Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1106 Please be sure

"Did he really say that?"

Mr. Palmion, the deputy leader of the Knights of the Crucible of Life, fell into deep contemplation after listening to the report.

Of course he could know what Knight Frey said after the group meeting.

Although passing on information and stealing other people's academic results will be despised by the research knights as a whole, it is still within the acceptable range to inquire about other research knights' opinions on certain projects and obtain information in a "circular way". Not to mention that the identity of "Frey" was forged by the deputy leader of Devinnia himself.

This Knight Frey has a suspicious identity, so he naturally has to endure whatever treatment he receives.

And he sent the apprentices trained by his disciples to get involved in the Frey Knight project, which was naturally what he meant.

Who makes Knight Frey have no disciples and apprentices trained by himself?

In fact, everyone means the same thing. And Knight Frey had the same intention when he asked for well-trained apprentices from the regiment from the very beginning. He is showing that he is willing to be monitored.

It can even be said that this is the "benefits" that Frey actually distributed profits to the deputy leaders in advance.

Even if you can't find out Frey's actual achievements, as long as you know the attitude of a scientific knight of the same level towards a certain direction - positive or negative, affirmative or negative, you can learn a lot from the side.

Although the sources of inspiration are all kinds of strange, all scientific research knights think along a path called "science", and there must be something in common.

All of this is the "default" thing under the rules, and everyone understands it tacitly.

If it were announced verbally, it would be completely different.

Palmion also did not communicate directly with the apprentices who entered the Frey Knight project group. He will not come forward directly. The apprentice will report to his subordinates, and then select the meaningful ones and compile them to him.

The deputy captain's time is precious, and not all trivial matters are qualified for him to know.

After listening to the reports from his disciples, the Six Dragons Sect's Erdie Dasanren actually gave birth to a trace of...


"Is this actually a seeker who wants to ascend?"

The Erdie Dasan people were also introduced to the Six Dragons Sect by the evangelist. Although due to the rules within the church, some memories cannot be recorded in the biological brain and can only be recorded in electronic carriers under the condition of suppressing the activity of the hippocampus area, he is still allowed to remember the causes and consequences. Palmion knew that he had met the mysterious Holy Lord before, and had been moved and enthusiastic about the prospect of "ascension".


Although Ascension is good, it was mostly scheduled eighty years later. For Deputy Commander Palmion, he still has eighty years to spend in this world. He must face everything in this world.

He also wants to leave his family and career behind to achieve the great cause of ascension.

But what about after leaving home and career behind? Where can he find the resources to study the method of ascension? Moreover, after the method of ascension is achieved, resources will be needed to achieve it.

The leader's dream of ascension is the most complete "decentralization" of human society. Individuals traveling to the other side of the star sea each have their own paths. Naturally, after the Six Dragons Sect broadcast the ascension technology, they each ascended.

When the time comes, the Father of All Machines will definitely react. Who can ascend and who cannot ascend depends entirely on luck.

Not to mention that he, Parmion, still landed in such a poor place as the Earth - on such a planet only 1.28 light seconds away from King Agni.

If you want to ascend, you must accumulate resources.

Erdie Dashan people also know very well that not only he thinks so, but also Elder Mupot and the others also have such thoughts.

The great cause of ascension, the great cause of soaring, if you fall behind, what's the point of accomplishing this great cause?

However, Erlianda San people also know that there are indeed a group of devout Taoists in the sect. They are already risking everything for the beautiful vision planned by their leader.

Defenders are not afraid of death, and researchers are not greedy for resources.

They only hope that the great cause of ascension will be completed and the glory of mankind will last forever.

And their request is just that when fellow Taoists ascend, they can bring some of their own memories with them.

A part of them will also accompany other ascended ones and exist forever among the stars.

Erdie Dasan people are not this kind of people. It's just that he can't help but respect this kind of person.

If you want to achieve great things in your ascension, you cannot do without this kind of people.

"A ascetic who is dedicated to ascension... Well, that's right. He can abandon the outside world and serve as a servant under the Holy Lord without even being named a scientific research knight. It is normal to say that he is dedicated to the Tao." Palmion murmured to himself, "I actually spied on these people."

For a moment, he actually felt a little ashamed of himself.

But only for a while. In a moment, he dispelled this feeling.

Although a person who is devoted to the Tao should not cheat, what he does is nothing more than the tacit approval of the rules of the church and the will of the knights.

This is true for everyone, and he also needs to fight.

A slow step may mean a slow step. If you don't catch up with the ascension eighty years later, if you are better, you will have to participate in the final holy war scheduled by the Father of All Machines, if you are worse...

That was being concocted by King Agni on the spot.

When it comes to ascension, we must fight for it.

Therefore, Palmion was determined.

"Frey, you want to talk to me this afternoon? Well, you probably went to apply to Devinia." Palmien sat alone in the office, looking at the ceremonial sword hanging on the wall, and settled mind.

The sword was used in rituals for the apprentice. Countless apprentices have knelt before Parmion and put on the tasseled crown symbolizing glory. Palmion would raise his sword and tap the apprentice three times on the shoulder.

He is not just the Six Dragons cultivator who pursues ascension. He is also a knight.


"Whether Frey comes to reprimand or express dissatisfaction, it will not change my current nature." Palmion thought this way.

Then, several hours passed.

Palmien said to Xiang Shan very enthusiastically: "So, your project team really has a bright future and a lot to do!"

There is no reason why he is not enthusiastic!

This Knight Frey is truly an ascetic who is dedicated to ascension!

He is actually real! No benefits are exchanged! Without any agreement! direct! Sharing some of his own thoughts!

Are all these religious members who are devoted to the Tao so fair...ahem, so generous?

And Knight Frey's strong confidence in his words seemed to have infected Palmion.

Palmion actually felt a sense of competition in his heart. He said loudly: "Your Excellency, your direction is very good, but you have occupied it, and I will not compete with you. We do not engage in vicious competition within the regiment. But you must also know that I, the deputy commander, cannot rely on solar energy alone to support me. of."

Xiangshan thought secretly: If solar energy can be considered vegetarian and nuclear energy can be considered vegetarian, there are too many vegetarians in this era... isn't it right? Isn't solar energy also the result of the release of stellar fusion reactions?

Xiangshan came here this time just to share some inspirations and ideas.

Xiangshan is in a hurry now. There aren't many opportunities to capture the space elevator. During this period of time, he can thoroughly study his own cells, design an exclusive deep transformation surgical plan based on the cells, and complete his transformation. The quicker this process happens, the better.

Now, as a scientific research knight leading a project alone, the resources he can mobilize are naturally limited.

Of course he had to think about how to trick other deputy leaders into investing in this project.

Fortunately, Xiangshan is not good at other things, but this is the only one he is really good at.

He had deceived the whole world into investing in it. It was simply too successful, so successful that he himself wished he wasn't so successful.

When Xiang Shan came this time, he shared some of his ideas and conjectures openly.

Xiangshan knew that such people did exist within the Six Dragons Sect. With such a big liar like the Holy Lord, there will definitely be a few such selfless devotees in the Six Dragons Sect.

After all, the base is not small, and there must be something for everyone. The Holy Lord will definitely set a few examples.

He just pretends to be such a typical person.

Of course, the degree still needs to be measured. Don't let the other party doubt it either.

Although Xiangshan really wanted to share the project he was working on, that would be too abnormal.

"The only thing we know right now is that this particular protein is extremely stable... I mean, incredibly stable. It pretty much only reacts with certain enzymes, it's resistant to high temperatures, and it's incredibly tough. .The most noteworthy one is 'stability'. In an oxygen-free environment, it can be stored almost permanently. But it is also a trouble. If the corresponding protease is not found, there is a risk that this transformation will be difficult to reverse - Of course, you know, it's not difficult to design a protease, the hard thing is to decompose it safely."

For large molecular proteins, it is not difficult to design an enzyme to break down the protein, but what is difficult is to control the results. The intermediate products and results of the decomposition process may react with other substances in the cell, and may even produce toxins that cannot be broken down naturally, or faulty proteins that damage cell function. If this protein can further interfere with other proteins, it is almost equivalent to an artificial prion.

This is why we need to be cautious when carrying out cell-level modifications.

Palmion continued: "I mean, this is actually your job, Mr. Frey. Your responsibility is to sort out the reaction network in this cell. Only if you do your job well can you advance this step, right? . And after I observed the inertness of this particular protein, I started a separate project."

This research direction of his requires a lot of resources and a lot of confidential technical information. Some of them will be very troublesome if they fall into the hands of knights.

As for the idea in this direction, even if you tell Mr. Frey, Mr. Frey does not have the resources to study it alone.

Of course, if Knight Frey really wants to participate, his Erlian Dasanren will naturally be willing to support the underachievers in the religion.

A third author should be enough. Palmion thought. Most ascetics who are devoted to the Tao don't care about this.

After Xiangshan roughly heard the implication of the deputy captain's words, he felt a sense of surprise.

"Inertia...that is to say..."

"Ah, yes, it is precisely because of this special cytoskeleton that it hardly reacts with other substances. It is almost permanent for completely prosthetic people who have cut off breathing. So if I think about it, it should be able to be used with many transformation technologies. Coexistence." Palmien smiled: "I want to verify its coexistence with cutting-edge transformation technology."

——I wonder how you, Frey, can follow you in this direction!

——What a good man!

Both of them were very happy. Xiangshan held Palmion's hand: "Please let me see the pinnacle of technology, Your Excellency!"

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