Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1135 Vulkan

The nursing home's surveillance system is not rigorous.

This is of course determined by the nature of the nursing home. The "Cloud Sanatorium" operated by Superman Enterprises on the top floor of the super building is mostly occupied by employees who come for vacation. This is part of the company benefits. Most of the residents who vacation here are young company employees - this means that there are actually few Homo sapiens here, there are basically no needy groups such as the elderly, the weak, the sick, and the disabled, and there is no "resident assistance after an accident." necessary.

On the contrary, a small number of old employees will choose the hot spring sanatorium built by Superman Enterprises near Mount Fuji in Japan. There are almost no benchmark people there, they are all real old employees. Baseline people wouldn't go there on vacation either - the water in the hot springs there would be cold water for baseline people.

Everyone comes here to relax. Except for public spaces, which are basically covered by surveillance, there are basically no surveillance cameras in more private spaces.

If the sensitivity of the smoke alarm and heat sensor is adjusted to the highest level, it will trigger and spray water even if someone walks by with takeaway, then there will never be a fire in the area covered by this alarm equipment. However, this area. The costs of this approach will far outweigh the benefits.

The same is true for monitoring systems. “Break-and-mortar surveillance” can create additional stress. After all, this is a place for vacation.

This also gave Xiang Shan a little room to move.

Xiangshan's prosthetic eyes rotated in their orbits in a way that was difficult for humans to do, quickly scanning all directions and locking on all surveillance cameras.

Although everyone's prosthetic eyes are in the hands of the country's thieves, "the information on the prosthetic eyes will indeed be intercepted and used for surveillance" is news that cannot be exposed under any circumstances, and no evidence can be leaked to the outside world. Therefore, the size of the team that handles the monitoring information from the prosthetic eye is also extremely small.

"Monitoring through artificial eye intelligence" is a mechanism that can only be turned on in rare circumstances. The thieves will only use it on a large scale when doing something as big as a "raid on the mountain".

However, the security guards in the security department of the nursing home who are responsible for watching the surveillance are employees hired by the company, and they are there in a serious manner.

The power held by the thief is certainly terrifying, but when it is spread over the entire world, it is not as good as "ordinary passers-by".

Humming to the mountain and spinning in circles. In the eyes of others, this guy holding the courier was dancing because of some happy event. But in fact, Xiangshan was just trying to ensure that when he entered the camera, most of his face could be blocked by the express box.

This face is certainly not his own, and he is not afraid of being recognized. But at the same time, this face has no authority to stay here - this face is just an external visitor, and this is an internal sanatorium.

Thanks to the easy-going style of its founder and chairman, the corporate culture of Superman Enterprises is quite free and informal. The movement towards the mountain is not exaggerated. Soon, he crossed the most tightly monitored lobby and headed towards the rest area.

The rule in this place is that "the more public the function of the space, the more rigorous it is, and the more private the space, the rarer it becomes." Unless the game itself brings certain risks, not many people are willing to play with their relatives and friends under strict supervision. But having no monitoring at all will make people feel insecure.

The corridors of the accommodation area are covered with surveillance cameras, but there are no surveillance cameras inside the room, and it is unlikely that there are surveillance cameras hidden. The director of the company's security department was once the most dangerous criminal in the field of information security in the world, and the security department also had many experienced hackers who were recruited. There are even some persecutory delusions among this group of problem children who are outsmarting the FBI or the FBI. Such people occasionally come to the company sanatorium for vacation. Some people even come to the nursing home just to see if the company has any evil, secret surveillance plans.

Of course, the small efforts of these people cannot stop the thieves from draining the country. However, after the initial success of the thief, this little effort did not allow the thief to instantly eliminate all room for resistance.

Although this "room" will not exist for too long.

Going towards the mountain is a space between the restaurant and the accommodation area. On these floors, the cafeteria, sky gardens, hot springs and accommodation areas are cleverly integrated, forming a staggered three-dimensional layout.

It wasn't that Xiangshan didn't want to rest directly in the accommodation area. However, most of the security systems here have been tampered with by "Vulkan". Mukayama does not want to conduct illegal operations inside the building if it is not necessary. He can forge his identity outside, in a system affiliated with the government, but he cannot do illegal operations here. That would only serve to alert the enemy.

Xiangshan's real purpose is the most accessible unmonitored space at this moment - the shared lounge.

Superman Enterprises has equipped temporary lounges near all food and beverage areas within the enterprise that serve alcoholic beverages. Many years ago, Xiangshan, who did not drink alcohol, was responsible for packing drunken friends into this kind of lounge. In this kind of lounge, the person who applied to use it, the person who actually used it, and the person who checked out last are basically different people. Therefore, there is no need to use an employee card. Most wearable smart devices can unlock the "unused" room through Bluetooth. Lock the door and set a temporary password. The room will automatically reset after detecting that there is no one in the room for eight hours.

Strictly speaking, this is indeed an easily exploitable vulnerability. But, but, most people will default to this place as a "safe area that has undergone heavy inspections" because of the security check at the entrance of the building, the permission check of the elevator, and the access control outside the nursing home area.

Moreover, this place is neither a research institute nor a private place for senior management, but a vacation area for ordinary employees.

Normally, no one would watch and cause trouble here.

Xiang Shan glanced at the lounge. Good, the two rooms most advantageous for action are still idle.

In the lounge, Xiangshan quickly unpacked the express delivery.

Most are parts or mechanical modules.

The prosthetic body that Xiangshan is currently using is, on the surface, a very legal and ordinary prosthetic body. In order to pass the security check, he almost never carried explosives. His functional enhancement modules and weapons are all transported in this way. These parts have been dismantled to the extent that "there is no problem in routine security inspection."

However, just take them out of their respective delivery boxes and reassemble them, and things will instantly be different.

Xiangshan first spent about half an hour preliminarily assembling the large number of parts and modules. Then, he fixed his arms on his knees and completed the replacement of two palms and wrists. Then there are the reinforcements on the calves and inner thighs...

Now, the visitor is ten centimeters taller and will appear more conspicuous among the crowd. But there is nothing that can be done about it. Only in this state does Xiangshan truly possess "beyond ordinary people" athletic ability.

Xiang Shan changed his clothes to cover up his figure. At the same time, he also put on gloves to make his hands, which were much more functional than realistic, less glaring. This outfit looks like someone who just came on vacation. Xiangshan even had a different pair of eyes. The gadgets removed from the body, together with the newly assembled weapons, were stuffed into an oversized execution satchel by Xiang Shan.

Xiangshan stood in front of the big window of the lounge. There is also a glass curtain wall outside the windows of this lounge. Look for Xiangshan along the window frame. The windows on this floor cannot be opened, and if they are opened, the alarm will be triggered. However, the mechanical structure of the alarm is a primitive and reliable type, so Xiangshan can also use primitive means to destroy it.

After doing all this, Xiangshan began to wait quietly. This window in the lounge has a good view. If you look to the left, you can see another tall building. When Xiang Shan traveled to Chunshen when he was a child, it happened to be a light rain. That day, Xiangshan's parents took the young Xiangshan to visit the famous tall buildings in Chunshen. When Xiangshan arrived, he realized that there were as many as three high-rise buildings there. Between the three huge buildings, the wind was lost, carrying the water droplets, forming a white barrel-shaped mist, hovering between the three buildings. Xiao Xiangshan was dumbfounded and decided from then on that "several tall buildings" were the best buildings in the world.

In the past half year, he and David had been staring at this place from the top of the nearby complex.

Xiang Shan and David initially speculated on the identity of "Vulkan" hiding in this building. David and Xiang Shan initially felt that "Vulkan" must be hidden among the many employees of Superman Enterprise, and finding it like this would be like finding a needle in a haystack. But Xiangshan quickly thought of a question - how to solve the problem of mutual trust between "Vulkan" and the real BOSS of the thieves?

After thinking about this step, Xiangshan suddenly became enlightened.

"Vulkan" may not be free. The thieves must ensure that they can physically destroy "Vulkan" at any time before they dare to use this hacker.

Yes, just like Zhu Xinyu had to wear a collar before major countries dared to let her enter the Rama Project campus.

Regardless of whether "Vulkan" was forced at first or voluntarily. Once the plan is launched, the thieves will never let him go free. Even if he is the initial team of the big boss of the country thief, the result will still be the same.

After all, "stealing the country" has a huge stake. This is something that has never happened before in human history. And doing this kind of thing will probably cause huge psychological and emotional stimulation.

What if this kid suddenly couldn't hold it any longer and poured beans out of the bamboo tube at passers-by?

Putting it into perspective, if Xiang Shan was in the position of the country-stealing BOSS, he would definitely deal with "Vulkan" in this way.

"Vulkan" will stay away from ordinary employees of Superman Enterprises after the plan is launched. He would be in a place where he could be physically controlled, isolated, but with the best equipment and the smoothest lines if necessary.

In fact, there is such a place in this building.

There is also an area above the sanatorium on the top floor of the building exclusively for the company's top managers. Moreover, it is very close to the satellite signal station on the physical top of the building.

Among Xiangshan's many outrageous dreams, one is "on the top floor of a super building, there is a vegetable garden with a satellite signal station."

One of his few extravagant purchases included realizing this outrageous dream.

All in all, after Xiangshan actually did this in the Peking headquarters building, everyone knew what the chairman liked, so the large top-floor resort also created additional space according to the chairman's preferences. Some employees nicknamed it "Yunding Temple". Reservation of the "Chairman's Selected Suite" has also become a small trend within the company. There are always a few areas on the top floor of every Superman Enterprise super building, which nominally belong to "Xiang Shan and his friends".

David and Xiangshan continued to observe the top-level area of ​​the Superman Enterprise Branch in Sap City for half a year. In this area that nominally belongs to Xiangshan but Xiangshan has never lived, there are indeed some people living there.

At this time, Xiangshan saw an eagle flying outside the window. It circled in front of Xiangshan's window, drew an arc, and flew away.

That was the drone controlled by David.

"'As expected, no deviation' and 'Route 2'..."

Xiangshan hung the satchel around his neck, gently disassembled the window frame, stepped out of the window lightly, and stepped on the connecting piece between the glass curtain wall and the load-bearing column. At the same time, he held the palm of one hand behind his back. The weak suction provided by the vacuum pump made Xiangshan Secure yourself. Xiangshan put the window frame back in place and fixed it slightly with quick-drying gel.

Xiangshan's nose was pressed against the outer wall of the glass curtain wall, and at his feet was an abyss of 1,300 meters. This is a gesture that normal humans are completely unable to exert force on. The innate instinct squeezed Xiangshan's illusory heart and lungs - Xiangshan completely replaced his internal organs, but the "heart-wrenching" hallucination still burst out from the instinct, trying to drag him down and let him completely get rid of this horror. current situation.

Xiangshan carefully groped with his other hand on the load-bearing column behind his back, and fixed it with the help of the force provided by the vacuum pump. His feet carefully pressed against the connectors of the glass curtain wall.

With just a little bit of skill, Xiangshan could move on this nearly ninety-degree wall.

This primitive cyber warrior moved upward little by little.

Near the top, Xiangshan gradually approached another window. A lighted window.

The urge to "rush in" immediately burst out in Xiangshan's heart. All kinds of distracting thoughts - such as the feeling of "unsteady feet", such as the worry of "vacuum pump failure", turned into strong impulses, driving the warrior to do this irrational thing. Xiang Shan gritted his teeth to resist this impulse. Xiangshan used the reflection of the glass curtain wall to observe the scene inside the window.

This is not like a geeky room, with ordinary Nordic style decoration and some small items of Indian mysticism. Only one computer is visible. A gray-haired Indian man was holding a coffee cup, looking out the window contentedly and saying something.

"'Vulkan'... is it really you?"

This man of Indian origin is the "Vulcan" of the year, but he has a touch of old age.

Xiangshan had never heard of this language, but judging from his expression, "Vulkan" was in an extremely relaxed state at this moment. "Vulkan" didn't speak at a volume that suggested he was talking to himself, and it was obvious who he was speaking to. Hackers of this level would be under strict control. Xiang Shan felt that this was not a remote connection, and there was a second person in the room.

From an attitude point of view, "Vulkan" is even the stronger party in the dialogue. This means that most of the people in the room are not "bodyguards" and "monitors". Xiangshan can even rely on his own experience in reading people to judge that "Vulkan" defines himself as a "protector" when getting along with another person.

——Your weakness?

So, "Vulkan"'s relaxed demeanor is also good news. The message it sends is that the Watchers are not here.

"Vulkan" turned around and left the room. When he came to this room again, there was an extra ice cream ball in his coffee. He took a few more sips of coffee, turned his head and said something.

At this moment, Xiangshan had arrived under his window frame, holding the protruding part of the window sill several centimeters wide with one hand.

The moment "Vulkan" turned around, he exerted force on the palm of his hand, one arm drove his whole body to fly, and his feet landed firmly on the window sill. At the same time, a window breaker fixed on the wrist in advance was attached. The electronically excited gunpowder pushes the tungsten steel firing pin to hit the glass. Cracks instantly covered the entire window.

With a short, crisp force from Xiang Shan's back, he shattered the glass with a technique similar to "inch strength" and "iron mountain support". He flew backwards and rolled into the room. His back hit the ground and bounced up. In mid-air, Xiangshan adjusted his posture and took out his main weapon from his bag - a chain saw that was shaped like a long sword.

Don't wait for "Vulkan" to react. Xiangshan tackled him and cut off the guy's head with a chain saw. "Vulkan" lost the ability to move the moment his spine was severed. But Xiangshan still cut off his head and took out two pieces of metal foil from the bag, one to wrap Vulkan's head and one to wrap Vulkan's body to prevent possible alarms.

Xiang Shan stood up and looked to the other side. A teenager, probably an underage child, walked over with a large bucket of ice cream. Judging from his appearance, he looks very similar to Vulkan, and I don't know if he is a father and son or a brother. Xiangshan was glad that this guy hadn't seen the scene of his beheading just now. He shrugged: "I'm sorry, kid..." He turned into a whirlwind and hit the side of the boy's neck hard.

Xiangshan originally wanted to knock the child unconscious. But the back of the boy's head and neck were completely prosthetic. Xiangshan's punch knocked the boy to the ground. The boy screamed "Why!".

Perhaps out of nervousness, Xiangshan unexpectedly replied, "Because I'm Batman." His second punch almost broke the boy's neck. The boy finally stopped moving, leaving only his hands shaking. Xiangshan's hand trembled slightly. He felt he was not ready to kill a child.

Xiangshan closed his eyes and reconnected to the wireless signal. He's going to take over any electronic equipment that might be here. The kleptocrats will not allow such a big hacker to dismantle the network at will. The wireless signal here is mostly LAN. Xiangshan plans to take away the work records of "Vulkan" from here to see if the thief who kidnapped all mankind can still be rescued.

The first thing Xiangshan touched was the only computer in the room. Xiangshan directly disassembled the chassis and removed the storage device. At this time, he also took over the camera in the room. These cameras located in the local area network are all under the control of "Vulkan". Xiangshan believed that this was probably set up by "Vulkan" to provide himself with a sense of security. Their targets are probably the "bodyguards" sent by the thieves.

Xiangshan saw something more. He quickly sifted through items that might be valuable. Xiangshan prepared to stand up. But inexplicably, he got down on one knee.

--This is……

His "thoughts" were not executed correctly by the body.

——There is a bug... No...

The bottom layer of the brain-computer interface, from "self-awareness" to "movement signals", is still no problem. However, from "motion signal" to "prosthetic body recognition"...

External instructions hindered Xiangshan's operation.

The problem is the original parts of this legal prosthetic body!

"Vulkan" is undoubtedly dead. Even if he wasn't dead, Xiangshan didn't think that the head could use the energy supply that might exist in the skull cavity to release a signal that was enough to penetrate the metal foil to carry out hacking operations.

--no no……

There is another possibility.

That boy.

He fell to the ground toward the mountain. He looked at the boy.

The boy's hands were not shaking unconsciously. That's a state similar to touch typing on a keyboard.

"Vulcan" is just a title. The Indian man who was beheaded did hold this title in 29 years. But it may not always be him who bears this title.

Sorry, everyone, this chapter should have been updated a few days ago, but I encountered influenza A in the past few days, went to the hospital for treatment, had to take oseltamivir phosphate, and endured the side effects of headaches, so I really can't write it.

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