Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1115 Rumors of the Tenth God of War

Yuki quickly understood why Euphorbia didn't care at all about the legend of the "Legacy of the Tenth God of War".

This news has actually been circulating in Molar City for many years.

"I don't know exactly how many years ago... I searched and found... In the knight circle, the earliest record was nine years ago." said a knight community administrator who did not want to be named. "This topic was also popular back then. Pass."

This is what we found after asking around the community.

Yuki quickly collected all the textual information that could be collected in the community and posted related questions.

Then he was a little shaken.

Because judging from this information, this so-called "Legacy of the Tenth Martial God" is indeed a very common Internet rumor. Even among the knight-errant community, there are still rumors.

King Agni has also been restricted in his movements recently. In the past few years, he had come and gone as he pleased. Judging from the information Yuki currently has, this "several years" can even be extended until the ninth Martial God attacks the throne. The last time King Agni received a mandatory mission to follow a target, it was the time of "making up the myth of the Ninth God of War."

If this rumor is true, King Agni has had too many opportunities to crush the "rumors" in the past ten years.

Of course, if King Agni wants to send people to crush any rumors, then PoTian's resources cannot withstand such a torment. The knights can completely concoct hundreds of "Legacy of the God of War" on the ground at low cost to let King Agni chase them, which is a waste of manpower and material resources.

According to Xiangshan, King Agni was a madman and very ignorant in some aspects, but he could not be a fool in the true sense.

In other words, the credibility of that rumor is very low.


"That old **** is the second greatest hacker master in the world. Even if he really investigated secretly, no one else would know."

A voice also said so.

Of course, there are many people who object to this view.

Among them, the most talked about is...

"Judging from that Vulcan's style, after he completes the investigation, he will burn all the people involved, right?"

Although King Agni has not slaughtered like this for many years. However, legends about his murders still circulate in the world.

Since no one died, this means that "the credibility of this rumor is not even worth reporting to King Agni."

The eighth God of War was King Agni himself who committed suicide. He even aimed warships at the city and took the entire city hostage. There was also a far-reaching EMP cleansing afterwards. Only the treasure of the eighth Martial God has enough credibility.

However, some people pointed out that this statement is inappropriate.

"I would say this is all engine exhaust." One of the posts read: "I have to educate those of you who have never seen the old era. YKW (you know who) is a hacker from the old era. Although It's incredible, but in the old days, before the birth of internal strength, hackers were incapable of harming humans! That old guy has been living from that era to today! Always! In that era when hackers were incapable of harming humans, he could still rely on How could he hide his true identity and secretly interfere in the world, but not understand the principle of planting backdoor surveillance? Let me see, every one of the people involved in this matter will have to reinstall the motherboard."

About a quarter of the respondents believed that it was unimaginable to see a time when "internal warriors were incapable of lethality".

Others criticized the post for lacking historical common sense.

"As we all know, in the old days YKW was the Eagle Dog, and the Eagle Dog did not need to hide his real name."

Most of the discussion about the legacy of the Tenth Valkyrie has been about whether it existed or not.

In this regard, Zhao Zhengzhen expressed his affirmation: "At least... the thinking is at least rigorous. Ask first whether it is there, and then where it is."

And beyond that, there is evidence of its existence.

Some local knights in Molar City believe that the legacy of the Tenth God of War does exist, because in Molar City, many people have witnessed the miraculous reversal of "the mysterious knight suddenly using terrifying martial arts to defeat the enemy."

Most of the content is "I saw a knight who was being chased and intercepted by the government. I went to help him, but he suddenly used a set of martial arts that he had never seen before, beating the hawk and dog until their parts flew everywhere."

There's even video evidence.

This development made Yuki want to send a frown emoji.

He was a little unbelievable: "That's it? The local knights in Molar City would rather believe that it is the legacy of the Tenth Martial God than believe that there is a super powerful reclusive sect in the local area?"

"Don't look at me. I'm not from here, I just stayed in this area for a few years." Euphorbia shrugged: "This is indeed a bit...not good, right? In fact, I also think that knights can't think about everything. It’s the Martial God. But then again... what super powerful hermit sect can compare with the Martial God? Shouldn’t dreams be more beautiful, hahahaha.”

——This is really not necessarily the case.

Yuki had actually seen an old man who lived in seclusion in a martial arts school defeat the 12th Martial God.

Although Hiro Matsushima's brain modification cannot keep up, and he lacks the skills of reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance, tracking and counter-tracking, and his level of life and death fighting in the wilderness is not high, he really does not lose to Xiangshan in the competition of pure external skills.

Yuki collected a small amount of video data and then left the access point. If nothing goes wrong, the knight will avoid staying here for a long time to prevent the government from paying attention to this access point again.

With the help of Euphorbia, Yuki and his party found another suitable hiding place. That place is located at the junction of the martial arts district and the private industrial area, where workers and martial arts apprentices live together. In this place, the fully cyborg warriors are not that eye-catching.

Euphorbia even skillfully pulled a line from the power supply network managed by the local gang. It is said that the local gang "Electricity Gang" will force wires to be connected to every house in the nearby blocks to collect the overflowing power from their solar panels.

Ordinary people cannot engage in spontaneous organizational behavior, which will be judged by the government as "violating principles." As long as they are not afraid of being used as a performance by the government, a few warriors can dominate a neighborhood. Of course, local gangsters near the martial arts area do not dare to be too blatant, for fear of offending martial arts masters, or martial arts apprentices who have been admitted as patron officers and come back to improve their performance. The gangsters may have some skills in Shelley's forbidden martial arts, but that's all.

A true knight would dare to go directly to their power grid to steal electricity.

It is said that the power lines of the Electric Power Gang explode several times every year due to power theft. (It must be emphasized that this power grid is purely for protection fees and not for power supply, so blowing it up will not cause problems for people's livelihood)

This stronghold is made of mud bricks and steel. Euphorbia inherited it from another knight group, and maintained it for a while, stocking up some weapons, materials, etc. that were temporarily unused. Famous knight-errant groups have such strongholds in their hands. If they no longer use them, they will be used by the next group free of charge.

It is said that in more ancient times, knights would also list less important strongholds online and welcome fellow travelers to use them. However, after experiencing several "official fishing" and "manipulating the supplies in the stronghold", this practice stopped.

Yuki remembered that his master often said that the current practice of knights is to spread the cost and pressure of risk management to every individual in the entire group.

Yuki sat on a sandbag, leaning against a mud-brick wall. Recycle Bin Town is built out of trash. Most of that garbage is the interior decoration materials of ancient space battleships. Afterwards, he lived in residential buildings that were expanded from the ruins of chariots, and also saw the caves and underground fortifications where the Earth-Drilling Dragon community lived. He had only seen such mud-brick residential buildings after coming to the Old Continent.

It is said that there is a layer of sand and some barbed wire sandwiched between the mud bricks to provide a slight bulletproof ability to prevent the residents inside from being injured by bullets flying from nowhere. Some sandbags were also piled at the base of the building walls. In an emergency, the residents inside can lie down on the ground and it can become a temporary position.

Although all these preparations are no match for a bomb dropped from the sky, the purpose of the knight's preparations is only to prevent himself from being killed by bullets, and it will not consume too many resources anyway.

After Yuki connected the power, he also connected the external computer brought by Yin Zhewei and the others, and then began to analyze the only image data bit by bit.

On the other side, Xiao R whispered to Zhao Zhengzhen: "I didn't see it, this guy Yuki is really passionate about the God of War."

Yin Zhewei also intervened in the conversation: "This is the real world..."

"There are some knights who don't like the God of War that much." Zhao Zhengzhen said.

Little R said: "What's your attitude towards the God of War?"

Zhao Zhengzhen was silent for a moment: "You have to know that Wu Zu was the... Grand Knight Commander of that era."

Xiao R and Yin Zhewei also fell into silence, and felt their heads drop instantly.

The Grand Knight Commander...can the Grand Knight Commander be a good person?

These former scientific knight apprentices thought so.

"Instead of thinking about this, let's think about it..." Zhao Zhengzhen pointed in the direction of the moon, "If we get involved in this matter, do you think it will kill us?"

As soon as these words came out, the scene became even colder.

On the other side, Yuki is still processing the only information. That information was gleaned from the record files of his own prosthetic eyes by witnessing knights, and most of them were from a relatively long distance. On this basis, Youki will optimize the screen, and then restore the battle process as much as possible based on the screen.

"This move... this move... ah, I know, it should be the sniper in this position..."

The process went surprisingly smoothly.

About halfway through the process, Yuki suddenly realized something with horror.

He is actually very familiar with the thoughts of warriors in the video data. And the reason why he found it difficult was because...

The level of warriors in the witness data is much higher than him.

In fact, I almost finished writing this chapter a few days ago, but the 46th episode of Jihu made my brain buzzing a few days ago, and it hasn’t gotten better for a few days...

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