Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1076 Bright Star

The phonon knife hidden in the leg of the guardian stone is a very short blade, similar in shape to a dagger.

Weapons like the phonon knife have a very powerful effect on crystals in certain situations. This characteristic does not come from the kinetic energy carried by the sword body, so the length and center of gravity of the weapon add little to the power. The "attack distance advantage" brought by extending the phonon knife is nothing in the face of hot weapons. Therefore, in discussions about the development of martial arts in the patron camp, there are often voices saying "reducing the length of the phonon knife".

The blade of the phonon knife on the stone protector's leg is only a dozen centimeters long. It is considered a longer dagger in the hands of Homo sapiens, but it is even more inconspicuous on the first-level sky prosthetic body. It looks a bit like an old-era cavalry. Spurs on boots.

But the Stone Protector only needs to kick up to strike.

And if the phonon knife on this foot is scratched, a crack will be formed.

He once again moved along the extending knife marks. This time, another specially-made external equipment directly injected the light yellow opaque gel into the crack. The stone protector flicked his fingers, and a needle-like ignition device pierced into the gel.

The substance in this needle can burst out a huge voltage in a very short time and detonate the gel explosive. This extremely flexible detonation method is very popular among modern warriors. Applying gel explosives to the enemy's outer armor and then detonating it is also a popular category of external force. Some warriors are very good at using special techniques to smear and adhere special explosives to specific parts of the enemy's outer armor during the fight, either to achieve an armor-breaking effect or to destroy the enemy's posture, giving them a great advantage in fists and feet. .

It is said that ancient warriors also relied on pickpocketing techniques to steal weapons that their enemies had not taken out. This method is the result of the evolution of that type of tactics.

In the battle against large warships and buildings, the external equipment developed for this type of martial arts also plays another role, that is, "armor breaking."

Use various means to cut gaps in the outer armor of the battleship, fill them with explosives, and then detonate them.

——In this way, it was successful!


The battalion commander of the 3rd Artillery Battalion of the Chaldean Defense Forces received two completely opposite instructions. The first one comes from the highest level, requiring their troops to stick to their position. No matter what happens, they are not allowed to leave this position without permission. In contrast, there was another instruction from Guardian Li Like, asking them to evacuate as soon as possible.

According to the intelligence sent by high-level officials, an object passed through the asteroid belt at an extremely high speed and headed straight towards Chaldea. It is so small and so fast that the observatory has only just discovered it. No observation point has yet successfully confirmed the true identity of the high-speed object.

But one thing is certain, that thing must be a man-made object.

Natural small celestial bodies cannot move at such a fast speed.

These artillerymen stationed on the periphery are responsible for this kind of thing. Clean up approaching small celestial bodies including comets, and defend against possible invading enemies.

This is when they are needed. If the object moving at super high speed in the asteroid belt is an enemy, then fighting with long-distance bombardment is Chaldea's only chance of victory.

However, Guardian Li Like's warning cannot be ignored.

After weighing the situation, the battalion commander decided to let the reserve team evacuate early, and the artillery position should retain a minimum number of combatants.

Little did he know that it was this decision that would bring a devastating blow to the army.

When it happened, he was scanning the starry sky with a telescope and was highly alert to the universe.

Then, he felt a terrifying force coming from beneath his feet. When he came to his senses, he had been thrown off the wall along with half of the artillery position and was suspended in space.

Then came the strong wind. The "ground" beneath their feet cracked, and the dirty air in the city surged out into a storm, further worsening the situation. The team members who were thrown away were carried by the strong wind, further away from the wall.

About half of the team members activated their vector jets in time and approached the wall again. But they soon had to face another problem.

The black figure rushed out from the crack.

It was an extremely uncoordinated figure. The lower body and the upper body were completely different in size and style.

After he emerged from the strong wind, he immediately destroyed the equipment. Small missiles were mixed into the debris rushing out of the city, and they were targeted to snipe people who looked like military officers. A series of explosions occurred one after another, and a box popped out of the guy's body - he emptied four ammunition boxes directly.

This instant attack brought a devastating blow to the artillery battalion.

A guardian from the first level rushed out and wanted to bite the stone guardian again. However, in the midst of the fight, Protector Stone unleashed attacks on the surroundings unscrupulously.

For the Stone Protector, the surrounding environment is now full of targets for his attacks.

But for the guardian of Chaldea, his protection objects are everywhere around him.

The stone guardian turned into a crazy killer. His steps were light and his dealings with the Chaldean guardian were like dancing a waltz with someone while holding a gun in one hand and shooting wildly around.

The bodies of countless soldiers exploded in space. More simple and broken parts are flying around, joining the carnival of the storm.

The aftermath of the explosion and the fluctuations caused by the weight of the space city itself also caused the gap to continue to "grow". The situation is getting worse.

Before the second guardian arrived, the stone guardian abandoned this artillery position and ran towards the second artillery position.

The second Chaldean Guardian also rushed up at this time, and the three people turned into three streams of light, fighting in the space like fireflies swirling around the house.

Zhu Xiangshan finally got a normal foot. Li Like gave his spare pair of prosthetic legs to Zhu Xiangshan. The two hurried to the scene of the battle.

But Xiangshan's heart was sinking.

That's too late.

Judging from the intelligence that Li Like kept sending back, the Six Dragon Cult warrior had been trying to destroy the artillery position at a certain angle, and he had already cleared several points. Now the remaining artillery positions cannot find ideal attack angles.

The escape route of the Six Dragon Sect protector pointed to a dense area of ​​matter. At the opponent's speed, it only takes a few minutes to enter the dense material area. There, there are countless small celestial bodies with a radius of less than one meter, as well as unrecovered war debris from a century ago. It is too easy to hide supply points and booby traps in this kind of area.

That was the prepared position.

Li Like also knew something was wrong. But he could only speed up.

Along the way, Xiangshan saw that Chaldea was putting down gates everywhere, opening polymer membranes, and blocking off areas to prevent air loss. The air here is extracted from comets and icy objects. The air here was obtained by the city builders themselves. Unlike the nearly free atmosphere on the surface of rocky planets, the air here is precious.

The moment he saw the starry sky, Zhu Xiangshan blurted out: "What is that thing?"

Xiang Shan saw a white light in the starry sky. If measured in terms of relative magnitude (that is, the "visual magnitude" in the era of Homo sapiens), its brightness exceeds that of a bright star of minus 15th magnitude - the full moon is only minus 13th magnitude.

This is certainly not a natural celestial body.

"what is that?"

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