Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1078 Sergeant

In the eyes of most people, Chaldea's outer wall suddenly exploded, and then in a white stream of light, the Six Dragon Sect's protector, who seemed invincible just now, suddenly turned into a ball of space junk.

Li Like stared blankly into the distance. That's where the "earthquake" comes from. Something like a spear was embedded in Chaldea's outer armor. This spear is more than ten meters long, extremely thick and wide. It doesn't look like a cold weapon, but more like a rocket that can just accommodate a prosthetic body. On the side of the spear, there were several empty containers that fell off due to the vibration. The spear is not solid and is filled with fuel barrels. But the fuel barrel was empty.

"This is...this is..."

Only Xiang Shan saw clearly what had just happened. He was the only one who reacted.

That blue-white flame is the flame of the propeller. Only this time it did not appear directly behind the aircraft, but directly in front - it was used to slow down. The direction of the tail flame is naturally different from normal.

That kid started to slow down a few light seconds away. At the end of the fight between the Stone Guardian and the Chaldean Guardian, he had already slowed down to hundreds of times the standard speed of sound.

Then, about seven thousand meters away, he threw the kinetic energy weapon, the spear with great mass. The spear took away most of his kinetic energy, allowing him to further slow down.

The big gun passed by the stone guardian and took away one of the stone guardian's legs. The speed of the big gun was too fast, so I simply cut it off.

Then, he adjusted his posture two thousand meters away and passed behind the stone guardian accurately.

Yes, just passing by. From 0.5 light seconds away, Xiangshan almost noticed that this guy's trajectory was a very sharp curve. He would fly close to Chaldea, but not hit it.

With humanity's current level of material science, if he hit it directly, he would definitely kill someone, but he himself would not survive.

Just passing by.

Three thousand meters away, he had already made the final adjustments to his posture.

Even if the neural signal transmission speed of baseline humans is much higher than that of Homo sapiens, this series of operations is close to the limit of human reaction speed.

This time, if the Stone Protector were standing under the rocket launch port... No, it's even more exaggerated than that.

Wait for him to rush towards the rocket launch port at a speed of several thousand meters per second, and then be thrown high into the air by the storm.

This moment was enough for Protector Shi to be on the verge of death.

And the guy did nothing.

One of the guardians tremblingly walked towards the mass weapon that cracked an outer wall of Chaldea and completely destroyed several blocks. He saw a symbol twisted by the deformation of a weapon. It was an abstract symbol, similar to a shooting star.

"Swift Army..." His message contained panic.

Speedy Army...

Speedy Army...

The Chaldean warriors fell silent.

That's a legend, a myth. The Speed ​​King rarely takes action, and rumors about him are true and false on the Internet. Many of the stories about him are not believed to be true. However, everyone thinks that he is the strongest outside warrior now.

Everyone felt that he could really do those legendary deeds.

Tu Xiangshan has complicated emotions.

Li Like lost his mind: "How can it be so strong... We are finished... We are finished..."

Zhu Xiangshan tapped his back: "He is indeed very strong, but the attack just now is not easy. Calm down."

"This is……"

"Think about it carefully. The fuel in his body is simply not enough to support himself in accelerating and decelerating." Zhu Xiangshan calculated in his mind for a moment: "He set out from the Court of God's Speed ​​and decelerated for the first time in Jupiter with the help of Jupiter's gravity well. Then he rushes into the asteroid belt. When approaching a dense area, he immediately turns on the thrusters. The huge flames and shock waves will clear some tiny obstacles for him. His current fuel should not be enough to accelerate again."

"If my guess is correct, he will reach the edge of the asteroid belt at most, and may be assisted by a protector from Mars. And his mission this time is not to destroy Chaldea. Otherwise, he can speed up even more Throw the weapon under fast conditions, and it does not plow through the outer armor, but goes straight to the inside."

"This was prepared, and he was unprepared for the sneak attack. He was too fast, so the Six Dragon Sect protectors could not react in an instant. He could not obtain the preparation distance of a few light seconds, nor could he obtain the blessing of the Speedy Royal Court. Highway. Oh, yes, he came so strangely. In fact, I suspect that someone in the city also gave him a signal."

Li Like calmed down a little and thanked Xiang Shan.

But Xiangshan remained serious.

Although this speed sergeant's external skills are not that terrifying, he is still stronger than everyone present.

The opponent's ability to withstand G force is terrifying. Apart from anything else, if he were to move to another place, Zhu Xiangshan's stretched brain would definitely be damaged by the G-force during deceleration to the point where he would be unable to maintain consciousness. Likewise, Jeanne is still too young. Zu Xiangshan's reaction speed couldn't keep up. He couldn't perform such extreme operations at one ten thousandth of the speed of light like this speed army sergeant.

Xiang Shan didn't even say these words.

At the same time, “someone in the city” is a real problem.

Judging from the orbit of Jupiter and the speed of the Speedy Royal Court, when this Speedy Army sergeant set off, it should be when Jeanna and Asgard contacted the Chaldean high-level officials in the name of "Six Dragon Cult Stalkers"... ...Considering that little Sandriel from Ur City was also involved, there is a possibility that "someone" is in Ur City.

After a long slowdown, he arrived here.

However, judging from the activities of the Speedy Army sergeant, he should have known the direction of the Stone Guardian in Chaldea in advance, and even predicted that the Stone Guardian was preparing to clear Chaldea's artillery guard positions.

At his speed, his own prosthetic body was extremely fragile. General artillery positions also pose a threat.

In addition, the speed sergeant is also familiar with the "terrain" here and knows where the obstacles that cannot be easily blown away by the shock wave of the propeller are located... From this point of view, his sprint this time is simply crazy. There were only a few relatively narrow passages around Chaldea that could allow him to advance at such a high speed, but he forced himself in.

The sergeant of the Speedy Army drew several graceful curves in the distance before finally slowing down. After more than ten seconds, he flew back to the battlefield, flying to the side of the stone guardian.

This time, no one rushed to take action against him.

The Speedy Army sergeant walked up to the Stone Protector, unscrewed his head, and then opened a container behind him, which contained some kind of non-Newtonian fluid. He put the head in it.

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