Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1101 Incubation Period

The "entertainment tool" Xiangshan requested was a set of telescopes.

Although bigger is not always better, there is a positive correlation between volume and function among optical instruments such as microscopes and telescopes. The larger the optical instrument, the more powerful it is. As for the optical instruments that prosthetics can carry with them, in addition to the capabilities of pure optical components, they also rely on software and the human brain to improve the images.

The "entertainment item" Xiangshan got is a three-meter-high optical telescope. There is no need to get close to look at it. It can be connected directly through wires and transmit real-time image signals without loss.

In terms of today's materials science and engineering technology, a telescope of this size has long lost its qualifications as a scientific instrument. But among the scientific research knights in non-astronomy and astrophysics fields, this is a very popular toy. In the eyes of most scientific research knights, this small toy is extremely stylish, a symbol of the concept of "science", and very elegant.

Of course, for Xiangshan, this small prop is a necessary tool.

Xiangshan can openly observe the Star Fleet and the Speedy Royal Court in the universe.

The action planned by Niyaguti must take these two forces into consideration.

It can even be said that two individuals, King Agni and King Speed, must be considered.

These two individuals are already the culmination of two brain transformation routes and two martial arts. The technology and resources they have piled on themselves have created their extremely high combat effectiveness. Both of these kings had the ability to single-handedly completely destroy Niya Guti's battle for the space elevator.

In order to successfully implement the battle plan, one of two conditions must be met - King Speed ​​​​leaves away from the earth, or King Agni leaves the earth.

Niyaguti made an agreement with Xiangshan from the beginning. As long as either of these two conditions is met, action begins. Niyaguti will plan an operation in the outside world and fire a specific signal flare during the operation to prompt the start of Operation Xiangshan. Within five days after that, Xiangshan must find a way to enter the space elevator, or leave the Scientific Research Knights and return to the knight camp.

Therefore, Xiangshan used his telescope to focus on Jupiter. Although he told his apprentice that he wanted to see the area in the constellation Gemini, the telescope could be pointed at Jupiter with only a slight adjustment. He could still see the faint flash of distant Jupiter. Between the moons of Jupiter and the rings of Jupiter, the military forces of the Knights and the Patrons collided directly.

Neither Lao Gou nor Falcon have any intention of entering the battlefield for the time being.

The Speed ​​King has entered the orbit between Mars and the Earth and is beginning a long process of deceleration. Many fuel tanks filled with cataclysmic fuel were transported to this orbit in advance and accelerated with rockets in advance, waiting for the Speed ​​Royal Court to receive them at high speed. The acceleration and deceleration of the Speed ​​Court usually lasts for a long time.

At the very beginning, the Speed ​​Royal Court only needed a dozen hours to complete one orbit around the sun. This number will continue to grow until it lasts for several months.

And when the Speed ​​King is slow enough and far enough away from the earth, it will be difficult for the Speed ​​King to rush back to the earth in the first place.

It also takes time for the Speed ​​King's prosthetic body to accelerate.

On the other hand, the Planetary Defense Force from Venus should already be on its way. This was not something Xiang Shan observed, but something he found out through indirections during his conversation with the deputy leader of the Scientific Research Knights.

He only needs to complain about King Agni to these scientific knights, and these scientific knights will unknowingly tell him the information he needs.

The fleet from Venus should have just set off. It is said that the knights of Venus delayed King Romance of Venus from gathering his troops as long as possible and made great sacrifices. The battles of the Venusian Knights are said to have even led to the destruction of Venusian cities.

In fact, for the earth warriors, the Venus force does not come as late as possible. King Romance's mission this time is to take over from King Agni to suppress the Earth Knights. If the Knights of Venus delay for too long, causing King Agni to still not leave the Earth-Moon system even after the Earth satellite network is rebuilt, the difficulty of Niyaguti's plan to seize the space elevator will increase dramatically.

But for the overall war situation in the solar system, the actions of the Venusian knights are undoubtedly meaningful. The fierce battle between the knights of Jupiter and the Sanctuary army has not yet been decided. They hold back King Romansi for one day, and they hold back King Agni for one day. The later the old dog leaves, the greater the chances for the knights of the Jupiter universe.

——It is estimated that in a while, the fleet from Venus will be directly observed.

The location of King Agni, the location of the Venus fleet, and the location of the Speedy Court all need to be roughly understood.

The vastness of the universe dilutes the rhythm of war. The vast space lacking cover will also make it easy for the army to be exposed in advance. Most of the time, the army can only rely on "vastness" to hide itself. However, once the two armies approach a certain range, this primitive concealment method will definitely fail.

After confirming the information he wanted to confirm, Xiangshan took a closer look at the universe.

What a pity, what a pity, the beautiful sky has been polluted by some bastards.

Without clearing the solar system, it is difficult to have the leisure and leisure to observe the stars quietly.

Xiangshan regretfully took off the wiring on his hand.

Until now, Xiangshan is still not allowed to use Internet tools, and wireless signals are also strictly restricted.

There is little room to send signals outward until restrictions are eased further.

An apprentice said: "Your Excellency, don't you want to read it?"

Xiang Shan shook his head: "King Agni's fleet passed through the night sky, and I have lost interest today." As he said that, he raised his middle finger toward the sky.

This was met with good-natured laughter from all around.

In this hellish place, expressing dissatisfaction with King Agni can strengthen the relationship between them.

Eighty years ago, when Hartmann's old dog tricked and killed the Eighth Valkyrie, he set off an EMP storm without warning. Many sects in the New World were destroyed. As for the Scientific Research Knights, I don’t know how much data was lost that was not backed up multiple times.

He almost destroyed the graduation projects of a generation in several fields.

And if the Scientific Research Knights from 80 years ago were still working today, they would be almost the backbone of the Scientific Research Knights.

For benchmark people, this is the period of youth and strength.

King Agni's reputation within the Scientific Research Knights is quite negative.

Xiangshan did research, slept, and insulted King Agni every day.

The last item alone gained him a lot of popularity within the Scientific Research Knights.

Then there is the research career.

Xiangshan's ultimate goal is to thoroughly understand the part of the genetic material in his own cells that was artificially implanted, so as to ensure that the new brain modification surgery will not conflict with this part of the foreign genetic information and poison him to death.

Xiangshan not only needs to know the composition and specific conformation of the substances existing in his brain, but also the origin of these substances, as well as the gene fragments that regulate the production and decomposition of these substances.

This is a progressive research.

The substances in the cells are undergoing complex reactions all the time, and many different reactions are carried out simultaneously in this small space.

Some substances are highly specific and selective and will only react with a certain type of substances. And some substances will react differently with many substances at the same time.

The relationship between these substances is like a complex web.

Two hundred years ago, Yawgmoth's job was to lay some new nodes outside this "net", and then make the original "net" have complex connections with the new nodes to achieve a new balance. Then discard the unnecessary parts of the original reaction network.

Common genetic modification surgeries also prompt cells to synthesize new organic substances on their own. Once this organic substance enters the intracellular environment, it reacts with the target substance. The preliminary reaction products will participate in other reactions.

In the network of reactions, a new path was relit.

What Xiangshan has to do now is to reverse this process. Now that he has the final output of the reaction network, he needs to infer what the entire network looks like.

This is equivalent to holding one corner of a net and roughly sorting out the entire net.

He spends a lot of time reading literature every day. At the same time, he divided his tasks. The huge reaction network was broken down into many "segments" by him. Many of these "fragments" are products of natural evolution, and some have even been studied by others.

What he really needs to find is a specific reaction path in this complex path network.

Break down a large and complex topic into several specific and simple tasks.

These tasks are then prioritized based on needs. Give these specific tasks to the right people.

At the same time, control costs throughout the research process.

Research project management is a craft in itself.

Among the top scientists, there do exist such people. They have little ability in experiments. Some have even bombed their teacher's laboratory, and even left behind the legend of "laboratory destroyers". They just need to think and give direction to the entire study.

But at the same time, there is also another kind of person among top scientists. While they can keep up with the thinking of the first type of scientists and understand their ideas, they are also able to coordinate the work of many researchers, control progress, and at the same time reduce costs to an acceptable level. While they have administrative experience, they must also possess authority in the scientific field.

Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb, was a representative of the second type of scientist.

Of course, as we all know, in the 21st century, the representative of the second type of scientist has been replaced by Xiangshan.

This is what he does best.

His outstanding abilities quickly gained the trust of many people.

Finally, after weeks of lurking, Xiangshan was invited to participate in religious activities within the Six Dragons Sect.

May 5th, another day worth remembering

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