Blow

Protector Stone sincerely felt trouble.

At this moment, he was being hunted by an entire city of warriors. Although he had changed his prosthetic body at the supply station, so he would not be directly exposed in a short period of time, he had to be extra careful now. At the same time, he had to find a way to cover the orderly evacuation of his fellow Six Dragon Cult members.

The information sent by the Twelfth Martial God on Earth is very detailed. In addition to some of the Six Dragons Sect's deployment on the earth and the identity of the Holy Aunt, there are also some encryption methods commonly used by the Six Dragons Sect, which were directly broadcast by the Twelfth Martial God. At the same time, he is likely to spread the remaining content among the knights through some secret channels. The Six Dragons Sect has even abandoned its emergency communication plan.

This nearly paralyzed the entire Six Dragons Sect organization. Until now, Protector Stone has not received any further instructions. The followers of Chaldea's Six Dragons Sect don't know what to do next. Should they stay in place, withdraw directly, or let him retrieve his strongest prosthetic body and directly kill this Chaldean. Ledi.

Although there are several first-level warriors in Chaldea officials, they are not very powerful. Although the strength of the stone guardian is only comparable to that of the guardian who failed earlier, if the purpose is to "destroy", he can naturally have a certain advantage in the battle of the guardian.

However, there is no point in doing so. Capturing this city will not help the Six Dragon Sect's plan.

And once he reveals his powerful force, the threatened knights or officials can always choose a character stronger than him - although there are not many warriors who are stronger than him in his full form, you can always find them if you look for them. .

This made Guardian Stone a little upset. The current situation is very bad. When the other members of the Six Dragon Cult met and acquired new identities, Guardian Stone also noticed the fluctuations in the thoughts of the Guardians. Many people seemed to be speculating in their minds whether the decision to "evacuate" had been made from above, but they couldn't receive the news at all.

——What should we do at this time?

Protector Shi hid his hands in his cloak and looked at the hanging container-like house in front of him. Several spider-like armed drones are hiding in the shadows next to the container. In the narrow shadow of the container next door, there are many spherical rotor drones suspended in a zero-gravity environment, only occasionally adjusting their positions. These drones are essentially high explosive bombs. Can move and aim flexibly. After aiming is completed, the rotors will automatically fall off, and the thrusters will hit the invading enemy with the warhead.

This narrow cube must have more than one exit. He is positioning.

"The escape design is qualified." Protector Shi nodded, "This is the one."

He visited the several organizations that raided the Six Dragons Sect in the first place, as well as the several intelligence agencies that are currently fighting the most tightly. He also observed one by the way. This intelligence agency's position has a fairly complete security structure, which is not the most attractive. The reason why he was attracted by the Stone Protector was mainly because the base was well designed. Several exits were opened in areas with hidden sight, making it very convenient to evacuate. Even if there was an accident, it would be difficult for him to be contained in that room.

Plus, there’s another great thing about this place.

These people actually didn't rent another place to serve as the organization's external window.

He can go in directly from the front door. As long as the other party determines that he is not carrying a high-threat weapon, he can ring the doorbell and enter in an upright manner.

Protector Shi thought for a while, and in order to show respect, he carried a large-caliber pistol and a loaded grenade gun in the most conspicuous place behind his back, making it easier for the other party to search.

Of course these weapons will be confiscated upon entry.

But these amateurs apparently overlooked one thing.

The body of a prosthetic human is itself a weapon.

Protector Shi just walked to the door carelessly, rang the doorbell, and then wrote a text message: "I have information about the Six Dragons Sect for sale, and I request an interview."


"You don't mind the trouble for the interview." It's still the same venue for the rough hero competition, it's still the same little warrior using the Haze Style, and it's still the same cheap audience seat at the back.

Amelia Paco was sitting next to Jeanne and Asga.

Asjia looked around: "Tsk tsk, there are a lot less people. The few people are those who... don't care about the competition."

"Of course, the profiteers have increased the ticket prices a lot these days." Ami Paco curled his lips in his heart, "Now most people have gone to the pharmaceutical market, so naturally no one comes here. "

"Tsk, tsk, just like the scientific knight who heard about the hot research topic." Asgard said.

Ami Paco cupped his hands and said, "Hey, thank you for the compliment."

Asgard's original intention is actually to satirize the style of these civilian intelligence dealers - in a world without flies, it is difficult to find similar recognized metaphors. Asga has dealt with scientific knights before. According to her understanding, scientific knights are somewhat awkward guys who hate being told that they have failed to write papers in popular fields. Saying this to a true scientific research knight can make the opponent angry to some extent.

But these words have no lethal effect on people like Amapaco. In the eyes of ordinary people, scientific research knights are the darlings of this era, the pinnacle of virtue, and the most noble existence. Comparing them to the Research Knights is simply a compliment.

Jeanne took out a direct line: "Turn off the network, let's talk about a business."

"Okay." Although Ami Paco felt that the other party was too cautious, he still turned off the Internet and took the direct connection.

[A piece of information, given to you for free, you can sell it to those who want to cause trouble for the Six Dragons Sect. ] Jeanna said, [There are two people who have a deep hatred against the Six Dragons Sect. They have been fighting with the Six Dragons Sect for many years, from Mars to neutral city-states. They hate the Six Dragons Sect deeply and have some information about the Six Dragons Sect. 】

Amapako said: [Just you two? What kind of information is this? 】

[This is real information. ] Jeanne said calmly: [You can use this piece of information to make transactions. You don’t need to treat us as customers. You can buy or sell this piece of information. 】

[It is true that we do not buy or sell customer information, but don’t you think we are a publishing website? 】Ami Paco said so.

At this moment, several people suddenly stood up and ran towards the door. But before they could take a few steps, they suddenly froze and fell to the ground, sparks exploding from their bodies.

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