Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1111 How can Daji compare with Xiang Shan?

"I've heard it all." Devinya said, "You plan to swallow up Lord Frey's project."

After this sentence, there was a long silence.

After a while, Palmion smiled and said: "I thought you were going to say something. I did not use my authority to force Mr. Frey. I did not deduct or squeeze his resources, nor did I change the order of equipment use or anything like that. I embarrass him about the minutiae. There is no coercion. I just make these ambitious young people aware of a better way through communication."

Palmion spread his hands: "So, what's the problem?"

"Are you trying to say that you have a clear conscience?"


"That's right. At least you still abide by the fundamentals of Dyson's principles and have not tried to infringe on Mr. Frey's private property." Palmion sighed: "Otherwise, we wouldn't be talking like this. I will report it directly to the regiment. Chief, let him judge whether it is up to the leader or even King Zhengtian to judge."

"Zhengtianwang" is of course a joke. It is impossible for the Six Dragons Sect to let a Sanren in a key position like Palmion be sent to the hands of the Conquest King David Klein. Even if he really violated the common bottom line within the Six Dragons Sect, only the Six Dragons Sect's own people would handle it.

Palmion also relaxed a little. Since Devinya can still afford such a joke, it means that the matter is indeed not too serious.

Palmien asked again: "So, what did I do? Everything I did was within the rules, wasn't it?"

Devinya was silent for a moment: "Your Excellency Frey is an ascetic. I think this kind of person should get more respect. He deserves such respect."

"Don't I respect him?"

"You are denying his dignity as a scientific knight." Devinya said, "You are denying his ability."

"I just respect his ability and hope to give him a chance to show his talents." Palmien said calmly.

He was also quickly analyzing Deviniya's purpose this time.

Get a share of the pie? Or something else?

"Lord Frey, you have told me everything." Devinya closed his eyes and said in as calm a tone as possible, "He said he was distressed by this kind of thing. Ascension is his vision, his desire, The light of his life...he was unwilling to be distracted by anything other than ascension.”

Palmien was stunned for a moment, and then felt a little angry in his heart.

——So you found Devinya as a helping hand? He secretly defected to Devonia?

"That's not what he looked like when he was playing tricks on me!" Palmien couldn't help but say.

Palmion had started several small co-construction projects with Knight Frey. In these small projects, Frey's people did not give up any authority. The two also relied on these cooperations to fight in the air for a long time.

Under this premise, if you say that Lord Frey has no desires or desires, Palmion will be the first to not believe it.

"Your Excellency Frey told me everything." Deviniya seemed to understand very well and said, "Those who seek the Dao must have the means to protect the Dao. The 'Protecting the Dao' is also something that is often discussed in the church."

"It's just that Knight Frey said that these worldly things made him physically and mentally exhausted. He thought it was a mistake. He just wanted to get rid of this state. Just yesterday, he came to me and confessed everything and said that he I am willing to give in, but I must guarantee him a certain degree of autonomy and additional compensation.”

Parmion was confused. He didn't understand what the situation was and why Devinya would do this.

What does Devonia gain from this? Does it have anything to do with the position of the next leader?

Palmion was puzzled.

Of course, unless Xiang Shan is here, no one really knows the ins and outs of the whole thing.

To put it simply...

Xiangshan took advantage of Palmion and Devinnia's different perceptions of the same thing.

Devinia and Palmion are both senior members of the Knights who have had more contact with Xiangshan. The two people's understanding of him had long been unconsciously divergent. Devinia can only know "Knight Frey" through reports and fellowship activities within the church, while Palmion knows more about the scientific research process. There may also be some channels, such as other people's reports or the results of monitoring.

However, only those "interactive" behaviors can leave a deeper impression.

What Xiangshan did was to deliberately amplify this cognitive bias.

He just needs to fine-tune his acting skills in different situations.

Mukayama doesn’t have to worry about things like “not being able to perform when Devinya and Palmion are present at the same time.”

Because one person's opinion of another person is mainly based on long-term experience. Unless the short-term impact is strong enough to subvert the inherent impression at once, people will always perceive the world based on the inherent impression, and then use new understanding to strengthen the inherent understanding.

Due to the different information received in the early stage, Devinia and Palmion would make different judgments even if they witnessed a certain behavior of Lord Frey at the same time.

Unless they can exchange memories, or there is a solid inherent connection between them that can completely overshadow the impression Knight Frey gave them.

This is the clever part.

According to Xiangshan's observation, there are only two relationships between Devinia and Palmion: "fellows of the Knights" and "members of the Six Dragons Cult".

And at this point…

Knight Frey agrees with them.

The mechanism that promotes mutual trust between them will also promote mutual trust between them and the knight Frey.

Well, that's right, Xiangshan's identity is still "suspected". But at this moment, more people believe that he is a follower of the Six Dragons Sect. All "precautionary measures" are just the "bottom line" set by a certain Dharma protector. Everyone believes that "Knight Frey" must be one of their own, and at most they can prevent any unbelievable tricks being planted on him by others.

They trust each other as much as they trust Xiang Shan.

Of course, to put it bluntly, this means...

"Green tea, green tea!" "Crime" screamed in the consciousness: "What an academic Daji!"

In this regard, Ji Xiangshan has his own opinion: "What Daji? You are insulting my quality as a manager. I dare not say that I am the first politician in mankind, at least Daji and King Zhou are the two subjugated things. No matter how hard you think, you are not as good as mine - if there really was a figure like Daji in history."

"Accurately judging the other party's impression of you and the other party's demands, doing one thing in front of others and another behind the scenes, alienating others' relationships, etc. are the most basic qualities for politicians, or even only a small part of the basic qualities. Even this is not possible If you don't, you can't become a manager of the old era." The "fanatic" Xiang Shan corrected it, "Describing it as a 'slut' behavior model will not change its essence."

Benchmark Xiangshan nodded again: "This is a simple way for the relatively weak to quickly steal the power of the group. It is not that women are only beautiful, but men cannot be labeled as a disaster."

"I always feel that there is a hint of pride in your tone - we are one person, so I know this very well."

"Okay, the self-relaxation is over." Ji Xiangshan said: "Now Deviniya should be negotiating on our behalf."

As an ascetic monk, I can talk to Devinya, the academic administrator, and I am very sure that I will get Devinya's help. After all, "ascension" is the Six Dragon Sect's greatest belief. This is a major event related to the cohesion of the Six Dragons Sect. According to Xiangshan's understanding of Deviniya, Deviniya did have a motive to take action.

What's more, on the surface, Xiang Shan also stated that he was willing to give in. As long as he retained the first coat of arms, he was willing to "dedicate his efforts" to "avoid office struggles."

In Devinya's eyes, it was very reasonable for "Frey" to do these things.

Sure enough, according to the report from Assistant Xiangshan, Mr. Palmien had already left the office and headed to the floor where Deputy Chief Deviniya was located.

"We should be very clear that among the project groups that Palmion started randomly, there is a high probability that there is a 'right direction'. There is only one chance. We should use this wrong-directed project in hand to exchange for Palmion Which project are you working on?”

On the other side, Devinya and Palmion also came to the end of their conversation. Devinya has already conveyed Xiang Shan’s appeal. After hearing this, Palmion's face became uncertain.

The price proposed by Frey Knight happened to be on the "price bottom line" in his mind. "Devenia's attitude" was something he had to consider.

He nodded hard: "I understand."

"Don't hide any more evil thoughts about this matter." Deviniya sighed: "After all, there are only ninety years left."

Palmien shuddered: "Ninety years..." After a moment of silence, he asked: "Do you think we can catch up?"

"We don't know yet. So, we need Frey's power."

"I understand." Palmien breathed a sigh of relief: "I will talk to Frey in detail. In addition to the core groups, I will show him other projects I have established."

——If he was interested... he would probably choose a more fringe project, right?

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