Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1084 Today in the area controlled by knights

This time Jeanne and the others were going to a mining base, somewhere 0.8 light seconds away. Workers usually work there to the limit, get paid, and then fly back to rest.

This saves time commuting to and from get off work.

And there is also a knight's outpost on that planet.

"Why do you want to go to that place?" Jeanne wrote puzzledly, "You can come inside the city, right? Knights are not excluded here."

Li Liang shrugged at the window: "Of course we have a stronghold in the city. But within the asteroid belt, knights have less time to be active in the city."


"We are here to fight. And neutral cities are a good place for knights to rest. With the current situation, we must fight. There is not much room for rest."

"Fighting? With those workers?"

"Don't underestimate the workers of neutral city-states." Li Liang said with a smile, "These workers are basically elite soldiers from the old era and have gone through a long period of professional military training. Although some of them are not up to date, the military They are all highly educated. It’s just that they have become disillusioned with the world. Besides, knights should stand together with the workers.”

According to Li Liang's window. Many similar bases have knights stationed there. While people in neutral city-states are mining on the planet, knights will also find ways to turn it into a hidden base, where they can place supplies needed for starships, or place hidden mines, forts, etc.

The chivalrous force's fleet will gain a greater advantage here.

Some technologies developed in the chivalrous zone of the outer ring of the solar system, especially those used in construction, can also be put into practice here to collect usage data.

This is a win-win strategy for both vigilantes and neutral city-states.

Jeanne suddenly became curious. Saturn and the far solar planets beyond its orbit have been occupied by knights for a long time. It is a truly bitter cold place, where the sun's light and heat are already quite weak, and there is a lack of easily mined metal veins. In the propaganda of the asylum seekers, it was the real bitter cold frontier.

"That's generally true." Faced with Jeanne's curiosity, Li Liang found it natural, "There is indeed a shortage of many things there...Anyway, anything that is not lacking here is lacking there. Since there is no solar energy , so all individuals are highly dependent on public infrastructure construction and the power grid. Population development is also very restricted. The environment there is too harsh. If you want to expand on a large scale, there are too few mineral deposits that can be mined... From here Transport it, it’s too far, and we have to be on guard against the patron fleet in the Jupiter space domain.”

"In the beginning, all our resources and infrastructure were ruins taken from the protectors. It was the people there who transformed them bit by bit and turned them into a new hometown."

"In the era of the Sixth Martial God, the knights who raised the flag of justice began to call on everyone to rebuild the industrial system. In the era of the Seventh Martial God, it was even more remarkable. We even rebuilt the normal research and development system - not the Scientific Research Knights. Not a deformed thing, but something more... more normal."

Jeanne asked: "What does 'more normal' mean?"

"At the end of the old era, Ancestor Wu tried to promote academic reform, sweep away the mentor-apprentice system left over from the Middle Ages, and completely erase the teacher-student relationship that contained personal dependence." Li Liang Chuang said: "It has achieved certain results, but The secret war probably broke out before it was finished. The Sixth Martial God left a plan, and then the Seventh Martial God also sent some assistance when they were fighting in the asteroid belt."

"In the past forty or fifty years, Xiake has been constantly experimenting with new research and development systems. Strongly linking 'engineering education' with 'industrial production' and 'engineering research and development', integrating 'theoretical research' and 'science education' Deeply integrated with 'engineering research and development' to form a large and stable structure... blah blah blah, it's quite complicated to say. However, there is one thing. Thanks to the existence of the Scientific Research Knights, we at least know what the 'academic community should not become' Looks like 'what we should avoid scholars becoming'."

Jeanne nodded in understanding. Tu Xiangshan scratched his head and said with emotion: "Oh my god, this is a normal scientist." This is what scholars should be like. There are still normal people in this crazy age. 】

Li Liang pointed the spacecraft's camera at the outer edge of the solar system, probably at the position of Saturn, and said: "You can take a look... The optical equipment on the spacecraft is limited and can only see a few lights near the rings of Saturn. But I can Let me tell you, that’s our pride.”

Jeanne connected her vision to the camera. She followed the direction indicated by Jeanne and indeed saw the distant artificial light as faint as a dreamy bubble under the dark and magnificent universe.

Zu Xiangshan looked a little dazed.

Zhu Xiangshan suddenly sighed: [That guy from Lao Qi, I think he never saw this until his death. 】

The seventh Martial God was born on a starship, experienced countless fierce battles, and finally died on the starship.

When he was alive, the chivalrous rear and neutral city-states had not yet appeared.

From birth to death, he has been fighting.

Li Liang's window didn't notice Tuozi's subtle emotional changes, and was still proudly introducing the information there. The technology that Xia Ke's team values ​​most is superconducting technology. Far-solar planets have naturally ultra-low temperatures, and some materials that are not so demanding will become "normal-temperature superconductors" when they arrive there. Superconducting technology is the backbone of quantum computers.

The superconducting power supply network and quantum computer are the core infrastructure of the knights. Their computing resources are not far behind those of Asylum. There is a fairly developed network over there. Literature and art materials from the old era are completely open to the public, and creation is also active.

For Li Liang Window, all of the above are "our" achievements and are the most proud things. If someone from the inner solar system asked about this, she would proudly talk about it.

Unfortunately, there are few connection points between the internal and external networks, and the rate of information exchange is very low.

This is not to say that either side is deliberately isolated. The Father of All Machines does not prohibit anyone from connecting to his network. The knights are eager to pass their information to the patron-controlled area inside the asteroid belt. However, the solar system is really too big. The cost of laying out a signal transmission link spanning the orbits of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus is quite daunting. The patron doesn't have the will, the knight doesn't have the resources, and has to worry about King Agni sneaking in and destroying it.

Now the exchange of information between the two parties basically relies on people carrying hard drives.

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