Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1086 Conservatives of this Era

Under the guidance of Li Liang's window, Jeanne and Asgard looked at the chivalrous land several astronomical units away in the asteroid belt.

That is the city of knights.

In fact, at this distance, it is difficult to see anything clearly. The optical observation equipment carried by the spacecraft is for observing interstellar matter at close range, and is not intended for astronomical observation. Jupiter's mass is 2.5 times that of the other seven planets in the solar system combined, and its volume is 1,316 times that of the Earth. Jupiter is just an exceptionally bright dot when observed in the asteroid belt.

The so-called city is nothing more than a pixel of gray and white.

But Li Liang pointed out the window very seriously, and Jeanne and Asjia also looked at it seriously.

Asga unceremoniously plugged the direct connection into Jeanna's interface: [Tsk, tsk, I really didn't expect it. My mentality is different. Seeing these things makes me feel completely different. 】

Jeanne and Asgard had actually read the information on the area controlled by the vigilantes. The image data attached to those documents even include data from when the space telescope occasionally scanned the knight city.

At that time, Jeanne and Asgard were equally curious about these cities, but they regarded them more as military merit points orbiting the sun.

King Agni could directly blow up a space city into space garbage - this was still an era when the old concepts had not completely faded away, and almost everyone had eliminated "direct massacre" from their consciousness. King Agni has dared to blow the space city into pieces from an extremely long distance without warning.

At that time, Jeanne and Asga were his eagle dogs.

[I never thought I would ever go there again in this life. ] Asga muttered.

Jeanne nodded. If there wasn't such a strange disease, she would have thought...


Jeanna's consciousness was focused on Xiang Shan's hallucination. Due to the direct connection, Asgard also felt a vague shadow.

[Is this your influence? old man. 】

Zhu Xiangshan's phantom shrugged: [I admit that there are elements of my influence. But didn't you notice? That little girl across from you is trying to launch a propaganda campaign against you. 】

【ah? 】

【伱has shown extremely strong ability. Under this premise, the knight will also want to recruit you and turn you into a knight. Very normal. A first-level heaven warrior can be regarded as a light deep space battleship. Recruiting you will save a lot of military expenses. ” Xiangshan said with emotion, “What she just introduced is something that is not difficult to find, but that best embodies the characteristics of the chivalrous control area, and is also the thing that best embodies their thoughts. This was originally a concept created by Xiangshan and perfected by history and the people. It's normal for it to resonate with me. 】

[I guess they will have other activities in the future and continue to launch a propaganda offensive against you. 】

Jeanne was stunned: [Didn’t you mean to help them sort out some of their peripheral personnel? 】

The purpose of Li Liang's window this time was to call Jeanna over to go to that mining site and rebuild a stronghold.

Chaldea is mining ore, and the knights are building a fortification that can hide resources or weapons. At the same time, they are also communicating with the workers.

"Did you just say that those workers were veterans of the old era?"

Xiang Shan sighed heavily: [It’s not very good, it’s not very good. Those veterans may be the ones who hate Xiangshan the most. Even more hateful than the patron. They were originally soldiers who defended their homeland, but due to the internal collapse of the Superman Enterprise, they became tools of the thieves, and finally fought bloody battles until a hundred years ago. I think they are the ones who least want to be knights. What fools are willing to commit the crime of going to Xiangshan Mountain twice in a row? 】

Jeanne looked slightly sideways, wondering in her heart "Is it so difficult?" Zhu Xiangshan shrugged: [If you don’t believe me, just ask. 】

Although Li Liang noticed at the window that Jeanne was frequently looking at a certain empty place, even Asga would look there after connecting to the direct line. But this is not a problem at all in the cyber era. After all, watching AR literary and artistic works is completely considered a normal hobby in this era-even if it is while chatting or fighting, it is not impossible.

After listening to Jean Na's question, Li Liang nodded at the window: "In general, it is indeed like this. Some of the old workers in the asteroid belt really dislike us. But they just don't like us, but they don't have any hostility or murderous intention. This is already pretty good. Besides, we are also conducting research on removing genetic backdoors and recruiting volunteers on a regular basis - these require the support of workers. Even if our actions can only bring about a small improvement, that is enough."

Soon, the group arrived at their destination. This is a numbered asteroid with a diameter of more than a hundred meters, and there are more than a dozen workers here. There are two spaceships and an unpowered container floating around the asteroid. Inside the container are fuel and personal propulsion devices. Every worker who arrives here will take off his own fuel and place it uniformly to avoid accidents during the operation.

This planet is already very small. They still have to empty them now. If the workers are working with fuel tanks on their backs, an accident may trigger a series of explosions. Even if the prosthetic body is damaged, people may die. These thrusters are all publicly managed.

The unpowered container is secured to a spaceship with a hook lock. The spacecraft was completely silent, with only two or three workers resting on the spacecraft.

The entire asteroid has been surrounded by a special steel frame. It looks a bit like scaffolding. This makes the whole process look like an old-time construction team repairing an illegal structure on Earth.

But in fact, this is to prevent this small celestial body from completely falling apart during the construction process.

At the request of the knights, the Chaldean construction team only hollowed out the thing, rather than smashing the entire celestial body and carrying it back. This stronghold has a certain defensive significance.

Chaldean miners spend several days traveling back and forth and consume a lot of fuel. In order to avoid wasting too much time and resources between coming and going, they will keep working on the construction site until the project is completed, or they can't bear it mentally. At that time, they will return to the city. These people will get mental relaxation in online and local martial arts competitions.

Then, repeat the process.

This is the daily life of workers in this day and age.

"We're here." Li Liang said through the window.

There are also knights inside the asteroid who come out to greet him. Li Liang asked Jeanna to conduct personality profiles on these people to eliminate potential suspects in them.

The knights will not ask Jeanna to directly search those famous knights and teams, but the teams near Chaldea still need to be checked by Jeanna.

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