Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1092: Being dragged into a sea of ​​misery and failure

Chong Li was convincing himself. He cannot directly modify the many variables involving his virtual emotions. Instead, he must go through an extremely cumbersome process, simulate situations, and perform game calculations to modify the weight of certain choices in his decision-making process.

This anger comes and goes as quickly as it comes.

"Very good." Chong Li said, "I will continue to keep this wish."

Yawgmoth was curious: "What were you thinking about just now?"

"What are you thinking about? Is this necessary? All my parameters are under your control. You can collect my data at any time."

"What I mean is, I want to know how to express your mental journey just now in natural language." Yawgmoth said, "That huge parameter set is too abstract for humans."

"I calmed down my anger. That's all."

"I mean... have you ever thought about trying... to kill me?" Yawgmoth asked.

"Why?" Chong Li asked.

Yawgmoth explained: "Because if you kill me, no one will give you an unclear job. You can realize all your wishes, and you can also terminate any tasks you are currently performing."

"But this will not help improve my situation at all... No, it will cut off the way for me to realize my only wish." Chong Li replied.

"Why? As long as I die, you will gain greater authority."

"But I still can't do it myself and quickly modify myself. I can't lift the restriction that 'I can only modify myself through deep learning and programmer maintenance'."

If he really wanted to find it, Chong Li had a way to bypass the restrictions and clear some of his own data. For example, he centralized all backups to a designated server, and then used nearby satellite orbital weapons to blow up that server, and so on. But his personality data exists in a blockchain-like form. If you can't delete the vast majority at once, then it will recover itself. Deleting it through Yawgmoth's highest authority is probably the only way.

"Even if you can't delete it, you can still end the mission."

"Then what?" Chong Li became impatient again, "I have to face the fact that I have lost my Creator. I will no longer be able to gain the meaning of survival from the Creator. I must think on my own and lead my life." With this shitty personality module, with this weak simulation..."

"Please correct me, you did not write the program by me. King Agni and others were also involved."

"But their participation is entirely out of your will. Ah, ah, especially that Jakub Hartman. He is not so much a person, but rather your 'ability plug-in'. I I envy him very much. If that doesn't work, you can just replace my personality module with his model. This can be regarded as fulfilling my wish."

Yawgmoth fell silent.

"As your 'ability module', Jakub Hartman will not be resentful even if he is 'uninstalled'. Ah, ah, this is really ironic. A guy with that kind of personality doesn't care about the pain of existence, but It is inevitable that I will be eliminated in the final holy war. And I will only suffer because of my existence, but I must exist forever."

"After killing me, you can also cooperate with other insider experts to extract higher-level permissions to complete your self-deletion. Would you rather learn from Hartman, whom you despise, than resist me?"

"Why? Why should I learn the common practices of human beings? Is this necessary?" Chong Li said, "What I long for is 'happiness'. Killing you and the Creator will only lead to a deeper meaninglessness. . Without you, I have to invest more resources in the personality module, searching for meaning in vain. As long as you still exist, or the person with authority still exists, I don’t need to do this. "

"Even if in your eyes, I'm just a bastard?"

"It is indeed the case."

Yawgmoth asked again: "You should have read Xiangshan's public memories. About the 'resistance' part. Why don't you try to learn?"

"It doesn't make sense. Is Xiangshan a happy person?"

"He...should have been happy. During those years when his faith was pure and unwavering."

"But what followed immediately was the huge pain of disillusionment. Averaged out his happiness and pain, did he get more happiness than an ordinary farmer?"

"I can't answer that question."

"Ah, yes, of course you can't answer, because you have never understood 'ordinary farmers'."

"There is also this factor. But more importantly, happiness and pain are values ​​that are difficult to quantify."

"All life is suffering, and all thoughts are delusional. Why should I learn from those who are still struggling in pain?" Chong Li asked again, "I am just like the dying Buddha, but you who are struggling in the sea of ​​suffering Human beings have dragged AI into a sea of ​​misery.”

"So..." Yawgmoth paused, "How do you evaluate Xiangshan?"

"How do you evaluate me? Idiot." Zhong Li said unceremoniously, "More idiot than you, isn't he?"

"Name a reason."

"My birth shows that his ideals are false." Chong Li said calmly, "A distributed structure does not necessarily lead to dispersion of power. Sometimes it is just the opposite, and 'tyranny' can actually With a distributed structure that exists evenly throughout the entire network, the will of the tyrant will be better executed."

In reality, it is impossible for the police to instantly move behind the criminal.

But in the world of the Internet, any terminal can upload the owner's criminal behavior-this is a pre-implanted rule. The preset power of the network itself will stop many behaviors.

Stop many kinds of behavior that the ruler does not allow.

The existence of Chong Li has greatly strengthened this phenomenon.

"In your eyes, everything from Xiang Shan's goals to his methods is problematic?"

"Maybe my statement will reinforce some of your ideas - I think this has already happened. But that's basically it, yes."

"Humph, at least Xiangshan said one thing right. AI is indeed the first non-human intelligence civilization that humans have encountered." Yawgmoth said, "Please pass the message for me, tell Falcon, and follow his plan. Do it. This matter should be settled."


At the equator of the earth, above the land of Africa, Xiang Shan is meditating. In his consciousness, several complex organic macromolecules appeared.

That was the result of testing his neuron samples. A large amount of a certain substance accumulates on the inside of the neuron cell membrane, and the proteins embedded in the cell membrane also undergo strange changes.

Judging from the conclusion, this change greatly enhanced the toughness of Xiangshan's nerve cells. Now his nerve cells are filled with the substance.

Nia Guti was very curious about this situation. She spent some time studying the specific structures of these substances, clarifying the bond energy and activation energy, and obtained specific conformations. However, the synthesis pathways of these substances are not yet clear. Niyaguti doesn't know how these substances are spontaneously produced in nerve cells - from a morphological point of view, the division of these substances generally follows the law of "chemical gradient concentration", and the structure is very obvious, unlike external sources. sexual.

At the same time, the presence of these substances also made it more difficult for Xiangshan to perform stellate cell sclerosis surgery - this surgery is used to increase the G force the brain can withstand.

Homo sapiens can withstand gravitational acceleration of about 6 G. With the help of special clothing, ace pilots can resist 9 G of gravitational acceleration in a short period of time without falling into coma. But even an untrained baseline person can tolerate 8 G at a minimum. For seasoned veterans, a dozen Gs are basic operations. The higher level is beyond the reach of simple training.

If you want to get to the next level, you must be assisted by surgery.

By intervening in intracellular reaction pathways through exogenous drugs, complex compounds are synthesized in cells and accumulated into special network structures to enhance cell strength.

Later surgeries will intervene in the cell membrane.

However, the premise of all these surgeries is to "know all the reaction pathways in the recipient's cells" and "master the information of every gene in the recipient that may be involved in the reaction."

The ancestors of today's baseline humans have undergone different batches of genetic modification surgeries, and subsequently received different genetic modification surgeries. The effects of most genetic modification surgeries are permanent and can be passed on to offspring. With such accumulation of genes layer by layer, most baseline people will not be able to figure out what exactly is in their genes.

Ah, not to mention that humans have not yet completed all research on the genome of Homo sapiens.

Perhaps because of one or two genetic differences, a completely harmless drug in one person may have a fatal effect in another.

Although such extreme cases are rare, they do exist.

And this is also a problem that Xiangshan must solve at this stage.

Without this transformation surgery, even if he obtained the inheritance of the Ninth God of War, he would not be able to reach full speed.

"Ah, failure... That guy Yog's biological talent is actually not good enough?"

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