Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1059 New Information

Beginning the day after the mysterious master of the Six Dragon Cult raided the local residents, a piece of gossip, whose authenticity was unknown, began to spread in the space city of Chaldea.

Someone is hunting the Six Dragons Cult.

To the government, the Six Dragons Sect is like a growing fungus. In the past long years, the government has never looked directly at this force, so it suffered a big loss. But now, due to the intervention of the Twelfth Martial God, the government has to pay attention to it.

However, in fact, there are already people who have been secretly dealing with these cruel people who act without scruples and have no bottom line.

According to reliable information, this mysterious force hunting the Six Dragons Cult is a duo. They possess very powerful force and have rich experience in "dealing with the Six Dragon Sect". However, they were still young, so they did not appear directly in front of the Six Dragons Sect.


Those who have enemies with the Six Dragons Sect are blessed because they have a shortcut to deal with this mysterious organization.

In the past few days, this "duo hunting the Six Dragon Cult" has become a hot news.

Intelligence revealed that the duo who were hunting the Six Dragons Cult were not locals, but had recently heard the news and came from out of town.

All those who had recently arrived in Chaldea were scrutinized by the city managers.

There are also many people claiming to be the "stalker" online.

But at the same time, voices claiming that "stalkers are just an online fraud scheme" also appeared.

Many people claim that they were deceived by the so-called Six Dragon Sect stalkers and lost a lot of property.

In this era, engaging in online fraud may be life-threatening. In the past few days, some people have indeed seen someone burning for no reason near the signal site.

Maybe Internet fraud is real.

Regarding this, Zhen sighed slightly: "You guys are really having a great time playing this game."

Asjia sat opposite and said: "If it weren't so big, we might never be able to catch the Six Dragons Cult's tail. We must play bigger."

With the spread of this piece of information, various real and fake "stalkers of the Six Dragons Cult" appeared in the online world.

Because the assassins of the Six Dragons Sect brazenly attacked and killed a civilian intelligence organization, almost killing all of them, the local intelligence agency basically stopped. They didn't dare to take action again before strengthening their own defenses.

However, private detectives, self-media operators and other characters are still evil-minded. For them, the withdrawal of their organized colleagues represents an opportunity for them to gain fame and fortune.

Besides, they all take chances.

A master who can destroy a small organization must be very busy, and may not deal with them personally. But killing one by one is too inefficient.

And these people also gave Jeanne and Asgard a chance.

These two real Six Dragon Cult stalkers were hiding among those who used their names, and were traveling around to investigate.

And many people who are worried because they are involved in the clinical trials of the Six Dragons Sect are also looking for this stalker on the Internet, as if they are grasping a life-saving straw.

Asjia asked: "What is the situation in the pharmaceutical market now?"

"Forget it." Zhen sighed, "Just in the past few days, I have killed two idiots who came to Hemuhui to fish in troubled waters under the banner of 'fighting the Six Dragons Cult'... The drug market is in chaos now. There are several shops , I don’t know if he is involved with the Six Dragons Sect, or he decided to avoid disaster and stopped selling. The prices of the medicines needed for practicing have also been rising... Of course, the shopkeeper suspected that there were other people in the medicine dealer deliberately creating panic. To raise drug prices.”

"Oh, what a windfall."

"The big shots above don't like this kind of windfall very much." Di shrugged and said, "They feel that even if you make a quick buck in the chaotic market, it won't last long... Anyway, other old friends helped you collect this information. "

Bao passed a document to Asga.

That's a list of drug dealers who have been making strange moves recently.

For outsiders like Jeanne and Asgard, this kind of information is not easy to collect. But with the Hemo Society's connections in the industry, this information can be sorted out directly from the intelligence collected daily.

Asga knows very well that this is not something that his old colleagues can get by relying on personal relationships.

It was probably the higher-ups of the Chamber of Commerce who were showing some goodwill to them. At this juncture, anyone who is willing to deal with the Six Dragons Sect together is worth wooing.

Moreover, both Jeanne and Asga's martial arts are quite high.

Asga nodded: "Thank you... I feel bad for getting this kind of information for nothing. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Jin carefully considered his words and said, "It would be best if the turmoil caused by the Six Dragon Sect can be calmed down as soon as possible."

It's "calming unrest" rather than "evicting".

Asga understood.

"Tsk, tsk, since it's what the former boss there anything else worth noting recently?"

"The Knight Troops laid booby traps on the only way to the Speed ​​Royal Court, causing the Speed ​​Royal Court to slow down and change lanes... There are also some war news outside the asteroid belt ring." Di shrugged: "I guess you don't care either. "

The ecliptic plane can make the most of the gravity of the solar system and save massive amounts of energy. The relatively abundant celestial bodies on the ecliptic plane can also serve as cover, increasing the difficulty of ultra-long-distance sniping in space.

But on the other hand, the numerous small celestial bodies on the ecliptic are dangerous to aircraft moving at ultra-high speeds.

Routes such as the "Light Speed ​​Highway" require regular cleaning of small celestial bodies to ensure smooth navigation.

The government will spend a lot of resources to maintain the light speed highway.

But for knights whose fleet power is always at a disadvantage, "blocking part of the lightspeed highway" is the normal choice.

after all……

The vigilante has not mastered the rocky planet. The simplest celestial bodies to mine metal minerals are all in the hands of the government.

Asgard muttered: "Indeed, this news means nothing. I can't think of anyone who cares about this."

"When the Speedy Royal Court passed near the space city, the big shots above were nervous."

"Bah. That's because they don't know." Asgard said, "The Speed ​​King is famous for not caring about anything. If the government's force is in danger near the Speed ​​King's Court, we can't count on the Speed ​​King's rescue. . If you’re in a good mood over there, you might meet a Speedy Army sergeant..."

"But the Speed ​​King also has records of participating in battles against the God of War." Dip said.

"Okay, I understand." Asgard waved his hand and prepared to leave the Hemo Association's warehouse, "I'm leaving."

At this time, she received a notification from Jeanne: "Come out of gate C. A member of the Six Dragons Cult just passed by gate B in your warehouse area."

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